Variety (October 1914)

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20 VARIETY FOX TAKES PATHE STUDIO; TO PRODUCE FEATURE FILMS Lines Up Nation-Wide Organization to Make and Market Moving Pictures; Signs Edmund Breese. Will Sell Regular Service. That William Fox meant what he said when he announced the formation of his own picture stock company is evident by the activity around the former Pathe studio, which Fox has leased. Frank Powell and Edgar Lewis, former directors of the Pathe and Re- liance companies respectively, are in charge. Mr. Fox's players began "The Walls of Jericho" Thursday. Mr. Fox completed arrangements Tuesday for Edmund Breese to play the principal role in "The Walls « i "Jericho." One of the features that has just been completed at the Fox studio. New York City, is "Life's Shop Win- dow." A third Fox studio will be opened shortly somewhere on Staten Island and J. Gordon Edwards, for a long time with Fox's Academy of Music stock company, will be placed in charge ;is director. As soon as all the studios are running full blast the Box Office Attractions Co. will begin issuing a reg- ular service. In addition to the b:% features there will be the regula r re- leases of the Nemo, White Star and Balboa brands. Winfield Sheehan, general manager of the Box Office Attractions, has just re- turned from a western trip and an- nounces that the Fox company is now operating exchanges in 14 cities, and has located depots in 13 additional cit- ies. This completes a chain of branch- es from the Atlr.ntic to the Pacific <;oasts and to the Gulf on the south. Arrangements are now being com- pleted for the sale of the Canadian selling rights for the Box Office fea- tures. PAPAL FILMS OCT. 11. The initial American presentation of the pictures of the late Pope Pius taken a short time prior to his death by James Slevin, will take place Oct. 11 (Sunday) at the Hippodrome, under ihe auspices of Harry Ravers. OPERA HOUSE CIRCUIT. Boston, Sept. 30. As the regular season of ^rand opera is improbable for this winter, owing to the war, the Boston opera house this week arranged to play a picture policy similar to that in vogue at Oscar Ham- merstein's Lexington, New York. Two weeks will be consumed in in- stalling machines, curtain and other equipment necessary, the opening probably being held Oct. 12. or a week later. Manager Bennage, Hammerstein's Lexington, was commissioned this week by the Boston interests to select the picture program for the Boston opera house at the same time he is getting the Lexington's films. Arrangements are under way to have the Lexington here, Boston O. H., and the Metropolitan, Philadelphia (con- trolled by the B. F. Keith interests), play the same picture policy and the same programs, with the United Book- ing Office Feature Film Co. providing the features. Mr. Bennage will act in connection with the booking managers of the United. PREACH PEACE BY FILM. Pittsburgh, Sept. 30. While most of the picture houses are showing military pictures to get the crowds, the Socialists of Pitts- burgh are preaching peace through the movies. Sunday they engaged the Lyceum theatre and 3,000 persons crowded into it to see a four-reel film, "Lay Down Your Arms," from the novel of Baroness Bertha von Suttner. This film was to have been exhibited before the International Peace Con- ference in Vienna this month. The executive committee of the county socialists organization is send- ing the film through the country and declares it will be shown around the world in the party's peace propaganda. COAST NEWS. FEATURING PICTURE STARS. Jersey City, Sept. 30. Keith's Bijou Dream is going to try a new scheme in the hope of booming the box-office receipts. Starting this Monday a five-week engagement of picture stars will be offered. CASINO—LYRIC OPENING. Next Sunday night (Oct. 4) at the Casino and Lyric theatres, New York, will be given the first of the winter exhibitions of feature films, to be dis- played at these theatres each Sabbath over the cold weather by Walter Rosenberg. The first picture this Sunday at both houses will be Ethel Barrymore in "The Nightingale." The following Sunday Mr. Rosenberg will show for the first time in New York the Evelyn Nesbit special film in five reels, "The Threads of Destiny/ »» RELEASED NEXT WEEK (Oct. 5 to Oct. 12, inc.) MANUFACTURERS INDICATED BY ABBREVIATIONS, VIZ.: GENERAL Vitagraph V Hiograpn B Kalem K Lubin L Pathes Pthe Sclig S Edison £ Essanay S-A Kli'ine Kl Melies Mr I Ambrosic Amb MUTUAL Gaumont G American A Keystone Key Reliance Rel Majestic Mai Thanhouser T Kay-Bee K B Broncho Br Domino Dom Mutual M Princess Pr Komic Ko Beauty Be Apollo Apo Royal R Lion Ln Hepworth H NOTE—The subject is in one reel of about 1,000 feet unless otherwise noted. EXCLUSIVE G. N. S. F G N Kamo R Solax Sol Eclectic Eel V. R. A K Lewis Pennants..L P Gt. Northern.... G N Dragon D Itala It G. NX. X...G N X X Hlache Features.. Bl Luna ^. Lu UNIVERSAL Imp I Bison B101 Chrystal C Nestor N Powers rfcj. ... P Eclair Eclr Rex Rx Frontier Frnt Victor Vic Gold Seal G S Toktr J Universal Ike ...U I Sterling Ster OCTOBER 5— MONDAY. MUTUAL.—Daphnlu, L'-reel dr, A; Their l T ps nnd Downs, com, Key ; Our Mutual Girl, No. :\H, Rel. (JENERAL F.—The Uorrowed Cook, dr. B; Father'o Beard, com, E; The Fickleness of Swec-dle, com. S-A ; The Dancer, 2-reel dr, K; An American Heiress, dr (r'ourth of "The Hcloved Adventurer Series"), L; The Moving Picture Cowboy, 2-reel com, S; Fisherman Knte. com, V. UNIVERSAL.—ShadowH. 2-reel dr, I; Dis- illusioned, dr, Vlci Myers Mistake, com, Ster OCTOBER 6—TUESDAY. MUTUAL.—The Cripple. 2-reel dr, T; The Unpnlnted Portrait, dr, MnJ; Nlcda, dr, Ee. GENERAL F.—Gw< ndolin, 2-reel dr, B; The Wrecked Special, 2-reel dr. Kl ; Greater Love Hath No Man, dr. E : The Verdict, dr, S-A ; For tfre Love of Mike and Hesanut Hunts Wi -M3arae. split-reel com, K; Wine's Athletic Mamma and A Hunting Absurdity, xpllt-reel com. L; The Wnv of the Resman, dr. S ; His Unknown Girl. '2-reel dr. V. UNIVERSAL.—The Trey o* Hearts, Series No. 10 (Steel Ribbons), 2-riel dr. G 8; Lif*>rltl«>s, com, C; Three of a Kind. com. OCTOBER 7—WEDNESDAY. MUTUAL.—The Rosa of the 8th, 2-reel dr, Hr; llllly'8 Rival, dr, A; The Badge of Office. <lr. Rel. GENERAL F — Seth"s Sweetheart, com. E; The Fahle of the Family That Did Too Much For Nellie, com, S-A ; The Lost Mall Sack. 2-nel dr. K : Th«< Girl of the I^ork. J-re«*l dr. L; Pathes Weekly, No. IOT, Pthe; The Repa- ration, dr. S ; Kill or Cure, com, V. UNIVERSAL—Tin" Old Hell RlnKrr. dr. N ; The Ttnxphnll Fans of Fanvllle, com. .1 ; The Se"ret Tr»»»tv, ?-r«>«>) fir, Eclr ; rnlvprnnrn Animated Weekly. U. OCTOBER ^-THURSDAY. MUTUAL.—The Whiskey Runners, 2-reel dr, Dom, Keystone title not announced; Mu- tual Weekly, No. 93, M. GENERAL F—Their Little Drudge, dr, B; When Slippery Slim Met the Champion, com, S-A; In Old Virginia, 2-reel dr, L; The New Apprentice and Kissing Germ, split-reel com, Col ; Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial, No. «*, S; The Loan Shark King, dr, V. UNIVERSAL.—Rural Adventures, dr, I; A Law Unto Herself, 2-reel dr, Rx; Hypnotic Power, com, Ster. OCTOBER 9—FRIDAY. MUTUAL.—The Sheriff of Muscatine, 2-reel dr. K B ; The One Who Cared, dr, Pr; The Llenevolence of Conductor 7fSfl, com, T. GENERAL F.—They Were College Boys and The Man Hunters, 2-reel com, B; The Long Way, .'{-reel dr, E; The Real Agatha, 2-reel dr, S-A; The Tattered Duke, com, K; The Green-Eyed Monster, dr, L; Jlmmle the Porter and Doc Yak's Bottle, split-reel com, S; .losle's Legacy, com, V. UNIVERSAL.—He Never Said A Word, com, N; The Mayor's Manicure, com, P; The Man Who Was Never Kissed, 2-reel com, Vic. OCTOBER 10—SATURDAY. MUTUAL—The Tardy Cannon Ball. 2-reel dr, Rel; Keystone title not announced ; The Pet of the Petticoats, com, R. GENERAL F.—His Mother's Home, dr, D; A FniKm**iit of Ash, dr, E ; Broncho Billy and the Greaser, dr. S-A; Fate's Midnight Hour, dr. K; When the Ham Turned, com, L; Her Victory Eternal, dr, S; The Rose and the Thorn. 2-reel dr, V. UNIVERSAL.—Cruel. Cruel World, com, J ; The Phantom Light, 2-reel dr, B 101. By GUY PRICK. "Wings of Love" is a new photoplay in 8reparation ftt one of the Los Angeles studios. low we may know why love so often flies out the window. Holbrook BUnn was guest at several motion picture camps ln and around Los Angeles last week. Jack O'Brien Is getting to be a highbrow. He Is putting on only problem plays. He hopes to be a Belasco. Fred Mace Is said to be back on the Coaat this week. Mace has been reported "on his way" so many times that he will have to be here before his friends will believe it. Barnum and Bailey's circus, tents, horses, people and all, appear ln a film, scenes for which were taken ln Los Angeles by the Lasky company last week. Billy Elmer la now with the Western Lasky company. Ernest Van Pelt recently became a mem- ber of the Essanay company. Albert W. Hale, Kalem director, baa leased Nat Goodwin's Santa Monica, Cal., home and will occupy it during the star's absence en tour. Evelyn Selble is with the Essanay forces. Mabel Van Huron has purchased a bunga- low home ln Hollywood, Cal. House Peters Is looking for a comfortable Los Angeles bungalow (If there Is such a thing), and says he wants to locate In South- ern California for good. Cecil De Mllle, Wtlfree Buckland, Bessie Barrlscale and other members of the Lasky (western) company are at San Diego and San Juan Capistrane taking scenes for "The Rose of the Rancho." Morgan Wallace has resigned as director for the Keystone. Richard Walton Tully changed his mind about directing his film version of "The Rose of the Rancho," and is working on a new play Instead. Director Hamilton of Albuquerque has signed a three years' contract with the United Pro- ducers' Company, Inc., to supply Warner's Features. D. W. Griffith has found a battleground for his feature in "The Clansman." It Is located on a big ranch Just outside Los Angeles. The entire staff of the Keystone has re- turned to Los Angeles after taking "water stuff" at Santa Catallna Island. Velma Stech has joined Max Ascher's com- pany. She has been with Kolb and Dill for several seasons. WORLD FILM WORKING FAST. Two more picture deals have been consummated by Lewis J. Selznick. vice-president and general manager oi the World Film Corporation, whereby his concern will handle the exclusive market distribution of "The Dancer and the King" (five parts) and "Across the Pacific" (six parts) manufactured by the Charles Blaney-Spooner Amuse- ment Co., and "The Seats of the Mighty," the big multiple reeled fea- ture, turned out by the Colonial Film Co. The World Film Corporation has done some extensive branching out of late making a ten-strike when it re- cently acquired the bookings for the Shubert and William A. Brady (Inc.) picturized plays. Trinity Auditorium Opens. Los Angeles, Sept. 30. The new Trinity Auditorium, de- signed to house high-class musical and concert attractions, and said to be the finest institution of its sort west of Chicago, opened Monday night with the feature film "Cabiria." The place has a capacity of 2,300, with three galleries. L. E. Behmyer is manager.