Variety (October 1914)

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46 VARIETY Be Represented in the Best Theatrical Medium VARIETY IS IT An Advertisement in it returns value many fold Continues to circulate all over the world despite the war and is displayed weekly in all countries as formerly The Recognized Trade Paper of the Profession Donald 8tewart, formerly treasurer of the Majestic, haB resigned and gone Into the pic- ture business. He left for Los Angeles, Cal., on Tuesday. Ben Exler, former assistant, haa filled the vacancy. "A Pair of Sixes." •Pinafore." "The Only Girl," "The Midnight Girl," and "Omar, the Tent Maker," are coming attractions for the Teck. Considerable "gossip," so to speak, is being carried about the city relative to the abrupt close of the gigantic charity bazaar, the Swiss Kllbl, which was conducted at the Broadway auditorium last week. Under the auspices of the combined charities fund of Buffalo, the carnival opened big, and was to continue through this week. Financial difficulties, although the affair was advertised as a big success, was the cause of its abrupt close on Sunday evening and a debt of $1,500 Ib said to exlBt. Further than this It is alleged by various performers engaged at the car- nival for the two weeks, that the promoters, Elmer J. Walters, manager of Ontario Beach, near Rochester, A. W. Root, theatrical man, and C. S. Karland, also of Rochester, have "skipped" with funds, mostly gate receipts for the first few nights. Many of the performers received no pay for their services whatever, others received about 15 per cent, of the con- tract price. CINCINNATI. By HARRY ▼. MARTIN. KEITH'S (John F. Royalm, mgr.; agt.. U. B. O.)—Bill not so good as usual. Pant- zcr Duo opened nlC'ly ; Jarvls and Harrison, fair; Edwin Stevens and Tina Marshall, en- cored repeatedly; Fred Ardath and Co., scream ; Burns, KHmere and Grady, satisfac- tory ; Mine. Doree and Co., featured, went big ; Maude Muller and Ed Stanley, fine, but would have gone better had Miss Muller sung more ; Lane and O'Donnell, good, kept crowd. EMPRESS (George Bovyer, mgr.; agt., Loew).—John La Vler; Princeton and Yale; Morris and Parks ; Nip and Tuck ; O'Nell and Dixon; "Bower of Melody." (Back to three- s-day plan, at 10-15-25, with two matinee and evening shows on Sunday.) GRAND (John Havlln and Theo. Aylward, nigrs.). —George Evans' minstrels opened sea- son Sunday night to small house; Oct. 4, "Adele." LYRIC (C. Hubert Heuck. mgr.).—"Help Wanted" began season ; 4, "Omar, the Tent- maker." WALNUT (Ben Probst, mgr.).—"Little Lost Sister;" 4. Hap Ward in "A Fool, His Money and the Girl." MUSIC HALL.—Oct. 3-10, Automobile Show. GAYETY (Willis F. Jackson, mgr.).—Ben Welch show. STANDARD (Charles n. Arnold, mgr.).— "The Whirl of Mirth." OLYMPIC (Thomas McCready. mgr.).— "Moulin Rouge Girls." PEOPLES (C. H. Heuck, mgr.; agt., Sun). -Vaudeville and farce comedy. LYCEUM (Harry Hart, mgr.; agt., Sun).— Vaudeville and farce comedy. Ernst Kunwald, director of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Ih to sail from Europe Oct. 3. Covington dance hall proprietors are pro- tfHtinK against the order forcing them to pay $5 for each dance, In addition to their regu- lar annual license fee. "Governor" John F. RoblnHon, retired circus owner, will move from Terrace Park, where he had the winter quarters of his show for many years, to this city. Diriorr. By JACOB SMITH. TEMPLE (C. G. Williams, mgr.; U. B. 0.). —Billy B. Van, versatile; Nellie Nichols, clever; Kingston A Ebner, very good; Harry Brooks, good; "Bill" Pruett, good singer; Rayno's Dogs, excellent; Sutton, Mclntyre A Sutton, opened. MILES (C. W. Porter, mgr.; Loew).—"A Morning Plunge," good musical comedy; Jamee Grady, good sketch; Ward Sisters, novelty; Sampson A Douglas, laughs; Arno A Stlckney, good ; Calne A Odom, pleased. ORPHEUM (H. P. Wlllamson, mgr.; Pan- tages).—Sheer A Herman, big hit; Woods A Woods, closed good; Great Asakl, opened; Harry Jolson, favorite; Flying Velentonla, good ; Mile. deLee, artistic ; American Whirl- wind Beauties, excellent FAMILY (J. H. McCarron, mgr.; U. B. O.). —Rose A Severns, good ; Alex Patty, pleased; Marino Sisters, did nicely ; Avery A McCurdy, good; The Petchings, musical novelty ; Stroll- ing Players, very good; Carroll A Hlckey, well liked ; Fortell ft Emmett, fair. COLUMBIA (M. W. Schoenherr, mgr.; Sun). The Hurleys, comedy acrobats; Musical Conservatory, excellent; Italia, pleased; Hrlndaroour. clever: Roe Reaves, laughs; Four Seasons, excellent; Goff A Ruth Philips, funny : Vincent Bros., good. NATIONAL (C. R. Hagerdorn. mgr.; Doyle). —Swans' Rats A Cats, novelty; Janis A Clark, good ; Cotter A Lester, good; Johnston Bros. & Johnston, good; Song Festival, pleased; Helf A Hanley, excellent; Malone A Malone. good; Fairy Plump, character comedian. PALACE (C. A. Hoffman, mgr.; Cunning- ham).—Cliff Dean Players, good; Penny A Boucher, pleased; May EvanB, good whistler; Seven Dogs, beautiful; Victor Faust, clever; Marjorle Lake, fine voice; Five Novelty Min- strels, hit; West A Tate, strong act; Albert, comedy; Stanley A LaBrasch, very good; Rose Enkel, big ; Two Stephanos, pleased. GARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.).— Forbes-Robertson In repertoire. Biggest hit was 'Passing of Third Floor Back." Ca- pacity, house sold out week In advance. Next week. "Too Many Cooks," with Frank Craven. DETROIT (Harry Parent, mgr.).—Mrs. Flske in "Lady Detty Martingale." Business fair. Next week, "The Dummy." LYCEUM (A. R. Warner, mgr.).—"While the City Sleeps." Next week. Rose Melville, "Sis Hopkins." BROADWAY (Bert St. Johns, mgr.).—"A Bachelor's Honeymoon." Next week, "The ParlBh Priest. Maurice and Florence Walton will play an engagement at the Arcadia, Detroit's leading dancing academy, week October 5. Although the regular admission price is 10 cents, dances being live cents per couple, the management during this special week will advance the entrance fee to one dollar top. Early bookings at the Temple theatre in- clude Irenv Franklin and Hurt Green, Eddie Foy and 4cids and the Castles If they con- tinue In vaudeville. J. C. Matthews was in town last week In the Interest of the Pantages booking office "Pop." KANSAS CITY. By R. M. (HOUSE. SAM S. SHUBERT (Earl Steward, mgr.).— "The Bird of Paradise." Good business. ORPHEUM (Martin Lehman, mgr.).—Liane Carrera headlines a strong bill for the house's third week, and was a drawing card. The laughing hits are John and Mae Burke and the :i-act Imhoff, Conn and Coreene. Barry and Wolford, pleasing; Fremont Benton A Co., well received. Others, Prince Lai Man Kim and Ernie & Ernie. EMPRESS (Cy Jacobs, mgr.).—Ross A Fen- ton players, big; Majestic Musical Four, har- monious; Kitty Flynn, popular; Bill Blalsdell, laughs; Armstrong A Manley, did well; Rosalre A Prevost, good; Boshee's Dogs, closed. HIPPODROME (Ben Starr, mgr.).—Olga'a Leopards, headlined; Five Alpha Troupe, ex- cellent ; Major Wright A Dancing Buga, ap- plause ; Marie Dreams, big; Malumby A Mes- sette, fine; Loring A Parquette, excellent; Wagner A Dlggs, tuneful; Kallnowlakl Bros., good. GLOBE (W. V. Newklrk, mgr.).—Melody Maids, big act; Mile. Lucille Savoy, ap- plause ; The Essells. Brown A Barrow; Roach A Crawford; Wilson A Carter. GRAND (A. Judah, mgr.).—"One Day." Good business. AUDITORIUM (Miss Meta Miller, mgr.).— Stock. "Marrying Money." OAYBTY (Matt Smith, mgr.).—Harry Hast- ings Show. CENTURY (Joe Donegan, mgr.).—Sam Rice's "Daffydllls." Cecyl Scott closed with the Mayhall Stock Company last week. "Ma's New Husband" opened at Ray, N. D., to good business. Cooper A McLaughlin's "Comedians" open- ed the winter season at Little Rock, Ark. LOS ANGELES VARIETY'S LOS ANGELES OFFICE 3M MASON OPERA HOUSE BLDG. GUY PRICE, Correspondent ORPHEUM (Clarence Drown, mgr.; U. B. O.).—Week 21. Edwards' "Matinee Girls," pleasing; Miller and Lyles, entertaining; Hay- ward Stafford Co., went big (second week) ; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Allen, good; Josephine Dunfee, applause; Byrd Crowell, did well; Natalie and Ferrari, clever; Hlckey Brothers, acrobats, better than ordinary. PANTAGES (Carl Walker, mgr.; Pantages). —Lucille Mulhall and Brother Charles, hit of bill; Paris Green, good; Dollle's Dolls, fairy story, clever; Dave Vanfleld, fair Juggler. EMPRESS (George F. Fish, mgr.; Loew).— Jones and Johnson, scored; Buch Brothers, skillful acrobats: Valdo and Co., got hand; Helen Stuart and Fred Hall, entertaining; Yvonne, several encores; Murray Livingstone and Co., well-acted play. HIPPODROME (Lester Fountain, mgr.; Western States).—Week 21. Babe Lewis, good ; Gardner's Bulldogs, pleased; Abram and Johns. "Man's Law," well received ; J. C. Co., daring; Ruth Gibson and Co., entertaining; Ford and Laird, novel. REPUBLIC (Dave Silverman, mgr.; Levey). —Joe Knowles, hit, story of how he lived In woods without food or clothing, proving inter- esting ; Snowle Maybelle, hit with "bald heads;" Trask and Montgomery, good; Capt Brunswick and Company, passable; The Olm- steads, well-trained athletes; James and Prior, fair. CENTURY (Al and Milton Loewen, mgrs.). —Musical burlesque. Sedley Brown is recuperating from an Ill- ness. A good sum was realized at the Bert Ding- ley benefit at Ascot Park last Sunday. J. O. 8cott has awarded the contract for the construction of a $30,000 moving picture the- atre and vaudeville house at Calexico. Oliver Morosco denies that the Majestic will change ownership. The deal to put pic- tures in the playhouse fell through. Morosco claiming the forfeiture of a large deposit. Charles Salisbury , • back after touring with the Cablria pictures. ■■MBBBBBBBBBBHBHHslBBBSBlB^HBMfc Florence Wadsworth Wallace haa resumed her Orpheum tour, opening at Salt Lake last week. Rose Mendel has rejoined the Century com- pany. Mrs. Ella Burke is doing the publicity work for the Mozart theatre. Carl Walker has offered a aeason pass to Pantages theatre for the person presenting him with the best photo of Alex Pantages in the Pacific surf. Florence Kemple Cooper, the little English actress, has arrived and la rehearsing the lead in "Lady Eileen," Morosco's prise winning play. MILWAUKEE. By P. G. MOROAJI. MAJESTIC (Jamea A. Hlgler, mgr.: agent, Orph.).—Richard Carle A Hattle Williams, headline; Vlollnsky, big; Corradinl's Mena- gerie, good; John A Winnie Hennlngs, excel- lent ; Clark A McCullough, fair; Klmberly ft Mohr, appreciated: MacRae A Clegg, big opener; Leitsel A Jeanette, fine. ORPHEUM (T. H. Ealand, mgr.; agent, Loew).—Three McLains, Garry Owen A Co., Dixon, Bowers A Dixon, Helen McCormack, Delia Gordon, Monahan A Monahan, Sam Rowley, Young Hackensmldt A Co. CRYSTAL (William Gray, mgr.; agent. Loew).—Famous Cabaret Trio, excellent; "Snoozer," fine; Herculano Sisters, pleased; Alvln A Kenney, entertaining; Armos A Mul- vey, good. SHUBERT (C. A. Nlggemeyer. mgr.).—Shu- bert Stock company In "Circumstance" and "The Man from Mexico," excellent business. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.; agent, Ind.).—"The Poor Little Rich Girl" 2-3. GAYETY (J. W. Whitehead, mgr.; agent. Bast).—Gayety Girls company. Good houses. CLUB (Rod Waggoner, mgr.- agent, Prog.). Charming Widows company. Business good. Treasurer Jeff Klauber of the Club the- ater and Miss Ida Sparborough of Toledo were married here. The regular season of German stock is as- sured. United States Marine band appears hers Oct. 11, and the Chicago Symphony orchestra will give ten concerts. MINNEAPOLIS. By C. W. MILES. ORPHEUM (O. A. Raymond, mgr.).—Wees 21. Indifferent bill, headed by Johnnie John- stone and a large company In a whoop-de-doo college farce; John F. Ryan, best In support; Charlie Howard, Bobble Watson and Dorothy Hayden, hit; Dyer and Alvln, conventional; Minnie Allen, fair; Anita Diaz's monkeys, good; Corbett, Shepard and Donovan, good; Great Ashal, excellent UNIQUE (Jack Elliott, mgr.; Loew).—Wil- son Brothers, Holmes ana Riley, Sallle 8 to ru- bier and Brother; Golden and West; Cameron and Devltt, Slayman All's Hooloos. NEW ORAND (W. H. Koch, mgr., W. V. A.).—Paul Kleslt and Co., Burns and Acker; Capital City Four; Charbino Brothers. METROPOLITAN (L. N. Scott, mgr.).—"The Elopers," Chicago musical comedy, with Made- leine Harrison in the leading role, all week. "The Poor Little Rich Girl" follows. SHUBERT (Wright Huntington, mgr.).— Wright Huntington Players In excellent pro- duction of "The Blindness of Virtue.". "Ready Money" follows. nrtn GAYETY (William Koenlg, mgr.).—"11.000,- 000 Dolls," with Lewis and Dody.