Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 47 *H FOOT ENLARGEMENT WITH EACH HUNDRED 8x10 ORIGINAL PHOTOS ROSE GARDENS Theatre and DaaM Ds Plsrrstts Broidvay at 52d Bt Columbus 4360 K\ery Afternoon tod Evening, Including Sundayi AST0NI8HIN6 SUCCESS THIRTY LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA With the Williamson Expedition. First and Oily SismarlM Mttlsa PUtira. IN DANSE 0E NEMETTE. Dancing. Dining, Delightful Marie Ristian Balalaika aid Frank McKm'i trakattra Aftfrnoon Dancing and Tea*. Only Pneumatic Floor. B«Bt Daneara in America. NEW ORLEANS. By O. M. SAMUELS. ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr.).—Splendid show. Connelly Sisters, opening, did well; Kaufman Brothers, well received; Everett's Monkeys, unsurpassed; WlUett Whltaker, consummate artiste; "The Green Bottle," one of the best shown here; McCay and Ardlne. extraordinary success; Leo Zarrell, good clos- ing number. CRESCENT (T. C. Campbell, mgr.).—Emma Bunting Stock Co., in "The House of a Thou- sand Candles." DAUPHINE (E. A. Schiller, mgr.).—"The Gay Widows." HIPPODROME (Jake Miller, mgr.).—"A Night In Old Heidelberg." Howard Ross is a benedict. Mrs. Ross Is a non-professional from Boston. Sullivan and Mason are at the Alamo. J. C. McCormlck Is ahead of the "Blue Rib- bon Belles. Rumored Vic Perez will Install a picture theatre in the vacant store at Canal and Bur- gundy. Place is so narrow he'll probably have to use split cane chairs. Tom Dunn has returned to Zelda Dunn—pro- fessionally. Louis Mercier is being "re-sued" for the debts of the Louis Dean Players. Earl Holmes departed ulnale life in Baton Rouge. Her name's Mary Olivia Blron. PORTLAND. ORE. BTRB. AN SOW. HEILIO (W. T. Pangel, mgr.).—20-23, The Trail of the Lonesome Pine; 24-26, The Shep- herd of the Hills ; week 27. Kitty MacKay. LYRIC (Dan Flood, mgr.).— 20, The Casey Twins. PANTAGES (J. A. Johnson, mgr.; agent direct).—Love & Wllber. opened, pleased; Gil- bert Gerard, good ; Winsch A Poor, hit; Coo- gan A Cox, fair dancers ; Pony Moore A Co.. headllnprs : pictures, good business. EMPRESS (W. H. Plerong. mgr.: Loew).— 20. Laypo A Benjamin, clever: Eva Prout. clever; Mr. and Mrs. David Elwyn A Co., compdy; Trwln A Herxog, hit; Senator Fran- cis Murnhy, good; Dora Dean A Co., good. BAKER (Geo. L. Baker, mgr.).—20, Stop Thief; 27. The Family Cupboard. SPOKANE. BT JAMBS B. ROTOB, AUDITORIUM (Charles York, mar.; agent. V. W. T. A.).—27-8-ft, "The Whip"; 1-2. "naby Mine." PAXTXOES (E. Clarke Walker, mgr.; AKent. direct).— Week 20. Lockhardt and Lad- die, comedy hit; Rosedell. singers, liked; "Titanic." novelty, won; Saunders A Von Kuntz. rlever : Teddy McNamara A Co.. big. LOEWS (Joseph Muller. mgr. ; agent, di- rect).— Week 20. Nelson, hit; Burke A Harris, songs, went well : Four Avolos. showy ; Will- iam St. James & Co., popular; Anderson & Ooin» s. winners; Stewart Sisters A Escorts. !lk"d. SPOKANR fSsm W. n. Cohn. mgr.; agent FMirr).---Wopk 20. first half. Housh A Ln- VpIIp, Pnbv Violet. Lewis A Zeller; second half. Olllard & Roberts. LaVelle & Russell. ttuby Violet. N'nrth Ynklmn. In the central part of the -■tnte, has followed the lead of the Spokane theatre censor and placed motion pictures of the European war under the ban. Siptrflrat Hair Rtnovod by Stationary Multiple Elec- tric Needle. Removes 360 Hairs in one Hour without pain or scar- ring. Eye- brow a per- . -«. manently shaped. Warts and moles removed. Endorsed by medical profession. Free Demonstration. Mma C Walker M7 *■ **•.. ■«"» ™ m " 0, *■ ""'W' 'Phase 7155 Hurray Hill The dates for "The Whip" were changed to give the big melodrama a Sunday opening here. TOLEDO. BY MAUMBB. KEITH'S (Sam Pearlsteln, mgr.; U. B. O.). —"Colonial Days," artistic musical novelty; Nina Morris A Co., dramatic sketch that holds Interest; Conlln, Steele Trio, very good; Cardo A Noll, pleased; Kenney, Nobody A Piatt, good; The Brads, did nicely; Cummlngs A Claddings, good; Edgar Barger, pleased. ARCADE.—Arcadians, novel minstrel offer- ing; Downez A Comes, Hawaiian singers, hit; Australian Kelso Boys, clever; Mylle A Gold, pleased; O. R. Ellis, fair sketch; Memphis Trio, pleased. VALENTINE.—Hap Ward A Lucy Daly. Next week. "The Calling of Dan Matthews." Walter Moore, manager of the Valentine, has been removed to his home from Robin- wood hospital, where he recently underwent an operation. TORONTO. By HARTLEY. ROTAL ALEXANDRA (L. Solman, mgr.).— "The Blue Bird" opened well and repeated Its former success. Marie Tempest starts her American tour 5 with "Mary Goes First." PRINCESS (O. B. Sheppard, mgr.).—"Lady Luxury" received a cordial welcome. Blllle Burke in "Jerry" 5. GRAND (A. J. Small, mgr.).—"The Roe ary." "Polly of the Circus" 5. SHEAS (J. Shea, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).— Cecil Lean A Cleo Mayfleld scored strongly; "Buster," as presented by Ed Vinton, big novelty; Henry Hodge, in sketch, excellent; Adler A Arline. good; Charles Lawler A Daughters, pleased ; Vernle Kaufman, clever; La Corio A Dlnus, fine; The Three Lyres, good. LOEWS YONGE STREET (J. Bernstein. mgr.; agent. Loew)."Love in a Sanitarium,' 1 went big; The Roae Troupe, clever; Joe Kel- sey, pleased ; Arthur A Grace Terry, pleaaed ; Tower A Darrell. good; Browning A Deane, clever; Leona Guerney, entertaining; Harry English A Co., a success. SHEA'S HIPPODROME (A. C. McArdle. mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).— Big feature, Toronto Regiments at Valcartier (M. P.), fine; Melody Monarehs A Maids, highly pleasing; Mur- ray's Canine Actors, well trained; Whip- ple A Hudson, good ; Moore A Jenkins, a hit; Ben Payer A Brothers, pleased ; Reldy A Cur- rier, clever; Leonard A Haley, good. OAYETY (T. R. Henry, mgr.; Columbia). —Sam Harris' "Love Makers." "Bon Tons" 5. STAR (Dan F. Pierce, mgr.; Progressive). —"High Life Girls." PARK (D. A. Lochrle, mgr.; agents, Mc- Mahon A Dee).—Cook A Love, Jollle Fannie Hatfield, Billy A Tanfry. Fullerton, Seeley A Clucas, Dick A Alice McAvoy, Georgia Kerns-Chas. Admont. PHILADELPHIA. By JOHN J. BURNES. KEITH'S (Harry T. Jordan, mgr.; agt.. U. B. O.).—Replacing the Vernon Castles, who were forced to leave the bill throHgh the Illness of Mrs. Castle. Valeska Suratt had the headline position with "Black Crepe and Diamonds." A refund offer was mnde to those who had purchased tickets with the ex- pectation of seeing the Castles, but the sum refunded did not amount to anything. With the exception of a few changes in the sur- rounding company the Suratt act Is the same as when seen here before. It was the hit of the bill, with the work of the danclnc team adding largely in the success. Following the opening pictures were Fred Renello and Sis- ter In a bike act that was well liked. Next Jl URIEMA ANNOUNCES REMOVAL SALE at 42nd Street Store, Opposite Library /N deciding to vacate my 42d street store, rather than pay th« excessively high rent I am compelled to im- mediately offer for sale my entire stock of exclusive and staple furnishings at prices ranging from 30c. to 60c. On The Dollar In Some Instances 15 to 25% Below Cost. Following are a Few Specimen Values: $3 to $4 Silk Shirts Rich Novelty Patterns $1.95 Best Standard Makes Shirts, Values to $2.50 85c. Silk and Linen Shirts $2.50 and $3 Values $1.30 Silk Knit and Silk Ties Values 50c and 75c 25c. Neckwear Priced at $1.00, now 45c. Silk Knit and Novelty Silk Neckwear, all $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.00 $1.15 My complete stock of fine haberdashery reduced. My Store Policy with every purchase: "Every Article you buy here MUST please or you MUST return it." Other Stores: 1578-80 Broadway, 716-18 7th Ave. 569 Melrose Ave. 25 West 42nd Street MEET ME 5t me | OTTO'S Restaurant fand French Bakery 1SS WEST 44TH ST., bet. BROADWAY AND SIXTH AVE. Quick and Clean Service^—Delicious Paatry Cooking Unexcelled Price* Moderate OYSTERS STEAKS CHOPS lr Jf- STEAKS NEVER CLOSED was Marie Dorr, whose character songs were much appreciated through her dainty person- ality, pleasant voice and attractive appear- ance. Her "rube" number was the bent and registered a hit. No. 8 place held Jane Con- nelly and Co. in "A Strong Cup of Tea," which ran smoothly through a lot of witty dialog and humorous aituatlons. Melville and Hlggins were warmly greeted. A classical hit of large proportions was made by Raul Perelra, who is billed an "The Eminent Por- tuguese Court Violinist," and who heads a Htrlng sextet of excellent players. The act has style and finish and the music brought forth prolonged applause. Edwin George, comedian and Juggler, had no trouble In get- ting laughs and had them going from the start. Valeska Suratt waa in the next apot and was followed by Bam and Kitty Morton In "Rack to Where They Started," who had the house roaring. Roeder's Invention, in the closing spot, revealed one of the nicest gym- QLOBE (William Qrelner. mgr.; agt., nastlc acts seen here in a long time. The 9th Anniversary Number of VARIETY Will Be Issued December 25th HAMMERSTEIN'S, Next Week (Oct. 5) IN A SENSATIONAL SINGING ACT FEATURING "THE DANCE OF DEATH"