Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 49 Freeman Bernstein Manager, Promoter and Producer of Vaudeville Acts Sth noor, PUTNAM BUILDING. NEW YORK OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Cable, "Freeborn/ Bryant Now York Trixie! 'Friganza Agency Heidleborg Building, 424 Si, and Broadway is Managed Solely by R. W. Eberhard Note—C A. Goettler U no longer there in any capacity. VAUDEVILLE ACTS for New England IMMEDIATE TIME, SHORT JUMPS COMEDY ACTS. NOVELTIES. DRAWING CARDS. Boston Booking Office, Colonial Bid*, Boston, Mast. FRED MARDO, Mgr. Caa Always Uao Good Sunday Acta Telephone Oxford fIf MARIE JAMES Reliable Artist's Representative Booking Exclusively with W. V. M. A.-U. B. O. 21 HOBBS' BUILDING, U W. Waskington St., Phone Randolph MM. CHICAGO. ILL. half: Barlow's Comedy Circus; Rioe's Min- strels; "White Wives;" James Tlerney ACADEMY OF MUSIC—Opened Monday with "Cabiria," moved over from the Chest- nut street opera house. CHESTNUT ST. O. H.—"Pilate's Daughter." a religious spectacle, opened to a good house Monday night at $1.60 top. Catholic societies have displayed much Interest and supplied a large portion of the patronage at the open'n^. Many have arranged benefits. ADELPHI.—Helen Ware in "The Revolt" began its final week Monday night. Business has been light. Oct 5, Grace George in "The Truth." LYRIC—Opens Oct. 5 with "The Passing Show of 1914." GARRICK.—"Nearly Married," with Bruce McRae, seen here last season, began a two- week stay Monday to a good house. BROAD.—Margaret Anglln in "Lady Win- dermere's Fan" opened an engagement of two weeks here Monday night. FOREST.—The new Montgomery and Stono show, entitled "Chin-Chin," opened Wednes- day evening after a good advance sale. The piece is by Anne Caldwell and R. H. Burn- side and music by Ivan Caryl. WALNUT.—"Bringing Up Father," based on the George McManus cartoons, opened a week here Monday and proved a big laughing hit with music of a high class. The house was good Monday night at popular prices. Oct 5, "The Round Up," with Shep Camp. ORPHEUM.—"Bought and Paid For," by a traveling company at popular prlcea. Fair business reported. Oct. 5, "Buster Brown." LIBERTY.—"Buster Brown" for the week at popular prices with fair business. AMERICAN.—"The Dawn of To-moTrow," by the resident company headed by Emily Smiley. Oct. 5, "The Fortune Hunter." CASINO.—"The Gay New Yorkers" with Pox and Gear and the Morrisey Sisters for tllo wcgIc TROCADERO—Frank L. Wakefield, at the head of "The Girls from Joyland" burlesque, was given a great reception Monday nl/ht, beginning a week's stay. The show is full of lively action and hilarious situations. La Man he. dancer, is an added attraction. OAYETY.—"The Cabaret Girls" have two lively comedies and drew a good house Mon- day. Chooceeta, the dancer, is an added at- traction. Oct. R, "City Sports Burlesquers." EMPIRE.—Clark's "Rosey Posey dirts" burlesque had a good house Monday night, beginning a week's stay. Henri Soott, basso of the Chicago-Philadel- phia Opera Co., has been appointed noad of S to 7 WEEKS Write or Wire J. H. ALOZ Booking Agency. Orpkeum Tkeatre Bldg., MONTREAL, P. Q. GUS SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. Notice to Artistst—Booking can now ke se- cured tkrougk our representatives direct. Call —Phone—Write. Springfield, Ohio. Sun Build- ing. Homo Office, Chicago, 111- Majestic Thea- tre Bldg- Tom Powell,/Mgr. New York, Palace Tkeatre Bldg., Pete Mack, Mgr. Pittsburgh. Pa-, 2*5 Schmidt Bldg.. F. S. Frasier, Mgr. Cleve- land, Oklo, Prlftcilla Tkeatre Bldg., P. E. Seas, Mgr. Always an opening for first-class acts. State all first letter. the vocal department of Temple University, this city. Beginning Nov. 2 "The Beautiful Adven- ture" will be produced at the Broad by Charles Frohman. Fannie Ward in the French farce, "Mad- ame President," returns to the Broad Oct. 26. Henry W. Savage's production of "Sari" comes to the Forest Nov. 9. Following the "Passing Show of 1914" at the Lyric will be the "Whirl of the World," beginning Nov. 2. Elmendorf, the lecturer, is booked for a talk on Eastern India for Oct. 30 at the Acad- emy of Music. Beginning Tuesday night. Oct 13. "The Yellow Ticket" will be at the Garrlck mak- ing the jump from Chicago after Sunday night show. "To-Day" begins at the Adelphl Nov. 16. "A Pair of Sixes" and "The Third Party" are also announced as early attractions at this house. INDEPENDENT CIRCUI VAUDEVILLE The Best Small Time In the Far West. Steady Consecutive Work for Novelty Feature Acts* EXECUTIVE OFFICES, ALCAZAR THEATRE BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO Can arrange from three to five weeks between sailings of boats for Australia for all first class acts. Communicate ky wire or Utter. THE WEBSTER VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT CHICAGO Suite W 1M North La Salle St. JENNY WEBSTER, Prop. Affiliated with EDWARD J. FISHER, INC., Seattle; BERT LEVY CIRCUIT, San Francisco GEORGE H. WEBSTER. General Manager LTD., AUSTRALIA Capital $l,2St,Mt And AFFILIATED CIRCUITS, INDIA and AFRICA Combined Capital, $3,0M,0M HUGH McINTOSH, Governing Director Registered Cable Address: M HUGHMAC,*' Sydney Head officei TIVOLI THEATRE, SYDNEY-AUSTRALIA NEW YORK OFFICES, S1Z Strand Tkeatre Bldg. Harry Rickard's Tivoli Theatres, FULLER-BRENNAN Vaudeville Circuit (AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND) BEN J. FULLER, Governing Director All correspondence to National Amphitheatre, Sydney. American Booking Office Tem- porarily Closed, owing to War Conditions. nardi of all performers going to Europe make their steamship arrangements through us. Tne following have: Blumenfeld Sisters, Barton and Libbey, Balton Troupe. Paul Barnes, Barnes and Crawford, Violet Black & Co., Bimm Bomm Brr, Belleclaire Bros., A. Ber- Mabel Berra, Elsie Boehm, Barnes ft West, The Bogannys, Paul Batty, Bragadons. PAUL TAUSIG A SON, 1§4 E. 14th St., New York City. Savings Bank Bldg. Telepkone Stuyvesant ISM AMALGAMATED Vaudeville Agency B. S. MOSS, President and General Manager llfTNn MOSS A BRILL CIRCUIT PRUDENTIAL CIRCUIT .<•:• Artiste and acts of every description suitable for vaudeville can obtain long engagements ky PLIMMER CIRCUIT e for vaudeville can obtain BOOKING DIRECT *with us. Send In your open time at once or call TRYOUTS CAN BE ARRANGED FOR ACTS UNKNOWN TO US Officosi Columbia Theatre Bldg.—TIMES SQUARE, NEW YORK-Telepkone Bryant M4S EDW. S. KELLER Booking for and Looking for the Best in Vaudeville Palace Theatre Building, New York CHAS. S. BREED, Associate GENE HUGHES, Inc. Manager of High-Class Vaudeville Attractions. Artists desiring New York reproaontation write or wire. Suite 1M1-2-4. PALACE THEATRE BLDG., 1544 Broadway, New York City. Phones: 8698, 8699 Bryant. tlngdale" or "The Adventures of a Lively Hussy," by John Luther Long and Frank Stayton, will appear for the first time at the Broad Oct. 12. FtTTSIURGH. Mrs. Flake's new oomedy, "Lady Betty Mar- ORAND (Harry Davis, mgr.; agent, U. B. 0.).—Cecelia Wright, big hit; Henrietta Croaman ft Robert Maokey, headllner, unique; Williams, ThompHon & Copeland, noisy fun; Sosman & Falrman, good; Schwarti ft Co., effective; Heath & Mlilershlp, much applaud- ed ; Raymond a Caverley, scream; Daring Prince, good animal act. HARRIS (C. R. Buchhelt, mgr. ; agent, U. B. O.).—Church City Four, big hit; Roach ft Francis, scream : Hickman Brothers Comedy Co., excellent; Bobby Smith (added), good; Bennett, Lytell * Co., clever; Worth Sisters, good; Esmarelda, exceptionally good single; NOW PLAYING FOR THE UNITED BOOKING OFFICES ND ORIGIN With His Monstrous Ensemble IN THEIR DIVERTISEMENT "A GYPSY CAMP" We sympathize with Mr. Golden of the Golden Troupe for being obliged to resort to the expedient of endeavoring to induce Mr. Horelilc of this troupe to become a member of the Golden Troupe. Mr. Golden should be more discreet in talking to people with whom he is not acquainted. S. RACHMAN, Mgr. W. HORELIK, Prop.