Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY VARDON, PERRY aad WEBER tfalfttt-SEftZfr -?WCCCT>*J- ^ -> ) ' ) Com.fti.ff sjitrcW fht%$ttp v* .J© TM* Co*.©*,*. «o«J>oV Tb Flee iaj A «*» M»Tiir ftim Zoo GtooAtQ, cftprucep * Lor OP U«,O*0ie APnwse. 3F3>U/ARI7 M*fcSH*l-tL CH*«-KO«-00**Q—' GAVIN and PLATT The PEACHES TOURING Phoos Usl-M Passaic 7 Hawthorne Ave., Clifton, N. J. ALFREDO VARIETY, LONDON GEORGE HARADA Imperial Pekinese Troupe Six Chinese Wonders. Lately Featured with Anna Held Jubilee Co. Second Troupe arrives in America shortly. WATCH THEM. All communications to LONG TACK SAM Sole Owner and Prop. VARIETY, New York SAM J. CURTIS In "GOOD BYE BOYS" By Junta McCree Direction. HARRY SHEA. FRANK EMILY Jerome and Carson Touring RICKARD'S CIRCUIT, AUSTRALIA World's Famous Cyclist 17is CLYBOURN AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. JACK STROUSE THE "SINGLE" THAT MAKES THEM TAKE NOTICE BOOKED SOLID Direction, ALLEN EPSTIN BERTIE HERRON Assisted by IVII NSMAN Direction, M. S. BENTHAM ARNO and STICKNEY Booked Solid THOSE MUSICAL WIZARDS 40 WEEKS LOEWS EASTERN end WESTERN CIRCUIT Direction, PRANK BOHM A TEAM THAT IS A WINNER DUNCAN — GOLDENSON -A Dainty Little Girt and a Dapper Little Chap" PLAYING IN WEST OPEN FOR BOOKING NOW **A Tremendous Hit"—Unanimous Opinion of Coast Critics Address MRS. A. M. GOLDENSON, 1711 South Burlington Avenue, Los Angelee. Cnl WILLIAM MORROW Assisted by DONNA HARRIES Presenting the Singing Comedy Playlet "ON A COUNTRY ROAD." Booked Solid Season 1I14-1S. Direction SIMON'S AGENCY, CHICAGO Victor HERAS and PRESTON Ben FAST AND FUNNY TUMBLERS Now Playing Pantages Time BOOKED SOLID ON W. V. M. A. opening Oct. 29 PEALSON and GOLDIE Ir their new act, "AFTER THE DOG SHOW" Moved after Monday Night from 4th to next to closing, following 6elle Baker, at Hudson Theatre, Union Hill, this week (Sept. 28). DIRECTION, MORRIS & FEI HARRY WEBER presents retentious 44 antomimic roduction Bal Introducing A Divertissement of Dainty Dances Delightfully Demonstrated by Miss Edith Fabbrini and Mr. B. Michael Martin