Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY HARRY A. SHEA PERSONALLY MANAGING THE FOLLOWING ACTS JOHN T. KELLY: AND CO. In a screamingly funny sketch "A GAME OF CON" • WILLARD AND BOND The Sleuths of Pleasure "DETECTIVISM" SNYDER AND BUCKLEY presenting their TWO MEN BAND 99 BROWN FLETCHER TRIO in an original offering "CHRISTMAS EVE 99 Montie Bert D BROOKE AND HARRIS The One' 'The Other" ROCKWELL AND WOOD TWO^-NOBLE—NUTS 99 GEO. W. CHRIS COOPER AND SMITH •The Bell-Boy and The Porter" CARDOWNIE SISTERS International Dancers THOS. POTTER DUNNE Eccentric Comedian DR. WILL DAVIS An Original Idea in Monologue COWAN'S SETTERS Present "A STUDY IN STATUARY" SAM J. CURTIS AND CO. A Marital Episode "GOOD-BYE, BOYS 99 CLAYTON-DREW'S Players Travesty "OTHELLO OUTDONE 99 B-A-N-J-O-P-H-I-E-N-D-S ■ Up-to-the-Minute Entertainers THREE DOLCE SISTERS Vaudeville's Classiest Singing and Dancing Act LEWIS AND NORTON In Their Comedy Skit "IN THOSE DAYS 99 CONRAD AND MARINO Eccentric Italian Comedians SIX MUSICAL SPILLERS Kings of Ragtime Harmony WILSON AND WILSON "The Band Man and His Band" WILLIAM CAHILL "The Man From Ireland" ■ GRAHAM'S RATS AND CATS An animal act that i% widely talked about PATTEE'S DIVING GIRLS A box-office attraction for any theatre ROBT. E. O'CONNOR and CO. in THE STICK UP MAN 99 EDDIE MADGE HERRON AND DOUGLAS in "JIMMY PINKERTON'S FIRST CASE 99 EMERALD TRIO Refined Instrumentalists USHER TRIO Refined Skit "ALMOST A MILLIONAIRE 99 NESTOR AND DELBURG Comedy Skit "IN LOVE 99 FREIND AND LESSER The Butler and the Maid" COOK AND STEVENS "The Chinee and the Coon" POLLY PRIM "The Little Star" JOHNNY WOODS Ventriloquil Novelty ROBBINS' ELEPHANTS Wonderful Feats of Intelligence Booking the Orpheum Theatre, Jersey City (Fu " Week KEENEY»S THEATRE Newark, New Jersey 14TH STREET THEATRE Fourteenth St., New York City Two Shows Daily) LYRIC THEATRE Hackensack, N. J. SUN STANDARD THEATRE NIGH CRESCENT THEATRE 165th Street and Boston Road, Bronx 90th Street and Broadway CLUB DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS SEND IN OPEN TIME A. SHEA VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 4318-19 Bryant 1493 BROADWAY (PUTNAM BLDG.), NEW YORK (Suite 523)