Variety (October 1914)

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42 VAKIBTY BOB H^B^Hal RB ONE OF THE HITS OF THE BILL AT HAMMERSTEIN'S This Week (Oct 5) Re-engaged for Week Oct. 261 AURIEMA IN A NOVELTY, ENTITLED "The Dance of Death M LETTERS Where C follows name, letter is lo Variety's Chicago office. Where S F follows name, letter is In Variety's San Francisco office. Advertising or circular letters will not be listed. P following name indicates postal, advertised once only. Abdallah Joe (C) AbelB Neal (C) anlel Abrahams Adams Fred Alexander Chas (C) Allison May Alton Ethel (C) AlTares A Martell Angelo Armento (0) Anita Anouae Lew Armstrong C O Ashe Gertrude Avery Van A Carrie B Bailey King Baker C Baker Lotta Balto Harry Barry Walter (C) ^ Bartlett Mildred Baxter Ed Baxter Bid (C) Beach Geo (C) Benallsha Mabel Bender Dare Bennett May Bennett W Benaon Bennle Bernard A Neal (C) Bernle Lewis Bonner Alf Bonnesetti Paul (C) Boston A Van Bowers Joseph Bowman Bros Boyd Ernest Boyd A St Clair Bradford Ralph (C) Bradford Susette Bradley Geo (C) Brenner Dorothy Brltton Lew Brooks J (C) Brown Tod Brown Fred Browne Lawrette Brunelle Margery Burman M Burns Harry Burt Harriett Bush Robert Calhoun Julia Cane Joe (C) Carloss Mrs Carroll Emma Carle Grace Carter Lilian Casper A Clayton Castellano Frank Chapman Evelyn Charblno Bros (C) Churchill Estelle Clark Ed Clark Herbert Clark Harvey (SF) Clark A Temple Claudius Dave Clayton Una Clayton Zella Clemens Margaret Clifton Helen (SF) Clucas 8 (C) Cohn A HI recti Colleges Viola Collins Harry (SF) Cooley Hollls Cranston Mary Cooper Texas Crowley James Dahl M Dale Loretta Telephone 580C Bryant Choice Seats for All Amusements FLYNN'S THEATRE TICKET OFFICE RECTOR'S NEW RESTAURANT Broadway at 48th Street Our 'Phone numbers: 2111, 2117, 2118 Bryant ALEXANDER'S THEA- TRE TICKET OFFICE 1458 BROADWAY S. E. Cor. 41st St. Telephone 8267 Bryant LEO NEWMAN'S Theatre Ticket Shop Choice Seats and Boxes for All Theatres and Operaa 1482 Broadway, bet. 42d and 43d Sta. D. MARKS, Pros. J. B. LANGE, Trees. UNITED THEATRE TICKET CO. Choice Seata and Boxes for All Theatres 1485 BROADWAY (Heidelberg Building Arcade) Phone 7600 Bryant Cor 42nd St. Opera Tickets Bought and Sold LOUIE COHN MORRIS BLAW Times Building Theatre Ticket Office 42D STREET AND BROADWAY Main Floor Choice Seats for All Theatres Telephone 3350 Bryant Booked Solid Management ? Subscriptions to the Operas Purchased NEW YORK THEATRE TICKET LIBRARY 212 WEST 42d STREET Phone 474-475-476 Bryant Choice Seats for All Theatres and Operaa in Town and Elsewhere D. A. WARFIELD, Prop. SINGERS of SONGS Speaking once more of the paying-for-s i n gi n g proposition, it has become a matter of street com- ment among those inter- ested that one of the mu- sic publishing firms which still persists in paying singers to sing its songs is not dealing with the singers on a 50-50 basis. Two singers who used the songs of this publish- ing house compared their revenue for last week from the publisher, and discovered that while both sang the same song, one received $50 for the week, and the other but $10. Another late instance causing talk in the music trade is the action of a turn at the Palace, New York City, last week. About the middle of the week the act removed from its song repertoire one of the numbers that had been used since open- ing, replacing it with a song issued by a music publisher who still pays singers to sing its songs. After the act had re- placed one song with another from the paying publisher, it somehow failed to receive an en- gagement for this week. Possibly a coincidence. The Music Publishers' Board of Trade has 14 members, including about all the leading publishers of popular music in this country, excepting Leo Feist and F. A. Mills.