Variety (October 1914)

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TAKIBTT 45 Charles Horwitz Dash sayst M 'Ae It May Be' caught laugha from bcgianinc to •ad, and ae It stand* with- out change, is rea dy for any oort of vaude ville, where it will be a big comedy number." HORWITZ wrote it and hundred* of SKETCH HITS. CHARLES HORWITZ 14»2 Broadway (Room SIS), Now York Phono 2S4f Greeley I. MILLER. 1554 Broadway, ■"■ <•* -* TaL sew*-7 Cheloaa tot W. 2Srd St. N.V. 47th Sto. Manufacturer o f Theatrical Boots and Shoes. CLOG, Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes a Spe- cialty. All work made at short «*# i. m ~. notice. Writa for Catalog 4 Lost You Forgot Wo Say It Yot LETER HEADS Contracts. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples. STAGE MONEY, 15c. Book of Herald Cuts. Sc CR0SS s T 1 R, s NT, D N E G AR g8S , N PA g , T Y CHICAGb 511 6th Ave., near 31st St. 225 West 42d St., near Times Sew 58 3d Ave., near 10th St. ' Send for illustrated Catalogue V. Mail Orders Carefully Filled. DO YOU COMPOSE I l < ,1 \ I I'l \ I / M \ N \ f)N GS 2 BIG BOOKS " Coatalalaa tks Vary latatt Bess Hits sf the Day, iseh aa "I Leva tka Ladles," "Wkas tat MUaliat Case Cbss Leaves far Alakaa,' " "Usssr the Cklekea Tree." "Tssse Taos," "Mas, Mas. Mm," laeltslsf words ssd amis Is; "Wkas Tkenaa Canes Hsbm ts kit Tay," "Sssra Nat tka Csavlet," "My Roaf Gardes f\ yar |A* • Angt Blrl," ate. la Tee Larae Beaks. V» B » IVV t)Qlig! taaetker wltk aar eatalaaja af lataraatlai Boats, tkaat na- tie. ate., all aest-pald far 25c. Asiraa, Frees Faalletlsf Syadleate. 1101 Martaa Blea., Cklaass, llllaela. m \\ mm THE OXYCENI Tooth Powder Only use can demonstrate to you the wonderful sense of sweetness and cleanliness that the oxygen in CA- LOX brings to mouth and teeth. Only use can show you how CALOX wards off decay and, where decay has started, arrests its growth. No other dentifrice contains this Oxygen; no other dentifrice can do for you what CALOX does. Sample and Booklet free on request AH Druggists, 25c. Ask for the Calox Tooth Brush, 35c. McKesson a robbins NEW YORK Dr. JULIAN SIEGEL Official Dentist to the WHITE RATS 204 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK CITY SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION in for big applause. Homer Llnd and his company were on rather early In the bill, but had no trouble in arousing Interest. Harry Breen worked bard with his "nut" stuff and bad his people laughing in roars. He has added some new stuff at the close of his act which Is really meritorious and allows him to get away from bis utterly nonsensical line. Cecil Lean and Cleo May field were on as an extra added attraction. Lean, who Is a prime favorite here, came in for a warm reception and Mine Mayfleld sang and danced viva- ciously. They offered songs made familiar in "The Military Girl" and went over big. Brown and Rochelie, who twist and turn from a bounding apparatus, and while so doing are really funny, were put up in the bill, they having been set down to close the show. Corradinl's Menagerie of trained sebras, ele- phants, horses and dogs closed the show. The act Is unique and held the people to the final curtain. Baptiste and Franconi, billed as the two lunatics, were announced to open the show with Walter De Leon and "Muggins" Davles set down in second place. S. Morton Cohn, who spent several days here last week, announced that he has disposed of his interests in the Rees Circuit of theatres. Jack Hayes, a former attache of the Hippo- drome in Los Angeles, Is now manager of the Sherman theater, a picture house in the Mission. De Loretta will join the Monte Carter Co. at the Wigwam next week. Blanche Trelease, soubret, and Roy Claire, comedian, end their engagements. A benefit will be given at the Valencia thea- ter October 10 under the direction of the offi- cial French Society of the French Colony for the wounded In France. Harry Pennypacker, who waa doing the ad- vance work for "Milestones," is now ahead of "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," taking E. Gonnelrie's place, the latter going ahead of "Milestones.^ Classy Theatrical Costumes and Headwear STAGE, STREET, EVENING GOWNS and HATS THE BERG-ZAL CO. 153 Weat 44th St. (East of Broadway) New York 4 TkoM Brjut MM SAN FRANCISCO VARIETY'S SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE PANTAGES* THEATRE BLDC. Phono, Douglaaa 2213 JACK JOSEPHS in charge. | San Francisco, Oct. 7. ORPHKUM.—The Ollllngwater-Lyle Co. proved exceedingly good to the regulars and tremendous applause was the answer. Ash- ley and Canfleld, hit Five Metxettls dis- played cleverness In the closing position. The O'Brien-Havel Co. were assigned to the open- ing spot and made the best of It Joe and Lew Cooper scored big. Of the holdovers Mack and Walker repeated successfully, Stan- ley and Ahearn Troupe were good fun makers. EMPRESS.—Eva Prout, pleased; Urwln and Herzog, went big; Senator Francis Mur- phy, well received ; Dora Deane and Fantoms, gave satisfaction in the closing position; Mr. and Mrs. D. Elwyn and Co., pleasing; Laypo and Benjamin, closing, meritorious. A poolroom sketch was added to the regular bill and voted good entertainment PANTAGES.—Chlaffarelli's Symphony, 20 musicians, headlined, good attraction; Winsch and Poore, pleased; Love and Wilbur did nicely, opening; Schenna' dogs and ponies, entertaining; Grace McGinn and Co., passed nicely; Gilbert Girard, good; Coogan and Cox, likeable. sentative, arrived last Saturday. Mr. Lubln will make his headquarters in San Francisco. Harry Leavitt will resign as amusement manager of the Portola-Louvre December 1, and will devote all hla time after that data to his concessions at the exposition, which In- clude the "Diving Girls," "Third Degree" and the "Teddy Bear." Charles Harris, assistant manager at the Gaiety, left for Los Angeles last week, where he will be temporarily in charge of "Let's Get Married," now playing at the Moroaco there. According to reports a Chicago opening has already been arranged. About $2,000 was taken In at the benefit given by Sid Grauman at the Empress Thurs- day morning of last week for tbe widow and children of John Doherty, the special officer who was shot and killed. Two shows were necessary to accommodate the crowds. Bert Roach, playing characters with Keat- ing and Flood's Musical Comedy Stock Co., at the Lyric, Portland (Ore.), was arrested In Portland last week In connection with aen- satlonal charges involving young girls. Sev- eral Coast League baseball players were Im- plicated on similar charges. The Le Bruns, Australian roller skaters, upon arriving here sent their trunks to the Prlncoss theatre, a Bert Levey house, and after being billed to open, pulled out and opened for the W. S. V. A. at the Republic. An attorney was necessary to have their bag- gage moved. J. AFTERNOON AND EVENING OO \A/ IM S SLIGHTLY WORN AND NEW. SPECIAL RATE TO PROFESSION McSHAN « Nsakw sf lassrtsl SMsk m Hsss 229 West 42d St., One>. aTttJng*Tl n a Hi i Tel. 247* Bryant ESTABLISHED 39 YEARS . FRANK HAYDEN INC Costumes and Millinery 56 West 45th St, New York City SEND FOR CATALOGUE Phone , Bryant S27S "I write all Nat M. Wills' material" JAMES MADISON AUTHOR FOR MANY HEADLINERS 1493 BROADWAY, NEW YORK (Room 417) I CORT ( Homer P. Curran, mgr.).—"A Pair of Sixes" (second week). COLUMBIA (Oottlob, Marx & Co., mgrs.).— "Milestones" (first week). ALCAZAR (Belasco & Mayer, mgrs.). - Stock. GAIETY (Tom O'Day, mgr.).-Kolb and Dill In "Peck O' Pickles" (sixth week). WIGWAM (Jos. Bauer, mgr.).—Monte Car- ter Co. and vaudeville. PRINCESS (Bert Levey, lessee and mgr.; agt., Levey).—Vaudeville. REPUBLIC (Ward Morris, mgr. ; agt., W. S. V. A.).—Vaudeville. Harold Bauer, tbe pianist, and Mrs. Bauer arrived from Honolulu last Friday. Bauer went to Australia and New Zealand several months ago for a concert trip. He will re- main here a few days before leaving for the East. The Supervisors' police committee Is pre- paring a resolution to require of places of amusement that an exact statement concern- ing periormancen and exhibitions be made In advertisements. Tbe committee also favors an ordinance prohibiting the exhibition of war films. The Tucker Sisters left for the north last week to join Pittman's "Minstrel Maids." Mary Logan closes her engagement with the Monte Carter Co. at the Wigwam this week. Hal Dyson, former piano player for Daisy Harcourt, who recently quit the act here, has rejoined Miss Harcourt. Although announcement was made that the "Rollicking Girl" would start on Its run at the Gaiety this week, "A Peck O' Pickles," which has had five fairly successful weeks, was retained for another week, during which time the finishing touches will be put on tbe "Rollicking Girl," now scheduled to open Oct. 12. Nana Bryant and James Llddy will be the new members with the show. Ferris Hartman and his musical comedy company will close their summer season at Idora Park, Oakland, this week. H. Lubln, Marcus Loew's Western repre- Fred Swanberg now occupy'g the position of manager of the Portola-Louvre, replacing J. E. Alexander, who resigned last week. Harry Leavitt, the amusement manager, announces a new entertainment policy beginning next week, at which time a chorus of several girls will be used in connection with a regular UNEXCELLED AND COMMODIOUS ^fv f\J | fV/| ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ALL d* 1 ** aT^ ■ "Wl Reasonable Tsrms THE Ufa 1 STREET VETERINARY HOSPITAL Ample Space for Rehearsals—Safe. S a ni ta r y, Comfortable seY-fteEast 23d St, New York Cltri Pneao Ore mar a j IT Ph for Particulars HESS HIGH GRADE MAKE-UP Uniform in Color and Quality Guaranteed Kmmm i MfilOriialM Dttt ImI[ rm (Book the Art of "Making Up" MUSIC ARRANGED PIANO ORCHESTRA Songs taken down from voice. Old ©r- cbestratlons rewritten. A nice, quiet office where you can talk to a man who will give you Just what you want. W. H. NELSON Suite 4sl, Astor Tbeatro Bids;., 1531 BROADWAY Superfluous Hail Rtnottd Parmanantly No electric needle*, bo solution, no burning li- quids, no powder or psste employed. PsinUts and Harmlfit Incom- parable result* attain** by our method in «»erv case, no. matter now complicated Dr. J. M. MABTON. Cbe—lst. I4-» West U- »»• AaolU-iHaJr .a*rfU TS»-Tia T.U Bry«n« HOW TO KEEP Y0UNQ and ATTRACTIVE A generation of "Fair Women" all aaetlMSta have ems* tea waederfel eftaasy sf Dr. JAMES F. CAMPBELL'S SAFE ARSENIC COMPLEXIOM WAFESS The Greatest Knewa Speeds far Beaa- tifyina tka Complexion sea Develop ina tka Fans Staie Beeatles, beautiful off the stage. Society Ladies, Blaiklsf Brides and Smillaa Deaatantea, wboae lovely complexion* do not fade with the morning light, know that the aecret of their pure and spotless complexion and beauty lines is the magic of tbeae blood - purifying, skin - transforming, safe and absolutely harmless wafers. This world-famous prescription for the complexion h the moat scientific and marvelous remedy for all facial blemishes, restoring to Spotless parity and yeatkfal klaen all complexions marred by pimples, blackheads, sallow- neas, wrinkles, redness or other blemishes on or under the skin. 50c and $1.00 per box by mail In plain cover, on receipt of price, from RICHARD FINK CO.. Oept. 49. 415 Broadway. Nov York Every druggist can get Dr. Campbell's Arsenic Wafers for you from hla wholesale dealer. PLUSH DROPS CHEAP New and seco n d -hand, all colors and sises. ty terms, nanst ostt. Writs or wire LADD SMITH, 244 Wast 4Sth Street, New York. IM ARMORED TRUNKS O IM Built for Abuse 3 Grade*. 3 Sixes. Men's, Women's or Combination Centre or Double Trolley 5-Year Guarantee. Special Discount to Profession. NEWTON & SON. 41 Elm SI .Cortland.M.Y.