Variety (October 1914)

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▼ABIBTT 47 BERLIN NEW YORK 1S2 W. 49th St. MANAGER OF SYLVESTER SCHAFFER PLAYING THE B. F. KEITH CIRCUIT STAR (C. J. Kittz, mgr.).—"Tte Big Ju- bilee;" business good. clever; Juliet, fair; Chretlennl and Loulaette, good ; Marzella's birds, good. GRAND (Harry Levy, mgr.).--"The French Models ;" good business. INDIANAPOLIS. By C. J. CALLAHAN. SHIHKKT MUHAT (J. D. BarneH, mgr.).- Pictures. ENGLISH'S (Ad. Milh-r, ingr. ; agt, K. A K.I.—T». H. 7. Mrs. Flake & Co. LYCEUM (Pbll Brown, mgr.).—"While the City Sleeps." to good business. LYRIC (II. K. Hurton, mgr ; agt., U. B. O.). Ollle Young and April. good ; Welsser and Reeser. laughs; Madam Marlon, clever; Dick Fitzgerald, fair; Four Lesters, sensational; I'd half: Wood Bros. ; Edith Haney; Carroll. Plerlott and Co. ; Ben Smith ; Heuman Four. FAMILY (C. Harmon, mgr.; agt., Sun).— Hilly Woodall and Co.; The Purtells ; Zenlta ; Cook and Hamilton GAYETY (C. Cunningham, mgr.; agt., C. T. B. A.).--Vaudeville and pictures. MAJESTIC (J. E. Sullivan, mgr.).— Moulin Rouge Girls," to very good business. COLUMBIA (G. E. Black, mgr.).—"Beauty, Youth and Folly" company. LOS ANGELES VARIETY'S LOS ANGELES OFFICE 3M MASON OPERA HOUSE BLDG. GUY PRICE, Correspondent ORPHEUM (Clarence Drown, mgr.; agent, V. B. O). -Week. 28. Waldemar Young In "When Caesar Ran a Paper," well received; Hickey Brothers, good acrobatic dancing; Francis McGinn & Co., good ; Lola Merrill ft Frank Otto, entertaining; Harry Hlnes ft George Fox, went big ; Charles McGood ft Co., cleverly done; Qus Edwards' Matinee Girls, pleasing. EMPRESS (George Fish. mgr. ; agent. Loew).—Nine Krazy Kids, entertaining; Axel Chrlstensen, went great; Slgsbee's Dogs, very good; William Morrow & Denna Harries, fair; Billy Imman & Owen Martin, mediocre; Jeter & Rodders, clever. PANTAGES (Cnrl Walker, mgr.; agent. Pantages).- Stanley Seminary Girls, received well; Le Roy & Cahlll, entertaining; Antrim & Vale, very good ; Four Soils Brothers, well rendered music; Willard, Hutchinson & Co., fair; James Brockman, fine. REPUBLIC (Al. Watson, mgr.; agent, Levey). -Bartello & Co.. fair; King Baxter, good ; Marie Leeds, pleasing; La Stella Trio, entertaining ; Morton & Well, mediocre ; Musi- cal McDonald, very good. HIPPODROME (Lester Fountain, mgr.; agent, Western States) —Gardner's Dogs, fair; Five Johnstons, very Rood ; Babe Lewis, en- tertaining ; Caruso & Co.. exceptionally good; Reno Trio, clever; Chief White Eagle, got over with jump : Abram & Johns, good as usual. CENTURY (A. & M. Loewen. mgrs.).— Muslf.-ii burlesque. IUJRBANK (O. Morosco. mgr.) —"Lady Eileen," new production, fairly good show; drew well. MAJESTIC (Joseph Montrose, mgr.).—De Wolf Hopper-Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Co., great cast In great repertoire of operas ; busi- ness not up to expectations. MASON (Will Wyatt. mer.).—W. J. Burns In J-.iO.iHM) Counterfeit Mystery" (motion plo- tures), fair business. THE SEASON'S ^GREATEST SURPRISE NOVELTY! A CLEAR IDEA OF RAY MONDE'S ACT A clear idea of this act can be gleaned from the following press notice: "First In point of merit on the bill is Ray Monde? The question mark is well used, for Ray Monde keeps you guessing right to the finish whether a male or female person is per- forming. A duet sung by the one person in which both high soprano and deep baritone voices are used, adds to the mystery. "Dressed in full dress male costume, but with the figure and face of a woman, Ray Monde? with curly, close-cropped hair, makes you think "it" is a man, and just as many think "it" is a woman. But you are not satisfied, especially the women; and when after a change of cos- tume he-she emerges in an elaborate and beautiful gown, the women in the audience exclaim, "There, I told you it was a woman!" But their joy is snort-lived, for Ray Monde? whips off the lady's purple wig, showing the boy's wig underneath, causing them to think "It" Is a man, for the moment. After a bow, off comes this second wif, whereupon a mass of lustrous brown hair falls over "her" shoulders, to the audience's surprise and conviction that it is a woman after all. And when, after a number of bows, this last wig is suddenly whipped off, the result creates a sensational uproar in the audience. Last night they kept talking and debating on it for several minutes after the act was through. It was thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience, and Is by far one of the most original and best acts seen here in a long time." A ■'IrSl* Vo5Sb2rV hU Direction, JOE PINCUS—Pat Casey Office SOMETHING NEW ggXI&s "FOLLIES £ E DAY" With SAM SIDMAN, GERTRUDE HAYES, and an All-Star Cast BIGGEST HIT IN BURLESQUE SINCE "WINE. WOMAN AND SONG" NEXT WEEK (Oct. 11), PRINCESS THEATRE. ST. LOUIS MOROSCO (Charles Eyton and Sam Rork, mgrs.).—"Let's Get Married," musical comedy, big week. TRINITY AUDITORIUM (L. B. Behymer, mgr.).—"Cablria," pictures, record opening week. Sam Rork, local Gaiety manager, Is In New York. Tom O'Day has returned to San Francisco. Walter Lawrence of Cameron A Lawrenee told the police he lost a $3,000 diamond at a rehearsal recently. Al Loewen has Just launched an act over the Pantages time. Charles Pyke Is promoting a musical fes- tival soon to be held here. J. A. Allen, returned from Indiana, has re- sumed as business manager of Trinity Audi- torium. The Matinee Musical Club celebrated Its sixth birthday anniversary by a banquet and entertainment. James Devlin Is undecided whether to re- enter vaudeville. His wife, who was Mae Ellwood, died recently. John Knowles "jumped" the Levey circuit and Is appearing at the Mozart. Morosco shortly will produce "The Witness Chair," by Harriet Ford, at his local stock house. Adolph Mayr, who was with the Annette Kellermann pictures on the Coast, has come here to locate permanently. Bill Fulweed, well-known advance agent. Is recovering from a two months' Illness. He will not be able to return to the road for sev- eral weeks. LOWELL, MASS. By JOSEPH M. RBILLY. B. F. KEITHS (Ben Pickett, mgr.).— Opened this week with straight vaudeville. "Ideal," woman swimmer and diver, lived up to billing. Will Rawls and Ella Von Kaufman, hit. "The Mysterious Will." Hope Vernon. Leonardo, Holmes and Buchanan and Tryon's Dogs filled the bill. Good business. MERRIMACK SQUARE (Mr. Carroll, mgr). —Stock company, "Stop Thief," with Miss Eva Marsh and Sam A. Meharry. MILWAUKEE. Br f. o. morgan. MAJESTIC (James A. Hlgler. mgr. ; agt. Orph.).—Bell Family, popular hit; Herman Tlmherg, second honors; Radjah, light for headllner; Anna Chandler, enviable; "The Stranger." good; Nevlns and Erwood, fair; Greek Evans, fine; Dorothy and Madeline Cameron, pleased; Soltl Duo, entertaining. ORPHEUM (T. H. Ealand. mgr.; agt.. Loew).—"The Fight," easy hit; Oene and Kathryn King, excellent; Torleys, clever; Florence Barr, fine; Newport, Bert and Co.. pleased; Baby Belle, entertaining; Count von Glider, fair; Benesch Trio, novelty. CRYSTAL (William Gray, mgr.; agt.. Loew).—Warner and Corbett, good; Dixon and Dixon, big; Bowman Bros., pleased; Ger- trude Van Dyck and Co, entertaining; Dean and Hamilton, fine. $25' 00 WHoY.ES^PpRICES $12' 50 STRAND THEATRE BUILDING, Room 21 "NO BllRLKSOl'fc—ABSOLUTELY LEGITIMATE"