Variety (October 1914)

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VAKIBTY 49 Freeman Bernstein Maaager, Promoter and Producer of Voudovlllo Acta Sth Floor, PUTNAM BUILDING, NEW YORK OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Cable, "Freobona," Now York Pfc —o. ggggt mu MARK JAMES Reliable Artist'* Representative Bookinff Exclusively with W. V. M. A.-U. B. O. 21 HOBBS* BUILDING, U W. Washington St^ Phons Randolph UN. CHICAGO. ILL. LAFAYETTE (Abe Sellgman, mgr.).— Vaudeville. ALAMO (Will Querlnger, mgr.).—Vaude- ville. ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr.).—Kajl- yama's elaboration of former act, artistic feature; Jack Wilson, earned applause with James H. Cullen a close second; Tango Chief, McConnell and Simpson, Eltnore and Wil- liams, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crane, pleased. The sorrowful finish In new sketch of McConnell and Simpson detracts. The "Adele" company sailed for New York Sunday morning. Al. O. Dames Circus exhibits here 9, 10, 11. During her four weeks at the Crescent Emma Bunting has played to approximately $12,000. "Mutt and Jeff" did $3,850 during its week at the Lafayette. Pianist in local cabaret, who played by ear, lost her Job. Deafness. Frank King Is reframing his "tab" in N. O. "Oh, Oh, Delphine!" comes to the Tulane next week, followed by Warfleld in "The Auc- tioneer." Strictly personal.—Mrs. Arthur White, treasurer of the Arthur White Personal Re- lief Fund, has arrived in New Orleans. Bellls-Russell Shows advertised In the local papers from Bclzonl, Miss., for artists, with the peroration, "We Never Close." If they ever get here, local authorities will compel 'em to take out an all-night license. Two acrobats onened a picture show here last week. It attracted little comment. "Strange," said one, "we've opened a show and nobody notices it." "Nothing strange about that," returned his partner. "We've opened shows so often the people are used to it." Grace Bradley was under the weather last week. Got caught in the rain. S to 7 WEEKS Write or Wire PHILADELPHIA. By JOHN J. BURN E 9. KEITHS (Harry T. Jordan, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Belle Baker and Joe Jackson divide top line honors on the bill this week, the former cleaning up on the applause and the latter gathering all the laughs, which were tremendous. The remainder of the show did not get the usual results, and the pro- gram did not move with customary speed. The show opened with Klutlng's Entertain- ers to a scant audience. Three Lyres were passed along without much enthusiasm. La Orlo and Max Dlnus, held interest throughout with modern dances. Then came Joe Jack- son. Connelly and Wenrirh. went well; Valerie Bergere and Co., pleased the house; Belle Baker was a sweeping hit; Willie Bros., showed nicely. The Harry Lauder talking pictures closed. WILLIAM PENN (William W. Miller, mgr. ; agent, U. B. O.).— The headliner, Barnold's dog and money act, cleaned up in grand style. Cantor and Lee were a laughing hit. Scan- Ion and Press, won approval; Richards and Kyle followed them with a solid hit; Edward Farrell and Co. kept the house laughing; Dolly and Charles Mack, made good. VICTORIA.—A stock tabloid company was Installed this week, replacing small time vau- deville. The house plays from 11 a. m. to 11 P- m. continuously, depending upon the Market street shopping crowd for its patron- age at 10 and 20 rents. The company Is made up of fifteen girls, billed as the "Victoria Girlies," and their offering this week Is a minstrel show running about forty-five min- utes. Pictures and two vaudeville acts, book- ed direct, are used to fill out. KNICKERBOCKER.—First half: James Morton, "The Punch," Marie Russell, Kelso and Lelghton, the Qasch Sisters, Del-A-Phone. BROADWAY.—Thirteen U. S. A. Boys, The Hell Boys and Belles, Ray and Hllllard, San- tos and Hayes, Monarch Comedy Four, La- Salle and Raymond. NIXON.—Al Von Tllzer's Honey Girls. William Denz nnd Co.. the Tlerncy Four, faok George, Hamilton Brothers. Lewis and ''hapln. GRAND.—Frank Bush. Emll Hoch and Co., Spencer and Williams, Bennett and Bennetto. Hilly Carpenter, Sherman and De Forrest Co. KEYSTONE.—"Thirty Minutes on Broad- way." Royal LaRelne and C-o., Raymond and Helder, Moss and Frey. John O'Brien, The Vagges. GLOBE.—Hopo Vern in, Studio Four. Quigg and Nlckerson, Barton nnd Lovern, Girard »nd West, Harry Urate and Co., nutler and Bernard. COLONIAL.—Fin half: Five Sullys, Bill Foster. Red Ravt-n Trio. "Over Sunday." Bert and Mack. Sero? I half: The College Girls. WrlKht find Mhrl^ht. Four Melody Lads and H Girl. The Aerial Cromwells, Princess Eliza- beth. ACADEMY OF MUSIC—"Cablria" in its fifth week. J. H. ALOZ Booking Agency. Orphoum Theatre Bldg., MONTREAL, P. Q. GUS SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. Notice to Artiste!—Booking can now be se- cured through our representatives direct. Call —Phone—Write. Springfield, Ohio. Sun Build- lug. Home Ottce, Chicago, 111, Majestic Thea- tre Bldg;. Tom Powell, Mgr. Nov York, Palace Theatre Bldg;. Pete Mack, Mgr. Pittsburgh, Pa^ 2* Schmidt Bldg- F. S. Fraaler. Mgr. Cleve- land, Ohio, PriecUla Theatre Blag., P. E. Seas, Mgr. Always an opening for first-class acts. State all first letter. PETE MACK Manager and Promoter of Vaudeville Attraction* ARTISTS DESIRING New York or Chicago Representation, address by wire or mail PALACE THEATRE BUILDING (United Booking Offices) NEW YORK CITY ADELPHI.—Grace George opened Monday in "The Truth" and drew a good house. BROAD.—Second and final week of "Lady Windermere's Fan," with Margaret Anglln. Oct 12, premiere of Mrs. Flske In "Lady Betty Martingale." CHESTNUT ST. O. H.—"Pilate's Daughter" began second week to good business. FORREST. — Montgomery and Stone in "Chin-Chin" to good bouses in second week here. GARRICK.—Second and final week here of "Nearly Married" began Monday to average business. 13, "The Yellow Ticket." LYRIC—"The Passing Show of 1014" open- ed Monday to a good house. LITTLE.—Opens 19 with Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man" for two weeks. WALNUT.—"The Round Up" by a travel- ing company at popular prices. LIBERTY.—"Bought and Paid For" drew a capacity house Monday, beginning a week's stay at popular prices. 12, "Bringing Up Father." ORPHEUM.—"Buster Brown" at popular prices for the week. 12, "Love's Model." AMERICAN.—"The Fortune Hunter" by the resident company. 12, "The Lure." CASINO.—Dave Marion's Own Show opened to a big house Monday. 12, "American Beau- ties." TROCADERO.—"Mischief Makers." The Aloah Twins and the "Girl in the Muff" are added attractions. GAYETY.—"City Sports Burlesquers." "The Cherry Blossoms." EMPIRE.—"Star and Garter" show. The Liberty Girls." DUMONT r S.—Stock Minstrels. 12. 12, Carroll Day. formerly treasurer at the Peo- ples, Is now assistant treasurer at Keith's Chestnut Street. Frances Pemberton Dade, of this city, has written a one-act playlet called "The Dark- est Hour," which will be produced at the Lit- tle Oct. 1ft and 17 as a curtain raiser to "The Doctor's Dilemma," by Bernard Shaw. Vaudeville has been withdrawn from the Great Northern and a picture policy was in- stalled Monday night. Plans are being prepared for a $.V).ooo film house to be erected at Frnnkford and Colum- bia avenues by John M. Kennedy. Picture houses throughout the city were ordered to do away with permanent fails at the rear of the theatres and to substitute a soft cord. The police authorities and the fire marshal ordered the change. The number of standees allowed In picture houses Is nlso be- ing investigated on reports that the regula- tions which allow ten per cent, of the capacity of the. house to stand are being violated. Settlement has been made by tin- lessees of the Metropolitan Opera House of the suit brought against them for the collections of rent. Pictures were shown th.-iv for weeks without flnnnciil success The rent suit was for Ave months at *."..<*<><> ., mooHi. The house Is dark at present. CIRCUI VAUDEVILLE Steady Consecutive Work for Novelty Feature Acts* The Best Small Tkno In the Far West. EXECUTIVE OFFICES, ALCAZAR THEATRE BLDO. SAN FRANCISCO Can arrange from throe te five weeks between sailings of boats for Australia for all first class acta. Communicate by wire or letter. THE WEBSTER VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT CHICAGO Suit* U \U North La Salle St. JENNY WEBSTER, Prop. Aftllatod with EDWARD J. FISHER, INC, Seattle* BERT LEVY CIRCUIT, San Francisco GEORGE H. WEBSTER, General Manager LTD.. AUSTRALIA Capital $14W,«t And AFFILIATED CIRCUITS, INDIA and AFRICA Combined Capital, $*,«•,«• McINTOSH, Governing Director Registered Cable Address t -HUGHMAC," Sydney Head omcoi TIVOU THEATRE. SYDNEY-AUSTRALIA NEW YORK OFFICES, SUStmnd Theatre Bldg. Harry Rickard's Tivoli Theatres, HUGH FULLER-BRENNAN Vaofevflk Circuit (AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND) BEN J. FULLER, Governing Director All correspondence to National Amphitheatre, Sydney. American Booking Office Tem- porarily Closed, owing to War Conditions. 95% of allperformers going to Europe make their steamship arrangements through us. The following have: Selma Braats. Basque Quartette, Boiler Bros.. Flying Bernards, The Bone- Bros., Barton and Ashley, Anita Bartling, Bosanquett, Bernhart setties, Bellong _. Trio, Black Hussars, The Ballzar. Baker and Lynn, Ballatxer Sisters, Boston Bros. PAUL TAU&G * SON, 1M E. 14th St, New York dtp. AMALGAMATED Vaudeville Agency '.{•It Artists and acts of every description suitable for vaudoviOe BOOKING DIRECT with us. Seam hi your open time nt B. ft. MOSS, President and General llfTNC MOSS * BRILL CIRCUIT PRUDENTIAL CIRCUIT fVir *** PLIMMER CIRCUIT ts by TRYOUTS CAN BE ARRANGED FOR ACTS UNKNOWN TO US Omcesi Columbia Theatre Bldgw-TIMES SQUARE, NEW YORK-Teleplu EDW. S. KELLER Booking for and Looking for the Best in Vaoileville Suite 903 Palace Theatre Building, New York QMS. S. BREED, AtSOOlte GENE HUGHES, Inc Manager of High-Class VaudevWe Attractions. Artists w r i t e or wire. Suite ltfl-1-4 PALACE THEATRE BLDO, ISM Phones: MM, 8699 Bryant. Now York , New York City ETHEL ROBINSON FEI ROBINSON AMUSEMENT CORPORATION FEUX REICH SAMUEL L. TUCK GOOD ACTS WANTING WESTERN REPRESENTATION WRITE US BOOKING EVERYWHERE CONSUMERS* BUILDING, CHICAGO. rnrsBuiGH PORTLAND, ORE. John ) "' '"• T> b«s been engaged a* or- gari'-i Hl the ./.<• * r \- ',. GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr. ; agent, U. B. O.).—Oua Edwards' "Song Review," head- line, hit; Brooks A Bowen, very good; Milt C. Collins, laugh ; Rlgga A Wltchle, pretty act, songa weak ; Two Carletons, good; Bessie A Harriet Remple 6 Co., excellent; Cummings & Claddings, good. HARRIS (C. R. Buchhelt. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Old Town Four, hit; Minerva Court- ney A Harry Irwin, headline, excellent; Devona' Posing Dogs, novel; Prof. James Hinds, fair; Ah Ling Foo, clever; Baby Zelda. exceptionally good; Robh A Severn, fair; Helen Carlos Trio, good ; The Stlllings, fair. SHERIDAN SQUARE (Frank H. Tooker, iiiKr. ; agent, l T . B. O.).— "EaBy Money." head- line, hit; Augoust Family, splendid; O'Nell Oirs, entertaining: Musical Parshleys. good; Dunn & Dean, novel ; Harry Sauber. laugh. NIXON (Thos. Kirk, mgr.). "The Queen of the Movies," attracted good house. 11', The Debutante.'' ALVIN (J. P. Reynolds, mgr.).—"The Only Clrl." Hplenrlld. tuneful, musical farce rom- edy. Hlg reception. 12, "Omar the Tent- maker." LYCEUM (C K. Wilson, mgr.). -John ll'unny opened to S. R. ().. and made tremen- dous sensation. 1'J. "The Rosary." HCHENLEY (Harry Davis, mgr.). Rtock. 1 •_'. new company headed by Nance O'Nell In Hi-llii Donna." OAYETY (Henry Kurtzman, "Dreamland liurlcsqiiers'' opened to house. VICTORIA (Ceorge Gallagher, Whirl of Mirlh" opened lo big house ACADEMY (Hurry .1. Smith. m*r.) "Monte Carlo Girls" opened to full house. BY m. B. ANSON. HEILIO (W. T. Pangel, mgr.).— Week 27, "Kitty MacKay." BAKER (Oeo. L. Baker, mgr.).— "The Family Cupboard." EMPRESS (W. H. Plerong, mgr.; Loew).— Week 28, Theo. Bamberg, opened, pleased; Jolly A Wild, good; Allen, Miller A Co., hit ; Rose A Moon, clever dancers ; Alice Hanson, funny; The Three Mori Brothers, fine. PANTAOE8 (J. R. Johnson, mgr.; agent, direct).—Cheater Kingston, good; Taylor A Arnold, hit; Charles King A Co., well liked; Miller, Packer A Selz, funny ; Ethel Davis a Co.. headliner. Good business. niKr.).- very good mgr.). ST. LOUIS. BY RAYMOND A. WAIJH. COLUMBIA (Harry Puckley, mgr.).—Mer- cedes, psychic wonder, assisted by Mile. Stan- tone; Vlnle Daly; Laddie Cliff; Chadwlck Trio ; Jackson and McLaren ; Lancton Lucler and Co.; Jarrow; MacRae and Clegg! ORAND (Harry Wallace, mgr.).—David Walters and Co. ; Musical Gordon Highland- ers; Armstrong and Manley; Angelo Armlnto Trio; Billy and Edith Adams; Phillips' Cir- cus; Happy Jack Gordon; Archer and Carr ■ Eldora and Company. HIPPODROME (Frank Talbot, mgr ) — Simars Arabs; Lorlng and Parquetto ; Major Wright and Dancing Bugs; Moore. Kan« and I'hllllps; Malumly and Musette; Olga's Leopards ; Amedio ; Alpha Troupe OLYMPIC (Walter Sanford. mgr) Fimriie Ward In "Madame President." SHUHERT (Melville Stoltz. mgr.) Henrv Kolker In "Help Wanted." AMERICAN (Harry Wallace, mgr ) — "Tha Confession."