Variety (October 1914)

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TO MANAGERS AND AGENTS TOMORROW ONLY at the COLUMBIA ACKNOWLEDGED WORLD'S GREATEST XYLOPHONIST PRINCESS (Joe Walsh, mgr.).— "Glrla from the Moulin Rouge." STANDARD—"The Big Sensation." PARK THEATRE—Mabel Wilbur In "Mile. ModlRte." SHENANDOAH.- Marlon Kuckert In "The Deep Purple." QAYETY.—The Dainty Maids. GARRICK.—Mme. Fannie Reinhart and Yiddish Players. GRAND CENTRAL—Pictures. WEST END LYRIC—Picture*. VICTORIA (W. D. Cave. mgr.). -Mimt Yvonne In "The Littlest Rebel." Holkoos; Holmes and Riley; Sally Stembler and Bros.; Golden and West. NEW PRINCESS (Bert Goldman, mgr.).— Seymour and Robinson; Bert Wheeler and Co.; Burns and Acker; Allman Nevlns ; split METROPOLITAN (L. N. Scott, mgr.).— Margaret Illlngton; next week, "The Poor Rich Little Girl." SHUBBRT.—"Fine Feathers." Next week. "Baby Mine." GRAND.—Closed. STAR.—"Million Dollar Dolls." Opened to big business. So far St. Louis has been lucky to get the Broadway stars out west In the road shows and then only for a week's engagement and possibly a return. Some of the stars never get here. Why? The answer Is probably best known In New York. Certainly It Is not known In St. Louis. What a stock company properly managed can do for the theatrical business of a city is best evidenced by the Park theatre stock, which last week began an engagement In "Mile Modiste" with Mabel Wllber in the leading role. The results are more than satisfactory. It Is a triumph for the stock company business. SPOKANE. BY JAMB! ROTOB. ST. PAUL BY C J. BENHAM. ORPHEUM (E. C. Burroughs, mgr.).— Johnny Johnston and Co.; Hubert Dyer; Er- ne tte Asorlar; Santly and Norton ; Fred Kor- nau ; Jack Forls, pleased. EMPRESS (Gus Greening, mgr.).—Wilson Bros. ; Cameron Devltt and Co. ; Slaymanali's Objectionable Hair Removed Unsightly, objectionable hair removed as If by magic by using X. BAZIN Depilatory Powder. You can do it easily and quickly at home. Thoroughly reliable. Will not ifljjure the most delicate skin. Nearly 80 years of success. Made by the makers of Soxodont. X. BAZIN Depilatory Powder Every druggist sells It or for full-sized package send 50c to HALL A RUCKBL. 218 Washington St.. Mew York City. AUDITORIUM (Charles York. mgr. ; agent, N. W. T. A.).—27-8-9. "The Whip," big busi- ness; 1-2-3, "Baby Mine." LOEWS (Joseph Muller, mgr. ; agent, di- rect).—Week 27, George A Lilly Garden, good muBlc; Bogert ft Nelson, Interesting; Hippo- drome Four, laughter; Eugene Emmett & Co.. excellent; Val & Ernie Stanton, rollicking comedy ; Wormwood's animals, went well. PANTAGES (E. Clarke Walker, mgr. ; agent, direct).—Week 27, Leon A Adeline Sisters, adept; El wood & Snow, went well; Fletcher, Ay res A Co., held audience; Hugo Lutgens, clever ; Colonial Minstrel Maids, good. SPOKANE (Sam W. B. Cohn, mgr. ; agent, Fisher).—Week 27, first half, Aerial Rooneys. Jewell & Jordan, "The Musical Fox" ; second half. Hall & Sharkey, Beaudoins, "The Musical Fox." TORONTO. By HARTLEY. ROYAL ALEXANDRA (L. Solman, mgr.).— Marie Tempest commenced her American tour Monday night in "Mary Goes First." "Within the Law," 12. PRINCESS (O. B. Sheppard, mgr.).—Bll- lle Burke, In "Jerry." well received. "The Little Cafe" 12. GRAND (A. J. Small, mgr.).—"Polly of the Circus." 12. "Shepherd of the Hills." SHEA'S (J. S. Shea, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—"Pekin Mysteries," big novelty; Bron- son ft Baldwin, excellent; Harry Beresford ft Co., In sketch, a success; Stuart Barnes, en- tertaining ; Charlotte Ravenscroft, clever; Ford A Hewitt, good; Ioleen Sisters, sensa- tional ; Flanagan ft Edwards, pleased. LOEWS YONOE STREET (J. Bernstein, mgr.).—The Royal Imperial Pekinese Troupe, splendid; Trovello, clever; Richmond A Mann, entertaining; Perlse, good; Jimmy Rosen A Co., hit; Inness A Ryan, pleasing; Taber A Gllln, good; Gwynn A Gorrett. pleased. SHEA'S HIPPODROME (A. C. McArdle, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).— Frederick V. Bow- ers A Co.. went fine; Wm. Wilson A Co., a scream; Peakl's Educated Blockheads, novel; Coates, Keane A Johnston, clever; Doc O'Neill, droll; Daniels A Conrad, entertaining. STAR (Dan F. Pierce, mgr.; Progressive). —"The Merry Burleaquers." GAYETY (T. R. Henry, mgr.; Columbia). —"Bon Tons." clever; MUloy and Co., good; Ryno and Emer- son, fair; Murrays Dogs, pleased. COLUMBIA (M. W. Schoenherr, mgr. ; agt., Sun).—Lloyd Lamont, funny; My lie and Gold, good; Chartrette and Lewis, very good; Moore's Rah Rah Boys, very good; Leandar and Balr, pleased; Jean C. Carroll and Co., melodramatic; Downz and Gomez, excellent; Chester B. Johnston, daring cyclist. NATIONAL (C R. Hagedorn, mgr.; agt., Doyle).—Hermanez Cats and Dogs, well trained; Buckley and Moore, good; Oldfleld and Drew, good; Corey, good; Monahan and Monahan, good; Roose and Calvert, good; Geo. Yeoman, good; Charles Terris and Co., sketch. Excellent bill. GARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.).— Frank Craven in "Too Many Cooks." Next week, "The Only Girl." DETROIT (Harry Parent, mgr.).—"The Dummy." Next week, "Queen of the Movies." LYCEUM (A. R. Warner, mgr.).—Rose Mel- ville In "Sis Hopkins." Next week, "Calling of Dan Matthews." FOLLY (Hugh Shutt. mgr.). -Back to stock burlesque with Tom Beeso nad Lew Golden. AVENUE (Frank Drew, mgr.)—"Parted on Her Bridal Tour." Next week. "Camllle." BROADWAY (Bert St. John, mgr.).—"The Parish Priest." Next week, "Lost Paradise.'' For the first time since its organization the Miles-Detroit Theatre Co. has deferred pay- ment of quarterly dividend, owing to present unsettled condition. Dividend due Sept. 30 has been deferred until Dec. 31. The city council has been asked to pass an ordinance for the regulation of motion picture operators and for the use of motor driven ma- chines. The new legislation is understood to be aimed against the houses which do not em- ploy union operators. WANTED—Young, good-looking male dancer. with Jirst class engagement as partner for young lady, 5 ft. 4 in. Experienced society, whirlwind and ballet dancer. Attractive ap- pearance, personality and wardrobe. Address, Professional, VARIETY, New York. TOLEDO. BY MAUMBB. KEITH'S (Sam Pearlsteln. mgr.; agt., U. B. O.).—Ray Samuels, hit; Milton Pollock and Co. excellent sketch; McMahon A Chappelle, very good; Burdella Patterson, artistic pos- ing ; Jarvis and Harrison, excellent; Woods and Woods trio, good : Ethel and Emma Hop- kins, good ; Arnaut Bros., tumblers. ARCADE.—California, musical tabloid; Musical Gypsy trio ; Frees Bros, and Co. ; Zeb Zarrow troupe; Ursone and De Osta; King Bolo, musical tabloid ; Cushman and Welch ; Elizabeth Hester Ward; Welkom and Raven ; Gil Brown ; Case and Alma; Booth and Vil- larreal. AUDITORIUM—Oct. 5-7. Joseph Santley in "When Dreams Come True;" 8-10, Helen Ware In "The Revolt." EMPIRE—Ben Welch. Next week, Bowery Burlesquers. LYCEUM—Progressive Girls. DETROIT. By JACOB SMITH. TEMPLE (C. G. Williams, mgr.; agt., U. B. O).—Odlva, headllner; Ed Morton, well liked ; Josephine Davis, excellent; "Our Hus- band," amusing; Edwin Stevens, excellent; Nonetta Five, good; Howard and Lyman, closed big; Krekna Bros., good opener. MILES (C. W. Porter, mgr.; agt.. Loew).— "Love in a Sanitarium," musical tabloid, big hit; Brown and Jackson, pleased; Howard's Animals, pleased; Joe Kelsey, unable to ap- pear, 111; Rose troupe, comedy acrobats; Pur- cella Bros., good. ORPHEUM (H. P. Williamson, mgr.; agt.. Pantages).—Willard Jarvis and Co., hit; Wil- liam K. Saxton and Co., excellent sketch; Minnie and Walter Lowes, rope manipulators; Frank and Walters, show ability; Jenkins and Covert, big; Dick Miller, fair; Betts Seals, excellent. PALACE (C. A. Hoffman, mgr.; agt, Cun- ningham).—Benny and Woods, hit; Ruth Stone, good voice; Chic Harvey and Co., fair sketch; Tierney, good marksman; Madeline Wlnthrop and Co., pleasing sketch; Seven Nutty Kids, well liked; Alf Ripon, fair; Two Lintsons. jugglers; Martlnetti, pleased. FAMILY (J. H. McCarron, mgr.; agt., U. 13. O.).—Esmeralda, good; Norman and Nor- man, good*; Roach and Francis, very good; Bennett Lytell and Co., comedy; May Dale, ROSE GARDENS Theatre astf Dante De Pierrette Broadway at A2d St. Columbus 4350 Every Afternoon and Evening, Including Sundays ASTONISHING SUCCESS THIRTY LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA With the Williamson Expedition. First aaa* Oaly Sikmarlse Motion Pictsrea. IN DANSE DE PIERIETTE. Dancing. Dining. Delightful Music. Rsuiaa Balalaika aid Frank McKte's Orchestra Afternoon Dancing and Teas. Only Pneumatic Floor. Beat Dancers in America. Saetrflaoes Hair Removed by Stationary Multiple Elec- tric Needle. Removes 300 Hairs in one Hour without pain or scar- ring. Eye- brows per- . . _, „ , manently shaped. Warts and moles removed. Endorsed by medical profession. Free Demonstration. Mme. C Walker HI 5tn *"•> **"* m mmv. V. WWailMH Phone 7155 Murray Hill NOTICE TO MANAGERS AND AGENTS We again draw your attention to our original act which we have been playing for the past five years and during which time we have met with phenomenal success. Owing to the success of the actfit is said to have been copied in its entirety by Fred Coutere, who formerly worked for me in the same act, and who has been duplicating my act for the past 18 months under the name'of BARTON and LOIffJtA, and three weeks ago appeared at Hammerstein's. .. '-*■ Unless these "Copyists'* discontinue their use of my material, they will be vigorously prosecuted. A (Signed) ED. PALFRlSl PALFREY. BARTON and BROWN Originals and Originators "Follies of Vaudeville"