Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 21 FEATURE FILM FLASHES The Famous Players' press department comes forward this week with the statement, somewhat tartly expressed, that It has "David Harum," with W. H. Crane, already In course of preparation, and takes a wallop at the rival feature film concern which announced Crane and "David" as among its own future releases. Sir James M. Barrle last week visited the Famous Players' studios, seeing fllmB in the making for the first time. Adolph Zukor es- corted the Scotch novelist through the plant and Introduced Mary Plckford to him. The Famous Players have several Barrle works scheduled for presentation on the screen. Mary Pickford's next appearance on the screen will be as the little actress in "Be- hind the Scenes," by Margaret Mayo, to be released Oct. 26. The feature Is in five parts. Edwin August has written several new sce- narios which are to be produced by the Eaco company. David Santerelli, former camera man with Pathe Freres, is now acting in the same ca- pacity for the Eaco films. An East Side (New York) moving "Icture theatre which draws a clientele of mixed na- tionalities boosts neutrality by displaying President Wilson's neutrality proclamation. At the 81st Street a suggestion is flashed on the screen that If members of the audience must talk war they discuss the subject with someone who will agree with them. The next Llebler-Lasky production in the Paramount program will be "Merely Mary Ann," with Marguerite Clark featured. Theo- dore Roberts and J. W. Johnston will be In the cast. The Kinetophome Co.'s Coney Island stu- dios are busy with "The Span of Life," fea- turing Lionel Barrymore. The Kinema Exhibitor's Club of the Bronx will hold Its annual entertainment and ball at Hunt's point Palace, 164th street and Southern Boulevard, Oct. 31 (Hallowe'en). Tom Moore and Mary Fuller will lead the grand march. Harry Weiss, Chicago manager for the World Film Corp, has inaugurated a day and night service In his establishment. The branch is open for business every one of the 24 hours, with two shifts of workers for day and night business. Clara Kimball Young's next appearance on the World Film Corporation program will be In "The Butterfly." based on Henry Kltchell Webster's serial published in the Saturday Evening Post The star is just finishing work in "Lola," her first effort with the World Corp. The Motion Picture Exhibitors' Associa- tion of New York will hold Its fifth annual reception and ball at the Orand Central Palace Dec. 15. The moving pictures of the late Pope Pius X, taken last winter under the direction of James Slevln, who is a commander of the Order of St. Gregory, were exhibited for the first time at the New York Hippodrome Sun- day evening. The pictures will be shown later at a Broadway theatre. The New York Motion Picture Corporation press matter tells of an unintentional thriller caught by the camera man when W. S. Hart and his horse rolled down a steep hillside during the taking of the seven-part drama, "The Two-Oun Man." William II. Tooker will play the lead In the screen adaptation of Booth Tarklngton's "Springtime," in preparation by the Life Photo Film Corporation. Arrangements have been made for the ex- hibition In New York of the fllra. "Tho or- deal," the war picture which is said to have stirred up the protests of Germans. Nego- tiations are in progress for the sale of the rights for England and France. It is a Life Photo Corp. production. The Life Photo Film Corporation announced this week It had concluded negotiations for the production of "The Passing of the Third Floor Back," with Forbes-Robertson in his famous role. Contracts will be slgn'-<i upon the English actor's arrival In New T ork. "Young Lord Stranlelgh." the sh t story series by Robert Barr, are to be :ned by the Edison Co., first release Nov. 1 Walter E. Perkins will appear i • noth-i Du Souchet comedy, "Who Goes Tin:*?" soon will be exhibited. The pictures were taken in Denver, and show the young fighter in all his training activities, including boxing three rounds. A special showing was given at the Audi- torium, Chicago, last week of the new suf- frage melodrama, "Your Girl and Mine." Olive Wyndham, Sydney Booth and Kathryn Kaelred are featured. The film Is to be used to aid the National American Womans' Suf- frage Association. ADMISSION PRICES UP. The Herald Square (Loew) and Savoy (Rosenberg) theatres last week raised admission. Both are near the Broadway and 34th street corner. The scale is now 15 cents in the evening, with 10-15 at matinees. Each theatre uses a different service. The Herald Square shows the six daily first runs of the General Film Co. serv- ice. The Savoy takes eight reels daily, all first runs, from the independent concerns, Mutual and Universal, each supplying four. The next release of the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company will be the postponed production of "What's His Name?", in which Max Flgman Is playing the principal role, supported by Lolita Robertson and the Lasky players. "What's His Name?" is to be re- leased Oct. 22. It will be followed by Edward Abeles in "Ready Money" Nov. 5. Edward Gerber baa bought out his part- ner, Leo Scott, in the Elk theatre, at Corn- ing, N. Y. The house has changed hands several times since opening two years ago. Policy remains the same. By an Inadvertence "The Man from Home" and several others were described last week as a Llebler-Vitagraph product. The makers are the Lasky-Llebler forces. The Union Associated Press, a news asso- ciation In Ann street, New York, is sending out a column of moving picture news in "plate" form. BURTON HOLMES' BIO PLANS. Chicago, Oct. 14. With four motion picture-lecture acts already working under the title of "Travelettes," each with a specially se- lected talker to represent him, Burton Holmes says he will have fifteen or twenty acts of a like character going before the first of the year. His "War-Time Europe" in two com- panies has already played more than twenty weeks W. V. M. A. and Orpheum time. The picture machine booth, taken from the Poll theatre In Springfield. Mass., destroyed by fire recently, showed that the steel and asbestos walls had resisted the flames success- fully. The machine inside went through the Are uninjured, although the booth was In the heart of the Are. It was the product of the H. W. Johns-Manvllle Co. WAR FILM BAN LIFTED. Spokane, Oct. 14. The Mayor has lifted the ban on pic- tures of the war. Reason for change of front not known. RELEASED NEXT WEEK (Oct 19 to Not. 2, inc.) MANUFACTURE** INDICATED BY ABBREVIATIONS, VTZ.I GENERAL Vitagra»h V Biograpa B Kalem K Lubin L Pat he s Pthe Selig S Edison E Essaaay S-A Kleine Kl Melics Mel Aaabrosie Amb Columbus Col EXCLUSIVE G. N. a F G N Ramo R Sola* Sol Eclectic Eel F. R A. F Lewis Pennants..L P Gt. Northern....G N Dragon D Itala It G. N. X. X... G NX X Blache Features..Bl Luna v Lm UNIVERSAL Imp I Bison B101 Chrystal C Nestor N Powers P Eclair Eclr Rex Rx Frontier Frnt Victor Vic Gold Seal G S Joker I Universal Ike ...U I Sterling Ster MUTUAL Gaumont G American A Keystone Key Reliance Rel Majestic Mai Thanhonser T Kay-Bee K B Broncho Br Domino Doss Mutual M Princess Pr Komlc Ko Beauty Be Apollo Apo Koyal R Lion Ln Uepworth H NOTE—The subject is in one reel of about 1,000 feet unless otherwise noted. Charley White, who recently wor. ;i hiiM over Stanley Yoakum at Kenosha, WIb hri had films made of his work In training v.hi OCTOBER lfr-MONDAY. MUTUAL.—Daylight, 2-reel dr, A; Dash, Love and Splash, split-reel com, and Santa Caralina Islands (scenic), Key; Our Mutual Girl, No. 40. Rel. GENERAL F.—A Soldier Boy, dr, B; The Adventure of the Smuggled Diamonds (Tenth of the "Octavlus, Amateur Detective" series) dr, E: She Landed a Big one, com, S-A; The Mad Mountaineer, 2-reel dr, and Hesa- nut Buys an Auto, com, K; The Beloved Ad- venturer, Series No. 6 (The Golden Hope) dr, L; Pathe's Dally News, No. 69 Pthe; The Blue Flame, 2-reel dr, and Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial, His Wedded Wife, dr. V. UNIVERSAL.—Country Innocence, 2-recl dr, I; Carmen's Wash Day, Juv-com, Ster; Rice Industry In U. S., educ. Vic. OCTOBER 20—TUESDAY. MUTUAL.—Old Jackson's Girl, 2-reel dr, T; Environment, dr, MaJ; Dad and the Olrls, com, Be. GENERAL F—Martin Churzlewlt, 2-reel dr, B; Clnes title not announced; Love Charm, com, Col; The Man ln the Dark, dr, E ; Mother o' Dreams, dr, 8-A ; A Wise Rube, com, K; Such a Mess and Only Skin Deep, npllt-reel com. L; Jimmy Hayes and Muriel, dr, S; Anne of the Mines, 2-ree! dr, V. UNIVERSAL. — Vivian's Transformation, com, C; The Trey o' Hearts, Series No. 12 (The Mirage), 2-reel dr, G S; The Nihilists. dF ^OCTOBER 21—WEDNESDAY. Ml f TT AL.—Shorty and Sherlock Holmes, 2- rcol ( j-dr, Br; In the Open, dr, A; Out of the I vuty'a Hands, dr, Rel. CE> KRAL F.—Two's Company, com, E; .lie "able of Tho Long Range Lover and n- L.allypalooze. com, S-A ; The False • i ir'Ian, 2-reel dr, K; Tho Hopeless Game, - r 1 dr. L; Pathe's Dally News, No. 70, >•. ; The Rajah's Vacation, com. S; Under l"? » Colors, com, V. UNIVERSAL—The Violinist. 2-reel dr, Eclr; The Countless Count, com, J; Univer- sal^ Animated Weekly, U. OCTOBER 22— THURSDAY. MUTUAL.—The Power of the Angelus, 2- reel dr, Dom; Keystone title not announced; Mutual Weekly, No. 05, M. GENERAL F—They Called It "Baby" and His Loving Spouse, split-reel com, B; Slippery Slim, the Mortgage and Sophie, com, S-A; Her Mother Was a Lady. 2-reel dr, L; Hearst-Sella- News Pictorial, No. 68, 8; Th* Mill of Life, dr, V. ' ' UNIVERSAL—Universal Boy In "The Gates of Liberty," dr. I ; "Olaf Erickson— Boss," 2-reel dr, Rx; Secret Service Snitz, com, Ster. OCTOBER 23—FRIDAY. MUTUAL—The Spark Eternal, 2-reel dr K B; The Face at the Window, dr, Pr • The Final Impulse, dr, A. GENERAL F.-A Woman's Folly, dr, B- Booties' Baby. 2-reel dr, E ; The Private Offi- cer 2-reel dr, S-A; Mickey Flynn's Esca- pade, com, K; The Olrl In the Tenement, dr, L; A Tonworlnl Leopard Tamer, com, 8- A Costume Piece, com, V. UNIVERSAL.-Cupid Pulls a Tooth, com. N • Suspended Sentence, com-dr, P • Th« Hrlde of Marble Head, 2-reel dr. Vic OCTOBER 24—SATURDAY. MUTUAL—The Blotted Page, 2-reel dr. Rol; Keyptone title not announced; Harold's Toupee, com. R. GENERAL F. - The Broken Rose, dr. B; Buster Hrown'i* Uucle, and a Question of Clotln-r. spllt-re«l com, E; Broncho Billy dr SA; The Demon of tho Ralls, dr. K The Crooks, com, L; Th« Tragedy That Lived, dr. S ; Gnodby Summer, 2-reel dr V UNIVERSAL.—The Scarecrow's' Secret, dr. Frnt; M- Lady Raffle* In "The MynterlouN Hand," 3-reel dr, 101 B. EXCHANGE MEN COMBINE. Indianapolis, Oct. 14. A meeting here of representative pic- ture exchange men from all parts of the United States and Canada, resulted in the launching of a strong combina- tion of independents who will issue a new service. It is to be known as the Standard Program. The forming of a million dollar cor- poration under the laws of the state of New York was decided upon and the general offices of the new corporation are to be located in New York. Eighteen cities were represented at the meeting. They were New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Pittsburg, Cleve- land, Detroit, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Buf- falo, St. Louis, New Orleans, Dallas, Portland, San Francisco, and Los An- geles. Joseph Hopp, of Chicago, pre- sided as chairman of the meeting, while £. T. Peters, of Dallas, acted at secre- tary. £. T. Peters, Sam Werner of St Louis, and Mr. Markowitch of Califor- nia were the committee that drafted the agreement of consolidation, signed by each of the exchange men present Rumors of a consolidation of ex- change men has long been in the wind, but this is the first that has come to an actual consummation. It is the pur- pose to band 25 exchange men. Each member has to agree to buy 21 films weekly and to pay for them in the pro- portion to the quality of the individual production. The directorate board of the new corporation will be composed entirely of exchange men. E. T. Peters, President of the Texas Film Corporation, will, in all likelihood, have charge of the headquarters of the com- pany in New York. GRIFFITH DENIE8. Los Angeles, Oct. 14. D. W. Griffith denies he will resign from the Mutual Film Co., adding that he is thoroughly satisfied with his present berth and has no intention of heading his own company. HELD AS "SLAVER." Milwaukee, Oct. 14. Whitfield McGrath, a moving picture man, was held here today to answer to the Grand Jury on a charge of being a "white slaver" under the Mann act. Bail was fixed at $3,000. The woman in the case is Dorothy Libau, married, from Milwaukee. It is charged McGrath brought her from Milwaukee to Chicago. The woman is held as a material witness under $1,000 bail. Babies As Drawing Card. A clever bit of advertising for the Crescent theater, Brooklyn, is the cir- cular announcing the showing of the Barrymore feature, "The Nightingale/' at the house. The throwaway announces that Ethel Barrymore and her hahic* in a special photo-story l>y Augustus Thomas.