Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 23 '■ ■" Expected Capitulation of the City Tons of Ammunition in the Shape of Stage Props to take place at last. La Milo, the all-conquering treat Britain reduced London and every town of im- new worlds to conquer, and has set her magic eye on rt, supported by a small army of adherents under the tie, with a Repertoire Electrified the World. sed by 15,000,000 People. ^MARK EMENT GENCE The Artiste whose every pose hears the -Hall-mark oi Public approval and whose reputation is as solid as the Marble she depicts. The corner-stone of Classical con- formation. The Vanquisher of Prejudice and Prudery and the Kxponciit of trium- phant Truth. cause of the art she loves, and in whose representation she decidedly rk of the world's greatest masters of sculptured art, and with the leading Moral Reformers of the day. As iin authority on Vaude- ville possibilities, you will have heard of this great Artiste and her Magnetic Kxhibition <>f Classical Art, which has kept (ireat Britain spellbound for many years. Offering, as this Act docs, illimitable scope for up-to-date Press Boom, it has kept the leading Scientists, Antiquarians. Artists and the Civic Authori- ties in England in a continu- ous whirl of controversy. Its very billing matter spells Controversy and Success, the Act itself being a sledge-ham- mer of Conviction. I'nique. daring, yet clothed with an in- tellectual purpose, it is the hub of Managerial Competition, proving in every case its pre- mier position as a Sure Box Office Success, a much desired Money Spinner, and the great- est Record Holder of the pres- ent day. There is no other Act in the world possessing the same drawing power, nor the same solid inducements for Managerial Consideration. Socially and Morally the Act is accepted as a desirable ex- position against prudery and cant, and as possessing a reper- toire of convincing arguments against the wiles of the Ultra- I'uritan, to whom every pose is an incisive reply. I'nlike many claim premier artistes who rank in the Amusement world, La Milo has proved her claim, which has been endorsed by every Man- ager concerned, as the Top Liner with the Top Box Office Results—the most effective at- traction ever known in Great Britain, resulting in a con- tinuity of financial triumphs which have never been eclipsed. As a social necessity it is ac- cepted as a consistent money- maker it is proved and as an Act possessing all the strongest elements of certain Siiotss it is acknowledged. With these points before you, you will not fail to see the rich inducements this Act possesses. This exhibit is not to be con- founded with the Psuedo Art Shows with their more subtle •• uvigest inn than Artistic Attiae- 1 I velle ss. In Conjunction with the above is CRUICKSHANK'S PICTO- RIAL LIBELS. A. HOTEL CLARIDGE, La Milo's representations of Ancient and Modern Statuary ara very different from attempts made by other Poseuses, owing to the Professional Science brought to bear. They contain the syn- thesis of the attitudes and expressions which can be presented by the human form. They constitute n feature which the true Art Loving Public can always consult with pleasure and profit. D. CRUICKSHANK BROADWAY AND 44TH ST., N. Y.