Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 25 BILLS NEXT WEEK (October 19) In Vaudeville Theatres, Playing Three or Lean Show* Daily (All houses open for the week with Monday matinees, when not otherwise indicated.) Theatres listed as "Orpheum" without any further distinguishing description are on the Orpheum Circuit. Theatres with "Loew" following name are on the Loew Circuit. Agencies booking the houses are noted by single name or initials, such as "Orph," Orpheum Circuit—"U. B. 0.,' r United Booking Offices—"W. V. A.," Western Vaudeville Managers' Asso- ciation (Chicago)—"P," Pantages Circuit—"Inter," Interstate Circuit (bookhig through W. V. A) -"M," James C Matthews (Chicago). New York HAMMERSTBIN'8 (ubo) "Any Night" WUlard gam A Kitty Morton Pour Barda Dunn A Bunte Mayo A Tally Johnson ft Deen 8tepp Goodrich ft K Arthur Barrat Co Kolb ft Holland Hereklnd (Others to All) PALACE (orph) Houdlnl Dslly ft Brown Tom Lewis Co Fannie Brlce French ft Bis Willa Holt Wakefield Foster Ball Co Hawthorne ft Inglis Fridkowskl Troupe ALHAMBRA (ubo) Brlce ft King Nat Wills Creasy ft Dayne Lyons ft Yoaco Edge of World' Toe Langdons hooper ft Smith Vandinoff ft Louie (Others to nil) COLONIAL (ubo) Blanche Ring Co Leonard ft Russell Vinton ft Buster Emmett DeVoy Co Mr Hymack Brooks ft Bowen Collins ft Hart Eveleen Dunmore Weber ft Capitola ROYAL (ubo) Julius Steger Co Belle Baker Dooley ft Sales Harry Beresford Co Joe Jackson Weston ft Leon Gliding O'Mearas Oobert Belling Walton ft Brandt AMERICAN (loew) Chaa Ledegar Med 1 in Clark ft T Kelso ft Lelghton Edith Clifford Potts Bros Co Greeley ft Drayton Marshall P Wilder 3 Jewetts (One to fill) 2d half Marcou "Squaring Accounts'' Rena Santos Ellla-Nowlan Tr Thornton ft CotIsw Marshall P Wilder Mysterious Russell Aerial La Vails (One to fill) BOULEVARD (loew) Edith Raymond Co Von Hampton ft J Merlin "Night In Park" Ooelette Storke & L (One to All) 2d half 3 Keltons Eddie Foyer Oracle Emmett Co Elsie White Fanton's Athletes (One to fill) ORPHEUM (loew) Gypsy Countess "Squaring Accounts'* Bert Melrose Morris ft Allen Dupont ft Hasbrook (Two to fill) 2d half Arthur ft Emma Cody Kelso ft Lelghton Manhattan Trio Bessie LeCount Vaude In Monki>ylan<1 Clarence Wilbur Frey Twins A Frey OREELEY (loew) Elsie White Vaude In Monkeyland Morris Golden "Me A Dave" Barnes ft Robinson Bean A Hamilton (Two to fill) 2d half Tom Dalton 3 Bennett 31s Niblo A Riley Sam Mann's Players Edith Clifford Reddlngton A Grant (Two to fill) DELANCBY (loew) AI Carleton Luken'a Animals Thornton A Corlew 'When Women Rule" Tabor A Oreen Frey Twins ft Frey (Two to fill) 2d half Bean ft Hamilton Prince Kami Harry Temple —-Howard ft Fields Mi db Usher Trio Ooelette Stork ft L Prevol 1 (One to fill) NATIONAL (loew) Browning ft Dean Moore ft Elliott ElBie Gilbert ft Girls Sandy Shaw John Troupe (Two to fill) 2d half Greenley ft Drayton Chaa Deland Co Morris Golden Frank Stafford Co Nowlin ft St Claire 3 Jewetts (One to fill) LINCOLN (loew) Frevoll Faye ft Minn Ez Mayor Lew Shank Chaa Deland Co Marie Russell The Hasamans 2d half Conrad ft Mareena Sabrey D'Orsell Brown Harris ft B "When Women Rule" Lurkin's Animals (One to fill) 7TH AVE (loew) Arthur ft Emma Cody Mysterious Mr Russell Klass ft Bernle Joe Welch Von Cello (Two to fill) 2d half Holmes A Holliston Zelaya Browning ft Deane Potts Broa Co Joe Welch John Troupe (One to fill) Brooklyn ORPHEUM (ubo) Arthur Prince "Society Buda" Adele Ritchie Farber Girls Oallager ft Carlin Darrell ft Conway Corelli ft Gillette 8utton Mclntyre ft S Skaters Bijouve PROSPECT (ubo) J as ft Bon Thornton WUlard Slmms Co Allan Brooks Co Jasper Mullen A Coogan 3 Keatons Sue Smith Newhouse, Snyder Co 6 Navigators BU8HWICK (ubo) Adelaide A Hughes "Bride Shop" Marshall Montgomery Maxlne A Bobby Marie Fitzglbbons Milton Pollock Co Frank Whitman The Lelands SHUBBRT (loew) Usher Trio Rena Santos Geo B Reno Co Nowlin A St Claire 3 Keltons (One to fill) 2d half Elsie Gilbert & Girls "Me A Dave" Sandy Shaw The Hassmans (Three to fill) WARWICK (loew) Gracey Hartley A Pecan Jim Rosen Co Bessie LeCount Wolgas A Girlie 2d half Fountaine A Fletcher Tabor A Green Gypsy Countess "Between 8 A 9" Rockwell A Wood Chas Ledegar FLATBUSH (loew) A Bender Nestor A Delberg Phillip! 4 "When We Grow Up" ft Bennett Sisters (Three to fill) 2d hair Stewart A Dakln Al Carleton Von Hampton A J •*8tick Up Man" (Four to fill) BIJOU (loew) "Spider ft Fly" Clarence Wilbur Frank Stafford Co Manhattan Trio Reddlngton ft Grant (Two to fill) 2d half Edith Raymond Co Faye ft Minn "The Elopement" Klass ft Bernle Geo B Reno Co DuPont ft Hasbrook (One to fill) FULTON (loew) Holmes ft Holliater Japanese Prince Ellls-Nowlan Tr (Three to fill) 2d half Brlerre ft King Lester Trio Bert Melrose Morris ft Allen "Night In Park" (One to fill) COLUMBIA (loew) Reefe ft Murray Springer ft Church Tom Dalton (Two to fill) 2d half Blanche 81oan (Four to All) LIBERTY (low) Grumbler ft Glass "Dairy Maids" Blanche Sloan (Two to fill) 2d half Leone Dixon Sharf ft Ramadan Billy Barlow Hemmer ft Prltehard (One to fill) Arbor, Micax BIJOU (ubo) Kolettl Clyde ft Marlon "Enchanted Forest" Earl ft Edward* Flying Duvals 2d half Murphy ft Klein Ed Gray Mullaly Plngree Co Holden ft Heron A Abdallahe Atlanta FORSYTH (ubo) Connolly ft Wenrlch "Lawn Party" 8 Kuma Jans Norcross ft Holdarworth LaHoen ft Dupree Lawrence ft Edwards Diamond ft Virginia (Others to fill) Baltlsaorc MARYLAND (ubo) Valerie Bergere Co Crouch ft welch Alf Holt 4 Melodious Chaps Bond ft Caasen Canton ft Lee Reglna Cornell I Co (One to fill) Battle Creak, Mich. BIJOU (ubo) Madame Marlon Joe Danlela Kid Kabaret" (One to fill) 2d half Cougeta Billy ft Edith Adams J C Nugent Co Capitol City 4 Moralls Broa Bay City, Mich. BIJOU (ubo) Wentworth Vesta ft T Kammerer ft Howland Leila Davis Co Lew Wells (One to fill) 2d half Carlton ft Clifford Welsser ft Relseer "I Died" 3 Majesties Zeno Jordan ft Z Bllllasra, Mont. BABCOCK (loew) (18-14) Golden ft West Sallle Stembler Co Holmes A Riley Cameron Devltt Co Wilson Bros Slayman All Arabs Birmingham. Ala. ORPHEUM (ubo) Willie Bros Great Howard Irene A Bob Smith Gould A Ashlyn "Telephone Tangle" Raymonde Neher A Kappel (Others to fill) Beatoa KEITH'S (ubo) Mabelle A Ballet Edward Farrell Co Shannon A Annie Ryan A Tlerney Kingston A Ebner Llpensky's Dogs Jack Gardner Co Amelia Bingham ORPHEUM (loew) Bunth A Rudd Gladys Vance 10 Dark Knights Inea McCauley Co Criterion 3 Arthur A Grace Terry (Two to fill) 2d half Mario ft Trevette Cecil Eldred ft Carr "Honey Olrla" (Five to fill) ST JAMES (loew) Florens Schrodes ft Chappelle Mario ft Trevette Oracle Emmett Co Ward ft Gray Cecil Eldred ft Carr 2d half Tom Linton ft Girls Oscar Lorraine Ines McCauley Co Criterion Trio Arthur ft Grace Terry (One to fill) GLOBE (loew) Cook ft Rothert Cook ft Stevens Eddie Foyer Saoaa (Four to fill) 2d half Florens Schrodes ft Chappelle Casaar Rivoli Klein Bros Revell ft Deery (Three to fill) BnnTalo SHEA'S (ubo) Boganny Troupe Cowboy Minstrels Max ft Mabel Ford Tracey Stone ft 8 Claude ft Fanny Usher (Others to fill) Batte BMPRB8S (loew) Davie ft Matthews Hoyt ft Warden Mcintosh ft Maids Bernard ft Harrington Fred Hlllebmnd Nichols Nelson Tr ORPHEUM 2d half (Same bill as at Re- tina, this laaue) PANTAGBB (m) Oxford 8 Maurice Samuels Co Nadall ft Kane Agnes Von Bracht Dunlay ft Merrill Reed'a Doga Cnarleetoa, S. C. VICTORIA (ubo) 1st half Bertlach Raymond ft Bain Marie King Scott D'Estelle Sisters Mack ft Sangster 2d half Crelghton Sisters Stewart A Donahue J C Lewis Jr Co Fern Blgelow A M (One to fill) Chicago PALACE (ubo) Clifton Crawford "Woman Proposes" Splnette Quintet Nine White Hussars Mr A Mrs J Barry John A Mae Burke Lew Hawkins Le Grohs MAJESTIC (ubo) Robert Bdeson Co Harry Cooper Chretienne A Loulsette Mr A Mrs D Crane McConnell A Simpson Althoff Sisters Smith Cook A Bran Ray Conlin Mosher Hayes A M ACADBMY (wva) Bush A Bngel Howard Sisters Harry Ellsworth Co Louis Grant Archie A Dolly Onii 2d half Unada A Irving Dixon A Hanson The Longworths Sharp A Wilkes Herbert's Dogs McVICKER'S (loew) El CUve Joyce ft West "When It Strikes H" Melnotte Twins 6 Olivers Bush ft Shapiro 2d half Carmen'a Minstrels Todd-Nards "Between Trains" Walter B rower MoDermott ft Wallace Dunvett Troupe WILSON AVE (wva) Gertrude Barnes "Detective Keen" 8 Russian Danoera Dow ft Dow Herbert's Dogs 2d half Gertrude Barnes "All for a Kiss" James Leonard Co Selblnl ft Grovlnl Jennings ft Gorman COLONIAL (loew) Gene Green Geo Randall Co Tom Waters Minettl A Sldello Mad Miller La Drone Skating 8 Paul Stephens Bob Ferns 2d half Gene Oreen Ford'a Review Rouble Blma Novelty Barretts Tom waters Bert Davie WILLARD (loew) Kalaluhl Hawallana Novelty Barretts Roaa Fenton Play Geo Yeoman "Temple of Mlsc" 24 half Landry Broa The Clevelande B B CUve Co Delmore A Light Portia Sisters AMERICAN (loew) 5 Yoscary* Jordan A Stanley Paul ft Asella Chas Terrlo Co Paul Bauwens Kin Kald Kilties 2d half La Vler O'Nell ft Dixon Princeton ft Yale "Bower of Melody" Morris ft Parka Nip ft Tuck STAR HIP (loew) Helf ft Hanley Harry C Davla Baron Llchter Herman'a Animals 2d half Kittle Sherman Jordan Co Elks 8 Paul Stephens LYCEUM (loew) Garry O'Reilly Godfrey ft Henderson 2d half Milton ft Moore Rae Merwln Claetaaatl KEITH'S (ubo) Chaa Orapewln Co Ryan ft Lee 4 Roeders 3 Lyres Rae Samuels Pernlkoff ft Rose Conroy ft Models (One to fill) EMPRESS (loew) Purcella Bros Joe Kelsey "Love In Sanitarium" Brown ft Jackson Rose Troupe (One to fill) Cleveland KEITH'S (ubo) Bd Morton Arnaut Bros Fred J Ardrath Ce Meyakoe 3 Jarvls ft Harrison Conlin ft Steele 3 (Others to fill) MILES (loew) Paiise Trovollo Rtchmand A Mann Bell Boy Trio Gaach Bisters (One to fill) Colombo* KEITH'S (ubo) Hartman A Varady Ward Baker Cecelia Wright Horllck Family Billy McDermott John A Emma Ray Neluaca A Herley (Others to fill) Davenport* fa. COLUMBIA (ubo) Paul Klelst Co Chick Bales Knapp A Cornelia Porter White Co Claude Tracey 2d half Claggett A Freer Carl McCullough Weston Co Olive Vail Co Lelstel A Jeannette Denver ORPHEUM 'Matinee Girls" Hlnes A Fox Byrd Frost Crowell Frank Wilson 8 Hlckey Bros Grant A Hoeg Chas McGoodT Co (Others to fill) BMPRE8S (loew) (Open Sun Mat) The Valdos Stewart A Hall Yvonne Murray Llvington Co Jones A Johnson Buch Bros Deo Molaee ORPHEUM (Open Sun Met) Trlxle Frlgansa Harry Lewis 8 Lai Mon Kim Chinko Minnie Kaufman Duffy A Lorena (Others to fill) * Detroit FAMILY (ubo) George Richard Co Adelalne Denette 3 Martin A Trolae Baby Zelda Tannean A Claxton 3 Franka Bob Warren TBMPLB (ubo) Sills A Bills Jane Connolly Co Leo ft Cranston Doo O'Nell Werner Amoros Tr Comfort ft King Franklin ft Oreen Belleclalre Broa (One to fill) MILES (loew) S Donals Clark ft Rose Valentine Vox J K Emmett Co Ogden Quartet Roy ft Arthur ORPHBUM (m) 9 Stage Struck Kid* 5 O'Connor Slaters Alpha Troupe Mullumbv ft Musette Zampa ft Zampa Qutnn Broa ft Drake Dunlap ft Vlrdln Dalate ORPHBUM (Open Sua Mat) Imhoff Conn ft Cor Barry ft Wolford Pierre Pelletier Co Alfred Bergea Vlollnaky Woodman ft Livingston Bl Rey Sisters Ef moaton, Caa. PANTAOE8 (m) Dancing ceroids "Strenuous Daisy" Laurie Ordway Davis ft Walker DeWltt Young ft Bto Brie. Pa. COLONIAL (ubo) Behan ft Hart Hlrsohel Hendler Aroo Broi (Othere to fill) Fall River, Mas*. ACADBMY (loew) . Klein Bros Tom Linton ft Girls Oscar Lorraine Revell ft Deery (One to fill; 2d half Saona 10 Dark Knights Viola Duval (Two to fill) Flint, Mien. BIJOU (ubo) "Dream Girl" 2d half The MUlards Rrlce ft Morgan Charles Wsyne Co Grace Cameron Harvey 3 Ft. Wayne TEMPLE (ubo) Onre Moore Brownie ft Co Musical Geralds naby Helen Martini ft Maximilian 2d half Mnrrio A Hunter Marshall A Comby McCormlck A Wallace Robert Hall Davis A Romanelll EMPRESS (loew) 1st half Arno A Stlekaey Las Caaadoa Ward Sisters James Orady Co Sampson ft Douglas Russell's Minstrels Grand Rapids, Mich COLUMBIA (ubo) J arrow Julia Curtis Heath ft Mlllershlp "Neptune's Garden" Dainty English 3 (Others to fill) BMPRB8S (loew) 2d half Lee Caaadoa Ward Sisters Arno ft Btlokney James Grady Oo Sampson ft Douglas Russell's Minstrels Hasnflten, Oat. TBMPLB (ubo) aMIllar ft Lyles John Hlggla* (Others to 611) Inn. COLONIAL (ubo) The Bngfords Crelghton Bros Maruo ft Hunter 2d half Oruber ft Kevy SfVL 0 ** \. 2K!"°i? Ur Chaa ft Annie Olocker Burke ft McDonald Adler ft Arllne Monty ft Dot Julia Gonsales Lambort ft Ball (Others to fill) (One to fill) ORPHBUM (ubo) Hope Vernon Dooley ft Rugel Lucy OlletU (Others to SU) Hartford, Conn. POLI'S (ubo) "Aurora of Light" The Pucka (Othera to fill) Hobokea, N. J. LYRIC (loew) Leone Dixon Sharf ft Ramsdsn Niblo ft Riley (Two to fill) 2d half Orumbley ft Olass (Four to fill) Indlanaaella KBITH'B (ubo) Corradlni'a Animals Hopkins Sisters Hoey ft Lea 2 Carltona Walter C Kelly Orace D Nile Co Burdella Patterson Keno ft Mayne "Eloping" LYRIC (ubo) Bean ft Evelyn Marshall ft Comby (Three to fill) 2d half Latell Broa Chaa ft Mad Dunbar The Oee Jaya Danny Simmons Martini ft Maxlmlllian BIJOU (ubo) Murphy ft Klein Ed Gray Mullaly Prlngree Co Holden ft Heron 8 Abdallahe 2d half Kolletl Clyde A Marlon "Enchanted Forest" Earl ft Edwards Flying Duvals Jacksonville ORPHBUM (ubo) (Open Sun Mat) Newell ft Most The Waltons Curaon Slaters Jack Polk Madison ft Jamas (Othera to fill) MAJESTIC (ubo) Los Cougeta Billy ft Edith Adams J C Nugent Co Capitol City 4 Moralls Bros 2d half Madame Marlon Joe Danlela "Kid Kabaret" (One to 811) Kenans City ORPHBUM Elinors ft Williams Albert Perry Co McKay ft Ardlne Gardiner 8 Leo Zarrell 3 Marie ft Billy Hart Hesa Sisters EMPRESS (loew) 3 Brownies Estelle Rose "Broadway Love" Armstrong ft Ford They-Yan-De Hoyt'a Minstrels Lafayette, lad. FAMILY (Ubo) Eldora Co Harry Gilbert Terpulchorean Revue Burns ft Klssen Leltzell ft Jeanette 2d half Wilson ft Aubrey Llbonatl Archer ft Bel ford Baby Helen Keller A Wler laiaaj. Mien. BIJOU (umo) The MUlards Brlce A Morgan Charles Wayne Co Orace Cameron Harvey 8 2d half "Dream 01 rl" fifneoln ORPHEUM Natalie A Ferrari Romeo The Oreat Hayward Stafford Co Josophlne Dunfee Jones A Sylvester anejolse ORPHBUM Hana Kronold Hermlne Shone Co 8 American Dancers Alexander ft Scott Act Beautiful Harry Tsuda "The Beauties" lamed BMPRB88 (loew) Laypo ft Benjamin Bva Prout Mr ft Mrs D Blwyn Irwin ft Hersog Senator F Murphy Deane'a Fanthoma PANTAGBB (m) Pony Moore Oo Wlneoh ft Poors Coogan ft Cox Gilbert Olrard Love ft Wilbur KEITH'S (ubo) Julia Nash Oo Chaa Thompson Jas Cullea Wallensteln ft Freehy "Bona Revue" The volunteers (Others to fill) Mesnnnla ORPHBUM 0RPHL_„ Dunbar's Slngera Bell Family Anna Chandler Chaa Yule Co LePranoe ft Bruce Cameron Sisters Merlo'a Cockatoos (Others to fill) MAJESTIC (orph) Orace La Rae "Graea Beetle" Homer Llnd Co Marlon Vadle Oo Harry Bream Santly ft Norton Australian MoLeaas (Othera to fill) CRYSTAL (loew) Roubls Blma Ford'a Review The Clevelande B B CUve Co Delmore ft Light Landry Broa Mlaaeanelle ORPHBUM (Opea Sun Mat) Anna Hold's Daughter Avoa Comedy 4 Thomas AHall Clark A Verdi Alexander Bras Fred Koraaa Oormley ft Caffery (Othera to All) ^ UNIQUE (loew) Bessie's Cockatooo 8 Lorettae DeLlsle ft Vsrnon Llda MoMllllan Oo Brady ft Mahoney Edwards Broa ORPHBUM (ubo) Alice Lloyd Lambert! Mack ft Orth Gere ft Delaney Bully Family Bill Pruett Olymplo 8 (Othera to fill) PRINCB8S (ubo) Reman ft Anderson Vallardl "The Burglar" Four Kings Ranzal Troupe Newaarsrh. If. Y. COHEN'S OH (loew) Stewart ft Dakln Conrad ft Mareena "Between 8 ft 9" Brown Harris ft B Prince Karml 2d half Von Cello Barnee A Robinson "Spider A Fly" Marie Russell (One to fill) New Orleans ORPHBUM Mercedes Laddie Cliff Woodchoppers Klmberly ft Mohr Cbadwlek 1 Lancton Lucler Ce Yorke's Canlnea (Othera to 811) New Roenelle, N. Y. LOBW LeMalre ft Dawson (Two to fill) 2d half When We Grow Up" Cook A Stevens (One to fill)