Variety (October 1914)

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26 VARIETY Norfolk, V«. COLONIAL (Ubo) 1st half Derain'a Animals Schooler £ Dickinson The Rosea (Others to fill) 2d half Morln Sisters Frits A Lucy Bruch (Others to fill) Oakland ORPHBUM (Open Sun Mat) Claude Qllllngwater Co White a Jason Ashley * Canfleld Joe a Lew Cooper Harry DeCoe 5 Metsettls Les Salraggls Claude Golden PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Mat) Ethel Davis Co Miller Packer ft Selz King Thornton Co Taylor A Arnold Chester Kingston Oifdem, Utah ORPHEUM (loew) (14-10 Bwan Laurie A Aleen Miller Moore A Oar Arthur De Voy Co Avellng A Lloyd Neptune's Nymphs Rleaanon*. Yo. MURRAY (uho) Morln Sisters Fritz A Lucy Bruch (Others to fill) 2d half Dcrkin's Dogs Schooler & Dickinson The Roses (Others to fill) Rochester, N. Y. TEMPLE (uho) Rae B Ball Pekln Mysteries Flanagan A Edwards Marcantonl 3 Mile Frasqulta Cams A Randall The Huntings Leo Carrlllo Kite Sully A Scott Sacra aneato ORPHEUM (19-20) Cbas Ahearn Co Stan Stanley 3 Mack A Walker J Types Ida Dlvlnoff Weston A Clare Adair A Adair EMPRESS (loew) (Open Bun Mat) Theodore Bamberg jolly A Wild Allen Miller Co Rose ft Moon Mice Hanson { Mori Bros ORPHBUM (Open Sun Mat) Bertha Kallsch Co Will Rogers Cantwell A Walker Everest's Monkeys Mile Asorla Co Transatlantic 3 McRae A CI egg (Others to fill) Ottawa DOMINION (ubo) Nellie Nichols Tate's Fishing Flying Henry" McManon Diamond Co Roach A McCurdy The Seebacka (Others to fill) Philadelphia KEITH'S (ubo) Milton A DeLong Sis Willie Weston Co Edward Stevens Co Bronson A Baldwin The Kramers Adeline Oenee Co Harry B Lester The Oaudsmlths Rosy LaRocca ORAND O H (ubo) La Keillors Salle A Raymonde Wm Bence Co Barney GUmore Tlerney 4 Seymour's Family BROADWAY (ubo) The Mosconls Spencer A Williams Harry Brooks Co Dolly A Mack Chung Hwa 4 Rex Circus KNICKERBOCKER (loew) Hemmer A Prltchard Sabrey D'Orsell Lester Trio Sam Mann Players Harry Temple Aerial La Vails 2d half Nestor A Delberg Merlin Japanese Prince Ex-Mayor Lew Shank Wolgas A Girlie (One to fill) Pittsburgh GRAND (ubo) "Colonial Days" McLallan A Carson Prvlne A Williams Allen DInebart Co La Toy Bros (Others to fill) Portland, Ore. EMPRESS (loew) Nelson Hurke & Harris Musical Avollos Wm II St James Co Anderson ft Golnos Rtewnrt Sis & Esrorts PANTAGES (m) Allsky'H Hawallans Henry ft Harrison Link Robinson Co Work ft Play VHStoff 3 Providence, R. I. KEITHS (ubo) Mme Dorla & Dogs Claire Rochester Moran A Wiser Chris Richard^ Mang A Snyder FroElnl (Others to till) R*srlna, Can. ORPHEUM 1st half "Red Heads" Asahl Quintet Cartmell A Harris Corbett Sheppard A D Bllda Morris Bugene 8 (Others to nil) Salens, M BIJOU (ubo) Carlton A Clifford Weisxer A Relsser I Held" .1 Majesties Zeno Jordan ft Z 2d half Wentworth Vesta A T Kammerer ft Howland Leila Davis Co Lew Wells (One to All) Salt Lake ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Dorothy Sherman Francis McGinn Co Merrill A Otto O'Brien Havel Co Finn A Finn Kramer A Patterson Binns A Bert EMPRESS (loew) "Fun In Baths" Dick De Lorls Burton Hahn A Ca Wanzer A Palmer Neal A Earl "Winning Widows" PANTAGES (m) (Open Wed Mat) Fair Coeds Kitner Hayes A Mon Bohemian Oulntet Chase A LaTour Heras A Preston Sna Diego SPRECKEL (orph) 1st half Arnold Daly Co Relsner A Gores Cole A Denphy Boland A Holtz Carlos Bros The Grazers Burkehart A White PANTAGES m) "Night Hawks" Palfrey Barton A B Rozella A Rozella Wood's Animals Quinlan A Richards Sao Francisco ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Moore Llttlefleld Co Frank North Co Fredrlcka Slemons Co Lydell Rogers A Ly Rube Dickinson Morris Cronin Co Kalmer A Brown Chief Caupolican EMPRESS (loew) Murphy ft Foley Shrlner ft Richards Roraaln ft Orr 'Thro Skylight" Nell McKlnley McClurc ft Dolly PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Man "Kingdom of Dreams" Cornell Corley Co Arme 4 Kelley ft Catlln Early ft Latent Gray ft Peters San .lone, C'nl. VICTORY (orph) (23-24) (Same bill as at Sac- ramento, this issue) Savannah, Gn. niJOU (ubo) 1st half CrHghton Sisters Stewart ft Donahue J C Lewis Jr Co Fern Bigelow A M 2d half Bertlsch Raymond ft Daln Marie King Scott D'Estelle Sisters Mack A Sangster Scranton, Pa. POLl'B (ubo) Mystlo Bird Hamilton A Barnes Catalano A Denny Bouton A Parker (Others to fill) Seattle ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Gertrude Coghlan Co Will Oakland Co Travilla Bros A Seal Elpbye Snowden Miller A Vincent Marie Fenton Ernie Potts Co EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Blanche Leslie Patricola A Myers Polzin Bros Earl ft Curtis Gray ft Graham "School Days" PANTAGES (m) Walter Terry Girls Juggling Mowatts Gardner ft Revere LaTourraine 4 2 Kerns Slonx City ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Eleanor Haber Oh Ed Hayes Co Kramer ft Morton Aileen Stanley Ward Bell A Ward John Gelger The Mozarts Soata Chicago GAIETY (wva) •Watch Your Step" 2d halt Geo Dixon Louis Oranat McCarthy ft Walcott Allman A Nevins "Pool Room" Spokane ORPHEUM (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Canarls A Cleo Bill Robinson Bobbe A Dale Svengall Haydn Burton A H Black A White PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Mat) Claire Kawson Co Creole Orchestra Arthur Whltlaw M'Connell A Nlemeyer Great Harrahs St. Louis COLUMBIA (ubo) Henrietta Croesman Co Wilson A Batle Raymond A Caverly Marga De LaRosa The Bilfords Lee Barth Costa Troupe (Otbers to fill) Stockton, Cnl. YOSEMITE (orph) (21-22) (Same bill aB at Sac- ramento, this Issue) St. Paul, Minn. ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Burns A Fulton Williams A Wolfus Frement Benton Co DeHaven A Nice Lewis A Russell Ernie A Ernie Bertie FoTd BMPRESS (loew) Dixon A Dixon Warner A Corbett Chas L Fletcher "Wifle" Nichols Sisters Wanda Syracuse, N. Y. GRAND (ubo) Lane A O'Donnell The Turners Van Hoven McCormick ft Irving Lydla Barry (Others to fill) Taconan EMPRESS (loew) G«>o A Lilly Garden Hngart ft Nelson Hippodrome 4 Stun tons Wormwood's Animals PANTAGES (m) Teddy McNamara Co Titanic Rnsdell Singers Saunders ft VonKuntz Lockarte ft Leddy Terre Hnatr. Ind. /AKTETIES (ubo) M.-rbert Lloyd Co Itobt Fulgera Brown Fletcher 8 Lewis A Kessler Mason Wilbur A J 2d half Minstrel Kiddles Frank Morrell Mile Martha A Sis Hal A Francis Cycling Brunettes Toledo, O. KEITH'S (ubo) Juliet 3 Castllllans The Hennlngs "Sergeant Bagby" Bert Fltzglbbons Wills A Hassan Williams Thompson C Parlllo A Frablto (One to fill) Toronto SHEA'S (ubo) DeMlcbelle Bros Golden Troupe Grace De Mar Fox A Dolly Joe Cook Nick's Skating Girls Haviland A Thornton (Others to fill) YOINGE ST (loew) .IiiKKling DeLisle D.-WItt ft Stewart "Ye Old Time Hullo" Crawford ft Uroderlck Stuart Blaik Co (Three to fill) Union Hill, N. J. HUDSON (ubo) Sorettls ft Antoinette Anthony ft Mack "Night and Day" Dainty Marie Ethel McDonough Pauline Hallet ft Noble (One to fill) Vtlea. N. Y. SHUBERT (ubo) Gleeson A Houlihan Yvette Johnson's Dogs (Others to fill) Vancouver, B. C. ORPHEUM (loew) Ethel A Lucy Baker Lelghton A Robinson Grace DeWlnters Ryan Richfield Co Harry Thomson Cycling McNutts PANTAGES (m) Lander Stevens Co Bruce Richardson Co Prince A Deerle Togan A Geneva York 3 Victoria, B. C. PANTAGES (m) 11 Minstrel Maids Isabel Fletcher Co Hugo Lutgens El wood A Snow Leon A Adeline Sis Wnnhlnaton. D. C. KEITH'S (Ubo) Franklyn Ardell Co Sylvester Schaffer Rawls A Von Kaufman Ruth Roye Holmes A Buchanan Carbrey Bros Waterbnry. Conn. LOEW Ray Snow Prlerre ft King "The Elopement" Rockwell ft Wood Fanton's Athletes (One to fill) 2d half Gladys Vance Ward ft Gray Phlllipl 4 Friend A Lesser Cook ft Rothort (One to fill) Wllmlnirton, Del. DOCKSTADER (ubo) Abou Hamad Tr Piantadosl A Fields Maurice Wood (Others to fill) Winnipeg*, Cnn. ORPHEUM Chas Howard Co Platov ft GlaBer Ann Trasker Co Minnie Allen Hubert Dyer Co Bert Merket Jack ft Forls (Others to fill) PANTAGES (ml Walter S How* Co Honamor Arabs Wayne 3 Meltrah ft Peltrah Lurry Comer SHOWS NEXT WEEK. NEW YORK. OF SILK STOCKINGS"- Llttle (Al (John Tolson)—Winter Mason)-New A PAIR (Get. 20). "DANCING AROUND" Garden (2d week). •IUG JIM GARRITY" York (2d week). •CHIN-rillN" (Montgomery and Stone)- Globe (Oct. 20). 'DADDY LONG-LEGS'-Gaiety (4th week). DIPLOMACY" Empire (Ot. 20). "KVIDENCE" Lyric (.'Id week). "CONSEQUENCES" Comedy (4th week). GliANI) OPERA --Century (Mth week). HE COMES UP SMILINCT (Douglas Fair banks)—Liberty (6th week). "INNOCENT"—Bltlnge (7th week). "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE"—Cohan (7th week). "KICK IT"—Longacre (2d week). "LIFE"—Manhattan O. H. (Oct. 191. "MY LADY'S DRESS"—Playhouse (2d week). "MR. WU" (Walker Whiteside)—Marine Elliott (2d week). "ON TRIAL"—Candler (10th week). PRINCESS PLAYERS—Princess (1st week. "PYGMALION" (Mrs. Campbell)—Park (2d week). "PRETTY MISS SMITH" (Fritsl Scheff)— Casino (5th week). "THE PERFECT LADY" (Rose Stahl)—Hud- son (Oct 20). "THE SALAMANDER"—Harris (Oct. 22). BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE"—Lyceum week). GIRL FROM UTAH"—Knickerbocker week). HIGH COST OF LOVING"—Republic (9th week). "THE MIRACLE MAN"—Astor (5th week). "THE HAWK" (Wm. Faversham)— Shubert (3d week). "THE LAW OF (4th week). "THE PRODIGAL HUSBAND" (John Drew) —Empire (6th week). "THE PHANTOM RIVAL"—Belasco (3d week). "THE MONEY MAKERS"—Booth (3d week). "THE THIRD PARTY"—39th Street (12th week) "TWIN BEDS"—Fulton (11th week). "UNDER COVER"—Cort (9th week). "WARS OF THE WORLD"—Hippodrome (7th week). "THE (7th "THE (8th "THE THE LAND"—48th Street CHICAGO. "FUNNYLAND"—Auditorium (1st week). "A PAIR OF 8IXES"—Cort (llth week) "PEG O* MY HEART"—Garrick (18th week). "LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN" — Illinoa ( 1 8l W6©k ) "ONE GIRL IN A MILLION"—La Salle (7th week) "POTASH A PERLMUTTER"—Olympic (Oth week). "THE YELLOW TICKET"—Powers' week) • "TO-DAY"—Princess (4th week). FORBES-ROBERTSON — Blackstone week) LONDON. "BELLE OF NEW YORK"—Aidwych. "BLUFF KINO HAL"—Garrick. "CHOCOLATE SOLDIER"—Lyric. "DRAKE"—His Majesty's. "FORGET ME NOT"—Little. "GREAT ADVENTURE"—Kingsway "GRUMPY"—New. "MY LADY'S DRESS"—Royalty. "MAMEENA"—Globe. "OUTCAST"—Wyndham. "POTASH & PERLMUTTER"—Queens. "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE"—Apollo. "SILVER KING"—Strand. "SIR RICHARDS BIOGRAPHY"—Criterion "THE LITTLE MINISTER"—Duke of York'* "THE IMPOSSIBLE WOMAN"—Haymarket. "TOMMY ATKINS"—Lyceum. "THOSE WHO SIT IN JUDGMENT"—St J £10163* "WHEN KNIGHTS WERE BOLD"—Prinoj of Wales. "MR. WU"—Savoy. 'YOUNG WISDOM"—Playhouse. REGARDING MAIL !!! The one best way to insure prompt receipt of your mail is through VARIETY'S Address Department It can't go wrong. No forwarding. No delay. May be changed weekly. ONE LINE, $5 YEARLY (52 times). Name in bold face type, same space and time, $10. Send name and address, permanent, route or where playing, with remittance, to VARIETY, New York. (If route, permanent address will be inserted during any open time) ADDRESS DEPARTMEMT Where Players May Be Located Next Week (October 19) Players may be listed in this department weekly, either at the theatres they are appearing in or at a permanent or temporary address (which will be inserted when route is not received) for $5 yearly, or if name is in bold type, $10 yearly. All are eligible to this department. Edward Abeles EDYTHE and EDDIE ADAIR Direction, A-nL,™, JOHN C. PEEBLES |1_^ UrpOemil 1M2 Palace Theatre UDIH Adams Rex St Co Variety N Y Adler St Arline Temple Hamilton Alexander Bros Orpheum Minnesota Allen Minnie Orpheum Winnipeg Althoff Sisters Majestic Chicago Notice to Valentine Vox, Jesse James, Captain Kidd, etc. Miss Gertrude Hoffman is the only performer having permission to do an imitation of RAY CONLIN mm