Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 33 HOTEL VAN CORTLANDT 142-446 W. 49th STREET JUST EAST OP BROADWAY NEW YORK Centrally located, good service, absolutely fireproof. A home-like transient and family hotel. Telephone in every room. Restaurant and Grill equal to any Moderate Prices Rooms large, light, airy and well furnished. Rooms with use of bath $1.50 and up. Rooms with bath $2 and up, Parlor bedroom and bath $3 and up, for one or two persons. SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS CORNE 114-116 WEST 47TH STREET, NEW YORK » (Just off Broadway) Best location in town. Kitchenette apartments; Single and double rooms, with bath. Attractive prices to the profession. Telephone Bryant 4f51 THE IVIOIMF-ORT 104-106 W. 40TH ST., NEW YORK, Between Broadway and Sixth Ave, European Plan, rooms $2.50 up per week. Double rooms, $4.00 up. Housekeeping rooms, $7.W per week. Steam Heat. Baths en every floor. J1MSEY JORDAN, Mgr. Phone Bryant 1144 Gee. P. Schneider, Prop. Clean and Airy FURNISHED APARTMENTS 323 West 43rd Street, NEW YORK CITY Catering to the comfort and convenience of the profession Music room for guests up. Tel.: Greeley 2704 and 5077 BRODERICK'S HOTEL (European) 201 W. 3tth St., Cor. 7th Ave. and branch houses tm-m-m uiaw. nth st.NEW YORK ISO Rooms el the Better Kind Hot and Cold Water la Rooms—Electric Light. $3 to 17 per week When Playing Atlantic City Stop At HOTEL G00DFELL0W Maryland Ave. and Boardwalk Three minutes from New Nixon and Keith's Theatres. Eight minutes from Apollo Theatre Special Rates tt tfct Profession CHAS. J. GOODFELLOW, Prop. Late of Chestnut Street Opera House, Phila. HOTEL BROADWAY, DETROIT 42-44 BROADWAY Theatrical hotel within three minutes' walk from all Theatres. Price, $3.50 up, single; $5.00 up, double. MRS. REN SHIELDS. ^ggJJP The Van Alen, 154 Weat 45th St. STEAM HEAT AND HOT WATER Phone 1103 Bryant. All Modern Improvements Maud Fauvette, "The Tango Chamber Maid" Catering to Vaudeville's Blue List SCHILLING HOUSE 107-100 West 48th Street NEW YORK American plan. MEAL SERVICE AT ALL HOURS. Private Baths. Music Room for Rehearsals. 'Phone lOSO Bryant Phone Greeley 3444 FURNISHED ROOMS Ml West 30th St. New York City table Rates. Light Housekeeping MR. AND MRS. EDKENNARD. Benallsha Mabel Bennett May Bennett W Benson Bennle Berliner Ed Bernard A Neal (C) Bernle Ben Berzac Cliff Blake Sisters Bloom B Bonner Alf Bonnesettl Paul (C) Bowers Joseph Bowman Bros Bradford Ralph (C) Bradley Joe (C) Brenner Dorothy Brltton Lew Brooks J (C) Brooks Harry Brown Tod Brown Fred Brunnelle Margery Burns Harry Burt Harriett Burton Richard Bush Robert Calhoun Julia Campbell John Carloss Mrs Carr Blanche Carroll Emma Castellano Frank Cate Frank Cathperts Charblno Proa (C) Chrlldrey Richard Christian Julia Chun-hill Estelle Clarendon Trlxle Clark Ed Clark Herbert Clark a Temple Clayton Zella Clemens Margaret Cleve Ed Cleve Henry Cleveland Harry Cohn A Hlrsch Cole Judson (C) Colleges Viola Collier Ruby Collins 81m Cooley Hollis Cooper Texas Copeland Les Creighton Susie Croudin Ruth A Harry Crowley James Cuff John Dale Loretta Daley Rosle Dahlberg May Darrell Emily Darrell Jack Davis Al Davison Gladys Deaves Harry Deerfoot Bombay (C) De Forest Gladys De Hollis Wm De Kraft Stewart De Lacey Mabel De Ovlatt Bevorall (C) Del Prima Miss De Rell Walter De Val Billy Doming Joe Demnatl Haddo Dlston Madeline Doblndo Emll Donaldson J (C) Don Arthur (C) Dooley Ray Downey Maurice Downing Sam Drlscoll Hall Co Duffy Mrs Dunbar Lew Dunlevy Joe Dunn Tom Dupree Geo. Dushan Peggy Dushan Mayme Duvall Helen B Eokewoode Hebe Edmonds A Lavelle Eley Helen Emerald Trio Evans J E Evans Mae Evans Ray Excellas B E (C) Faber A Waters (C) Falls Agnes Faquay Jack Faye Elsie Fern Alma Ferris Wm Fields Harry Flotti Flynn Jos Forbes Marion Forklns Marty Forrester Chas Fowler Bertie Fowler Kate Franklyn Wilson G (Jaffney Sugar Foot Gallagher W F Galloway Lillian Gnlvln Tom (C) Gnrflcld Frank Georgnlahs Bros Qcrmaine Florence (C) Gibson J Glllen Chas Gllmore & Castle Goodwins F Gordon James Gorman A Bell Grant Rose Granville Bert Gray Julia Great Alvln Greene Miss Guise Johnnie Guyer Mae Gygl Ota H Hadley Florence Haggerty A Hobbs Hahn A H Haines Robt Hsll Jack Hamilton Grace Hamilton Robt Harding Richard Hardy Adele (C) Harlon Sidney Harper Mabel Harrington Ray Harrison Claire Hart Wm Hartman Marie Hartman S E Harvey Trio Harvey W S Haynes Olive (C) Hayes W C Hazard Grace Hearn E F Hearn Lew Heath Frankie Henderson C Henderson Frank Hlllard Wm (C) Hills Molly Hippies Beth Hockett Bob (C) Holder Ed S Holmes & Wells Holt Jas Hopkins Mr Horelik Family (C) Howard Jos (C) Hunter Harrison COME AND SEE ME. PUT THIS IN YOUR DATE BOOK BILLY "Swede" HALL CLARIDGE APARTMENTS, 226 WEST 50TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY Big Time Food, Big Time Service, Small Time Prices at the French-American Bakery-Restaurant IS4 WEST 44TH ST.-NEXT TO THE CLARIDGE HOTEL, NEW YORK POPULAR PRICES. GEO. FISCH, PROP. ALWAYS OPEN. ACTS COMING TO CHICAGO STOP AT HOTEX CARLE/TON STATE, ARCHER AND 20TH STREETS $4.00 up. Single or Double, and get showing at Alhambra Hippodrome. For Chicago Agents. Theatre and Hotel Under Same Management SAN FRANCISCO LANKERSHIM HOTEL Absolutely Fireproof; New and Modern; 350 Rooms Fifth Street, opposite U. S. Mint: half block from Pantagee and Empress, and Near AD Theatres. SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION Single Room, $4 per week; Double, $4.50; with Private Bath, IS and $f. Take any Taxi, our Expense. Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA a6X HOTe.1 It NOME OF Tflt PPOF! ' N" ii»» Hurt ii mt rirrrmrrAN WELLINGTON HOTEL Wabash Ave. and Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO Rates To The Profession J. A. RILEY, Manager ST. LOUIS, MO REGENT HOTEL, 100 N. 14TH NEW REGENT HOTEL, 101 N. 14TH METROPOLE HOTEL, 809 N. 1ZTH ST E. E. CAMPBELL, Prop, and Mgr. Theatrical Headquarters Ten Minutes' Walk to All Theatres SHERMAN'S HOTEL Formerly COOKE'S HOTEL "A Theatrical Hotel of the Better Class" Walnut Street, above Eighth Opposite Casino Theatre Philadelphia CAFE CABARET EVERY NIGHT Only White Rats Hotel in Rochester Seymore Hotel JOHN A. DICKS, Prop. ROCHESTER, N. Y. European, 71c. up. American, $1.00 up. THE TALGARTH HOTEL 1024 Pros p ect Avenue CLEVELAND Five Minutes' Walk from Theatres Special Weekly Rates Hussey Jimmy Huxtable Fred Imhof Roger (C) Inge Clara Irwin Merrick (C) Irving A (P) Jackson Belle (P) Jackson Leo James Mrs Walter Jarrett F J Johnson Dave (C) Johnson Honey Johnson A Crane Jordan Leslie Jordon Leslie (C) Jordon R Kahn Victor Kalman O R Kaufman Minnie Kaufman Walter Kaufman Sisters Keith Dottle (C) Kent Annie (C) Kiernan James Kllman George King Chas King A Davies Kitchen Richard Knapp Bob (C) Knight A Moose (C) Kramer Emma Krausc Lew Krells The Kuhn Chas Kunz Mrs Lagan Mrs (P> Lake Marjorle Latrll Alfred Lawton Pbillls Lawrence A Edwards Leander H Leber Andy Le Mont Dan Lena A Rudolph Leo Jose Leroy Delia Le Roy Frank Leslie Frank Lester Bert (C) Lester Hugh Lester A House Levey Ethel (C) Lewis Harry Linn Ben Livingston Grace Lockwood H London Louis Long Hillary (P) Lopez A Lopez Loralne Ethel Lorraine Hazel Lovell A Lovell Lubln Dave (C) Lucky Jim Lyle C Lytle Angus Lytell Wm Macmillan Stella Mallla Harry Mansfield R Mardy Adele Marquem Pearl Martin Frank Martyn V (C) Maye Stella Maynard Edwin McAvoy A Brooks McColgan Madge (C) McConnel 4 T (C) McCoy Geo McNamara J H Merle's Cockatoos (C) Meyers Charlotte Millard O D (C) Miller Cleora Trio Miller Elsie Faye Mitchell Chas (C) Mohamad Amback Montrose Nellie Moran Hazel Morelle Beatrice Morrlsey B Mueller L M Muller Gene Munford Eddie Myers Maude N Nadel Leo (C) Neff John Newell A Most Nlblo A Riley Nielsen Cbas Nolan Andy (C) Nolan Miss Nugent Arthur O'Brlon Jeanette O'Connor John (C) O'Kabe Family O'Nell Emma . Overlng Ethel P Page A McGrath Pare Stanley Pearl A Roth Pelham Una Perry Harry Pet rone! la Miss Phillips Ruth Platensl Flnas (C) Pierce A Olrard Plsano General Potter Chas Powers Mr A Mrs (C) Presslar Dolly Prior Joe Rsmey Marie Ray A Hllllard Reyhauser John Reynolds Maud Rhea Mme (C) Richards Wm Richmond Dorothy Rlego Harry (C) Rlgnold Nofa Ring Trio Rlsoldl S (P) Ritchie Btllle Roberts Mr (C) Roby Dan (0) Rogers Francis (P) Rogues Alphonse (C) Rose O M (C) Rose David Rosey 0 W Ross Chas Rottl Klttr Royal Jack Rutan Bong Birds (C) Rvan Allu 8 Ssmules Manrlce Saparo Henry San ford Myrtle Saunders Alex Schoelvlnck A Scunle Frank Sella Girls Sharp Lew Sharp U. Bharpless Ed Simmons Jas Sim Utta Sisters Smith Clayto Smyths Wm Snyder Bud Spears Anna Bpooner F Stanley Jack Stanton Walter Sterling Kitty Stoddard A Hynes Swain Frank Swan Bert T Tallraan Mrs Tanner F F Tenneys Ernest Terry A Elmer (C) Thomas Billy Thomas Ed Thomas Flossie Thomas W H Thompson Ray Tiffany Maude Trebor Trayer (P) V Van Arthur Van Cbas (C) Vanu Jack Van Nally Elsie Vennette Leara (C) Veola