Variety (October 1914)

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36 VARIETY A •IEEMAOM }'• ■"» g m X M mm ff «r It GIEEIIACM ui fits**. IIS ■■■•R. «. ~ It tor 30*. lit IU ^K 1,000 ■ILLS, |3. 1 tilt.. ClUef*. in. "I Writ* Acts that Get the Bookings" Author for Vaudeville Stars L. A. HANDY, Author's Apil 14 13 Broadway, Room 323 New York by Bill B. Van, and yet he soon had his audi- ence laughing nearly as much aa his prede- cessor. "Colonial Days," an elaborate musi- cal act, has much merit and Is handsomely dressed, being supplied also with a beautiful scenic background. Monday afternoon audi- ence was very large. PALACE (Harry Singer, mgr.; agt, Orph.). -After bill had been almost completely changed about from the printed schedule It developed Into a corking good comedy show, with Comfort and King brought over from tbe Majestic In next to closing spot. The Bilford cyclist* opened. They have a good routine und offer some clever tricks. Wnlta- ker and Hill offered darky folk songs, dis- playing a Kood contralto voice. They went unusually well. Tbe Schwartz company in Tbe Broken Mirror" began the fun, which run through the remainder of the bill. This novel act was full of surprises and won a big reward of hearty laughter. Lee Barth, on next, kept the fun up to a high notch and came near stopping the show. He told h lories In all sorts of dialects and had to respond to several encores. Brandon Hurst and his company got over very big with his sketch, "The Girl," an act that has thrills and surprises and keeps an audience on the qui vive all the time. McMahon and Chap- pelle came on In the wake of the Brandon Hurst sketch In "How Hubby Missed the Train" and had the house in a roar from the Htart. In next spot Grace LaRue swung onto the stage In a dashing gown, and assisted by a pianist and the orchestra presented a series of songs. She danced after her usual fash- ion, and in due time donned a black and sil- ver gown that caused a gasp. Comfort and King, Impressed Into service from the Ma- jestic bill, next to closing, got many hands and were a success. The Australian Mc- Leans introduced their whirlwind dancing creations to close, where they were strong enough to hold the house in Its entirety. They have several stunts that have not been seen here before, work hard, were applauded Incontinently and called back several times for more. The house was packed with a holiday audience, which was demonstrative to a degree. Face Imperfections Corrected DR. PRATT | 1122 Broadway NEW YORK Call or Write. SAN FRANCISCO VARIETY'S SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE PANTAGES' THEATRE BLOC. Phone, Douglass 2213 JACK JOSEPHS in charge. San Francisco, Oct. 14. ORPHEUM.— Morris Cronln and His Merry Men, enjoyable turn. Kalmar and Brown, good. Caupolican, scored. Harry De Coe, clever. Ashley and Canncld (holdover), got another hit while the others retained from last week, Five Metzettls, Joe and Lew Cooper, Claude Gilllngwater and Edith Lyle, repeated successfully. Added to the bill were four Japanese women, offering native dances with musical accompaniment by native banjos. A man bobs into the turn at tbe finish for no apparent reason. The act proved tiresome and was poorly received. EMPRESS—Allen, Miller and Co., well liked. Three Moris Bros., good In closing spot. Theo. Bamberg, opened fair. Rose and Moon, scored. Alice Hanson, went big. Jolly and Wild, pleased. DeFay and Moore, musi- cal act, added to bill, passed nicely. PANTAGES—Vivian Marshall and Hashing Beauties, successful In closing position. Jack Golden and Co., ordinary II. Guv Woodward and Co., well presented playlet. Miller, Packer and Sflz. big. Chester Kingston, opened satisfactorily. Little Affre. good voice Tay- lor and Arnold, hit. CORT (Homer F. Curran, mgr. I .—■'Kitty MacKav ( first week). COLUMBIA (Gottlob. Marx & Co., nigra.).— --"Milestones" (second week). ALCAZAR (Belasco & Mayer, mgrs.) - Stock. GAIETY (Tom O'Day, niKr.).— Kolb & Dill Co. In "The Rollicking Girl" (first week). WIGWAM (Jos. Bauer, mgr.).—Monte Carter Co. and vaudeville. PRINCESS (Bert Levey, lessee and mgr.; agent, Levey).—Vaudeville. REPUBLIC (Ward Morris, mgr ; agent W S. V. A.).—Vaudeville. An unconfirmed report says that Puerl Wllkerson, field scout here for Pantages, Is to depart shortly for the east, where he will represent the Pantages circuit in a booking capacity. "The Graven Image." a new plav by Riv- er* and Metzger, local authors, is the attrac- tion st the Alcazar this week. EXCLUSIVE. FALL STYLES NOW READY THEATRICAL WARDROBE A SPECIALTY 1582 BROADWAY 724-28 7th At*. Opposite Strand Theatre NEW YORK CITY REMOVAL SALE Continues at 25 West 42d St. 30c to 60c on the Dollar My Complete Stock of Fine Haberdashery Reduced u MY POLICY" "Every Article You Buy Here MUST Please or You MUST Return." 1578-88 BROADWAY 718-718 7TH AVE. 588 MELROSE AVE. 25 WEST 42D ST. WARDROBE TAKEN AFTER NIGHT SHOW Dry CUftuued and Delivered for Next Matinee SPECIAL TO PROFESSION GOWN DRY CLEANSED GENT'S SUIT DRY CLEANSED PRESSED flM O'HEARN 1564 Broadway, N. Y. M.4MTM. Pfeone slfJ Bryant Open Day, Night and Sunday PROFB8SIONAL RATES MODERN METHODS DR. HARRY HYMAN DENTBT Stant Theatre BUg. n«M*((iT|ait. 20 Mule Team Borax Sprinkled freely in the bath water makes it delightful. Has many other uses. Booklet free. For sale all dealers. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US Hyman-Buch Costume Co., Inc. THEATRICAL COSTUMES TO ORDER Easy Payments. JirvantlU^^^ 1482 BROADWAY, NEW Call and talk It over. YORK CITY. Reliable, Prompt and Money Saved Moana from Australia Included E. D. Evans, Winifred Lc France and J. O'Donnell. trlct, In tbe shape of a balcony tbat will Increase tbe capacity of the bouse 600 seats. The Panama canal in miniature, accurate In detail, will be an exposition feature on the "Zone." Tbe cost will be more than $600,000. W. C. Muphlman, box office assistant at tbe Tort theatre, left this week on a two weeks' vlHlt to the home of his parents In Spokane. Miss McCorab, a member of the Ferris Hartman musical comedy compuny, this last Hummer at Idora Park, Oakland, Joined the De Wolf Hopper opera company at Sacra- mento last week. The box office staff here at tbe Oalety ban been lately augmented by the addition of John E. McCormack, formerly an attache at the Empress. Lulu 8. Crown, chief stennographer in the Pert Levey booking offices, was absmt from duty all of lant week, owing to the death of her mother in thin city. Arrival bsrs last week on tbe nteamehlp The W. B. V. A. is planning an improve- ment at the Lincoln In the Rlohmond dls- Another change In tbe management of Loew's Empress In Los Angeles Is to be made this week, when Fred Follett, formerly man- ager of Miner's* Bronx, New Tork, will replace George Fish, who will retire from the show business. Colonel Charles H Rllnn, father of Hol- brook Bllnn, of the Princess Players, was one of the passengers in a street car that Jumped tbe track here last week, in which fourteen were injured. Bllnn was slightly bruised. VAUDEVILLE ACTS that can mane good. Nothing too big or too small for us to handle. Can keep you working all the tims. We also operate anil control our own circuit of vaudeville theatres. STEINER & LARVETT 1547 Broadway NEW YORK "Marion Forbes/' formerly with "Mermaid and Man" act, will learn of something to her advantage by communicating with F. MOR- R1SON. Variety, New York City. FOR RENT A good comedian intermingled with songs :\n<\ dances. Ned Nye Car,- of SAMUEL JACOBS, 1484 Broadway, New York. Hoy Clair, until recently a comedian with Monte Carter company, sailed last week for Honolulu, where he Joins the .Tack Ma gee company at the Bijou theatre. It la under- stood that Magce i« ill and Clair take* hie place. Charles Alphin, local producer, has returned from Marysville, Cal., where he spent several days putting the finishing touches on a tab- loid musical comedy that he produced for Frank Atkins, manager of the Marysvllle the- atre. A benefit performance will be given at the Orpheum Monday evening, Oct 10, by the So- ciety for Befriending Girls, to raise funds for wiping out a big Indebtedness of the work- ing girls' home. Tickets will be sold at a slight advance over the regular Orpheum prices. E^ORA S" POWDER-ROUGE « and CREAM ^ Have been used by the profes- sion for 50 years. Best then— they are the nest now. Send for free samples BIU. MfTfl, 117 W. 13* St. few Ysrk MEYERS MAKE-UP Several theaters opened at 11 a. m. to give the results of the world's series baseball games. At the Cort and Oalety an admission of 25 cents was charged, while at the Em- press, where each play was registered on the Play-O-Oraph, the prices were 50 cents on the lower floor and balcony 25 cents. Frank Donncllun, until recently assistant manager and publicity director here at the Empress, Is to be the house manager of the American when It reopens. The date of the latter event Is still unannounced, but Is ex- pected to occur Bhortly. Charles Brown, financially Interested in the Western States Vaudeville Association and treasurer of the Los Angeles Hippodrome, left here last week for New York. He is ex- peoted to return in about three weeks, at which time an Important announcement It promised from the offices of the W. 8. V. A., bearing on future activities of that concern. A reported dissension at the Grand theatre in Sacramento, between lessee James Poat and George Webb, manager of the Webb Players, was given added color this week, when it was learned that Webb was negoti- ating for an engagement elsewhere. The Webb Players will probably play a short season of stock in Reno, Nev. While playing here at a local theater last week Alfred Latell. tbe animal Impersonator, who recently returned from Australia, turned down an offer of 40 weeks In 1015 from Fred Thompson, managing director of the Toyland concession at the exposition. Latell rejolm the Harry Lauder show In Los Angeles this week, where that organization is scheduled to open Oct. 16. According to reports that reached here last week, the Hughes musical comedy company has come to grief In Western Australia, where the organization's scenery and costumes are understood to be legally tied up. The com- pany has been playing steadily In the An- tipodes for the last couple and have been very success iuI until conditions in tbat coun- try were affected by the European war. Fillmore street, the uptown 'Broadway' of this city, and business center of the town, following the memorable earthquake and Are, is to celebrate with another htreet carnival that will be held Oct 26-81 Inclusive, f feature attraction will be the Campos' 1 United Shows, a carnival outfit that Is wa- tering on the coast.