Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 23 BILLS NEXT WEEK (October 26) la Vaudeville Tkeatraa, Playing Thraa or Last Shows Daily (All houses open for the week with Monday matinees, when not otherwise indicated.) Theatres listed as "Orpheum" without any further distinguishing description are on the Orpheum Circuit. Theatres with "Loew" following name are on the Loew Circuit. Agencies booking the houses are noted by single name or initials, such as "Orph," Orpheum Circuit-°U. B. 0., ,r United Booking Offices-"W. V. A.," Western Vaudeville Managers' Ad- dition (Chicago)—"P," Pantages Circuit—"Inter," Interstate Circuit (booking through W. V. A.) """ James C Matthews (Chicago). -"M/ New York ALHAMBRA (ubo) Valerie Bergere Co Jack E Gardner Co Ruth Roye Cross A Josephine Courtney Sisters Joe Jackson Hawthorne A Inglls Darrell A Conway ■Gliding O'Mearas Carbrey Bros Edgar Berger ROYAL (ubo) Jas a Bon Thornton Florence Tempest Co Emmet De Voy Co "Edge of World" Stepp Good a King Grace De Mar Mullen a Coogan Lucy Gillette Coakley Hanvey A D Maxine Bros Skaters BIJouve Frits a Lucy Bruch COLONIAL (ubo) Adeline Genee Brlce a King WhlUng a Burt Franklyn Ardell Co Weston a Leon Moore a Tatee Tuscano Bros (Others to fill) HAMMERSTEINS Fox a Dolly Paul Swan Jack Lorlmer Lambert a Ball S Miller Kent Co Truly Sbattuck Reynolds a Donegan Sherman DeForest Co Helen Triz Van Hoven Auremla Jack Nelson (Others to fill) PALACE (orph) George T Stallings Louise Dresser Co Dolly a Brown De Havens Primrose Four Dooley a Sales (Three to fill) PROCTOR'S 1&5TH Langalow Co John Phllbrlck Eckert a Berg Chevalier Marshall Co Waiman Dawson a GUette Tip Top Four Mitchell a Lelchtner The Vanderloors 2d half Paynton a Green Evelyn Ware Harry English Co Saxaphone Quintet "Choo Choo Girls" George Murphy Irene D'Arville Co Cushman a Sunderland Leon Sisters Co PROCTOR'S 23D "Japanese Dolls" Cushman a Sunderland "Black Sheep" Santrey a Sherwood S Saxaphone Quintet Juliet Dlka Mr a Mrs Allison Dugan a Raymond Leon Sisters Co 2d half Aeroplane Girls Hettle Urma Louise Eschell Co John Phllbrlck Dawson A Gllette Waiman "Old New York" Mitchell a Lelchtner Montague's Cockatoos PROCTOR'S 58TH The Pelots Evelyn Ware Louise Eschell Co Tyson A Barbour "Old New York" Temple Quartet Montague's Cockatoos 2d half Tate A Tate Undine Andrews Pescl A Termini Burt Melburn "Black Sheep" Dugan A Raymond The Vanderkoors AMERICAN (loew) Leonard A Dempsey Dancing Mars Chas Kenna Owen McGlvney Niblo A Riley Old Soldier Fiddlers Hussey A Boyle John Troupe (One to All) 2d half Eddie Foyer Howard's Bears Manhattsn Trio Bryant Summers Co Williams A Slegel Owen McGlvney Geo Armstrong Reddington A Grant (One to fill) GREELEY (loew) Elinore Fisher Craig A Williams Barnold's Dogs Faye A Minn "College Life" Tabor A Green 4 Readings (One to fill) 2d half Harry Cutler Howard A Field Minn Eert Melrose Connolly Sisters Dancing Mars (Three to fill) NATIONAL (loew) Arthur A Grace Terry Harry Cutler Klass A Bernle Macart A Bradford Connolly Sisters 2 Hamlltons (One to fill) 2d half Edith Raymond Co Brooks A Harris Elsie White Macart A Bradford Clayton A Lennle 3 Bennett Sisters (One to fill) LINCOLN (loew) Marcou Schrodes A Chappelle Rockwell A Wood Grade Emmett Co Goelette Storke A Laf (One to fill) 2d half Coy DeTrlckey Morris Golden Japanese Prince Von Hampton A J John Troupe (One to fill) BOULEVARD (loew) Usher Trio Anthony A Adelle Japanese Prince Browning A Dean Blanche Sloane (One to fill) 2d half Medlln Clarke A T Thornton A Corlew Oscar Lorraine Jim Rosen Co LeMalre A Dawson Aerial La Vail 8 DELANCEY (loew) Charlotte Lesley Clarence Wilbur Howard's Bears Clayton A Lennle "The Elopement" Manhattan Trio 3 Bennett Sisters (One to fill) 2d half Williams A Rankin Ray Snow Fanton's Athletes Lyrlca Sam Mann Players Lee A Noble (Two to fill) ORPHEUM (loew) Brooks A Harris Elsie Gilbert Girls Morris Golden Bryant Summers Co LeMalre A Dawson Bean A Hamilton (One to fill) 2d half Anthony A Adelle Greenley A Drayton Inez McGauley Co Chas Kenna "Night In Park" Hager A Goodwin Carl Damann Troupe 7TH AVE (loew) Leonard A Alvln Harry Rose "10 Dark Knights" Elsie White Potts Bros Co Brown Harris A B Revell A Deery 2d half Niblo A Riley Barnold's Dogs 3 Keltons "When Women Rule" Hussey A Boyle Marcou (One to fill) Brooklyn ORPHEUM (ubo) Blanche Ring Co Julius Steger Co Morton A Glass Pekln Mysterlea Mullen A Stanley Vinton A Buster Collins A Hart Brooks A Bowen The Magleys PROSPECT (ubo) Amelia Bingham Co Leonard A Russell Gallager A Carlln Reglna Conelli Co Sylvia Loyal Adler A Arllne Nan Halperin Burks A Lorraine The Lelands BUSHWICK (ubo) Eddie Foy Belle Baker Harry Beresford Co Hymack Farber Girls Edwin George Gleeson A Houlihan Newhouse Snyder Co Vandinoff A Louie FLATBUSH (loew) Reddington A Grant Flavla Acaro Eddie Foyer "When Women Rule" Thornton A Corlew Evelyn's Animals Telegraph 4 Bobker's Arabs 2d half Wolgas A Girlie Weston A Young Harry Temple That Sextette Edith Clifford Potts Bros Co Tower A Darrell 4 Readings WARWICK (loew) Von Cello Williams A Rankin Ray Snow Chas Deland Co Brooklyn Comedy 4 Stewart A Dakln 2d half Schrodes A Chappelle Holmes A Holllston Clarence Wilbur Klass A Bernle Saona (One to fill) . SHU EERT (loew) Von Hampton A J Bert Melrose Holmes A Holllston Edith Clifford That Sextette (One to fill) 2d half Leonard A Alvln Gertrude Cogert "The Elopement" Craig A Williams Old Soldier Fiddlers American Comedy 4 Arthur A Grace Terry BIJOU (loew) Greenley A Drayton Hager A Goodwin "The Pardon" Joe Welch Fanton's Athletes (Two to fill) 2d half Chas Deland Co Viola Duval Joe Welch Bean A Hamilton (Three to fill) COLUMBIA (loew) Lawton Coy DeTrlckey Oscar Lorraine American Comedy 4 (Two to fill) 2d half Stewart A Dakln Sid Rose Bessie LeCount Barnes A Robinson Conrad A Mareena Revell A Deery FULTON* (loew) Aerial LaVails Edmonds A Basil Viola Duval Sam Mann Players 3 Keltons 2d half Blanche Sloane Leonard A Dempsey Rockwell A Wood Graclu Emmett Co Elinore Fisher "10 Dark Knights" LIBERTY (loew) Rose A Buddy Ellis Sid Rose Weston A Young Mounding Pattersons (One to fill) 2d half Charlotte Leslay "The Tangle" Lawton (Two to fill) Albany, N. Y. PROCTORS Pa re foot Boy Elinore & Franklns Oraham A Randall Virginia Clrls Lulgi Bros Caison A Calson Equestrian Lion Flo Irwin Co 2d half Morrlssey A Hackett Eldon A Clifton Weber A Elliott 7 Genoos Zeno Versatile 3 Fitch B Cooper McCarthy Sisters Atlanta, On. FORSYTH (ubo) Great Howard "Telephone Tangle" I A B Smith Gould A Ashlyn Cuzson Sisters (Others to fill) Asa Arbor, Mich. BIJOU (ubo) 3 Mlllards Rice A Morgan Chas Wayne Co Grace Cameron Harvey 3 2d half "Dream Girl" Baltimore MARYLAND (ubo) "Bride Shop" Brltt Wood Hope Vernon Van A Schenck Abou Hamad Troupe 6 Brown Bros Stewart Barnes Battle Creek. Mich. BIJOU (ubo) Judson Cole Dynes A Van Epps "When Love Is Young" Bensee A Balrd (One to fill) 2d half "Little Modiste" Bay City, Mica. BIJOU (ubo) Les Cougets Billy A Edith Adams J C Nugent Co Capitol City 4 Morallss Bros 2d half Sam Kaonl Madame Marion Joe Daniels "Kid Kabaret" Bllllaas, Moat. BABCOCK (loew) (27-28) Amoros A Mulvey Meredith A Snoozer Plsano A Bingham "Sidelights" Cabaret Trio Alvln A Kenny Blrntlnahnaa ORPHEUM (ubo) Pletro McDevItt Kelly A L Woodchoppers Fred J Ardath Co Mack A Sangster Wm Penn Marshall Montgomery Boatoa KEITH'S (ubo) The Langdons Von Tllzer A Nord Henrietta DeSerrls Co Prince Bond A CasBon Girl from Milwaukee ST JAMES (loew) Kelt A DeMont Lyrlca Kelso A Lelghton "Dairy Maids" Doe Will Davis Saona 2d half "Spider A Fly" Nowlln A St Claire Duffy Gelsler A L The Hassmans (Two to fill) GLOBE (loew) Gypsy Countess Geo H Reno Co Sandy Shaw Frey Twins A Frey (Four to fill) 2d half Hrowninft A Dean Dancing Kennedys KHbo A Leighton "Vaurie In Monkey- land" Marie Russell (Three to fill) ORPHEUM (loew) "Spider A Fly- Duffy Geislnr A L Nowlln A St Claire The Ha*smnns <Fa\ir to fill) 2d half Arthur A Emma Codv Dor Will Davis Dairy Maids Morris A Allen .". Kelora (Thre»» to fill) BaJTale SHEA'S (ubo) Alice Lloyd Howard A Syman Billy Rogers The Gaudsmldta Felix A Barry Girls (Others to All) Calgary PANTAGE8 (m) Dancing Nereids "Strenuous Daisy" Laurie Ordway Davis A Walker DeWltt Young A Sis Butte EMPRESS (loew) Golden A West Sallie Stembler A R Holmes A Riley Cameron DeVltt Co Wilson Bros Slayman All's Arabs Okarlestoa, 8. C. VICTORIA (ubo) (last half) (Same as at Savannah first half this Issue) Chicago. MAJESTIC (orph) Ethel Barrymore Co Maryon Vadle Co Raymond A Caverly Kramer A Morton Hess Sisters Marvelous Danubes Ernie A Ernie (Others to fill) PALACE (orph) Trlxie Frlganza Avon Comedy 4 Mabel Berra Zertho's Dogs Jack Wilson Co Santly A Norton Albert Perry Co Chas Weber (Others to fill) WIL80N AVE (wva) Carson A Wlllard Harlan Knight Co Park Rome A Francis •J Emersons Do 1 ley A Evelyn 2d half Kennedy No A Piatt Rhode A Crampton Libonatl Burns A Klssen Ambler Bros ACADEMY (wva) Maxwell Holden Earl A Edwards Berry A Berry Holden A Herron Shaw's Circus 2d half George Dixon Rooney A Bowman Brown Fletcher 3 Claude Tracey The Q lockers COLONIAL (loew) Grudeller's Dogs O'Connor Sisters The Thereses Lelchtl Quartet Guy Baldwin 3 "Between Trains" Sophie Tucker Garry O'Reilly 3 Ameres 2d half Carlta Day McDermott A Wallace Nip A Tuck "Bower of Melody" Frank Morrell Eldrldge A Barlow Sophie Tucker Schreck A Percival Morris A Parks Marguerite's Lions EMPRESS (loew) Halsted St (Open Sun Mat) El Clive Joyce A West "When It Strikes Home" Melnotte Twins rt Olivers Bush A Shapiro 2d half Summers A Gonzales Mello A Jones Mr A Mrs McCann Co Dunlap A Virden Gene A Kathryn King Colonial Montrose Tr McVICKER'S (loew) Arno A Stlckney Sampson A Douglas Ward Sisters Russell's Minstrels Jas Grady Co Lea Casadoa 2d hair Asakl Paul & Azella "The Criminal" Bnron Llehter Great Richards FltzslmnioiiB & Son AMERICAN (loew) Summers & Gonzales Belle A Jonea Mr A Mrs McCann Co Dunlap A Virden Gene A Kathryn King Colonial Montrose Tr 2d half El Cllve Jfivce A West "When It strikes Home" Melmtte Twins i: Olivers Bush A Shapiro WILLARD (loew) Paul Stephens Lee Tung Foo Chaa Terrla Co McDermott A Wallace Schreck A Percival 2d half Dunvette Troupe Morris a Parks Princeton A Yale Patricola LaVlera STAR HIP (loew) Marguerite's Lions Johnson A Johnson Carlta Day 2d half Thereses Lesslck Anita Co Jordon A 8tanley LYCEUM (loew) Jean McElroy (Others to fill) 2d half O H Cushlng The Overtone (Others to fill) Brown A Moulton Glrard a Gardner Burt Melburn Altus Bros 2d halt Sylvester Kukl Jap Dolls Adele Oswold Co Mldgely A Elton George Roesner international 6 Brie, Pa. COLONIAL (ubo) Schooler a Dickinson Bison City 4 Jarvla a Harrison Leon Co (Others to nil) Claeflaaatl KEITH'S (ubo) Cheebert'a Troupe Colonial Days Gen'l Ed Laveen Hoey A Lee Remple Slaters Co Cardo a Noll Sam Barton Clewelaael KEITH'S (ubo) McLellan A Carson Cecelia Wright Pantier Duo Harry Breen "Song Revue" (Others to fill) Celanebas KEITH'S (ubo) Juliet JAW Hennlnga Wills A Hassan Parillo A Frablto (Others to fill) Daveapert, la. COLUMBIA (ubo) Metropolitan Minstrels Koners Bros Ash A Shaw Lillian Watson Keno Welsh A Mel 2d halt Day Co Gordon Highlanders 4 Mllos Hurst Watts A Hunt Heras A Preston ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) D 8herman A Belles Merrill A Otto Francis McGinn Co O'Brien Havel Co Blnns A Bert Finn A Finn Kramer A Patterson EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Jeter A Rogers Billy Inman Co Christen son Slgsbee Dogs 0 Krazy Kids (One to till) Dee Moines ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Aileen Stanley John Gelger Alexander Bros MacKay A Ardine Mile Osorla Co John Higglns Thomas A Hall Detroit TEMPLE (ubo) Chretlenne A Lout set •Julia Curtis Bert Fltzglbbons Glrard A West Allen Dlnehirt Co "Lonesome Lassies" Penderson Bros FAMILY (ubo) Al Ramo Co James Heston Co Nash A Evans Luce A Luce Pat A May Tourney Harry Sauber Bright A Merry ORPHEUM (m) Desmond Gallagher Co Pearl A Roth .*> Yoscarys Novelty Hardts Wright A Lane Schaefer A Waller Allno v~~*|tt Dnlnth ORPHEFM (Open Sum Mat) Anna Held's Daughter I-ewls & Russell Williams A Wolfus Grover A Richards Brown A Rocbelle Fremont Benton Co Bertie Ford Bf eneatoa. Cm. PANTAOES (m) Walter S Howe Co Wayne 3 Larry Comer Bonamor Arabs Bcltrah A Beltrah Elisabeth. N. J. PROCTOR'S Lambertl Marlon Kay Pall River, 1 ACADEMY (loew) Mario A Trevette Florensl "Honey Girls" (Two to fill) 2d half Ward A Gray Wm O'Clare Girls Frey Twins A Frey (Two to nil) Flint, Mich. BIJOU (ubo) Wentworth Vesta A T Hal A Francis Leila Davis Co Lew Wells 2d half Kalton A Kllfford Welsser A Relsser Carroll A Plerlott 3 Majesties Zeno Jordon A Zeno TEMPLE (ubo) Carlisle A Romer Little Miss Jean Burns A Klssen Emmett's Dogs 2d half Frawley A Hunt Massey A Hunt Carlos Crasoro (Two to fill) Graad Rapid*, Mick COLUMBIA (ubo) Flanagan a Edwards The Frescotts Meyakos Trio Moshor Hayes A M (Others to fill) Hanalltea, Caa. TEMPLE (ubo) Nellie Nichols McMahon DlamondsAC Flying Henrys Roaoh McCurdy (Others to nil) Hekekea, If. J. LYRIC (loew) Frevoll Keefe A Suber "The Tangle" Tower A Darrell USA Boys 2d half Rose A Buddy Ellis "Woman Haters" Tabor A Green Bounding Pattersons (One to fill) Indianapolis LYRIC (ubo) Aerial Eddys Gruber a Kew Davit A Dlvall 4 Society Girls 2d half Mlzpah Selblm Co Majorle Lake Wm Morrow Co Jim A Betty Morgan Diaz's Monks KEITH'S (ubo) Chas Grapewln Co Angelo Patricola Ray Samuels Boyle A Brazil La Toy Bros Horlick Family Jaekson, Mich. BIJOU (ubo) "Dream Girl" 2d half 3 Mlllards Rice A Morgan Chas Wayne Co Grace Cameron Harvey 3 Jacksonville ORPHEUM (ubo) Raymond A Bain Marie King Scott .lulletlna's Dogs Stevens A Falk Fern Blgelow A M Kalaaaasee, Mlek. MAJESTIC (ubo) "Little Modiste" 2d half Judson Cole Dvnes A Van Epps "When Love Is Young" Menace A Balrd (One to All) Kaasss City ORPHEUM TranH Atlantic 3 .Josephine Dunfee MrRae A Clegg Natalie A Ferrari Romeo the Great Will Rogers (Other* to All) EMPRRS8 (loew) The Valdos Stewart A Hall Yvonne Murray Livingston Co Lafayette, lad. FAMILY (ubo) Blverton Calloway a Roberta Pipes. A Pans Floyd Mack Frawley a Hunt 2d half Seabury a Price Howe A Howe "Superstition" Johnny O'Connor Co Mile Martha Co Jones A Johnson Buch Bros Laaslaa, Mlek. BIJOU (ubo) Karlton A Kllfford Welaaer A Relaser Carroll A Plerlott 3 Majesties Zeno Jordon A Zeno 2 half Wentworth Vesta A T Hal A Francis Leila Davies Co Low Wells Llaeela, Nek. ORPHEUM Byrd Frost Crowe 11 Hlckey Bros "Matinee Girls" Frank Wilson Hlnes A Fox Chas McGooda Co Grant A Hoag (Others to fill) Loaaasaert, lad. COLONIAL (ubo) Geo Fredo Anita Primrose Harvey DeVora 3 2d half Wilson A Aubrey Ruth Roden Harrison A Dynamite Lea Aaaelea ORPHEUM Chaa Ahearn Co Mack A Walker Stan Stanley 8 Lea Salvaggis Hana Kronold HermJne Shone Co 6 American Dancers Alexander A Scott EMPRESS (loaw) Theo Bamberg Jolly A Wild Allen Miller Co Roae A Moon Alloa Hsnson 3 Mori Bros PANTAOES (m) Ethel Davis Dolls King Thornton Co Taylor A Arnold Chester Kingston Miller Packer A Sels LealsTtlle KEITHS (ubo) Hopkins Sisters Ryan A Lee 4 Roeders "Fixing the Furnace" Walter C Kelly "Eloping" Keno A Green Burdella Patterson LOWell. hm-mm. KBITH'B (ubo) Crouch A Richards Routlnl A Crotelll Mr A Mrs M Mnrphy Cotter A Bolden r» Annapolis Boys Toney A Norman Mang A Snyder Memphis ORPHEUM Mme Yorska Co Odlva "The Volunteers" Fisher A Green Gardiner 3 Lee Berth Lightner A Jordan MUwaakee MAJESTIC (orph) "Woman Proposes" Mr A Mrs D Crane Rlso Ruegger Mr A Mrs J Barry Tate's Motoring Nelusco A Herley (Others to fill) Mlaaeapolln ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Ward Bell A Ward hums A Fulton Lai Mon Kim Duffy A Lorenz Bertha Kalloh Co Kverest's Mon key h (Others to fill) Montreal ORPHEUM (ubo) The Seebacks Orr A De Costa Fields A Lewis Hrnnson A Baldwin Willie Weston Newark, ft. .1. LYRIC (pr) Sylvester Boston Vons Co Reed A Tuttle Little Nap Adele Oswold Co "Shirt Waist Faetory" George Roesner Co Tate A Tate 2d half Lambertl Pearson A Garfield Marlon Kay