Variety (October 1914)

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24 VARIETY Mr * Mr* Allison Oeo Nagsl Go Wtlsy A Tsn Eye* Pop Ward S V Lereene Go W twfcttg Ej If* T. COHEN O H (lofw) Williams A 8l«gol Howard A Fisld Mine Wolgaa A GFlrlto (Two to ail) 2d half Frsroli ^ M Edmonds A Basil "The Pardon" Bills Gilbert Girls (Ons to ail) Now Have*. Cemnw POLTS (ubo) (1st half) m "Aurora of Light" Tena Ralno (Others to ail) Haw Orloaao ORPHEUM Salon Singers Bell Family Anna Chandler Chas Y«la Co La Franos A Brnos Cameron Bisters Merle's Cockatoos Bow mo ofc o U oj B. Y. LOBW 1st half Barnes A Robinson Ex-Mayor Shank (One to 811) Norfolk, rtu COLONIAL (ubo) (1st half) ^ w Norcross A Holdsworth Willie Bros Qrlff A Dietrich Plerlot A Sooaeld (2d halt) Edwin George Btunelle Slstsrs (Others to ail) Oaltlamd ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Morris Cronln Co Fredericks Slemons Go Kslmer A Brown Chief Caupollcaa Rube Dickinson Lydell Rogers A L Locketi A Waldron Adair A Adair PANTAGB8 (») (Open Bun Mat) "Kingdom of Dreams" Acms 4 Cornell Corley Go Early A Lalght Kelley A CaUln Gray A Peters Tm N. Y. PROCTOR'S Ben Lewln Co Harold Kennedy Riverside 4 Black Bros Caryl Randall 2d half Lewis A Davis Girard A Gardner Bud Snyder Co Aubrey A Rlche Great Karrell Portland* Ore. BMPRB88 (loew) Geo A \A\ Garden Bogart A Nelson Hlppodroms 4 Eugerfe Emmett Co The Stantons Wormwood's Anlmsls PANTAGE8 (m) Teddy McNamara Co TlUnlo Rosdell Singers Lockarte A Leddy Saunders A Von Kunts jntoo. B. I* KEITH'S (ubo) Sutton Mclntyre A 8 Boothby A Brerdeen Blckel A Watson Roxy La Rooca Maris Fltsglbbon Lawandio Co Frances A Ross WESTMINISTER (loew) Dancing Kennedys Morris A Allen Ines McCanley Co Marls Russell "Vsnd In Monkeyland" 2d half Gypsy Countess Jones A Rose Geo B Reno Co Sandy Shaw (One to ail) BJehnsond, Vs. BIJOU (ubo) Edwin George Brunelle Sisters (Others to Bin (2d half) Norcrono A Holdsworth WUUs Bros Griff A Dietrich Plerlot A Scofleld ORPHEUM (Open Bun Mat) Wharry Lewis Quintet Elinors A Williams Chlnko DeHaren A Nlos Jones A Sylvester Minnie Kaufman (Others to AH) Oejdeaw UtsA ORPHBUM (loew) (28-81) Laypo A Benjamin ETa Prout Mr A Mrs D Blwyn Irwin A Hersog Sen Francis Murphy Deane's Fantoms Ottai.- DOMINION (Ubo) Mack A Qrth Gere A Delaney Hilda Hawthorne Lambert! Sully Family BUI Pruett Olympic 8 Philadelphia KEITH'S (ubo) Weber A Capltola Creasy A Dayns Claire Rochester Robbie Gordone James Cullen Aerial Buds Sylvester Schaffer KNICKERBOCKER (loew) Conrad A Mareena Wlllard A Bond Bessie LeCount Carl Damann Troupe (Two to nil) 2d half Goclette Storke A L "College Life" Brown Harris A B Von Cello (Two to ail) Plttnftjwnjk GRAND (Ubo) Ed Morton 3 Lyres Empire Comedy 4 Pernlkoff A Rose (Others to fill) PlalnJeld, N. J. PROCTOR'S Nardlnl Soott A Marke Morrissey A Haokett Lewis A Darls "Georgia Campers" 2d hslf Aold Kennedy .a Dlcka P.iverntde 4 Black Bros "Shirt Waist Factory" r» N» »• TEMPLE (ubo) Ellis A Bills Jane Connelly Co Doc O'Nell Lee A Cranston Wemer-Amoros Tr Comfort A King Franklin A Green Belleclalre Bros Saerasneate) ORPHBUM (26-27) Claude GUUngwatar Co White A Jason Ashley A Canfleld B Mstxsttls Joe A Lew Cooper Harry De Coe Cleo Gascolgne EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Murphy A Foley Shiiner A Richards Roman A Orr "Thro Skylight" Nell McKlnley McClure A Dolly Sawflaaw, Mich. BIJOU (ubo) Sam Kaonl Madame Marlon Joe Daniels "Kid Kabaret" 2d half Lee Cougets Billy A Edith Adams J C Nugent Co Capitol City 4 Moralist Bros Bait Lake ORPHEUM (Opsn Bun Mat) Arnftld Daly Co Relsner A Gores Bofand A Holts Cole A Denahy Burkebart A White Carlos Bros Ths Orassrs BMPRBB8 (loew) Swan Laurie A Aleen Miller Moore A O Arthur DeVoy Co Arellng A Lloyd Neptune's Garden PANT AGES (m) (Open Wed Mat) "Night Hawks" Wood's Anlmsls Rosella A Rozella Palfrey Barton A B Qulnlan A Richards 8aa Diego SPRECKELS (orph) (Open Bun Mat) 'The Beauties" Act Beautiful Ismed Harry Tauda Weston A Clare Kathryh Durkln PANTAQEB (m) Pony Moore Co WlDBch A Poore Coogan A Cox Gilbert & Girard Love ft Wilbur ORPHBUM (Open Bun Mat) Joa Jefferson Co Theo Bendlx Players Burnbsm A Irwin 3 Types Claude Golden Ida DlTlnoff Moore Littlefleld Co Frsnk North Co BMPRB88 (loew) (Open Bun Mst) Montrose A Bydell Celts Bros Wilson A Wilson Morris Beasley Oddone Kitty Francis Co PANTAOE8 (m) (Opsn Bun Mat) Musical Juveniles William Shilling Co SUber A North Slivers Oakley Belle Trio Baa Jeee, CaL VICTORY (orph) (90-81) (Same as at Sacra- mento 26-27, this Is- sue) Bawaaaaa, Ga. BIJOU (ubo) lat half Connolly A Wenrlch Madison A James Lawrence A Edwards Schenectady. N, Y. PROCTOR'S Costs Keene A J Titanic Disaster Dsnclng Franks Schrelber Bros Dare Austin Go Bud Marlow 7 Genoos Zeno 2d half Dr Herman Barefoot Boy Florence Tlmnonl Calson A Calson Flo Irwin Co Robblns A Lyons Mms Deplnna Billy Jones Seraatoa, Pa, POU'8 (ubo) Marie Dorr Bruce Duffett Co "Society Buds" Johnson A Dean (Others to ail) Seattle ORPHBUM iOpen Sun Mat) ertrude Hoffman Co Billy Swede Hall Martin Van Bergen Hunting A Francis Llbby A Barton BMPRB8B (losw) Canarls A Cleo BUI Robinson Bobbe A Dale Svengall Haydn Burton A H Black A White PANTAOE8 (m) Claire Rawson Co- Creole Orchestra McConnell A Nlemeyer Arthur Whltlaw Great Harraha Sloan City ORPHEUM (Open Bun Mat) Gonnley A Caffrey Fred Kornau Hayward Stafford Co Leo Zarrell 8 Cantwell A Walker Marie A Billy Hart Miller A Lyles Boata Chicago GAIETY (wvs) DeComa A Thompson Gus Andrews Hsrry Ellsworth Co Ouerro A Carmen Mile Martha A Sis 2d half Fred A May Waddell LaMar A Lawrence Dotson A Gordon Shaw's Circus (One to ail) So. Norwalk, Conn. LOEWS Smith A Farmer Jlmmle Rosen Co Reckless Trio (Two to All) 2d half Usher Trio Harry Rose "Honey Girls" (Two to Bll) Spokane ORPHEUM (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Davla A Matthewa Hoyt A Warden Mcintosh A Maids Bernard A Harrington Fred Hlllebrand Nichols Nelson Tr PANTAQEB (m) (Open Sun Mat) Staley Blrbeck Co Edgar A Ely Co Qulnn ft Mitchell Joe Lanlgan .'{ K ray tons Snrtagrftela; 1 POU'8 (ubo) (last half) (Sams as at New Haven first half, this Issue) St. Lealn COLUMBIA (orph) Robert Edeson Co Schwars Bros Althoff Sisters John A Mae Burke Rae B Ball Le Orohs Smith Cook A Bran (Others to fill) St. PaaL Minn. ORPHBUM (Open 8un Mst) Clark A Verdi Ed Hsyes Co Pierre Pel letter Co The Gouldings PsUenberg's Bears Woodmsn A Livingston Princes Rajah Stockton, CnL Y0SEM1TB (.orph) (28-29) (Same as at Sacra- mento 26-27, this ls- sus) Syraenne* N. Y. GRAND (ubo) Arnaut Bros Moran A Wlaer Conlln Steel 8 Leo Carrlllo "School Playgrodnda" EMPRESS (loew) Ethel A Lucy Baker Leigh ton A Robinson Grace DeWlnters Rysn Richfield Co Harry Thomson Cycling McNutts PANTAOES (m) Minstrel Maids Isabel Fletcher Co Hugo Lutgena El wood A Snow Leon A Adeline Sis Terre Haate* lad. VARIETIES (ubo) Bsby Helen Gorman B A Leopold Paul Levan A Dobbs Schrode A Mulvey Lamb A Bckoff 2d half Exposition 4 Bob Hall Wm Armstrong Co Lucas A Fields Ths Bnrkes Toledo, O. Jsrrow Cordalnl's Animals Heath A Millersblp Phillips A White Geo Brown Co "Neptune's Garden** (Others to fill) Toronto SHEA'S (ubo) Boganny Troupe Cowboy Minstrels Max A Mabel Ford Tracer Stone A S C A F Usher YONOE ST (loew) The Valdoa David Kallkoa Marshall P Wilder "Gray of Dawn" Hartley A Pecan (Three to flir) Troy, N. Y. PROCTOR'S William Cahlll Aeroplane Girl Dr Herman Florence Timpohl Eldon A Clifton George Murphy 2d half Coate Keene A J Ellnore A Franklins Graham A Randall Virginia Glrla Dare Austin Co Equestrian Lion Bud Marlow Union HIIL N. J. HUDSON (ubo) Imperial Fantouches Gerard A West Doc Campbell Trio Howard A McCane Harriet Burt Taylor Granville Co Diamond A Brennan The Balllots Utftca, N. Y. SHUBERT (ubo) Dooley A Rugel "Girl in Moon" Levering Co (Others to fill) Vancouver, B. C ORPHEUM (loew) Blanche Leslie Patrlcola A Myers Polsin Bros Earl A Curtis Gray A Graham "School Days" PANTAGES (m) Terry A Fiji Sis Gardner A Revere LaTourralne 4 Juggling Mowatts 2 Kerns B. C. PANTAGES (m) Lander Stevens Co Bruce Richardson Co York 8 Prince A Deerte Togsn A Geneva Waaal v. naalaatoa, D. KEITH'S (ubo) Dainty Marie Nat Wills Adelaide A Hughes Morton A Austin Allen Brooks Co Evelyn Dunmore Kaiser's Dogs Watorhary, Conn. LOEWS Ward A Gray Godfrey Henderson Co 3 Kelors (Three to fill) 2d half Florensl Godfrey Henderson Co (Four to fill) Wlaalnesj, Can. ORPHBUM Imhoff Conn A C Alfred Bergsn El Roy Bisters Barry A Wolford Genevieve Warner Johnny Johnston Co PANTAGES (m) Imperial Opera Co Sherbourne A Mont- gomery Shear A Herman Haley A Haley 4 DeKock Bros SHOWS NEXT WEEK. NEW YORK. "A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS"—Little (2d week). "A PERFECT LADY" (Rose Stahl)—Hudson (Oct. 28). "BIG JIM GARRITY" (John Mason)—New York (3d week). "CHIN-CHIN" (Montgomery and Stone)— Globe (2d week). "DADDY LONG LEGS"—Gaiety (6th week). "DANCING AROUND" (Al Jolson)—Winter Garden (3d week). "DIPLOMACY"—Empire (2d week). "CONSEQUENCES"—Comedy (5th week). GRAND OPERA—Century (7th week). "HE COMB8 UP SMILING" (Douglas Fair- banks)—Liberty (7th week). "INNOCENT"—ElUnge (8th week). "IT PAYS ; TO ADVERTISE"—Cohan (8th week). "KICK IN"—Long acre (3d week). "UFE"—ManhaUn O. H. (2d week). "MILADY'8 BOUDOIR" (Adele Blood).—Gar- rick (Oct. 29). "MY LADY'S DRESS"—Playhouse (3d week). "MR. WU" (Walker Whiteside)— Marine El- liott (3d week). "ON TRIAL"—Candler (11th week). PRINCESS PLAYERS—Princess (2d week). "PYGMALION" (Mrs. Campbell)—Park (3d week). "PRETTY MISS 8MITH" (FriUl Schefl)— Casino (6th week). "THE BATTLE CRY"—Lyric (Oct 29). •THE HIGHWAY OF UFE"—Wallack's (Oct 28). "THE SALAMANDER"—Harris (2d week). "THE BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE"—Lyceum (8th week). "THE GIRL FROM UTAH"—Knickerbocker (9th week). "THE HIGH COST OF LOVING"—Republic (10th week). "THE MIRACLE MAN"—Astor (6th week). "THE HAWK" (Wm. Faversham)— Shubert (4th week). "THE LILAC DOMINO"—44th Street (Oct. 28). "THE LAW OF THE LAND"—48th Street (5th week). "THE PHANTOM RIVAL"—Belaaco (4th week). "THE THIRD PARTY""—30th Street (13th week). "TWIN BEDS"—Fulton (12th week). "UNDER COVER"—Cort (10th week). "WARS OF THE WORLD "—Hippodrome (8th week). CHICAGO. "WHILE THE CITY SLEEPS'—Auditorium (1st week). "A PAIR OF SIXES'—Cort (12th week). "PEG O' MY HEART"—Garrlck (19th week). "LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN—Illinois (2d week). "ONE GIRL IN A MILLION"—La Salle (8th week). "POTASH A PERLMUTER""—Olympic (10th week). "THE YELLOW TICKET"—Powers' (8th week). "TODAY"—Princess (5th week). FORBES-ROBERTSON — Blackstone (4th week). LONDON. "BELLE OF NEW YORK"—Aldwych. "BLUFF KINO HAL"—Garrick. "CHOCOLATE SOLDIER"—Lyric. "DRAKE"—His Majesty's. "FORGET MB NOT"—Little. "GRUMPY"——New. "GREAT ADVENTURE"—Kingsway. "HIS HOUSE IN ORDER"—St James". "IMPOSSIBLE WOMAN"—Haymarket. "LITTLE MINISTER"—Duke of York's. " MAMEENA"—Globe. MY LADY'S DRESS"—Doyalty. "MR. WU"—Savoy. "OUTCAST"—Wyndham's. "PET O* MY HEART"—Comedy. "POTASH A PERLMUTTER"—Queen's. "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE"—Apollo. "SIR RICHARD'S BIOGRAPHY"—Criterion. "SILVER KING"—Strand. "TOMMY ATKINS"—Lyceum. "WHEN KNIGHTS WERE BOLD'—Prince of Wales. 0BITUA1Y. Peter McGann, special officer at the Bedford, Brooklyn, died Oct. 14 with- in 10 minutes after suffering a stroke of apoplexy while on duty. Salem, Mass., Oct. 21. Elmer K. Moulton, theatrical man- ager, proprietor of the Salem Bay Transportation Co., and son of the late John W. Moulton, died in Lynn, Mass., last week. He formerly managed the Lynn theatre. Ralph C. Marthy, aged 36 years, for some time in vaudeville, died Oct 16 in St. Louis, following an operation. A widow, Katherine Sheldon Marthy ("Mutt and Jeff" Co.) survives. Lulu Greenglade, wife of Ernie Green- slade, stage manager of B. F. Keith's Hippodrome, Cleveland, died in that city Oct. 12 after a long illness. Be- sides the husband, a 14-year-old daugh- ter survives. Baltimore, Oct. 21. George H. Houck, the veteran the- atrical man, died Monday night at his home in Catonsville, of the infirmities of age. He was 86 years old. Mr. Houck was well known in the theatri- cal world as one of the proprietors of the old Holliday Street Theatre. Near- ly a quarter of a century ago he and George W. Rife bought the playhouse and actively managed it until a few years ago. They also organized the bill-posting firm of Rife & Houck, which grew into one of the largest concerns of its kind. Surviving are two sons, one daughter, one brother and a sister. A. M. Lawson, vaudeville actor, of Cincinnati, committed suicide at Buena Vista, Ga. He was found hanging in a room at his hotel. Richard W. Garnella, "Little Disk" of the original Garnella Bros., died Sept. 22 of cancer of stomach in the Allegheny General Hospital, Alleghe- ny, Pa. He was born in Baltimore April 18, 1864. A widow and two daughters, Grace and Marie, survive. Horatio N. Berry, one of the Berry Brothers, famous as bell ringers in former years, died at the age of 73 in his home in Great Valley, N. Y., Oct. 13. Of late he has been engaged in the moving picture industry. He was uncle of Frank W. Berry, of the vaude- ville team of Berry and Berry. James H. Powers of the Three Pow- ers Bros., died Sept. 29 at his home in Providence, R. I. Cleveland, Oct. 21. William Russell died last week. For 30 vears he was at the Opera House.