Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 27 UUUUUUUUkUUkUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUkkU SELZNICK MAKES ANOTHER CAPTURE FOR THE WORLD FILM CORPORATION FRANK L. DYER (Former President, General Film Company) President J. PARKER READ, JR. (Producer of the photoplays, "The Garden of Allah" and "Victory") Vice President J. SEARLE DAWLEY (The man who made the Famous Players famous) and "The Charge of the Light Brigade." Director General HAVE JOINED FORCES IN ORGANIZING THE to produce the most artistic motion pictures yet undertaken. The culminating step in the ir making that work possible has come in their securing the IL-IVI CORPORATION to become their exclusive distributors, because the World Film Corporation is the only high grade feature film distributors who can properly market the Dyreda's artistic product. The first feature to be released through the World Film Corporation from the Dyreda's Studios is IONS" in "ONE OF" IVII The most impressive, dynamic indictment of the evils of war ever conceived. pari FASF. DATE—NOV 16 The next DYREDA release is LAURA SAWYER and ROBERT BRODERICK in "IN THE NAME OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE." Release date on this fc *" fc * fc ■"*■**• *mvw* *•• feature will be announced later. For bookings on these and all future Dyreda features, communicate at once with the nearest exchange of the LEWIS J. SELZNICK Vice President and General Manager WORLD FILM CORPORATION, 130 W. 46th St., New York 20 branches throughout the United States and Canada—12 more branches now being opened. ^i^^^i^^xi^nii^ i^.^i^.i r^ ^ ^ ^ n i ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r_ ANIMATED ONG NOTHING MECHANICAL NO PHONOGRAPH RECORDS MOTION PICTURES THAT MOVE TO THE RHYTHM OF SONG YOU FURNISH THE SINGER-WE FURNISH THE SONG IMPERIAL MOTION PICTURE CO. OF NEW YORK, Inc. 1476 BROADWAY Big Jim F Bernstein 1493 Bway NYC Bimbos The Variety N Y Bowers Fred V 4k Co Variety N Y Bowers Walters & Crooker Her Majesty's Melbourne Aus Bracks Seven care Tausig 104 E 14th St N Y C Brady 4k Mahoney Empress St Paul MAURICE GRACE BRIERRE and KING In Vaudeville Direction, IRVING COOPER. Bronson 4k Baldwin Variety N Y Brooks Wallie Variety N Y Bruce & Calvert Loew Agency Chicago Buch Bros Empress Kansas City Busse Miss care Cooper 1416 Bway NYC CARL DORA BYALandLARLY Direction, M. S. BENTHAM. Cameron Sisters Orpheum New Orleans Carlos Bros Orpheum Salt Leka Carr Nat 10 Wellington Sq London Eng Ce Dorm 9 Riverside Ave Newark N J Claudius ft Scarlet Variety N Y Chandler Ann Orpheum New Orleans SAM MARY ;h-4IF> a0 d MARBLE la "THE LAND OF DYKES'* JOHN W. DUNNE, Mgr. Cole & Denahy Orpheum Salt Lake Colvin William Burbank Los Angeles Conroy 4k LeMaire care Shuberts Cook Joe Variety N Y Corradini F care Tausig 104 E 14th St N Y C Cronin Morris Co Orpheum Oakland Cross & Josephine Variety N Y D'Arville Jeanette Montreal Indef Daly Arnold Co Orpheum Salt Lake l)e Felice Carlotta Variety San Francisco De Long Maidie Variety N Y Devine 4k Williams Broadway Philadelphia JIM SYBIL DIAMOND and BRENNAN '"Nifty nonsense" Next Week (Oct. 26). Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Dickinson Rube Orpheum Oakland Divinoff Ida Orpheum San Francisco Dorr Marie Poll's Scranton fMUvviviiiTiifiriii WORLD FILM CORPORATION Pr sse nU ■ Blaney photoplay feature "ACROSS THE PACIFIC" Released Nov 2 World Film Corporation LEWIS J. SELZNICK, Vkt-Fre*. 4s Gem. M«r. m W. 44th St, New York B Branches throughout the U. S. and r*-»-^- 'AW.WAV.V.W.'JiLV.'.V.' Dunmore Evelyn Keith's Washington Durkin Katheryn Spreckles San Diego Edeson Robert Columbia St Louis Elisabeth Mary Variety London El Rey Sisters Orpheum Winnipeg Emmett Mr 4k Mrs Hugh 227 W 46th St N Y Elinore & Williams Orpheum Omaha Empire Comedy 4 Grand Pittsburgh Perfect Acouetice Help Box Office Receipts Just as theatre-goers soon begin to shun the house where it is dif- ficult to hear, so they become staunch patrons of the house where they can hear perfectly no matter where seated. Faulty acoustics, the cause of reverberation which spoil elocutionary effort, can positively be corrected by the J-M Method of Acoustical Treatment Wc ciples. and doe You informa Atlanta Baltimore Bisfon Buffalo Chicago Toronto ran guarantee satisfactory results because our method is based on scient The application of the J-M Method of Acoustical Treatment cannot be d s not detract in any way from the theatre's appearance, will not obligate yourself in the least by writinR nearest Branch for tion. H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE CO. ilic prin- etected— complete Cincinnati Columbus Denver iK'trolt Gtlv«tOD Indianapolis Kansas City \ju* Anffrles liOuLsvllle THE CANADIAN Montreal Memphis Milwaukee Minneapolis Newark New Orleans New York Omaha Philadelphia Plttunurib Portland HL Louis Salt Lake City Ban Franrbro Seattle Toledo W. JOHNS-MANVILLE CO., LIMITED Winnipeg ~Xu Vancouver