Variety (October 1914)

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n VARIETY Ronaee' Horn* for Professionals. Hamdaosnoly Furnished Steam Heated Rooms Bath and every convenience ft THE ST. HILDA ff 'Phone 7117 Bryant Acknowledged as the bast place to stop at la New York City. One block from Booking Office, and VARIETY. Row at 67 W. 44th Street PAULINE COOKE, Sole Proprietress Hotel Plymouth 38th St. (Between Broadway and Mb Ave.), N. Y. City New Fireproof Building. A Stone'* Throw from Broadway $1 o o ONE IN DAY ROOM $1 5 0 TWO IN T A DAY ROOM Biff Reduction* to Weekly Gueete Every room has hot and cold running water, electric light and long distance telephone. Phono 152t Greeley EUROPEAN PLAN T. SINNOTT. Manager CLEANEST IN TOWN 150 Furnished Apartments Steam Heated, Centrally Located in the Theatrical District in tko City a* NEW YORK. For the Comfort and Convenience ef the Profession. HENRI COURT lit IM ■■• til W. 4tth ST. Tel. Bryant 8560-1561 New fireproof building, just completed, with hand- somely famished three and four-room apartments com- plete for housekeeping. Pri- vate bath, telephone, elec- tricity. RATES: $13 UP WEEKLY THE ANNEX 7S4 ltd 7S4 «■ AVE.. sMTrtSt Tel. Bryant 3431 Decidedly clean, four and five-room apartment* with private baths, carefully fur- nished. lls.Ce up THE CLAMAN SlSieitSIW 41.17 Tel. Bryant 42» «M Comfortable and excep- tionally clean three and four-room apartments, thor- oughly furnished for house- keeping. Private baths. $8.00 UP WEEKLY UNDER MANAGEMENT OP THE OWNER ARTHUR 252-254 West 38th St., off 7th Avenue, NEW YORK $2.51 to $5.00 Weekly IN rooms, scrupulously clean, baths on every floor, steam heat, electric light and gas Telephone 41SS Greeley MUSIC ROOM FOR USE OF GUESTS Columbus 449 POSTAL GARAGE 222-24 W. diet St.. New York A THEATRICAL OARAGE LIMOUSINES TO HIRE by hour, day or Zasell H M Co Orpheum Circuit ZooUer Edward care Cooper 1416 Bway NYC BURLESQUE ROUTES NEW YORK Tel. 1890 Bryant 2M W. 41ST STREET A Hotel for Gentlemen $2 up 1 Minute West of Broadway The Rendezvous for Bohemians and Pr e f ee- sional Folk Generally. Chile Concarne, Hot Tamales and Mexican Dishes a Specialty. Rehearsal Rooms, $1.54 for 3 hours. Telephone Bryant 3387 FuniUhed ApoUtjnenU and Rooms Three and Four Room Apartments $8 to $8 Largo r ooms $4J8 and up COMPLETE HOUSEKEEPING 310 W. 48TH ST., NEW YORK (Week Oct. 26 and Nov. 2.) American Beauties 26 Empire Brooklyn 2 L O 9 Westminster Providence. Auto Olrls 26 Grand Boston 2-4 Grand Pltts- fleld 5-7 Empire Holyoke. Beauty Parade 26 L O 2 Empire Newark Beauty Youth 4 Folly 26 Victoria Pittsburgh 2 Penn Circuit Behman Show 26-28 Empire Albany 29-31 Grand Hartford 2 Gayety Boston Ben Welch 8how 26 Gayety Kansas City 2 Gayety Omaha. Big Jubilee 26 Star ft Garter Chicago 2 Prin- cess St Louis Big Revue 26-28 Grand PlttHfleld 29-31 Em- pire Holyoke 2 Murray Hill New York Big Sensation 26 Casino Chicago 2 Columbia Indianapolis. Bohemians 26 L O 2 Caiiino Chicago Bon Tons 26-28 Bastable Syracuse 29-81 Lam- berg Utica 2 Gaiety Montreal Bowery Burlesquers 26 Princess 8t Louis 2 Gayety Kansas City. Broadway Girls 26-28 Broadway Atlantic City 2-4 Stone O H BInghamton 5-7 Van Culler O H Schenectady Charming Widows 26 Penn Circuit 2 Olympic New York. Cherry Blossoms 26 Gayety Brooklyn 2-4 Jacques O H Waterbury 5-7 Gil more Spring- field. City Belles 26 Standard Cincinnati 2 Empire Cleveland. AN ITALIAN DINNER YOU WON'T FORGET Ill-Ill West 49th St AlAI |JA Near 6th Ave. Lunch 4le. lej 1111 II II »"""»- *••* ■•»•• **> With Wise 111IILI I U — •; ( ;- h 7*— • THE RENDEZVOUS OF "THEATRICALS BEST" EAT IN THE OPEN IN OUR SUMMER GARDEN HOTEL LYNWOOD 102 WEST 44TH STREET NEW YORK Single Rooms, $S par week; Double, $7, with Bath, If; Parlor Bedroom and Bath, 114. Elevator, Electric Light, Telephone in every room. Telephone SIM Bryant. I IVIEN 245 WEST 51st STREET • JUST WEST Or BROADWAY 2, 3 AND 4 ROOMS Modern Fireproof Elevator Building RENTS $45 UP. References required. Apply on premises. City 8ports 26-28 Jacques O H Waterbury 29- 31 Gil more Springfield 2 Howard Boston College Girls 26 Columbia New York 2 Casino Brooklyn. Crackerjacks 26 Murray Hill New York 2 Star Brooklyn. Dreamlands 26 Empire Toledo 2 Star A Gar- ter Cblcago. Eva Mull's Show 26 Gayety Baltimore 2 Bijou Richmond. Fay Foster Co 26 Trocadero Philadelphia 1-4 Broadway Atlantic City Follies of the Day 26 Gayety Omaha 2LOB Gayety Minneapolis Follies of Pleasure 26 Cadillac Detroit 2 Hay- market Chicago. ARNINfl? CAUTION! NOTICE! sTiilllll ^ VJ O VAN NtVEH. the Dippy Msd Msgldao. wabss ts tell W: M _ bis Men* that be retaras to Nsaasnsfsi's, WITH SOME NEW MATEBIAL. Also want to sty thst some friends of mine wanted to know what tb* iffiBMit vss that I bed with AL J0L80N la San rrandsoo. Dssr Mod friends. It was do Mlieist AL J0L80N used tome of my material. Ws met in the lobby of tb* Continental Hotel. B» at first was s trifle LOUD. But I guest be knew by the tone of my voice thst I don't lias Issd people. Bo be leaae down to earth end ssld be would cut tbe GAG out Cbas. Nevlns was a witness. There wss NO ABGUMENT. Even four yean ego when I was stopping in dollar-a-day board and room placet and was skinny and unhealthy I would not allow any one to ABGUE with me, so what chance b there now when I am In regular hotels end get meet twice s dsy snd got s room with a bath? I also wbb to deny that while playing Hammmtein's recently that I made the following remark from the stage: DO YOU KNOW THE REASON THEY DON'T HAVE MATINEES DAILY AT THE WINTEB OABDEN. MR. MATT WILL. P. 8.—Began* to Stanley snd rumba and thanks to tb* Continental bunch for helping to make my THIRD week at Orpbsua. Ban Francisco, a SUCCESS. THE REASON THEY DON'T 18 TO GIVE THE COMEDIANS UP THERE A CHANCE TO GO ABOUND AND GET MATEBIAL FOB THEIR ACTS FOB SUNDAY NIGHT CONCERTS. Tbe above remark was not made by me. Some people say. "Van, you bete nerve all right to talk to Jolson like that" WHO 18 JOLSON OB ANY STAB that has a right to use my material? It's mine, I own It—I *arn my bread and butter with It. and JOLSON nor any one else (they all look alike to me) can use It I'm going to protect my rights. I always have and always will snd any man that doesn't protect bis rights Is s C0WABD. Tbe reason I'm putting this sd In is because I want everyone who sees me In New York to know my act Is mine. Whst I didn't write I paid for wltb HONEST, HARD-EARNED MONEY. I want to be successful, but if I can't be that way and be on the level I don't want SUCCESS. When some parties read this they will say: "He's a BUG." Yes. I'm a BUG. tbe BUG that you don't like became I made certain people respect ME, and when a man stoops so low ss to respect a BUG he's worse than tbe bug. VAN HOVEN Tbe Dippy Mad Magadan. DIPPY ENOUGH TO WBTTE MY OWN MATEBIAL AND MAD ENOUGH TO PROTECT IT Now a regular actor—no longer fighting preliminary bouts st five snd ten s night No more big nose and Just a real, nice, good, Mad, honest actor. VAN HOVEN.