Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 33 HOTEL VAN CORTLANDT 142-146 W. 49th STREET JUST CAST OF BROADWAY NEW YORK Centrally located, good service, absolutely fireproof. A home-like transient and family hotel. Telephone in every room. Restaurant end Grill equal to any Moderate Prlcee Rooms large, light, airy end well furnished. Rooms with use of bath $1.50 and up. Rooms with bath $2 and up, Parlor bedroom and bath $3 and up, for one or two persons. SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS IM 114-116 WEST 47TH STREET, NEW YORK (Just off Broadway) Bast location in town. Kitchenette apartments; Single and doublo rooms, with bath. Attractive prices to tho profession. Telephone Bryant 4SS1 IN/IOIM 104-106 W. 40TH ST., NEW YORK, Between Broadway and Sixth Ave. Europea n Plan, rooms $2.5S up per week. Double rooms, $4.Sf up. Housekeeping rooms, gfJt »k. Steam Heat. Baths on every floor. JIMSEY JORDAN, Mgr. Bryant 1*44 end Airy Rath, S-4 FURNISHED APARTMENTS 323 West 43rd Street, NEW YORK CITY Catering to the comfort end convenience of the its op. When Playing Atlantic City Stop At HOTEL G00DFELL0W Maryland Ave. end Boardwalk rhree minutes from New Nixon end Keith's "heetres. Eight minutes from Apollo Theatre StttJal Rites tt the Profession CHAS. J. GOODFELLOW, Prop. Ate of Chestnut Street Opera House, Phila. lOTEL BROADWAY, DETROIT 42-44 BROADWAY rheatrical hotel within three minutes' walk Tom ell Theatres. Price, $J.5t up, elaglei S.M up, double. Yench Models 26 Savoy Hamilton Oaa 2 Ca- dillac Detroit ralety Girls 26 Oayety Toronto 2 CFayety Buf- falo farden Girls 26 Haymarket Chicago 2 Stan- dard St Louis (ay Morning Glories 26 Garden Buffalo 2 Star Toronto lay New Yorkers 26 Westminster Providence 2 Casino Boston lay White Way 26 Oayety Boston 2-4 Wor- cester Worcester 5-7 Park Bridgeport fay Widows 26-28 Stone O H Blnghamton 29- 81 Van Culler O H Schenectady 2 Corin- thian Rochester linger Girls 26 Oayety Buffalo 2-4 Beatable Syracuse 5-7 Lumber* Utlca flrls from Happyland 26 Oayety Milwaukee 2 Columbia Chicago Hrla from Joy land 26 Orpheum Peterson 2 L O 0 Oayety Baltimore llrls from Follies 26 Oayety Philadelphia 5-7 Orand Trenton llrls of Moulin Rouge 26 L O 2 Oayety Min- neapolis flobe Trotters 26 Casino Boston 2-4 Grand Hartford 5-7 Empire Albany lolden Crook 26 Miner's Bronx New York 2 L O 0 Empire Newark fypny Ms Ids 26 Palace Baltimore 2 Oayety Washington lappy Widows 26 Oayety Pittsburgh 2 Star Clevelsnd footing's Big Show 26 Star St Paul 2 Oayety Milwaukee lello Paris 26 Star Brooklyn 2 Trocadero Philadelphia leart Charmers 26 Corinthian Rochester 2 Garden Buffalo MRS. REN SHIELDS, ™5& S J 3 ED The Veil Alen. 1S4 Weet 45th St. STEAM HEAT AND HOT WATER Phone 11*1 Bryant. All Modern Improvements Msud Fsuvette, "The Tango Chamber Maid" Catering to Vaudeville's Blue List SCHILLING HOUSE l*7-ist West 4tth Street NEW YORK American plan. MEAL SERVICE AT ALL HOURS. Private Baths. Music Room for Rehearsals. 'Phone 1S5S Bryant Phone Greeley 3444 FURNISHED ROOMS 240 West »th St. New York City sable Rates Light Housekeeping MR. AND MRS. ED KENNARD. High Life Girls 26 Standard St Louis 2 Cen- tury Kansas City Honeymoon Girls 26 Oayety Minneapolis 2 Star 8t Paul Liberty Girls 26 Oayety Washington 2 Oayety Pittsburgh Lovetnakers 26 Oayety Montreal 2-4 Empire Albany 5-7 Orand Hartford Marlon's Own Show 26 Music Hall New York 2 Casino Philadelphia Million Dollar Dolls 26 Bnglewood Chicago 2 Oayety Detroit Mischief Makers 26 Academy of Music Nor- folk 2 Oayety Philadelphia Monte Carlo Girls 26 L O 2 Oayety Baltimore Orientals 26 Columbia Indianapolis 2 Bucking- ham Louisville Prlte Winners 26 Casino Brooklyn 2 Music Hall New York Passing Review of 1014 26 Bijou Richmond 2 Academy of Muslo Norfolk Reeve's Beauty Show 26-28 Orand Hartford 29- 31 Empire Albany 2 Miner's Bronx, New York Rice's 8am DaffydlU Olrls 26 Buckingham Louisville 2 Standard Cincinnati Robinson's Carnation Beauties 26 Oayety De- troit 2 Oayety Toronto Roseland Girls 26 Oayety Cincinnati 2 Empire Toledo am COME AND SEE ME. PUT THIS IN YOUR DATS BOOK BILLY "Swede" HALL CLARIDGE APARTMENTS, 226 WEST 50TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY Big Time Food, Big Time Service, Small Time Prices at the French-American Bakery-Restaurant 154 WEST 44TH ST.—NEXT TO THE CLARIDGE HOTEL, POPULAR PRICES. GEO. F1SCH, PROP. NEW YORK ALWAYS OPEN. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH $7 °° WEEK IN THE FIRE PROOF LVIAIM 417-19 SOUTH WABASH AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. WITHIN BLOCKS TEN LARGEST DOWN-TOWN THEATRES ACTS COMING TO CHICAGO STOP AT HOTJLL CARLE/TON STATE, ARCHER AND 20TH STREETS Stogie or Double, and get showin g et Hlppserssss. Theatre and Hotel Under SAN FRANCISCO LANKERSHIM HOTEL Absolutely Fireproof; New end Modern; JSt Rooms Fifth Street, opposite U. S. Minti half block from Pan teres and Empress, and Near All Theatres. SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION Single Room, $4 per week; Double, $4Je; with Privete Bath, $5 and 91. Take any Taxi, our Expense. Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA WELLINGTON HOTEL Wsbash Ave. and Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO Rstea To The Profession J. A. KILEY. M»n» ST. LOUIS, MO REGENT HOTEL, IM N. 14TH NEW REGENT HOTEL, 1S1 N. 14TH METROPOLE HOTEL, Bet N. 12TH ST E. E. CAMPBELL, Prop, and Mgr. Thcatricsl Headquarters Tern Minutes' Walk to All Theatres Rosey Posey Olrls 26 Star Cleveland 2 Oayety Cincinnati September Morning dories 26 Garden Buffalo 2 Star Toronto Social Malda 26 Columbia Chicago 2 Bngle- wood Chicago 8tar A Oarter 26 L O 2 Westminster Provi- dence Sydell's London Belles 26-28 Worcester Wor- cester 20-31 Park Bridgeport 2 Columbia New Tork Tango Olrls 26 Century Kansas City 2 L O 0 Casino Chicago Tango Queens 26 Howard Boston 2 Orand Bos- ton Taxi Olrls 26 Star Toronto 2 Savoy Hamilton Can Tempters 20-31 Orand Trenton 2 Oayety Brooklyn Trocaderos 26 Casino Philadelphia 2 Empire Hoboken Watson Sisters 26 Empire Newark 2 Empire Philadelphia Watson's Big Show 26 Empire Hoboken 2 Em- pire Brooklyn Winning Widows 26 Empire Philadelphia 2 Palace Baltimore Zallah's Own Show 26 Olympic New Tork 2 Orpheum Peterson SHERMAN'S HOTEL Formerly COOKE'S HOTEL "A Theatrical Hotel of the Better Cleee" Walnut Street, above Eighth Opposite Casino Theatre Philadelphia CAFE CABARET EVERY NIGHT :rif III -.Mr f " T 'if P MM f NIC t M.MT flfC THK IAN <• > . MOT ' COI l» -»" - LETTERS Where C follows name, letter is in Variety's Chicago office. Where S F follows name, letter is in Variety's San Francisco office. Advertising or circular letters will not be listed. P following name indicates postal, advertised once only. Abbott Billy Abels Neal (C) Adams Oee Adgie Princess Alscon Leonle Alexander Chas C) Alexander Russell Allen Mrs Searle Alton Ethel (0) Andra Bess Armento Angelo (C) Arthur Ous Avery Van A Carrie B Babette 6 Evans Baker Lotta Halls Ous (C) Balto Harvey Ranjophlends Barlow Hattle Barnes Edward Harnett Jack Barnold Jack Barry Walter (C) Barry ft Nelson Bart Charlie Bartlett Mildred Beach Geo F (C) Bell Peggy Bell & Richard* Bellen Lillian Belmont Pauline Berliner Ed Bergere Ondla Berry Rose (C) Berzac Cliff Black Vera Blake Sinters Blondy H Mr* Mloom E Boley May Ronner Alf Boonsettl Paul