Variety (October 1914)

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I 34 VARIETY . The Virginia Judge Will withdraw from the Keith Tour Oct. 31st, at Louisville, Ky., and will be at liberty for a short season of 12 to 14 weeks thereafter. An International Headliner for Public or Private Functions All Communications ►■ Hotel Flanders, West 47th Street, New York Boulton E Boyle Jack Brltton Cbu Brooks Harry Bucher Marie Burns Harry Burke B Burton R nushell May Pusley Jessie Calhoun Julia Campbell John Cane Joe (C) Carle Orace Carlln ft Waters Carloss Mrs Carlray Douglas Carlyle Elsie Carr Blanche Carroll Emma Castellano P Cate Frank Cathperts The Chrlldroy Richard Christian Julia Churchill Estelle Clarendon Trlxle Clark Ed Clark Herbert Clark & Temple niayton Zella Clelghbough Lucky Clemens Catherine Cleve Henry Cleveland Harry riifton Helen (SF) Cohn 6 Hlrscb Cole Judson (C) Colleges Viola Collier Ruby Cooley Hollls Cooper Texas Copeland Les Crelghton Susie Croudln RAH Crowley J Cuff John Curwen P J Curzon J W Dahlberg May Dakota Jack Dalr Tx>retta Dale May Dandy Ned Darrell Jack De Alam Oeorge De Armo Billy (C) De Felire Carletta(SP) De Forest Gladys Dr Grant Oliver DeFraft Stewart I Dclaney Frances Delmore Chas A (P) Dixon Harry (P) Donnellyn 4 Dal Prima Mr* PLAYING RETURN ENGAGEMENTS in all LOEW HOUSES— Also Showing New Wardrobe and Singing New Songs MARGUERITE FARRELL Direction ALLEN-EPSTIN DeVere M Doucet Theodore Drlscoll Hall Co Duffy Richard (C) Duffy Mrs Dupree G*eo Dupree Kate DuPell Walter Dushan Maymc E Kckenrode Hebe Edge J F Eckhardt Clyde W Edmonds & La Velle Kdwards Mrs (C) Kley Helen Emerald £ Evans Ray Evans J E Fagan Noodles (C) Falls Agnes Farnum & Delmar Ferris Wm H Fields Harry W Fields Sallle Flottl Flyn Joseph Follette ft Wicks Foster Allan K Fowler Bertlf Foy & Clark Francis Milton Frowlne Lora O Gaffney Mr Galloway Lillian Gait Robert Gardiner Harry Garden ft Elgin 81s Gardner Mr & Mrs H Oarfleld Frank Georgalahs Bros Germalne Florence(C) GUmore ft Castle Godfrey Phil (C) Golding & Kcating(C) Goldlnlo Spanish (8F) Goodwins Fred Goodwin Suse Gordon Blanche Gordon Belle Gordon Eldrld Co Gordon James Gorman & Bell Graham Mr Grant Rose Gray Elaine Gray Julia Greene Mrs B Griffin Gerald (C) Griffith Fred (C) ■«Guise Johnnie Oygl Ota Hagan Martyn Haggerty 6 Hobbs Haines Robt Harcourt Jean Harding Richard Hardy Adele (C) Harlan 3 E Harold Smuger (C) Harrington Ray Harrison Claire Harrison Happy (C) Hartman Maiie Harvey W 8 Co Hayes Helen Haynes Ovlle (C) Hazard Grace Hagon Jack Hearn Julia Hcarn Lew Heath Frankie Heather Josle Held Frlda Henderson Frank E Herman Dr Herbert Carl (C) Herbst L (C) Herman The Great (SF) Hallard Wm (C) Hoffman Gertrude Hopkins Mr Holley G A (C) Horeliok Family (C) Howard Jos (C) Howe Warren Huber Virginia Humphrey John Hunter Harry Huxtablc Fred Imhoff Roger (P) Imhoff Roger (C) Inge Clara Irwin Merrick (C) Irving A (C) Jackson Leo Janett F J Johnson Honev Jones Ethel (SF) Jordon I^eslle (Cl Jordon R Lee Jose L»» Roy Frances Leslie Bert Lester Hueh lister Bert l^evey Ethel <C) Lewis James R Lewis Harry Lewis Sidney (C) Llbonatl Jess Llnd Homer & Co Livingston Grace r In Vaudeville ORPHEUM, BROOKLYN, NEXT WEEK, Oct. 26