Variety (October 1914)

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36 VARIETY fa GREENBACKS "."V I* •l •* MM •» N 6IEEMACKI sal friw«L 116 1UMCN 10 far 30*. elfi ITi 1.000 ■ILLS. $3. ties.. Cakst*. HI- "I Write Acts that <-„-t the E oklngs" Author for Vaudeville SUn L. A. HANDY, Author's Apil \4n Broadway, Room S2S Now York HOW TO KEEP YOUNG aid ATTRACTIVE A gracratloD of "Fair Wtaes" all •estlsMti havt srvveJ Mm eeseerfil tflcari sf Dr. JAMES P. CAMPBELL'S SAFE AISEHIC CtMPLEXIIN WAFERS Tsa CraatMt Ksees SowISi far Bess- UfylMj tlM CaaalulM ss* DmlM- lag tat Fana im Staff laaitlM, beautlHil off tbt* ! tUgc. SetUty LailM, Bliialat §rl(« I and tailiai DtkatastM, wboM lovaij ' complexion do not fade with Um ■Boraloc llcbt, know that the aecret of their pure and tpotlca complexion and beauty Una It the magic of these blood • purifying, ikln - transforming, safe and abaolutely harmless wafert. Thn world-famous prescription for tba eumplexlor Is the most selentlflc and marvelous remedy for all facial blemishes, restoring to Statists parity aad yoithfal ilaam all oomplexlons marred by pimples, blackbeads, sallow- nam. wrinkles, redness or other blemishes on or onder the skin. 60c. and 11.00 per box by mall In plain cover, on receipt of price, from RICHARD FINK CO.. Dtst 49, 415 Broadway, Haw Yart Every druggist can get Dr. Campbell's Arsenic Wafers for you from bis wholesale dealer. REPRODUCTIONS t x la, finiahed on extra heavy paper, of amy aixe photo, price fit per IBB of one, S1BJS of two poses, etc.—Send money-order with aet of plc- turea. We deliver I daya after receipt of order. Ref. Variety, Chicago, or any Chicago Booking; Agency. Daguerre Studio&.&Kl Av " The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra's season will begin on the afternoon of Oct 23 at the Cort. "Chimmle" McFadden, known the world over as "The Big Noise" among newsboys, is laying plans to enter vaudeville this sea- son. The Industrial Fair opened at the Coliseum Oct 17. John Joy Robinson, assisted by Thalia Weed Newcomb, is one of the amuse- ment features. The W. S. V. A. has transferred the Abram- Johns Co. from the Hippodrome in Los An- geles to the Republic in this city. The ag- gregation play dramatic tabs. A three-act drama, entitled "The Voice Within," written by Herbert Bashford, will be produced In the near future by A. H. Mac- kenzie and J. Whlttemore. Face Imperfections Corrected 112 Broadway NEW YORK Call or Write. DR. PRATT j Phil Hastings, the well known press agent, who went to the country some time ago to ward off a threatened attack of bronchitis, is back In town apparently In good health. "The Gods of the Mountains," a three-act symbolic play by Lord Dunsany, was pre- sented here at the Paul Elder Art Gallery Oct. 13, under the direction of Clara Alex- ander. Wl'l H. Cross of Cross and Darragh waa stricken with an attack of Hrlght's disease while playing in La Grande, Ore., on Oct. 4. At the time it was thought advisable to send for his sister, who lives In Chicago. It is be- lieved that Cross will return east with his Bister for a brief visit. Louis Dennlson, who was Richard Bennett's principal support in "Damaged Goods," but now a member of the Alcazar Stock, an- nounced that he will organize a western com- pany to play the Rrieux piece over the one night stands which were not touched by the original company In Its coast tour. "The Graven Image," a three-act drama, from the Joint pens of Adraln Matzger and Walter A. Rivers, had its first production on any stage at the Alcazar here Oct. 12. The play lacked the necessary requirements to put It over in the winning column. In order to urouse and maintain Interest, the P. P. I. E. Bureau of Exploitation pre- vailed upon the Italian Hemont to hold their annual Columbus Day festivities on the fair site, Sunday, Oct. 11. The program consisted af athletics, aquatic sports and n hugp page- ant depicting the landing of Columbus. .Vi.000 people were attracted to the grounds during the day. ATLANTIC CITY. IIY LOI -* WILLIAMS. APOLLO (Fr« E. Moore. ingr.)-- 1S, "Loves Mod. 1«>. "The Hound-Up''; 22. Alia N'azimova • Sort" (|>rrmW-i»;) NIXON (Hurry lirown, mgr.).--"Chocolate Soldier" (pictures). KEITH'S (('ha 1 -. O. Anderson, mgr.; U. P. O.).— Louise l>resser and Co. (new not), "A Turn of the Knob," Jos. E. Howard & Mabel McCane, went well ; Van and Sehenck, good ; MANAGERS CUTTING SALARIES So Am I But on Suits and Overcoats This Cut Will Only Last A Few Weeks. Suits and Overcoats Now $12 to $45 As I Appreciate the Conditions With the Boys Always. 1582 BROADWAY 724-2S 7th Awe. Opposite Strand Theatre NEW YORK CITY REMOVAL SALE Continues at 25 West 42d St. 30c to 60c on the Dollar My Complete Stock of Fine Haberdashery Reduced "MY POLICY" "Every Article You Buy Here MUST Please or You MUST Return." 1578-80 BROADWAY 716-718 7TH AVE. 569 MELROSE AVE. 25 WEST 42D ST. WARDROBE TAKEN AFTER NIGHT SHOW Dry Cleansed and Delivered for Next Matinee SPECIAL TO PROFESSION GOWN DRY CLEANSED S1.5* CENTS SUIT DRY CLEANSED PRESSED O'HEARN 1554 Broadway, N. Y. Bet. 4M7 sl Phone 1153 Bryant Open Day, Night and Sunday PROFESSIONAL RATES MODERN METHODS DR. HARRY HYMAN DENTIST Strand Theatre BUg. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US Hyman-Buch Costume Co., Inc. Easy Payment*. Bryant 1115 THEATRICAL COSTUMES TO ORDER 1482 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Call and talk It over. Reliable, Prompt and Mm-..-* Savi Objectionable Hair Removed Unsightly, objectionable hair r emov ed as If Rssafto by oslng X. BAZIN Depilatory wder. Yen can do It easily aad culekly at homo. Thoroughly reliable. Will not Injurs the most delicate skin. Nearly M years o! sneeoss. Made by the makers ol I X. BAZIN Depilatory Powder Every dmtrlst tana It or lor fall .steed packet* toad Ms to HALL A RUCXiL. US Washington it. Nov York City. NG POEM? WANTED __ ll'llfsrslsk Hitle «sr resr Wsrlt. x rom ay* j^ ^^MCnrf THSOUOa ONLY ToOTl4 THS WXMNtzItt) MjSSSLMt to m JOHN T HALL. Pre*. 14 Meats* C**4. •!« flit. ■VI The Perfect Cold Cream FOR THE PROFESSION Z lb. Can, 75 eta. Parcel Post anywhere in United States ALSO OTHER MAKE-UP AGENTS WANTED 24M West Lake Street CHICAGO Goerrini Co. 279 Columbus Ave^ San Francisco Manufacturers of High Grade Accordions Edwin George, clever; Elsie Fay Trio, scored; Ford & DeWltt, went well at closing; Woods & Wyde, weak ; Alice De Oarmo, opened show. Savoy has closed for rehabilitation. Nixon will run, beginning Oct. 24, Columbia Burlesque attractions four days each week, beginning Sunday. Marie Dressier will open In her new show entitled "A Mix Up," Oct. 2«, at the Apollo. After the poor business at the beginning of last week for the legitimate theatres, due to the repeat attractions, the attendance at "Kick In" took a leap after the succes of the premiere performance. Keith's is rapidly becoming known as try- out house for new vaudeville acts. Over a half dozen have bad their premieres there In the past two months. Over five millions of dollars are being spent on new hotels In the resort, now under course of construction and reconstruction. Two new boulevards that will connect New York and Philadelphia with more direct routes than they now possess will add greatly to the touring car contingent that makes Atlantic City the week-end point of vantage. The Morris Guards, a crack military organ- ization of the resort, returned from their an- nual encampment Oct. 18. They are planning a theatrical production for the fall season. The old-fashioned dances look to be be due for a return. These dances which are held as part of the evening feature on one of the Biers are rapidly gaining favor. The Boston Ip Is a much-requested number. ATUNTA. By R. H. McCAW. FORSYTH (Hugh Cardoza, mgr.; agent, U. If. O.).—Winona Winter, scores; "Lawn Party," hit; Diamond & Virginia, go well; Fred Sosman, big; Penderson Bros., good; Hoen & Dupreece, applause; Lawrence A Ed- wards, please. ATLANTA (Homer George, mgr.).—"The Midnight Girl," fair business. BIJOU (Jake Wells, mgr.).—Jewell Kelley Stock. COLUMBIA (James Roberts, mgr.).—Nat Haynes" Burlesquers. GRAND (Harry Hearn, mgr.; agent, U B O.).—Feature films. The Jewell Kelley Stock company at the Bijou again threatens to close unless business Improves. May Lee of tho "Mutt and Jeff" (southern) and Ernest Dnnd of New York were married at Hendersonvllle, N. C. With tho death of Columbia Extended bur- lesque at the Lyric, local promoters have re- opened the Columbia with stock burlesque. The Columbia formerly played such nttriie- tlons but dwindled away. AUSTRALIA. Dy E. G. KMOX. Sydney. Sept 2fl. For some months now, Australia has been the happy hunting ground of American ae-