Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY V Charles Horwitz ught bracks Is roody far mnj It will be I M| c wrots It and tUgl with- of vaudi it - 'As It May RV < " M It out ck ' "ifou'wiTZ SKETCH NITS. CHARLES HORWITZ 1402 Broadway (Room SU), Now York P kuadredo of I. MILLER, 1154 Broadway, "*%&",£' hfanafacturer • f Theatrical Boot a nd CLOG. Ballet sod Acrobatic Shoes a Spe- cialty. All work made at abort Writo for Catalog 4 Last Yom Forgot W* toy II Yot LETER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Eavelopoo. Free Samples, STAGE MONEY, Uc Book of Herald Cut*. 8c. CROSS£ R ri> N £u^SK A 5'T Y CHICA60 Sll Itk Ave* aoor Slat St. 22S Weat 42d St* aoar Tlmce Sq. SS Id Ave* mr lttk St. Send for illustrated Catalogue V. Man Orders Carefully Filled. DO YOU COMPOSE (.INI I'l \ i / M \ \ N N IK I I t \ SflN cs 2 BIG BOOKS " CoataJalaj tha Vary Utart teat Hits *f tat Day. mk as "I Lm tat LaJiea." "Wins tat NMalsat Cass Cass Learn for AlakaaV " "Usda* tat CsleUe Trea," "Taaas Teas." "Use, Has, alas," iMlaJlss aorta aas amis Is; "wasa Thorns Oeaea Hssm ts ste Tay." "flasra 1st taa SFi W-ttpta Over IN Songs aasetaar avttfj oar sataloiM *f latsrsatlaf teeka, aaert as* ale. eta., all tsst-asM for 25a. Aearaas, fran rssllallai ftyalkata, 1101 Mortal tloj.. CMsaat, I Mania. trnffTiaJKI ntw "THE OXYCENI Tooth Powder It is the Oxygen in Calox which makes it more valuable to you than any other dentifrice. It is the Oxygen which, by perfectly cleans- ing the teeth and sterilizing the entire mouth, conduces so greatly to better general health. It is the Oxygen which, by neutralizing destructive acids and dissolving mischievous de- posits whitens the teeth so wonder- fully and wards off decay. All Druggists, 25c. Sample and Booklet free on request , Mckesson a bobbins NEW YORK \*kfor .a lootk fin.' alox SS€, mm\ Dr. JULIAN SIEGELoidaiDeoktu fe white rats 2M WEST 42ns] STREET, NEW YORK CITY SKOIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION High Class Juvenile Man, Ingenue and Character Woman Louis B. jRcobs Musical Comedy Stock Co. Send photos and particulars to Plaza Theatre, Denver, Col. tors and actresses not only on the vaudeville but also the legitimate stage. For years the enterprising proprietors of vaudeville circuits have looked to Amelca for their "best seller" acts, with the result that the Australian thea- tre-going public have come to look in the theatrical advertisements for the "Straight from the United States" line after the merits of the different performers. Dut It was only a matter of a few months ago that J. C. Williamson, Ltd., commenced to star actors and actresses from America in plays that had proved successful in New York. Of course, we knew and were grateful for powerful Satisfied that American plays were what the public wanted, the J. C. Williamson Co. imported another organization with Muriel Starr at the head to play "Within the Law." Triumph followed triumph. After proving a box office success in every city in Australia "Within the Law" was given a revival In the principal cities. The Muriel Starr Com- pany, which includes Mary Worth, Lincoln Plumer and E. W. Morrison, are at present drawing packed houses at the Sydney Criterion with the "Yellow Ticket." Naturally enough, the present is not a very good time in the theatrical profession be- Classy Theatrical Costumes and Headwear STAGE, STREET, EVENING GOWNS and HATS THE BERG-ZAL CO. 153 Weat 44th St (East of Broadway) New York City Then* Bryant MM OUR LEADER A SJ£Jg $10.00 MME. BELMONT, Millinery IM Seventh Ave., soar 54th St. Phone 2581 Columbus NEW YORK women like Margaret Anglln, and for enter- taining comedies like "The Man from Mexico" and powerful dramas like "The Third Degree," but these came to us, as it were, In fits and starts. Now all over Australia and New Zea- land we have regular American plays and none of the big cities are content unless an American play with real American people are catering to their tastes. The pioneer play of this new era in Aus- tralian theatre history was the George M. Cohan production, "Get Rich Quick Walllng- cause Australia is bearing Its share of the world's troubles caused by the war. That a company playing "The Yellow Ticket" can draw packed houses at a time when money Is more or loss tight speaks well for the prin- cipals. The war was responsible for big changes In the program of the Niblo-Cohan company, which returned here from New Zealand yes- terday. They were having their share of successes In New Zealand prior to the out- ■VI J- AFTERNOON AND EVENING GO \A/ IM S SLIGHTLY WORN AND NEW. SPECIAL RATE TO PROFESSION 229 West 42d St., Tsl. 2478 Rryasat ESTABLISHED 39 YEARS ford," which saw its Australian premiere in Sydney with a sister (Josephine) and a brother-in-law (Fred Nlblo) of the great Am- erican in the principal roles. "Walllngford" came to Sydney at a bad time for theatres. The people had had a lot of high class stuff to choose from and had become more or less blase in their tastes. But "Walllngford" caught them. It had the record run of any comedy In Sydney, holding the boards at the Criterion for 15 weeks. It went round the Williamson time and scored successes every- where. "Walllngford" was followed by the "Fortune Hunter," another record maker, by "Excuse Me" and "Never Say Die," in all of which Fred Niblo and his wife, Josephine Cohan, were the stars. break, but found business so bad once the trouble had gotten fairly under way they re- turned. The vaudeville theatres continue almost un- interruptedly good business. At the Sydney Tlvoll, while Paul Clnquevalll is the topllner, Americans are well represented. One of the best acts I have seen In the dancing line, and we have had quite a surfeit of American dancers over here. Is that presented by Marco and Fanchon Wolff, a pair who present the latest craze steps In an artistic fashion. Among the other American acts at present In Australia are Wright and Dietrich. Al Her- man, Beth Tate, and Harry Taft (Sydney UNEXCELLED AND COMMODIOUS 4m. ft*J I ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ALL ** — * "^ ■ Ree.eon.ble Terms THE IM STREET VETERINARY HOSPITAL ""BO for Particulars Aaapie Space for Rehearsals—Safe, Sanitary. Comfortable Quarters MS-sit East 28rd St, Now York Cttjrs Phono FRANK HAYDEN INC Costumes and Millinery 56 West 45th St, New York City SEND FOR CATALOGUE Phone, Rryaut 1171 "I writo all Nat M. WUla' material" JAMES MADISON AUTHOR FOR MANY HEADLINERS 1493 BROADWAY. NEW YORK (Room 417) HESS HIQH GRADE MAKE-OP Uniform in Cahr asi Quality Quarastaad fm «Rstk 1st Art si -latattif |p" MUSIC ARRANGED PIANO ORCHESTRA Songs taken down from voioo. Old ckestratlons rewritten. A ales, office where you can talk to a ma will five you Just want you want. W. R NELSON Suite 4*1, Astor Tkoatra Bld*v 1831 BROADWAY IT PLUSH DROPS CHEAP Now and second-hand, all osiers and Easy terms i muot aafl. Writo or warn SMITH, 144 Want 4ttk Street. Now Y« LADD Lady Skaters and Cyclists. DONEGAN-DUNEDIN TROUPE 821 West 44tk St* Now York FOR THE STAGE AND STREET WEAR JACK'S SHORT VAMP SHOES Stylo ltSt ( M illustrated) Snort Varna Root with Patent Colt Vamp and Black Fawn or Gray Cloth Topi also Black Kid Top. Prico ptSt. Others, up to S18J8. SHOES MADE TO ORDER. Now Designs la Gaiter Boot* JACK'S SHOE SHOP Our Only Store 4SS STH AVE* Bet. 2fth A Mtk StS. "If It's a Hat wo If M FLUEGELMAN Manufacturer of THEATRICAL HATS out at short Hats for stage notice. Mala Office and Factory M4 fth Ave* ar. 42d ft- 1 Phone eoR) Bryant. W. 84th St. ^& Mailed FREE to any address by the author. BOOK ON Dog Diseases AND HOW TO FEED H.0UTQLOVER.V.S. 118 W. Slat St* Now York Theatrical Re Photo on o. Reproductions, Enlargements, All Kinds of Photography. Mail orders promptly attended to. Sittings at any time or by appointment. Call and see us, or write for price list. V. ROSS, Prop. . . 2St W. 42d St.. New York Opposite American Theatre.