Variety (October 1914)

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VARIBTY WE WILL GUARANTEE SHORT RAILROAD MOVE- MENTS. NO EXTRAS. ELIMINATION OF PRINTING GRAFT. REASONABLE BOOK- ING FEES. NO LAY-OFF WEEKS. CLEAN SHOWS. NEW IDEAS. NEW STARS. A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL. NO DEAD ONES ALL LIVE WIRES The Barton Burlesque Circuit WILL BE INAUGURATED WITHIN THE NEXT M DAYS COMPRISING 20 FULL WEEKS WE ARE PREPARED TO INVEST WE WILL NOT DO BUSINESS WITH MEN WHO HAVE PROVED THEMSELVES Traitors Double-Dealers AND ALLEGED MANAGERS AFFLICTED WITH THE "Yellow Streak" IN EVERY PRODUCTION GRANTED A FRANCHISE JAMES D. BARTON. Times Building, New York Tivoli), and Roberts and Lester (Melbourne Tlvoli). American artists have been very much to the fore In the many entertainments arranged to secure funds for Red Cross and relief work In connection with the war. It remained to two American artists. Miss Starr and Lin- coln Plumer, to raise the most money for the entertainment given by the members of the profession, Lincoln Plumer starring as the auctioneer of a British flag. BALTIMORE. By J. K. DOOLEY. MARYLAND (F. C. Schanberger, mgr.; agt., U. B. O.).—Eddie Foy and little Foys. Foy droll as usual but children hare Improved wonderfully ; Canter and Lee, much laughter; Reglna Connelli and Co., clean comedy; Melo- dious Chaps, real ability; Bond and Carson, applause; Eddie Howard, good; Vera Berliner, selections do not appeal; Crouch and Welch, fairly; Aerial Budds, astound. VICTORIA (Pearce ft Scheck, mgrs.; agts., N.-N).—Valerl Troupe, sensational; Lady Sem Nel, pleases; Vlctorsen and Forrest, hit; Kelly and Qalvln, funny; Crepe and Co., en- joyed. NEW (George Schneider, mgr.; agt., Ind.). —Dainty Diving Nymphs, pretty and shapely; Sulltvan-Pasquillno Company, score; Joe Brennan, humorous; Verno and Castello, per- fect ease and grace; Zella Morton, winsome; Belzac and Baker, fair. FORD'S O. H. (Charles E. Ford, mgr.).— "Seven Keys to Baldpate." Flourishing busi- ness at beginning of week. ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Tunis F. Dean, mgr.).—Otis Skinner in "The Silent Voice." Excellent houses. AUDITORIUM (Wedgewood No we 11, mgr.). —Poll Players make good In "The Rose of the Rancho." Miss Grace Huff again wins laurels In the leading role. Business the same as ever. COLONIAL (C. F. Lawrence, mgr.).— "Bought and Paid For," draws large atten- dances. GAYETY (J. C. Sutherland, mgr.).—"Moor- ish Maids," has almost capacity houses at each performance. PALACE (W. L. Ballauf, mgr.).—Matt Ken- nedy and "The Liberty Girls." Receipts pretty large. HOLLIDAY STREET (Martin J. Dixon, mgr.).—"The Female Swindler." Has the usual fair-sized crowd. Anniversary week Is being celebrated at the Poll's Auditorium. The stock company has completed Its first year. The Palais de Dance, a new addition to the Suburban Winter Gardens, was opened Wednesday. Admission free. The Lincoln, which Is to be built shortly by the Mutual Amusement Co. on the site of the old African Methodist Episcopal Zlon Church, Pennsylvania avenue, between Hoff- man and Dolphin streets, will be equipped to furnish vaudeville ana pictures for col- ored people. It will have a seating capacity of 1.300. Joseph Bushee, a professional acrobat, was arrested last Friday charged with disorderly conduct The prisoner said he had arrived here from Havre de Grace, Md., where a cir- cus with which he was connected had dis- banded, and had met some friends with whom he had a few drinks. He was found asleep In a roadway. The charge against him was dismissed. BOSTON. By J. GOOLTZ. KEITHS (Robert G. Larson, mgr.; agt. U. B. O.).—Amelia Bingham carried the bouse by storm. The scenic Investiture was the subject of favorable comment Ma-Belle and her Ballet of eight did not go over espe- cially well. Jack Gardner went big. Llpin- sky's Dogs closed and went big, the shift from second from close being possibly ill- advised, and the audience had more than half- emptied a well filled Monday night house before It was appreciated that the act had unusual merit The remainder of the bill comprised Kingston and Ebner, going big; Ryan and Tlerney, a good act; Edward Par- rel and Co., fair farce seen here before; Shannon and Annls, and the Celtic Trio. LOEW'S GLOBE (Frank Meagher, mgr.; agt, Loew).—Receipts not up to the Loew standard but Is cutting into the Olympla and one or the other should have the capacity crowds within a month when the Bostonians make up their minds. LOEWS ST. JAMES (William Lovey, mgr.; agt, Loew).—House playing capacity and turning away big crowds week ends. LOEWS ORPHEUM (V. J. Morris, mgr.; agt. Loew).—Capacity and steady business. This is the fourth anniversary week and the house is splitting an especially good Loew- type bill with the St. James. NATIONAL (Charles Harris, mgr.).—"Ire- land : The Nation." Opened Monday night on a long chance with good crowds which may hold up. BIJOU (Harry Gustln, mgr.; agt, U. B. O.). —Pop vaudeville and reels. Corking busi- ness. PARK (dark).—Opens In a fortnight with pictures. BOWDOIN (Al Somerbee, mgr.; agt., U. B. O.).—Small time vaudeville with big-time ad- vertising. Idea is effective and business great HOLLIS (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).—Frances Starr in "The Secret" Play knocked by critics roundly. Will do good business, nevertheless. COLONIAL (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).—Zleg- feld's "Follies" starting on last three weeks to biggest receipts in town. MAJESTIC (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—"To-day" on Its second week. Fair business and rated as "pretty good" show along the street WILBUR (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—William Hodge in "The Road to Happiness." Good. TREMONT (John B. Schoeffel, mgr.).— "Potash and Perlmutter." Holding up ex- ceptionally. BOSTON (William H. Leahy, mgr.).— Italian opera venture now looks like a good proposition, It being officially announced this week that there will be no Boston opera season. Newspapers have all flopped to Leahy's aid, as the performance is unusual at a $2.50 top. PLYMOUTH (Fred Wright mgr.).— "Wanted: $22,000" still picking up steadily and will probably prove a consistent winner. CORT (John E. Cort, mgr.).—"Peg" in for a run. CASTLE SQUARE (John Craig, mgr.).— Stock. "The Ne'er Do Well" this week to a rousing business, never having shown here. GRAND (George E. Lothrop, mgr.).—"Re- view of 1915." Fair. HOWARD (George E. Lothrop, mgr.).— The "A-uto Girl's" company. House bill headed by Irene West and her Hawaiian troupe. Capacity. CASINO (Charles Waldron, mgr.).—Rose Sydell's "London Belles." Good. GAIETY (George Batcheller, mgr.).—Al Reeve's "Beauty Show." Excellent The Loew houses found shortly after the opening of the Globe that there was a general opinion that the downtown houses were play- ing split weeks, and as a result some well- timed advertising was done explaining that the Loew houses near each other never played splits and that the public can go from one to the other In a single week and not only evade repeats but see acts new to Boston. The second annual ball of the Motion Pic- ture Exhibitors' League of Massachusetts is scheduled for the Boston Arena on the night of Nov. 18. The program la In charge of President Ernest H. Horstman assisted by Samuel Grant. The motion picture actors which proved the main drawing oard and money-making feature last year are being sought with even more vigor this year. BUFFALO. By CLYDB F. RBX. STAR (P. C. Cornell, mgr.).—Hazel Dawn makes her first bid for stellar honors in Buffalo, offering "The Debutante," a delight- ful new musical comedy. Although the young prima donna's role In this new play Is de- cidedly different from that in which she was last seen, her success was instant and the play greatly appreciated by Buffalo. Next: Lydla Lopokova, with Imperial Russian ballet, full week. TECK (John R. Olsher, mgr.).—Beautifully staged and featuring an all-star cast, "The Only Girl," first appearance here, la another of this week's attractions enjoying great pat- ronage. The production pleased beyond a doubt 26, "Pinafore," heavily advertised. SHEAS (Henry J. Carr, mgr.; agt, U. B. O).—Frank Fogarty, after an absence of sev- eral seasons, scored big hit; Bert Lamont and his Cowboys, did well; Odlva, liked; Tracey, Stone and Spink, clever; Max and Mabel Ford, entertained; Claud and Fannie Usher, big; Dunedln Duo, pleased; DeWltt, Burns and Torrance, laughter; "The County Chairman," 5 reels, concluded. LYRIC (O. S. Schlesinger, mgr.).—The Brownell-Stork stock, becoming more popular; this week, In "The Woman In the Case," capacity business. Next "The Third De- gree." OLYMPIC (Charles W. Denzinger, mgr.; agt., Sun).—Edward de Corsia and Co., head- line, big; Four Luclers, spectacular musical; Downs and Gomez, classy; Stewart Sisters, novelty; Dell and Dell, fair; "Million Dollar Mystery," feature film. GARDEN (W. F. Graham, mgr.).—"Taxi Girls," opened to packed house. Management greatly pleased with new attractions, which has again placed the house in its proper class. ACADEMY (Jules Michaels, mgr.; agt, Loew).—"The Line Up," in picture feature. Eight acts follow: Mabel, Florence and Beres- ford Lovltt, headlining; Taz Weatherford, good; Apollo and Polo, gymnastic novelty; Tyrolean Troubadours, please ; Ledegar, usual • Romaine, clever; Amy Fitzgerald, charming; La Rex and LaRex, good. GAYETY (J. M. Ward, mgr.).—"Columbia Burlesquers" opened well. Good show. MAJESTIC (John Laughlin, mgr.).—"The Blindness of Virtue." popular prices, good business. Next, "The Tenderfoot." REGENT (M. B. Schlesinger, mgr.).—Fea- ture pictures. PLAZA (Slotkln, Rosing ft Michaels, mgrs.; agts., McMahon ft Dee).—Whalen and West Trio, good; Whitney and Beyer, pleased; Field's and LaAdella, scored; Five Musical Pikes, featured; Williams and Ford, fair; "Lemons," clever, and pictures. STRAND (Harold Edel. mgr.).—Pictures. Following "The Third Degree." week Oct 20, the Brownell-Stork stock company, at the Lyric, announces that they will. Jump into musical comedy, first offering "Forty-five Minutes From Broadway." The new Mitchell H. Mark theatre, Victoria, one of the largest movie houses In the city) is nearing completion. Seating capacity, 2,- 500. William Holmes, South Buffalo, Is erecting a picture theatre at Smith and Elk streets costing approximate $23,000 and seating 800! Sunday concerts, pictures, are proving suc- cessful at a number of theatres. No objec- tion yet by city officials. CLEVELAND. BY CLYDB B. ELLIOTT. COLONIAL (Robert McLaughlin, mgr.).- GYace George in "The Truth." Good business OPERA HOUSE (George Gardiner mgr ) — "The Little Cafe." Fair business only. Sho* not good. HIPPODROME (Harry Daniels, mrg.).- Headed by Neptune's Garden of Living Sta- tues. Fred J. Ardath A Co.. good; Meyako Girls, first time here, fair; Aranaut Brothers, good ; Ed. Morton, entertaining; Conlin Steele Trio, fair; Klutlng's animals, some enjoy it MILES (Charles Dempsey, mgr.).—Robin- son's elephants, head pleasing bill; J. K. Em- met-Viola Crance ft Co., hit; Gasch Sisters, fair; Richmond ft Mann, very good ; Trovello fair; Parisee. clever entertainer. PRISCILLA (Proctor Seas, mgr.).—Billy Wyse and Co., good; Mayme Remington and Picks, fair; Uoyd Sabine and Co., good; Ursone and De Osta, applause; Welcome and Raven, strong; Marc Dale, fair. GORDON SQUARE.—Capt Tiebor's Seals, ordinary; Moran-Gonsales Co.. good. METROPOLITAN (Fred Johnson mgr.).— Buckley and Halllday in "A Gentleman of Leisure." Big business and show hit PROSPECT.—"Maggie Pepper," good busi- ness. GRAND.—"Why Women Sin," opening week of new stock. Fair business. CLEVELAND.—Holden Players In "Beware of Men." Good business. ™ S , TAR K. (C -v J \ KltU ' m 8 r -)—"The Roseland Girls," big business. EMPIRE (Bert McPhall, mgr.).—"Beautv Youth and Folly." Good business. DUCHESS (Al Comey, mgr.).—Pictures. Big business. " CINCINNATI. EMPRESS (George A. Movyer, mgr.; Loew).—Rose Troupe, Mellen ft De Paula, Purcella Brothers, Joe Kelsey, Brown A Jack- son, "Love In a Sanitarium." Pictures. KEITH'S (John F. Royal, mgr.; U. B O ). —Pernlkoff ft Rose, fair reception ; Pealson ft Goldle, very large; The Three Lyres, big; Orapewin ft Chance, fine; Ryan ft Lee, good; Conroys Diving Models, well liked; Ray Sam- uels, popular; Roeder's Invention, first class. GRAND (Havlland ft Aylard, mgrs.- K t E).—"The Dummy," welcome. 25, "Queen of the Movies." LYRIC (D. C. Hubert Heuck, mgr.- Shu- bert).-"The Midnight Girl'; 25, "Kitty Mac- Kay. OPENED SEASON THIS WEEK (Oct. 19) AT B. F. KEITH'S ROYAL WALTON and BRANDT in SONGS and TALK Direction,