Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY I NO IN IVI I The Unconcerned Juggler Opens on the ORPHEUM CIRCUIT, NOV. 2nd Represented by MAURICE H. ROSE and JACK CURTIS, Palace Theatre Building, New York and THE WOLHEl IVI AGENCY, London WALNUT (Ben Probst, mgr.; S-H.).— The Tenderfoot" ; 25, "Maggie Pepper." GERMAN (Amandus Horn, director; stock). -"Talfun" (Typhoon). GAYETY (Willis P. Jackson, mgr.).— Dreamland Burlesquers"; 25, "Roaeland Iris." STANDARD (Charles Arnold, mgr.).—"day lornlng Glories" ; 25, "City Belles." OLYMPIC (Tom McCready. mgr. ; Progres- Ive).—"Darktown Burlesquers." held oyer unday. Rest of week, "Girls with the >reamy Eyes." John Bunny Is booked for two per- srmances, Sunday, Nov. 1. at the Grand, to 11 the open date between the "Queen of the lovles," which closes on the preceding night, nd Margaret Anglln, In "Lady Wlndmere's an," who opens on Monday. DETROIT. By JACOB SMITH. TEMPLE (C. G. Williams, mgr.; U. B. O.) -Irene Franklin & Burt Green, stellar hon- rs; Jane Connelly & Co.. pleasing sketch lomfort & King, well liked; Werner-Amoros b., diversified: Doc O'Neil, laughs; Lee ft ranston, excellent; Bellclair Bros., splendid thietes ; Three Stddons, opened. MILES (C. W. Porter, mgr.; agent, Loew). A Night in Loveland," good tabloid ; Roy ft rthur, comedy jugglers Clark ft Rose, lever; Mile. Canaille's Dogs, good; Valentine 'ox, ventriloquist. ORPHEUM (H. P. Williamson, mgr.; agent, antages).—Dunlap 6 Verdln, big; Quinn Yos. ft Drake, excellent dancers; Five O'Con- ior Sisters, refined singers; "Stage-Struck [ids," gingery; Alpha Troupe, skillful hoop- oilers : Malumby ft Musette, pleased; Zampa Zampa, musical. FAMILY (J. H. McCarron, mgr.; U. B. O.). Bob Warren, good monologist; Kane ft [ane. acrobats; Martini ft Troise. character rtists; George Richards ft Co., comedy tetch ; Babv Zelda. clever imitations ; Adeline >»»ntt Trio, "good : Tanean ft Claxton, novelty luslclans; Two Franks, good balancers. COLUMBIA (M. W. Schoenherr. mgr.; agent, Sun).—Alice Day, pleased; Sauls ft Rockwood, talented; Minstrel Billy Clark, Rood; "Fun on the Playground," excellent; Hague ft Bennett, good ; Abe ft Marks A Co., splendid ; Dexler-Fox Trio, good ; Luola Blais- dell ft Co., novelty. NATIONAL (C. R. Hagedorn, mgr.; agent, Doyle).—Arthur Angel A Co., in musical tab- loid, "The Trlflers," replaces six acts of vau- deville, was a big bit and has been retained for another week with change of comedy and songs Fitzslmmons ft Cameron, hit; Stroud Trio, applause; Loftus A Loftus, comedy sketch; Gene A Katheryne King, excellent Two Georges, comedy acrobats; Marie Dreams, popular. PALACE (C. A. Hoffman, mgr.; Ind.).— Grace Wasson. contortionist; George A Ves- tino, clever; Alma Russell, strong sketch; Berri A Wilhelml, hit; Cofarth A Doyle, good; La Volos, pleased; Bombay Deer Foot, well liked; Sadie Whiting, pleased; The Ainsleys, .novelty; Sidney Shepherd A Co.. good sketch; Milton Trio, good; George A George, pleased. (JARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.).— Sam Bernard in "The Belle of Bond Street. Big business. Next, "The Midnight Girl." DETROIT (Harry Parent, mgr.).—Miss Bll- lie Burke in "Jerry." Next week, "The Little Cafe." GAYETY (James Rhodes, mgr.).—"Oayety Girls." CADILLAC (Sam Levey, mgr.).—"The Garden of Girls." FOLLY (Hugh Shutt. mgr.).—Stock bur- lesque. BROADWAY (Bert St. John, mgr.).— "Sapho." Next week, "Whose Baby Are You?" LYCEUM (A. R. Warner, mgr.).—"Help Wanted." Next week, "The Blindness of Vir- tue. Eddie Murphy, assistant manager of the Columbia, will leave Nov. 1 to assume the management of the Majestic theatre, Saginaw, owned by Col. Butterfleld. It is reported Jess Dandy will again be starred by Henry W. Savage. The comedian is slated, it is said, to appear In a new play late in the season. LOS ANGELES VARIETY'S LOS ANGELES OFFICE 3M MASON OPERA HOUSE BLDC. GUY PRICE, Correspondent Lucretla Del Valle Is again star in the Mis- sion Play, "California's Oberamergau." Harry Overton, former well known theatrical man. Is here for the winter. Jack Lalt. here last week "ahead of Harry Lauder." will return In five weeks to direct the production of his new play, "The Bo- hemian," which will fly the Morosco banner Sam Rork, local Gaiety manager, Is back from New York. He brought a new cast to go Into the Morosco for "The Red Widow." Frank Wolf and Shirley Lewis, heading an organisation of players, are playing at San Luia Oplspo. In the aggregation are Allyn Lewis, Jamea F. Abbott, Billy Bevana, Frank Budd, J. Lola Norris, Fay Lewis and ten chorua girls. Harry Jamea la directing the musical re- hearsals for the new Gaiety production, "The Red Widow." Raoul Laparra. a French composer, is here writing an opera. Thomas Jones Is down from the Tivoli In San Francisco to direct for the Gaiety com- pany. Bert Levey, down from San Francisco for a few days, 1b instituting a new policy at the Republic. Motion pictures will be a feature with vaudeville, the two probably splitting the program fifty-fifty. Myrtle Dingwall Is to appear aa prima donna in a coming Morosco production. Morgan Wallace and wife have gone to New York. Wallace recently resigned from the Keystone. He Is well known as an actor on the "leglt" stage. Marguerite Clark will be starred here by Morosco. William Morris leaves Monday for New York. Eddie Wheeler. Jacob Ashby, Joe Quakers and Dan Akers have formed a quartette and are at the Hotel Grlswold. In the failure of an automobile accessory store on Woodward avenue, May Irwin Is listed as one of the creditors, at $675. OTTO'S Restaurant and French Bakery MEET ME AT US WEST 44TH ST., bet. BROADWAY AND SIXTH AVE. Quick and Clean Service Delicious Pee try Cooking Unexcelled Prices Moderate OYSTERS STEAKS CHOPS NEVER CLOSED HE GREAT FRIDKOWSKY TROUPE Notice Managers!!! u Spirit of With the Dagwell Sisters and Co. 10 People—An Allegorical Fantasy At Proctor's 5th Ave. Now miction, m. s. Bentham