Variety (October 1914)

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4# VARIETY Management, MESSRS. SHUBERT Miles Overholt has written a sketch, "The Empress of the Elements," for Madame Lora Bena, for Pantages circuit. William H. Clifford, author of "Mr. Alla- dln" and other plays, and Billy I^oralne, com- poser of "Peggy from Paris," have formed an alliance to produce several musical come- dies. ORPHEUM (Clarence Drown, mgr. ; U. B. 0.).—Arnold Daly and Co., well received; "Lasky's Beauties," went big ; Flavllle, pleas- ing ; Burkhart and White, pleasing; lamed, exceptionally good; Boland and Holtz, enter- taining ; Cole and Denahy, artistic ; Reisner and Gores, clever act. EMPRESS (George Pish. mgr. ; Loew).— Neptune's Nymph's, cleverly done; Avellng and Lloyd, big laugh ; Devey and Faber, very good; Sawn, fair; Laurie and Aleen, enter- taining; Miller, Moore and Gardner, pleasing. PANTAOE8 (Carl Walker, mgr.; Pantages). —"The Night Hawks," scored ; Palfrey, Bar- ton and Brown, clever trio; Meryl and Reba, entertaining; Dave Woods' Animals, amuse everybody ; Quintan and Richards, pleasing. REPUBLIC (Al. Watson, mgr.- Levey).— Dixie Southern, fine; A. Fred Roberts, pass- able ; Fernandez and May. mediocre ; Du Bell and Van, pleasing; Pearson and Illmer, pass- able. HIPPODROME (Lester Fountain, mgr.; Western States). Webb's Seals, Interesting; Casting Lameys, clever; Frankle Murphy, • well received; Abram and John, very good; Maley and Mack, fair; Parson and Parson, mediocre; Russell and lone, fair. CENTURY (A. and M. Loewen. mgrs.). — Musical burlesque and vaudeville. Received a letter from Mr. HershAeld, of the New York Evening Journal, asking me to apologise for the advertisement in "Variety** of October ltth, stating that I did not have his permission In writing or verbal promise regarding the use of the title of "Abie the Agent** in any form of advertising whatsoever. Mr. Hershfteld came to see me twice during my engagement on the Loew Circuit and complimented me very highly on my impersona- tion ©I "Able the Agent** character, and even suggested waya of Improving same. We even had a talk regarding a possible future show. Through a misunderstanding, however, I used the title of the character "Abie the Agent" in my advertiaing. Aa yet I have no rights to the same in any form, and hereby wish to apologia* to the Evening Journal and Mr. Herahfield. (Signed) JOS. K. WATSON ing; Gray ft Wilson, good; Lessle ft Anita, clever. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.; agent Ind.).—"Within the Law," first half, to good business. Flske O'Hara follows Thursday. SHUBERT (C A. Niggemeyer. mgr.).—Bhu- bert Theatre Stock In "Madame Sherry" to big houses. OAYETY (J. W. Whitehead, mgr- agent, East).—Geo. Stone and "Social Maids. ' Busi- ness good. CLUB (Rod Waggoner, mgr.; agent. Prog.) —Harry Fields and "Moulin Rouge Girls.' Capacity opening. NEW ORLEANS. ARTHUR PRINCE With "JIM " Care of VARIETY, Htw York By O. M. SAMUELS. (T. MILWAUKEE. Hy P. Q. HfOR0 41* MAJESTIC (James A. Hlgler, mgr.; agent. Orph.).— 'The Green Beetle." fine; Harry Breen. big: 'The Broken Mirror." excellent; Grace Ln Rue. Immense hit : Mile. Mary on Vadle, pleased ; Santley * Norton, registered Passeri's Band Greatest eccen- tric vaudeville director. Open Fox Circuit Oct. 26 Assisted by LILY SHEAFFER In popular songs TULANE (T. C. Campbell, mgr.).—DavW Warfleld In "The Auctioneer." CRESCENT (T. C. Campbell, mgr.).—Emma Bunting in "Girls." LYRIC (C. D. Peruchi. mgr.).—Peruchi- Gypcene Players ln "Arizona." HIPPODROME (Jake Miller, mgr.).—Vau- deville. ALAMO (Will Guerlnger, mgr.).—Vaude- ville Albert L. Sands, manager of Barnes' Circus was fined $50 for violating the Child Laboi Law, which does not permit of youngster* engaging professionally ln acrobatics. Local alrdomes will use wind shields ovei the winter. Maurice Barr Is the literary falwifler at the Bunting. easily; Australian McLeans, fair; "Evolution of Europe," opened. CRYSTAL (William Gray, mgr.; agent, Loew).—Lida McMillan, excellent; Bessie's Cockatoos, interesting; Alma Grace, fine; Ed- wards Bros., comedy honors; Three Lorettas, big. ORPHEUM (T. H. Ealand, mgr.; agent, Loew).—Thomas Brantford, fine; Penn City Trio, appreciated; Alvorado's Goats, interest- Pi-rcy Barbat. who has been peeved be- cause of Inability to find out Othello's lasl name, Is going to "shake" 8hakespeare an<! take stock engagements. Joe Alloy, property man at the Orpheum was married last week. Tony Kennedy, EUwood Benton, Mae Clark Beulah Benton and other members of tin iasi HOWARD 22& ON TOUR IN "THE WHIRL OF THE WORLD" Direction, MESSRS. SHUBERT