Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 41 Freeman Bernstein Manager, Promoter and Producer of Voudovlllo Acts fta Floor, PUTNAM BUILDING, NEW YORK OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Coble, "Freeborn," Now York MARIE JAMES Reliable Artiste' Represeatatlvs Booldos Exclusively with W. V. M. A.—U. B. O. n HOBBS* BUILDING, « W. Washington SL, Pbono Randolph IMS CHICAGO. ILL. "Glue Ribbon Belles," which closed recently, are presenting stock burlesque at the Orand, Birmingham, with success. As a concession to the I. A. T. S. B. and Musical Federation, the choristers will wear union suits. "The Midnight Girl" comes to the Tulane next week, at which time "Too Many Cooks" starts the Crescent's regular theatrical term. May Harvey and Rose Qulnn Joined the "Tango Queens" here. Apprised that the price of carbon had risen, Herman Flchtenberg, the picture magnate, said : "I should worry. No new-fangled ideas in my office. I've always stuck to the old letter press." ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr.) .—York's Canines delightful opener; Lancton, Lucier Co. and Chadwick Trio proved obstreperously amusing; Klmberly & Mohr, did nicely; Mercedes, tremendously successful; Laddie Cliff, engaging; Australian Woodchoppers, splendidly received. • to 7 WEEKS Write or Wire J. H. ALOZ Orpheus Theatre Bid*. MONTREAL, P. Q. PETE MACK PHILADELPHIA. By JOHN J. BURNBS. KEITHS (Harry T. Jordan, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.)—The bill Monday night moved smoothly, being well balanced, with comedy predominating. Headlined was Adeline Oenee who registered a hit with her classic dances. The Kramers, opening, showed nothing new and their efforts were unsuccessful. Harry B. Lester, Impersonating stage celebrities, was slow In starting, but well received at close. The comedy was started by Frank Milton and De Long Sisters. Roxy La Rocca, harpist, popular. Edwin Stevens and Tina Marshall got over big. Bronson and Baldwin, one of the hits in songs and dances, followed by Genee, who was assisted by Serge Lltavkin and Vera Vanonl. Character songs by Willie Weston won applause and the Gaudsmidts also did well. GLOBE (Willie Orelner, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Billed as a surprise act, a comedy song and dance team, stout man and a slim girl, who were recognized as a big time act. cleaned up all the honors on the bill at the Globe Monday afternoon. The house was good. Hovt's "A Dream of the Orient" with Madame Makarenko featured also went big. High Lloyd and Co . rope walker, opened and was liked ; Hong Fong. Chinese comedian, received applause: Warren and Francis, hit: Guy Bartlett Trio, singers, well received ; and Pot- ter Hartwell and Co., closing, drew laughs with scnsntlnnal comedy acrobatics. KEYSTONE (M. W. Taylor, mgr. ; agt. U. B. O.).—Frank Bush had the audience In hys- terics Tuesday afternoon. He carried away both laugh and applause honors with ease. Henrietta Wilson, rifle shot, opened, and pleased with her markmanship although her comedy did not have much effect. Baby Ann, Juvenile character singer, big. Evans and Vldoc. comedians, were appreciated. Hoey and Mozart, well liked. Gordan and Rica, cyclist, eloslnsr. scored big. WILLIAM PENN.—Felix and Barry Girls; Whitfield and Ireland: Alexander Kids; Val- eno and La More: Amoras Sisters. BROADWAY.—Chung Hwa Comedy Four; Harry Brook and Co.; Spencer and Williams ; Dolly and Mack; the Mosconys; Rex Comedy Circus. NIXON.—"The Buyer From Pittsburgh ;" the Boutons; Merano Brothers: Maglln, Eddy and Roy ; Bill Foster; Bert and Mack. Manager and Promoter of Vaudeville Attractions ARTISTS DESIRING New York or Chicago Representation, address by wire or mail PALACE THEATRE BUILDING (United Booking Offices) NEW YORK CITY GRAND—Barney Ollmore; Tlerney Four; William E. Bence and Co.; La Salle and Ray- monde; the Great La Keillors; Seymour's Happy Family. COLONIAL.—First half: "Woman's Jus- tice;" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas; Amedlo; Owley Randall; Green and Parker; second half: Mme. Hermann; Joseph Kettler and Co.; Kennedy and Hart; the Wheelers; James J. O'Brien. KNICKERBOCKER—First half: Sam Mann Players ; Heramer and Prltchard; Lester Trio; Sabrey Dorsell; the Aerial Vails; Harry Temple; second half : Eddie Foley ; American Comedy Four; Gertrude Cogert; Wolgaat and Girlie; Carter and Brazdan. FORREST.—Premiere of "Papa's Darling" Monday night. Capacity house. Will stay here two weeks. ADELPHI— "A Pair of Sixes," capacity Monday night at opening here and enthusi- astically received. BROAD—Mrs. Fiske in "Lady Betty Mar- tingale, or the Adventures of a Lively Hussy," began Its second week and has aroused only a little interest. Oct. 26, Fannie Ward in "Madame President" for one week. OARRICK— Second week of "The Yellow Ticket" began Monday to fair house. LYRIC.—"The Passing Show" has been cleaning up and Is in Its final week here. Oct 2rt. "Whirl of the World." LITTLE.—Opened for the season Monday with "Arms and the Man" for two weeks with resident company. Capacity house. WALNUT.—"Way Down East" was greeted by a good house Monday, opening for the week it popular prices. Oct. 26, Eugenie Blair In "A Fool There Was" LIBERTY.—"Love's Model" began Monday night for the week with revised prices for the house, at 50 cents top. Business here has been off lately. Oct. 26, "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." ORPHEUM.—Capacity Monday night with "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ; for the week Oct. 26. "Bringing Up Father." EMPIRE—Billy Watson and his "Big Show." opened well. Oct. 26, "The Winning Widows." TROCADERO.—"The Broadway Girls" drew well Monday afternoon. Oct. 26, "Fay Foster Company." GAYETY.—"The Tempters," average house at opening Monday afternoon. Charles Baker, yodler. "The Girl In Scarlet," added at- traction. Oct. 26, "Girls From the Follies." CASINO—"The Gypsy Maids." opened Mon- day to good house. Oct. 26, "Town Tatiers." I CIRCUI VAUDEVILLE The Beet Small In the Par West. Steady EXECUTIVE OFFICES, ALCAZAR THEATRE BLDO, SAN FRANCISCO Consecutive Work for Novelty Feature Can arrange from three to Ave eta. Communicate by wire or tetter between sailings of beets for Australia for all first class THE WEBSTER VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT CHICAGO Suite 9 let North La Salle St- JENNY WEBSTER, Prop. Affiliated with EDWARD J. FISHER, INC., Seettle; BERT LEVY CIRCUIT, Sen Francisco GEORGE H. WEBSTER, General Manager Harry Rickard's Tivoli Theatres. HUGH And AFFILIATED CIRCUITS, INDIA and AFRICA LTD, AUSTRALIA Capital ILBMM McINTOSH, Governing Director Registered Cable Addressi "HUCHMAC," I offices TIVOLI THEATR" NEW YORK OFFICES. Sit C." Syd f YDN EY-AUSTRALIA trend Theatre Bldg. FULLER-BRENNAN Vaudeville Circuit (AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND) BEN J. FULLER, Governing Director All correspondence to National Amphitheatre, Sydney. American Booking Office Tea porarily Closed, owing to War Conditions. ^s_ smn fW erf sll performers going to Europe mske their steamship srrsngements through UKMn us. The following hsve: e^^d^P /V Emms Csrus, Wilfred Clsrk A Co., Conway and Leland, Four Charles, Morney Cash, Rosins Cssseli, Cecil Clare, Cressey and Dane, Cordua and Maud, Carletta, Carpatti Bros., Herbert Clifton. The Campbells, Csrtmell and Harris, Chum and Craig. FAUL TAUSIG A SON, 1M E. 14th Si, New York City German Savings Bank Bldg. Telephone Stuyveoant AMALGAMATED Vaudeville Agency .{•It B. S. MOSS, Proeldent and General Manager iKINf. MOSS A BRILL CIRCUIT PRUDENTIAL CIRCUIT lvin »■ ,m * m * ,? ,R CIRCUIT ite by PLIMMER CIRCUIT every iss i i lpU on suitable for vaudevUle can obtain NG DIRECT with us. Send In your open time at on Artiste and acts of BOOKING TRYOUTS CAN BE ARRANGED FOR ACTS UNKNOWN TO US Theatre Bldg<-TIMEJ SQUARE, NEW YORJC-Telepbene Bryant Mel GENE HUGHES, Inc Manager of High-Class Vaudevffle Attractions. Artists desiring N write or wire. Suite 1M1-2-4, PALACE THEATRE BLDG., 1M4 Broadway, New York City Phones: SS98, 8699 Brysnt. York representation ROBINSON AMUSEMENT CORPORATION ETHEL ROBINSON SAMUEL L. TUCK FELIX REICH Good acts wanting Western Representation Write us. Booking everywhere. Consumers Building, Chicago, TO. AMERICAN.—Stock company in "The Melt- ing Pot.*' Oct. 20. "Why Women Sin." DUM0NT8. -Stock minstrels In topical bur- lesques. Fred G. .Nlxon-Nlrdllnger figured In the real estate news last week through the purchase as a resldenre of a large house at 320 South Forty-sixth street. The Blue Bird, an attraotlvely designed pic- ture house, situated In a fine residential dis- trict at Broad street snd Susquehsnns ave- nue, opened Friday afternoon with "The Man of the Hour." The Windsor, a picture house, at Kensing- ton avenue. Womrath street and Frankford avenue, with a seating capacity of 1,100 has heed sold by the Windsor Theatre Co. to John J. McGurk and Abe and Louis Bablosky. The price, subject to a mortgage of $20,000. was not disclosed The building Is assessed at $30,000. Work has been started on a $20,000 picture house at Allegheny avenue east of Front Ktreet for Jacob Rldgeway. The building Is to he 00 by 114 feet on a lot with a 70-foot front. Joseph C. Engel, of the Philadelphia- Chicago Opera Co., will stage the production of "Carmen," to be given by the Philadel- phia Operatic Society, an amateur organisa- tion at the Academy of Music Oct. 28. David Levlnson, of the Yiddish company playing at the Arch street theatre, was trimmed for $17.% Monday night In the Ten- derloin. He caused the arrest of a girl, who was held under ball. Paramount pictures have replaced one vau- deville act on the bill at the William Penn. The house Is now playing five and Is billing the pictures heavily. IM ! I I In the past several weeks a number of so-called "original" comic cyclists have boon advertising ridiculous claims as to the "originality" of their respec- tive offerings, particularly one PALFREY, BARTON and BROWN, at present working out west. In order to eliminate the possibility of any misunderstanding as to who really originnted the material referred to, it might be consistent to record the following facts: In 1900THE GREAT JOE BARTON originated the comedy cycling routine with Frank Armstrong (now Chick of Chick and Chicklets). This routine has been copied, stolen, imitated and attempted by a large number of comedy cycling acts now in vaudeville. Furthermore, a great many cyclists have adopted the name of BARTON, which adds to the confusion now prevailing. There is only ONE ORIGINAL BARTON. That is THE GREAT JOE BARTON, now working alone, all other "Bartons" notwithstanding. ORIGINAL SUPERIOR DISTINCT ALONE 92 BERGENLINE AVENUE, UNION HILL, N. J.