Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY ■ • - ■ ■ VARDON. PERRY and WILBER VARIETY. LONDON. [ M : - ^b» SKIPPER, KENNEDY aid REEVES RETURN ENGAGEMENT PANTAGE3 CIRCUIT GAVIN and PLATT The PEACHES TOURING Phone 13S1-M Passaic _ . . 7 Hawthorn* Ave., Clifton, N. J. ALFREDO VARIETY, LONDON Chicago Woodwind Quintet AN ARTISTIC ENTERTAINMENT OPEN FOR VAUDEVILLE ENGAGEMENTS Address care VARIETY, Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago Imperial Pekinese Troupe Shangtun Mystery Six Chinese Wonders. Lately Featured with Anna Held Jubilee Co. communication* to LONG TACK SAM Sole Owner and Prop. VARIETY. New York SAM J. CURTIS In "GOOD BYE BOYS" Br Junto McCree Direction. HARRY SHEA. FRANK EMILY Jerome and Carson m FRANCES CLARE and GUY RAWSON with "Their Little Girl Friends" "Yesterdays" A Delightlul Story of Youth Booked Soli* Direction CHRIS O. BROWN Next Woek (Oct. 21), Pantages, Seattle Week (Nov. 2), Pantages, Vancouver, B. C. Touring RICHARD'S CIRCUIT. AUSTRALIA THE PELOTS "Fun In a Tavern" Victor HERAS and PRESTON Ben FAST AND FUNNY TUMBLERS New Playing Pantages Tim* BOOKED SOLID ON W. V. M. A. opening Oct. 2* THE 9th ANNIVERSARY NUMBER of VARIETY WILL BE ISSUED DECEMBER 25th „ HARRY RAPF PRESENTS HARRINGTON REYNOLDS, Jr. In "THE HABERDASHERY" Oct. ltth, list St., Now York. Oct. 22nd, Proctor's, Elizabeth, N. J. In Preparation—A new and Novel Act By AARON HOFFMAN HEARN-ELEY Personal Direction MAX GORDON HELEN LEW SHANK Booked Solid, LOEW CIRCUIT, E. ft W. WHO? ALLEN MILLER and CO. NEVER HEARD OF 'EM