Variety (October 1914)

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16 VARIETY BILLS NEXT WEEK (November 2) In Vaudeville Theatres, Playing Three or Lett Shows Daily (All houses open for the week with Monday matinees, when not otherwise indicated.) Theatres tinted as "Orpheum" without any further distinguishing description are on the Orpheum Circuit. Theatres with "Lotw" following name arc on the Iah w Circuit. Agencies booking the houses are noted by single name or initials, such as "Orph," Orpheum Circuit-"U. B. O., United Booking Offices—"W. V. A.," Western Vaudeville Managers' Asso- ciation (Chicago)—"P." Pantagcs Circuit—"Inter," Interstate Circuit (booking through W. V. A.). —"M," James C. Matthews (Chicago).-"B B O," Broadway Booking Office—"Pr," Proctor Circuit. New York PALACE (orph) Valeska Suratt Murray A Jarrott Henry B. Dlzey Creasy A Day no Oould A Ashlyn "Forest Fires" Mullen ft Coogsn Bill Prultt Newhouse Snyder Co HAMMERSTEIN'S (ubo) Singer's Midgets Howard ft McCans Jack Lorimer Dainty Marie Norcross ft Holdsworth Harriet Burt Claudius ft Scarlet Robt L Dalley Co Brown ft Newman Mile Delnert Orvllle ft Frank ALHAMBRA (ubo) Leonard ft Russell "Bride Shop" Valerie Bergere Co Claire Rochester Fred Bosnian Lane ft O'Donoell Mme Doris's Dogs Frank Whitman The Lelanda ROYAL (ubo) Mr A MrsC DeHaven Bessie Wynn Claud ft Fanny Usher Brooks ft Bowen Joe Cook Gleeson ft Houlihan Vandinoff ft Louie Alpine Troupe COLONIAL (ubo) Kitty Gordon Co Adelaide ft Hughes Jas ft Bon Thornton Cross ft Josephine Laddie Cliff Arnaut Bros Skaters BIJouve Cooper ft Smith BROADWAY (ubo) Harry Bulger Bernard ft Butler Fagan ft Byron Burke LaForge A B Duffy Redcay Troupe Ouy Bartlett 8 Ah Ling Foo The Klooffs Capt Kid Jr Carlotts St Elmo FIFTH AVE Devaro A Zenatto Evelyn Ware Geo Mnrphy Dare Austin Co Luckstone ft Campbell Qulgg ft Nlckerson John Phil brick Bud Snyder 2d half Stevens ft Stevens Aubrle ft Ritchie Barefoot Boy Clarice Vance Carlson ft Carlson Billy Boyd Co "Isaac You Tell Her" PROCTOR'S 125TH Zeno Laraont ft Mllham Knight ft Raymond Geo Allen Co Nice Twins Clarice Vance Co "In Old New York" Bernard A Flnnerty Count Beaumont 2d half Dancing Franks Ellnore A Francklns Carl Statzer Co Wahl ft Abbott Equestrian Lion Searl Allen Co Mimic Four Wm Cablll PROCTOR'S 23D Tate ft Tate Fern ft Zcll Mr A Mrs Frlel Adele Oswold Co Markee Bros George Roesner Equestrian Lion The Vanderkoors Searl Allen Co 2d half Nash A Evans Nice Twins Lewis A Chapln Searl Allen Co Burt Melburn Langslow Co PROCTOR'S fWTH Dancing Franks Florence Tlmponi Reed A Tuttle Wm Cahlll Carl Statzer Co Black Bros Paynton A Green 2d half Hayes A Wynne Graham A Randall International 8 Adele Oswold Co Dare Austin Co George Roesner Count Beaumont AMERICAN (loew) Cbas Ledsgar "Juatlce" Boyle A Brazil 10 Dark Knights Sid Rose Macart A Bradford Hager A Goodwin Tozettl A Bernett (One to fill) 2d half Mario A Trevette "Ko Ko Carnival" Harry Temple Ventura A Picks Hallen A Hayes Macart A Bradford Corrigan A Vivian (Two to fill) 7TH AVE (loew) Harrison A Klein Viola Duval Owen McGlveney Fanton's Athletes (Three to fill) 2d half Medlln Clarke A T Owen McGlveney 3 Bennett Sisters (Four to fill) LINCOLN (loew) Mario A Trevette "Ko Ko Carnival" Bryan Sumner Co American Comedy 4 3 Bennett Slaters (One to fill) 2d half Manhattan 3 Eddie Foyer The Naess's (Three to fill) DELANCEY (loew) Schrodes A Chappelle Inez McCauley Co De ma rest A Chabot Richard the Great (Four to fill) 2d half Clarence Wilbur Equlllo Bros Harrison A Klein "Birthday Party" (Four to fill) ORPHEUM (loew) Arthur A Grace Terry Usher Trio Old Soldier Fiddlers Edith Clifford John Troupe (Two to fill) 2d half Ward A Gray "The Elopement" Ellnore Fisher Barnold's Dogs American Comedy 4 Carl Dtmann Tr (One to fill) NATIONAL (loew) Frevoli Musical Bryons Harry Temple "When Women Rule" Rita Gould Equlllo Bros (One to fill) 2d half Leonard A Alvln Bryan Sumner Co Old Soldier Fiddlers Geo Armstrong Edith Raymond Co (Two to fill) BOULEVARD (loew) Carrie Reynolds "The Pardon" Faye A Minn The Naess's (Two to fill) 2d half Von Hampton A J 2 Bohemians "Justice" Sandy Shaw Reddlngton A Grant (One to fill) GREELEY (loew) Ward A Gray Ventura A Picks Lee A Noble Oracle Emmett Co Geo Armstrong Frey Twins A Frey (Two to fill) 2d half Frevoli Leonard A Dempsey Howard'a Bears "Night In Park" Tozettl A Burnett (Three to fill) Brooklyn PROSPECT (ubo) Houdlnl Farber Girls "Edge Of World" Harry Beresford Co Leo Carrillo Van Hoven Eveleen Dunmore The Brunnells Alice's Pets BUSHWICK (ubo) Julius Steger Co Ruth Roye Llpinsky's Dogs Stepp Good A King Franklyn Ardell Co Hanlon Bros Robins Weber A Capltola Lucy Oillett ORPHEUM (ubo) Adeline Qenee Lew Dockatader Courtney Sisters Joe Jackson Alan Brooks Co Willie Weston Nonette Maxlne A Bobby Azard Bros FLATBUSH (loew) Seymour A Dupree 2 Bohemians Schrodes A Mulvey Von Hampton A J Henry Horton Co Manhattan Trio Corrigan A Vivian (One to fill) 2d half Rena Santos Waterbury B A Tenny Boyle A Brazil Percy Warcm Co Muller A Stanley Prince Karmi (Two to nil) LIBERTY (loew) Anthony A Adelle Ray Snow "Woman Haters" Bessie LeCount Robin 2d half The Frasers Belle Dixon Schrodes A Chappelle LeMalre A Dawson Von Cello COLUMBIA (loew) Saona Eddie Foyer "The Tangle" Golet Storkes A Lafay (Two to fill) 2d half Made A Plngree Ray Snow "Woman Haters" Edith Clifford Aerial LaVails (One to fill) BIJOU (loew) Belle Dixon Barnold's Dogs Clarence Wilbur Holmes A Holllston Hallen A Hayes Carl Damann Tr (One to fill) 2d half Oracle Emmett Co Demarest A Chabot Rita Gould John Troupe (Three to fill) WARWICK (loew) Medlln Clarke A T * LeMalre A Dawson Prince Karmi Ellnore Fisher Hart A Crawford Aerial LaVails 2d half Greenley A Drayton Brlerre A King Henry Frey Murray Bennett Chas Ledegar (One to fill) SHUBERT (loew) Weston A Averson "Night in Park" Reddlngton A Grant (Four to fill) 2d half Arthur A Grace Terrv Faye A Minn Musical Byrons Brown Harris A B Frey Twins A Frey (Two to fill) FULTON (luev ) Greenley ft Drayton Oscar Lorraine "The Elopetnent" Rockwell A Wood Howard's Bears (One to fill) 2d half Walsh A Bentlcy Tabor A Green Usher Trio "The Pardon" Hart A Crawford Richard the Great Albany, N. 1. PROCTOR'S Coates Keene A J Temple 4 Dr Herman Undine Andrews Billy Morse "The Tamer" The Doherty's Mme De Pinna 2d half Hetty Urma Eckert A Berg 4 Readings Bernard A Flnnerty Jewell Van Buren Co Julia Rooney Little Nap Roblnette Ann Arbor, Bfleb. BIJOU (ubo) Carlton A CllfforJ Weisser A Relsser "I Died" 3 Majesties Zeno Jordan A Z 2d half Wentworth Vesta A T Hal A Francis Leila Davis Co Lew Wells Atlanta FORSYTH (ubo) Pietro McDevitt Kelly A L Australia Choppers F J Ardath Co Vanderbllt A demons 4 Anaranths (Others to All) Baltimore MARYLAND (ubo) "Lawn Party" Harris A Manyon Oakland Sisters Bill Prultt Steffy Berko Jack Gardner Nora Bayes Mario A Duffy Battle Creek, Mlcb. BIJOU (ubo) 2 Zyls The McFarlands Walsh Lynch Co Weber Dolan A F Lea Dlodattis 2d half Maxwell Holden Sharp A Wilkes Leonard Anderson Co Baby Helen 2 Carletona Bar City. Mlcb. BIJOU (ubo) "Little Modiste" 2d half Judson Cole Dynes A Van Epps When Love Is Young Bensee A Balrd Marriott Troupe Billing**, Mont. BABCOCK (loew) Dixon A Dixon Meller A DePaula Chas L Fletcher "Wide" Nichols Sisters Wanda Blrmlnsjbasn, Ala. ORPHEUM (ubo) Edwin George Cameron Sisters The Westmans Curzon Sisters Rooney A Bent (Others to fill) Boston KEITH'S (ubo) Madden A Fitzpatrlck Pereira 6 Dooley A Rugel Roxy LaRocca Sylvester Schaeffer GLOBE (loew) Stewart A Dakln Klass A Bernle Chas Deland Co Joe Welch Edith Raymond Co (Three to fill) 2d half Sid Rose Holmes A Holllston Edna Whistler Joe Welch Bean A Hamilton (Three to fill) ST. JAMES (loew) Arthur A Emma Cody Rena Santos Geo B Reno Co Nlblo A Riley Bean A Hamilton (One to All) 2d half Elsie White Gypsy Countess Willard A Bond Carroll-Gillette 4 (Two to fill) ORPHEUM (loew) Harry Cutler Elsie White Wlllard A Bond Tom Linton Girls Carroll-Gillette 4 (Three to fill) 2d half Pert Melrose Nlblo A Rllay Clnyton A Lennle (Five to fill) BnCale SHEA'S (ubo) Hymack Chip A Marble Treat's Seals Empire Comedy 4 Josephine Davies (Others to fill) Bntte EMPRESS (loew) Amoros A Mulvey Meredith A Snoozer l J lsano A Bingham -Sidelights" Cabaret 3 Alvln A Kenny Calaary PANTAGES (m) Walter S Howe Co Larry Comer Wayne 3 Ten Bonomors Beltrah A Beltrah Charleston, S. C. VICTORIA (ubo) 2d hair Lyons & Yosco Great Howard Irene A Bob Smith Joe Kramer Co (Others to fill) Chicago MAJESTIC (orph) Tom Lewis Co Anna Held's Daughter W C Fields Chas Grapewln Co Elsie Ruegger Three Lelghtons Cummins A Gladdlngs Maeykos Troupe Pallenberg's Bears PALACE (orph) Bickel A Watson Mme Jeanne Jomelli Ed Stevens Co Wharry Lewis Co Chick Sale Mr A Mrs Sebastian Chadwick Trio Jones A Sylvester Rebla ACADEMY (wva) DeComa A Thompson LaMar A Lawrenze Chas L MacDonald Gus Andrews Johnston Howard A L 2d half Stuart Sisters Lane A Lynch Foster A Foster Christy Kennedy A S Cycling Brunnettes McVICKERS (loew) Purcella Bros Rose Troupe Joe Kelcey "Love In Sanitarium" Armstrong A Ford Wilbur Harrington A C Hermany's Animals Dreyer A Dreyer Evans & Sister Tom Nawn Co Burns ft Acker Captain Anson NORTHERN HIP (wva) Fair Co-eds Marconi 3 Florenz Family Jennings A Dorman 3 Jordan Girls Manon Opera Co Bert No A Booth Blake's Circus Chas A Annie Glocker LaVlne Cimeron 3 (Others to fill) AMERICAN (loew) Fred Duprez Wm A Weston Co Church City 4 Kalaluhl Hawailans Theo Tenny Y Hackenschmldt Co 2d half Arno A Stlckney Sampson A Douglas Ward Sisters RussHI Sisters Jas Grady Co Les Casados COLONIAL (loew) Patrlrola The Bromens Estelle Rose Visions De Art Bel Canto 4 8 Zanzebnrs Jd half Melnotte Twins Orphea Patrlcola Armstrong A Ford Eddie Howard Co fl Olivers Garclnottl Bros Gllmnre A Romano.7 WILLARD (loew) Bessie Kaplan Great Rlrharls Eddie Howard Co 2 Georges 2d half El Clive Bush A Shapiro "When It Strikes H' Bessie Kaplan Joyr< A West EMPRESS (loew* Halsted St (Open Sun Mat) Les Casados Ward Sisters Arno A Stlckney James Grady Co Sampson A Douglas Russell's Minstrels 2d half Fred Dupres Wm A Weston Co - Church City 4 Kalaluhl Hawailans Theo Tenny Y Hackenschmldt Co STAR HIP (loew) Gilraore A Romanoff Geo Yeoman Garclnetti Bros 2d half Guy Baldwin 3 Gene A Kathryn King II Brownies Godfrey A Henderson Clndnnntl KEITHS (ubo) Hopkins Sisters Angelo Patrlcola McLellan A Carson The Hcnnlngs Keno A Mayne Wills A Hassan Cams A Randall (One to fill) EMPRESS (loew) 3 Donals Clark A Rose Valentine Vox J K Emmett Co Roy A Arthur Ogden Quartet Cleveland KEITH'S (ubo) Jarrow Choebert's Troupe Milton A DeLong Sis The Stanleys Raymond & Caverly (Others to 1111) MILES (loew) Juggling DcLlale Cora Greve Crawford A Broderlck Sherman Van A Hy Ergottl's Lilliputians (One to fill) Colnutbos KEITHS (ubo) Ed Morton 4 Roeders Geo N Brown "Song Revue" LoRoy Lytton Co (Others to till) EMPRESS (loew) Scbrcck A Perclval Kitty Flynn Ross Fenton Players Tom Maboney Brown A Jackson Pekinese Troupe Davenport, la. COLUMBIA (ubo) Smillette A Norah Lamte Co Schooler A Dickinson Grace Cameron 6 Russian Dancers 2d half Loul Chink The Mozarts Gertrude Barnes 4 Vanla (One to fill) Denver ORPHEUM Cole A Denahy Burkchart A White The Orazera Boland A Holts Kclsner ft Gores Carlos Bros Arnold Daly Co EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) "Fun In Baths" Pick DeLoris Burton Hahn A L Wanzer A Palmer Neal A Earl Winning Widows" Des Molne* ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Costa Troupe Josephine Dunfee Trans Atlantic 3 Hayward Stafford Co MeRae A Clegg 'Wallensteln A Freeboy Marie A Mllly Hart (One to fill) Detroit TEMPLE (ubo) Cowboy Minstrels Grace La Rue Cecilia Wright Lambertl Baptiste A Franconl Corodinl's Animals Eva Taylor Co Frank Fogarty FAMILY (ubo) Fuller Rose Co Leon's Models Tliree Girls Clifford & Douglas Fay O Nell Henry A Adelaide Harry Harvey MILES (loew) Reckless Trio David Pallkos Hartley & Pecan "Grey of Dawn" Gene Greene Kerslakes Pigs ORPHEUM (m) "Motor Madness' Dave Walters Co 4 Slickers T'.rlle A Jones CooDcr A Eshell Todd Nards Argo Dnlntb ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) The OouldIngs Ed Hayes Co Clark A Verdi Burns A Fulton Duffy A Lorenz Ward Bell A Ward (Others to fill) Bf tnontoa. Can. PANTAGES (m) Imperial Opera Co Sherbourne A Mont Sheer A Herman Haley A Haley Fraxes DeKock Ellanbetb, N. J. PROCTOR'S Pearson A Oerfleld Louise Eschell Co Wahl A Abbott (Jen Lewin Co Pop Ward Titanic Disaster 2d half Montague's Cockatoos Virginia Girls Mercedes Bock Co Carrie Reynolds Dugan A Reynolds S V Leveene Co Brie. Pa. COLONIAL (ubo) Patsy Doyle Red ford A Winchester The Armenlaus Ehel McDonough Crouch A- Welch Venetian 4 Evans villi-. Ind. NEW GRAND (ubo) Nick's Skating Girls "Who's Girl Are You" Vann Bros Claudle Tracey King A Brown 2d half Wm Weston Co Olive Vail Co Qulnlan A Richards Leonard A Whitney Bush A Engle Fall River. >!■««. ACADEMY (loew) Marie Russell "Spider A Fly" Sandy Shaw 3 Kelors (One to fill) 2d half Arthur A Emma Cody Harry Cutler "Dairy Maids" The Hassmans (One to fill) Flint, Mlcb. BIJOU (ubo) Les Cougets Bill A Edith Adams J C Nugent Co Capitol City 8 Morellls Bros 2d half Kaonl Madame Marion Joe Daniels "Kid Kabaret" Fort Wayne, Ind. TEMPLE (ubo) Unada A Irving Majorle Lake Wm Morrow Co Howe A Howe Jungman Family 2d half Ernest Yerxa Mills A Williams "Marked Money" Goldsmith A Pinard Ernie A Ernie EMPRESS (loew) Parise Trovollo Richmond A Mann Moore A Elliott Bell Boy 3 Gasch Sisters 2d half Paul Stephens Elks 3 'Between Trains" McDerraott A Wallace (Two to fill) Grand Rapid*, Mlcb COLUMBIA (UDO) Williams Thompson Co Harry Breen Margaret De LaRosa (Others to fill) EMPRESS (loew) Paul Stephens Elks Trio "Between Trains" McDermott A Wallace (Two to fill) 2d half Parise Trovollo Richmond A Mann Moore A Elliott Bell Boy 3 Gasch Sisters Hamilton, Ont. TEMPLE (ubo) Moran A Wiser Mac' ft Orth Sull> Fnmlly Gr-ro A Delnney West >n A Leon (Others to fill) Harrlnbiira*, Pa. ORPHEUM (ubo) Kingston A Ebner The I,angdons (Others to fill) Hartford* Coma. POLI'8 (ubo) Hawthorne 4 Ingllas (Others to fill) Hobeken, Iff. J. LYRIC (loew) The Frasers Larkins A Pearl Jlmmle Rosen Co Henry Frey Walsh A Bentley 2d half Robin "The Striker" Weston A Young Anthony A Adele (One to fill) Indianapolis. LYRIC (ubo) Elverton Mills A Williams Carlisle A Romer 4 Juvenile Rings Billy Bouncers Circus 2d half 3 Millards Rice A Morgan Humbro Gen Plsano KEITH'S (ubo) Juliet "Colonial Days" The Bllforda Bert Errol Remple Sisters Co Parlllo A Frablto (Othera to fill) Jackson, Mlcb. BIJOU (ubo) Wentworth Vesta A T Hal A Francis Leila Davis Co Lew Wells 2d half Carleton A Clifford Weisser A Relsser •I Died" 3 Majesties Zeno Jordan A Z Jacksonville ORPHEUM (ubo) (Open Sun Mat) Harry Bachelor Winona Winters Esau Diamond A Virginia (Others to fill) Kalanaaaoe, Mlek. MAJESTIC (ubo) Maxwell Holden Sharp A Wilkes Leonard Anderson Co Baby Helen 2 Carletons 2d half 2 Zyls The McFarlands Walsh Lynch Co Weber Dolan A F Les Dlodattis Kansas City ORPHEUM Eleanor Haber Co Chas McGoods Co "Matinee Girls" Frank Wilson Alexander A Scott Grant A Hoag Byrd Frost Crowell (One to fill) EMPRESS (loew) Chrlstenson SI ghee's Dogs Sophie Tucker Nine Krazy Kids (Three to fill) Lafayette. Ind. FAMILY (ubo) Tossing A Austins Massey A Bolton Beau A Evelyn Robt Hall Paul Lavan Dobbs 2d half Zlska Co Parke Rome A F Brandon Hurst Co Jordon A Doherty Robbie Gordone Lanalna;, Mlek. BIJOU (ubo) Kaonl Madame Marlon Joe Daniels "Kid Kabaret" 2d half Les Cougets Bill A Edith Adams J C Nugent Co Capitol City 4 Morrellis Bros Lincoln ORPHEUM Kramer A Patterson Finn A Finn Francis McGinn Co Binns A Bert Merrill A Otto Oormley A Caffery O'Brien Havel Co (One to fill) Loaransport, Ind. COLONIAL (ubo) Musical Geralds Floyd Mack 4 Society Girls 2d half Peau A Evelyn Florence Barr Mlzpah Selblm Los Angeles ORPHEUM Claude Gllllngwater 0 Ashley A Canfleld !> Metzettls Joe A Lew Cooper Harry De Coe Ahearn Troupe