Variety (October 1914)

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32 VARIETY MMM^W.t^MM^WM.WMMMWWsM^M.WMMM WORLD FILM CORPORATION a Shufesrt photoplay f*atur* Martin "The Wishing Ring" By OWEN DAVIS Rotawd Nov. 9 World Film Corporation Mgr. LEWIS J. SELZNICK, Ylco-Pro*. A 199 W. 49th SU N*w York a Branch** throughout the U. S. and WAVAW.'iWaWJ^SA^w Carus & Randall Keith's Cincinnati Co Dora 9 Riverside Ave Newark N J Chip & Marble Shea's Buffalo Claudius & Scarlet Variety N Y Coiner Larry Pantages Calgary Registered OUR NEXT RELEASE Mrs. THOMAS WHIFFEN The Grand Old Lady of the American Stage Now scoring a Tremendous Success at the Lyceum Theatre, New York IN "The^BeautifiJ Adventure" IN A FIVE-PART PHOTOPLAY "HEARTS and FLOWERS" A Thrilling Drama of Love and Sacrifice Adapted by and Produced under the Direction of JOSEPH A. GOLDEN STATE RIGHT BUYERS who arc looking for exceptional features will secure their ter- ritory AT ONCE. DO NOT HESITATE, THIS IS A SURE WINNER. COSMOS FEATURE FILM CORPORATION 126 West 46th St., New York The Year's Greatest Success KELCEY and SHANNON IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIII AFTER THE BALL Taken from Chat. K. Harris 9 World's Greatest Song Pictured and Produced by Pierce Kingsley WHAT MANAGERS SAY: Eastern Theatre Managers' Association. Chas. W. Eayer, Secretary, Hageratown, Md., Sept. 2S, 1114. Photo Drama Co., Candler Building, New York City. Gentlemen: I want to say this regarding the picture, AFTER THE BALL—It waa a big hit, and notwithatandine a heavy rain turned people away the night I played it. I also want to go upon record aa aaying that In every respect It la the beat handled feature I have ever played. The poetert are varied and beautiful, the big eight- sheets (type) very ahowy. The heralda fine, the frame of photoa the finest I have ever used, the slides pretty. Yours very truly, (Signed) CHAS. W. BOYER. Lyceum Theatre, Elmlra, N. Y., Oct. S. 1114. Photo Drama Co, No. 229 West 42d St., N. Y. City. Gentlemen: Just a word to congratulate you on the excellent picture you eent mo this time. I refer to the HERBERT KELCEY and EFF1E SHANNON In AF- TER THE BALL. It waa very clear and a beautiful piece of work. It la the kind of picture to get the money. With best wishes, I remain Very truly yours, (Signed) LEE NORTON. Hippodrome Theatre, •4 Ford St. Ogdensburg, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1914. Photo Drama Co, 229 W. 42d St~ New York City. Gentlemen: I desire to aay that the feature AFTER THE BALL waa the boat ever shown in thia theatre. We ran It two day a, and played to over capacity Fine and Kramer, Amuaemcnt Enterprises Meadville, Pa, Oct. 5. 1914. The Photo Drama Co., Z2t West 42d St, New York City. Gentlemen: Want to.aay that AFTER THE BALL picture gave excellent eatle- faction to our patrons. Personally wo can recommend the feature very highly and would like to play a return date for same. Respectfully youra, (Signed) FINE AND KRAMER. Per M. S. F. Samuels Opera House, Jamestown, N. Y, Oct. 3, 1914. Photo Drama Co, 229 W. 42d St, New York City. Gentlemen: AFTER THE BALL. I wiah to state that thla feature, with HERBERT KELCEY and EFFIE SHANNON gave en- tire satisfaction to all of thoae who had the pleasure of seeing It In my theatre. If you have any more feature* on a standard with AFTER THE BALL I will be very glad to give you a data in Jamea- town. Vmrr truly youra, (Signed) ED. CONNELLY, Can. Mgr. The Baker Theatre, Dover, N. J, Oct. 9, 1914. Photo Drama Co, Inc, Candler Building, New York City. Gentlemen: Congratulations are surely due to you for your wonderful screen pro- duction, AFTER THE BALL. AFTER THE BALL waa projected at thla thoatre Saturday matinee and even- ing, September 29, and, In point of num- here, establiahed a new record, and the writer can heartily recommend It* ster- ling qualiflcationa to all lovera of pure picture drama. Respectfully yours, (Signed) R. F. WOODHULL, Mgr. Welting Opera House, Syracuse. N. Y, Oct. S, 1914. The Photo Drama Co, 229 Woat 42d St, New York City. Gentlemen: I conalder KELCEY and SHANNON in AFTER THE BALL the boat feature photo-play that thla house ha* ever shown; its drawing power was wonderful, and 1 would be pleased to have the attraction for a return date. Very truly yours. (Signed) WEITING OPERA HOUSE. By F. P. Martin, Business Manager. Bradford Theatre, Bradford, Pa, Oct. J. 1914. The Photo Drama Co, New York City, N. Y. Gentlemen: On Sept. 9 and 10 of this year I played AFTER THE BALL to very excellent receipts at tne above theatre. I am again playing it on tills dale, Oct. 3, for a special return engagement. It la a "thriller" In many ways, yet is logical withal, and the photography as a whole la certainly very clear, while the entire production from the scenario to the screen shows a master hand all the way through. Tours very truly, (Signed) BRADFORD THEATRE. C. W. Lawford, Manager. going away without th dai houses, seeing it at both days of exhibition on ac- count of we not even having standing I can aay that any theatre who will book and bill thia feature need not worry about the house being Ailed for two or three daya—don't matter a* to th* weather. V*ry truly. (Signed) HIPPODROME THEATRE, W. B. Stoenberge, Mgr. Rets Circuit Co. October 2, 1914. The Photo Drama Co, Candler Building, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: Your feature photo-play of KELCEY and SHANNON In AFTER THE BALL gives me pleasure of recommend- ing It aa a first-class feature, and which played to capacity business at Rand'a Opera House, Troy, New York. Sincerely, (Signed) O. H. STACY, Mgr. PHOTO DRAMA COMPANY. Inc. 220 West 42nd Street, New York City, N. Y. ti BILL" STEINER JIM MAHER T JIM SYBIL DIAMOND and BRENNAN Conroy at LeMalre care Shuberts Cook Joe Variety N Y Corradinl F care Tausig 104 E 14th St N Y C (toss 4r Josephine Variety N Y C'urzon Sisters Orpheum Birmingham Daly Arnold & Co Orpheum Denver Davirs Josephine Shea's Buffalo D'Arvllle Jeanette Montreal Indef I>e Felice Carlotta Variety San Francisco De La Rosa Margarrt .Columbia Grano Rapids Dc Ldhft Maltfte VaTt*ty N Y' * * Devine A Williams Wm Penn Philadelphia Diamond & Virginia Orpheum Jacksonville Doyle Patsy Colonial Erie Pa Duffy & Lorenz Orpheum Duluth Early & Laight Pantages Los Angeles Edeson Robert & Co Majestic Milwaukee Elisabeth Mary Variety London Emmett Mr a\ Mrs Hugh 227 W 46th St N Empire Comedy 4 Shea's Buffalo Esau Or uh c um ' Jarckstmvirte Eugene Trio Orpheum Seattle Fagan a\ Byron care Cooper 1416 Bway NYC Fields Teddy Variety N Y I AND SEVEN LITTLE FOYS IN VAUDEVILLE Frank J Herbert Vitagraph Studio Bklyn Frey Henry 1777 Madison Ave NYC JACK E. GARDNER In "CURSE YOU, JACK DALTON" Direction, HARRY WEBER