Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS AND COMPANIES IN BURLESQUE JACOBS & JERMON'S Columbia Theatre Building, I Broadway and 47th Street, New York TttST BILLY WATSON GIRLIE SHOW" WATSON*! "ORIENTALS' 9 WAMT OOOP-LOOKIMO OIWLS ALWAYS COLUMBIA AMUSEMENT CO.'S HOUSES SAMMY WRIGHT Gat me in the "Burly-Cue V Management AL REEVES AIM K I IM IM E Y Management. CHARLES H. WALDRON THE GREATEST DANCER OF THEM ALL I Chooceeta AT LIBERTY Address 227 W. eSth St. New York Charles Robinson AND HIS "Carnation Beauties 9 ' SEASON 1914-1915 HarryCooper FEATURED WITH "CRACKER JACKS" Direction. COLUMBIA AMUSEMENT CO. GEO. H. WARD Featured Character Comedian WITH BERNARD A ZEISLER'S "FRENCH MODELS" Season 1914-15 WILL FOX Featured Comedian "Gay New Yorkers •• Joe MORRIS and CAMPBEXL. Flossie With "BROADWAY GIRLS" Season 1914-15. Sam Micals WITH "BOWERYS" Management, HURTIG & SEAMON WILLIE WESTON IN VAUDEVILLE Booked SoUd. Direction, MORRIS s\ FETL Wilson Jack Majestic Milwaukee Winters Winona Orpheum Jacksonville Wood Britt Keith's Philadelphia Woods Woods Trio Keith's Louisville Z Zazell H M Co Orpheum Circuit Zosllsr Edward care Cooper 1416 Bway NYC BURLESQUE ROUTES !»■■»-. (Week Nov. 2 and Nov. 0.) Al Reeves' Beauty Show 2 Miner's Bronx New York 9 L O 16 Empire Newark. American Beauties 2LO0 Westminster Provi- dence. Auto Girls 2-4 Grand Plttsfleld 5-7 Empire Holyoke 0 Olympic New York. Beauty Parade 2 Empire Newark 0 Casino Philadelphia. Beauty Youth A Folly 2 Penn Circuit 9 Mur- ray Hill New York. Behman Show 2 Casino Boston 9-11 Worcester Worcester 12-14 Park Bridgeport. Ben Welch Show 2 Gayety Omaha 9 L O 16 Gayety Minneapolis. Big Jubilee 2 Princess St Louis 9 Gayety Kan- sas City. Big Revue 2 Olympic New York 9 Star Brook- lyn. Big Sensation 2 Columbia Indianapolis 9 Buckingham Louisville. Bohemians 2 L O 9 Columbia Indianapolis. Bon Tons 2 Gayety Montreal 9-11 Empire Al- bany 12-14 Grand Hartford. Bowery Burlesquers 2 Gayety Kansas City 9 Gayety Omaha. Broadway Girls 2-4 Stone O H Binghamton 5-7 Van Culler O H Schenectady 9 Corinthian Rochester. Charming Widows 2 Murray Hill New York 9 Trocadero Philadelphia. Cherry Blossoms 2-4 Jacques O H Waterbury R-7 Gllmore Springfield 9 Howard Boston. City Belles 2 Empire Cleveland 9 Victoria Pittsburgh. City Sports 2 Howard Boston 9 Grand Boston. College Girls 2 Casino Brooklyn 9 Music Hall New York. Crackerjacks 2 Star Brooklyn 9 Orpheum Pat- erson. Dreamlands 2 Columbia Chicago 9 Princess St Louis. Eva Mull's Show 2 Bijou Richmond 9 Academy of Music Norfolk. Fay Foster Co 1-4 New Nixon Atlantic City 9- 11 Stone O H Binghamton 12-14 Van Culler O H Schenectady. A RIOT IN BURLESQUE DON B. BARCLAY "Mr. Barclay's comedy is spontaneous and genuinely funny, and in everything that he does he U distinctly ori»inal."-Frederick M. McCloy in VARIETY. Dave Gordon Presents "GIRLS OF THE GAY WHITE WAY" SIMMONDS, STEWART and LAKE'S "AUTOGIRLS" CO. Offer HARRY M. STEWART FRANCIS ELLIOTT MADELINE WEBB JAS. J. LAKE CAROL SCHRODER BILLY HALLMAN HARRY SEYMOUR SALLY STEWART TEDDY SIMMONDS COLUMBIA CIRCUIT, 1914-1S SOMETHING NEW WZ&a "FOLLIES i°„ f e DAT With SAM SIDMAN, GERTRUDE HAYES, and aa All-Star Cast BIGGEST HIT IN BURLESQUE SINCE "WINE, WOMAN AND SONG** NOV. 8, GAYETY THEATRE, MINNEAPOLIS Steve GORDON and MURPHY Frank PREMIER ACROBATIC DANCERS with "BON-TON GIRLS »» Babe La Tour With -GOLDEN CROOK" Management, JACOBS & JERMON HARRY Hickeyj LE VAN CLAIRE DE VINE NOW AND ALWAYS Personal Direction. Henry P Dixon "REVIEW OP ISIS" (Colttmbis Circuit) Leading Woman Dixon's "Review of 1915" Anna-ARMSTRONG and ODELL-Tommy With DAVE MARION'S OWN CO. Season 14-15. HENRY Presents "THE BIG REVIEW OF 1915" MARGIE CATLIN ALWAYS WORKING MANAGEMENT. PENNESSY A NERK -Happy Widows" MAUDIE M EI A "AMERICAN BEAUTIES" CO. "Queen Rose of the osebud Garden of Girls."—McCloy in Variety. Follies of Day 2 L O 9 Oayety Minneapolis. Follies of Pleasure 2 Haymarket Chicago 9 Standard St Louis. French Models 2 Cadillac Detroit 9 Haymarket Chicago. Gaiety Girls 2 Gayety Buffalo 9 L O 16-18 Bastable Syracuse 19-21 Lumberg Utlca. Garden of Girls 2 Standard St. Louis 9 Cen- tury Kansas City. Gay Morning Glories 2 Victoria Pittsburgh 9 Penn Circuit. Gay New Yorkers 2 Gaiety Boston 9-11 Grand Hartford 12-14 Empire Albany. Gay White Way 2-4 Worcester Worcester 5-7 Park Bridgeport 9 Columbia New York. Gay Widows 2 Corinthian Rochester 9 Gardes Buffalo. Ginger Olrls 2 L O 9-11 Bastable Syracuse 12- 14 Lumbers; Utlca. Girls from Happyland 2 Star a Garter Chi- cago 9 Englewood Chicago. Girls from Joyland 2 L O 9 Gayety Balti- more. Girls from Follies 5-7 Grand Trenton 9 Oay- ety Brooklyn. Olrls of Moulin Rouge 2 Gayety Minneapolis 9 Star St Paul. Globe Trotters 2-4 Grand Hartford 5-7 Empire Albany 9 Miner's nronx New York. Golden Crook 2 L O 9 Empire Newark. OWNERS OF SHOWS AND THEATRES WHO ARE LOOKING FOR BOOKING FOR BALANCE OF SEASON AND WANT QUICK ACTION COMMUNICATE MUTUAL CIRCUIT and AMUSEMENT COMPANY, Gaiety Theatre Bldg., Broadway and 46th St., New York City Ask the Progressive Circuit, Inc.. why a large number of shows were closed out and what they will give them for their stock in the company, and whether the representa- tions made at the time it was purchased were true? MUTUAL CIRCUIT AND AMUSEMENT COMPANY, incorporated under the Laws of the State of New York, with a capitalization of $75,000.00. • New Circuit has heen formed. A majority of the Board of Directors arc owners of theatres and shows and it is not controlled by Theatrical Promoters. You are not required to buy stock upon fraudulent misrepresentations or m**-tU th>» •'• ««t inrm#.,l id afterwards sold out and your shows left Stranded an.I theatres darkened. i ireutt mat is not lormen otherwise an«i aiierwaras sold out ami you No one affiliated with the Progressive Circuit, Inc., is connected with this company Do your booking with ircuit that is not form for the purpose of selling Your attention is called to an article in the New York Telegraph of October 6th, 1914, entitled "BURLESQUE out and a few insiders WHEEL GETS INTO COURT." whereby it appeared that an application for the appointment of a Receiver ofthe .--i,-, - uhhm •» mm* m "PROGRESSIVE CIRCUIT, INC.," was made to the Supreme Court in the City of New York. malcc a triune at your ex- ACT QUICK. SEND IN YOUR OPEN TIME. WE HAVE THE HOUSES AND THE SHOWS pense.