Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 37 HOTEL VAN CORTLANDT 142-146 W. 49th STREET )(j*T EAST OF BROADWAY* NEW Centrally located, good service, absolutely fireproof. A homelike transient and family hotel. Telephone in every room. Restaurant and Grill equal to Moderate Prices Rooms large, light, airy and wail furnished. Rooms with uso of bath $139 and up. Rooms with bath $2 and up. Parlor bedroom and bath $3 and up, for ono or two parsons. SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS IN 114-116 WEST 47TH STREET. NEW YORK (Just off Broadway) Bast location in town. Kitchenette apartments; Single and double rooms* with bath. Attractive prices to tha profession. THE IN/IOIM 104-106 W. 40TH ST., NEW YORK, Between Broadway and Sixth Ave. European Plan, rnsnii ELM up per week. Double rooms, $4Jt up. Housekeeping rooms, par weak. Steam Heat. Baths on every floor. JIMSEY JORDAN, Mgr. Bryant 1M4 Geo. P. Schneider, Prop. FURNISHED APARTMENTS CMn cS^l^A^T^* 323 West 43rd Street, NEW YORK CITY Private Bath. 3-4 rooms. Catering to the comfort and convenience of the profession Steam Heat It Up When Playing Atlantic City Stop At HOTEL G00DFELL0W Maryland Ave. and Boardwalk Three minutes from New Nixon and Keith's Theatres. Eight minutes from Apollo Theatre Spatial Rites tt tha Profession CHAS. J. GOODFELLOW, Prop. Late of Chestnut Street Opera House. Phila. HOTEL BROADWAY, DETROIT 42-44 BROADWAY Theatrical hotel within three minutes' walk from all Theatres. Price, $3.SS up, single; $S.S0 up, double. Bsker Cbas Baldwin Mrs Banjoph lends Bsrlow H Barnes T Bsrnold D Barnold J Barry A Nelson Bart Chss Barton 8am Bay State Trio Beahl Jessie Bell P Bell and Richards Bellow L Belmont P Bennett M Bennett Pierce a A Bergere O Berllnger E Bernard M Berry Rose (C) Bird Margaret Black V Blake Sisters Blondy (C) Bloom L Boardman L Boley M Boulton Edna Bowsen Chas (C) Boyd B Boyle J Braxll Hart (C) Breakaway Barlows (C) Breen Katie Brennen J (C) Brltt J Brooks H Brooks W Brown Russell (Reg) Bucher M Bundy Chas (C) Burke E Burns ft Klssen (C) Burton R Bushley J Calhoun J Campbell J Carbray D Care Joe (C) Carey J Carleton V Cartln A Waters Chang C Cbao W Chlslelgh Sisters Childring R Christian J Claire E Clare J Clarendon T Clark H Clark T Claus F Cleighbough Lucky Cleve H Cleveland H Clifton H (SP) Cole Judson (C) Collier Ruby Condon T Cooper B (C) Courthope June Craft Anna Cross Alex Crossman Bert Crowley J Cuff J Cullen Bros Curwen P Dakota Jack Dale May Daly Josh Davis Al Davison W De Alma Oee De Armour Billy (C) De Foreat O De Kraft I Delancey F De Long Lottie (C) Del Prima Demnatl Haddo De Ovlatt B (C) De Vere M Doucet T Dudley B Duffy (C) Dufty W (C) Dunleavy V Dupree Geo Dupree Kate Du Reel Walter Du Vail Helen MRS. REN SHIELDS. ^KSJff 0 The Van Alem, 1S4 Weat 45th St. NEW YORK STEAM HEAT AND HOT WATER Pheae 11*3 Bryant. All Modern Improvements Maud Faovette, "The Tango Chamber Maid" Catering to Vaudeville's Blue List SCHILLING HOUSE 107-ief Weet 48th Street NEW YORK American plan. MEAL SERVICE AT ALL HOURS. Private Bathe. Mualc Room for Rehearsals. 'Phone 1S5S Bryant Phone Greeley 3444 FURNISHED ROOMS 24» Weet SSth St. New York City Reasonable Rates. Light Housekeeping MR. AND MRS. ED KENNARD. rVtKN 245 WEST 51st STREET JUST .WEST OP BROADWAY 2, 3;AND 4 ROOMS Modern Fireproof Elevator Building RENTS $45 UP. References required. Apply on premises. COME AND SEE ME. PUT THIS IN YOUR DATE BOOK BILLY "Swede" HALL CLARIDGE APARTMENTS. 226 WEST 50TH STREET. NEW YORK CITY Big Time Food. Big Time Service. Small Time Prices at the French-American Bakery-Restaurant 1M WEST 44TH ST.-NEXT TO THE CLARIDGE HOTEL, NEW YORK POPULAR PRICES. GEO. FISCH. PROP. ALWAYS OPEN. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH $7 °° WEEK IN THE MODERN FIRE PROOF rvi 417-19 SOUTH WABASH AVENUE ■ . CHICAGO, ILL. WITHIN THREE BLOCKS OF TEN LARGEST DOWN-TOWN THEATRES ACTS COMING TO CHICAGO STOP AT HOTE.L CARLE/TON STATE, ARCHER AND 20TH STREETS KM up. Single er Double, and get showing at Alhambra Hippodrome. Far Chicago Agents. Theatre and Hotel Under Sanaa Management SAN FRANCISCO Bckenrode H Eckardt C Edge J Edwards (C) Elliot Oee Evers O Excellass The (C) P (C) Faust Victor Field O (C) Fields W Figg Chas Flnlay Bob Flashman Clarence Flynn J Follette ft Wicks Forbes C Ford Lettle Ford ft Pearce Frances E Francis Milton Frasers The Frawley Paul (C) Frezher Enos Froulne Lou Fowler B Qaffney Sugar Galloway Lillian Gardner H Oermalne F (C) nibboni Edith Gibson ft Dyce Gibson Hardy (Reg) Gibson M Glenn Carle Golden E Goldlnid Spanish (C) Goldrlck T CoodwtnR S Gordon B Gordon D (C) Gordon and Etdred Graham Gray B Gray J Griffin O (C) Griffith F (C) Guild Martin Hagan M Hagen J Haggerty ft Hobbs Haines Robt Hannerman A Harcourt D (P) Harcourt J Harcourt L Harding R Harold Smugger i C) Harrington Ray Harrison Happy (C) Harrison L Harvey W Hayes H Hay res O (C) Hearn Lew Held F Henderson F Hennesey J Heanlng W Herbert C (C) Herman Dr Herman The Great (SF) » Hlgglns M Hill L Hill M Hoi brook F Holdsworth L Hopkins Huffman M Hulley O (C) Humphrey J Hunt H Hunter J LANKERSHIM HOTEL Absolutely Fireproof; New and Modern; 3Sf Rooms Fifth Street, Oppoelte U. S. Mint; half block from Pantages and Empress, and Near AD Them SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION Single Room, $4 per week; Double, $4.5t; with Private Beth, |f and Is. Take any Taxi, our Expense. SHERMAN'S HOTEL Formerly COOKE'S HOTEL "A Theatrical Hotel of the Batter Class" Walnut Street, above Eighth Opposite Casino Theatre Philadelphia CAFE CABARET EVERY NIGHT Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA WELLINGTON HOTEL Wakes* Ave. and Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO Rates To The Profession J. A. RILEY, Manager ST. LOUIS, MO REGENT HOTEL, 1M N. 14TH NEW REGENT HOTEL, HI N. 14TH METROPOLE HOTEL, set N. 1ZTH ST E. E. CAMPBELL, Prop, and Mgr. Theatrical Headquarters Ten Minutes' Walk to All Theatres Hutchlns R Huxtable F Inge C Irving A Jackson Lee Jarrett F Jennings Percy (C) John Troupe Johnson H Johnson J Jones Carey (Reg) Jones Edith (8F) Jordon L (C) Julian F K Kahaklan W Kalll D Kaufman Sisters Keen R Keaton J Kelly J Kennedy J Kebel J Keogh Sisters (C) Ksmball J Kemberly Leon King F King O Kyle H Kin Kald B (C) Klein E (C) Knight Mooee (C) Kummer Ray (C) Kyle H Langdon H (C) Lavall Hi la La Vine O (C) Lawrson B ri Mt QF TMt PO l ' ' N fi' rmCLICrIT LLLCTAH f \n ** MOT i COLD**'' ' ?-'t\\L*\OEU*t\\>\.f V CATERING TO THE PROFESSION MANDEL'S INTER OCEAN HOTEL REMODELED AND RENOVATED At Reasonable Prices, S3.SS and Up Single er Double 338 State St., CHICAGO. ILL. Lawson F Lawton P Le Fevre A St John Le Page C (SF) Le Roy F Leslie B Leslie F Leslie M lx»vey Ethel (C) Lewis B Lewis H Lewis 8 (C) Llbonste Y Light Anne (C) Lockett Lou (C) Ijockwood H Long Tack Sam (C) Lorraine Hssel Loyd B Lua P Luby E Lucadors The Lucero P Lyle A Lyle C Lyman E M Macanlyfe H Mack, Albright ft M MacClennan K MacDonald R