Variety (October 1914)

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40 e= VARIETY LEE LASH Beautiful Drops SIX "ADS" OR LESS GRATIS BROADWAY OFFICES LONG ACRE BUILDING IVI The Perfect Cold Cream FOR THE PROFESSION 2 lb. Can, 71 cte. Parcel Poet anywhere In United State* ALSO OTHER MAKE-UP AGENTS WANTED ^ M1 ^ A __ Zm WMt Lake Street CHICAGO "I Write Acta that Gat the BmUm« n Author for Vaudeville Stars L. A. HANDY. Aitbtr's Ajeit \m Broadway, Room SB Now York The Coicago Steward!' association of ho- tel men have bought out the entire house at Cohan's Grand for Nov. 2 for "Under Cover" ajd will sell the seats for a benefit to Frank Lothwell, formerly of the Grand Pacific Ho- tel, who Is seriously ill. v There was some talk of closing the Casino on the north side to put pictures back, but burlesque will be offered there for at least two weeks, and if the present growth in busi- ness keeps up the house will offer that sort of amusement all season. Harold Heaton Is now directing plays for the Chicago Dramatic Society. He will play the leading role in "The Builder of Bridges,' which is scheduled for production at Rosalie Hall, Oct. 30. This society Is offering plays in various parts of the city. Bmma Goldman, who has been connected with anarchistic events in the past, la con- ducting a series of lectures on "The Modern Drama," In the Fine Arts Assembly hall. She will continue the lecture sover a period of three weeks. William Schmltter, partner of Carlos Cae- saro, while performing a difficult trick at the Great Northern Hip. last week, was thrown from his apparatus and injured. He was rushed to a hospital, where it was discov- ered that he had suffered a fracture-dislo- cation of the right arm and an Injury to the Jaw. Face Imperfections Corrected DR. PRATT j 1122 Broadway NEW YORK Call or Write. Cool weather gave business a nice boost along all theatrical lines last Saturday and Sunday. Legitimate, vaudeville and pictures all felt the results. The Perdue-Maroon foot- ball game on Saturday brought '2,600 people from LaFayette alone, and all these rushed into the "loop" theatres at night, overcrowd- ing them. Joe Hurtlg ban been In town supervising changes in Bomo of his shows. The Bowery Uurleaquers, which appeared at the Colum- bia this week, was replaced by the old show, "Madame, Excuse Me," and the only one.* In the cast retained were Fitzgerald and Qulnn. The cast of "The Transatlantics" was brought In for the new show, and the cast of the bowery Burlesquers went to 'The Moulin Kouge" company. Tuesday, Oct. 27, was set aside by mom- be rs of the Old Friends' Club of America as a special social session day. Refreshments were nerved and the Old Friends' Orchestra appeared. The following were chairmen oi committees: Reception, Harry J. Ridings; press, Frederick Hatton; amusement, C. S. Humphrey ; house, Henry Myers, James Browne and E. H. Wood. Ben M. Jerome directed the orchestra. Koee Muurer of tho Klnkuid Kilties Las been discharged from the American hospital, after an operation on her foot. Miss Ruby Norton, at the same Institution, 1b convales- cing. Mrs. Margaret Raymond, mother of the "Raymond Midgets," is recovering from an operation for appendicitis, and Miss Belmont of the Lewis and Dody show has been under treatment for ptomaine poisoning by Dr. Max rhorek. "While the City Sleeps," a new play by E. E. Rose, produced by Messrs. Rowland & Clifford. Is being offered at the Auditorium for the Policemen's Benevolent fund. The show opened Sunday night to an audience that com fortably filled the house. Among the players of prominence In the cast are: Frank Sheri- dan, Rodney Ranous, Walter F. Jones and Jessie Glendennlng. A large number of the loeal polios are used In the cast. The show Is In four acts and tells the story of good and bad pollcemea, and ban several love stories. A Strong REMOVAL Act Our strongest act is making good if anything goes wrong. Though Naturally we're I mighty strong for having everything right in the first (place. We are tailors, not brokers I—tailors of our own wares, not re-tailers of other people's. Suits $1&50 to $45 | Overcoats $1&50 to $65 Ready for service 15S2 BROADWAY 724-2S 7th Aw«. Opposite) Strand Theatre NEW YORK CITY SALE Continues at 25 West 42d St. 30c to 60c on the Dollar My Complete Stock of Fine Haberdashery Reduced "MY POLICY" "Every Article You Buy Here MUST Please or You MUST Return." 1578-80 BROADWAY 716-718 7TH AVE. 569 MELROSE AVE. 25 WEST 42D ST. WARDROBE TAKEN AFTER NIGHT SHOW Dry Geansed and Delivered for Next Matinee SPECIAL TO PROFESSION O'HEARN 1554 Broadway, N. Y. ■•L4M7S1. Phone 1153 Bryant Open Day, Night and Sunday PROFESSIONAL RATES MODERN METHODS DR. HARRY HYMAN DENTIST Sfraad Theatre Bldf. 20 Mule Team Borax Sprinkled freely in the bath water makes it delightful. Has many other uses. Booklet free* For sale all dealers. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US Hyman-Such Costume Co., Inc. fiaay P ay men 2U. THEATRICAL COSTUMES TO ORDER 1482 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, te. Call and talk It over. Reliable, Prompt and Money Saved Objectionable Hair Removed Unahjhthr. objectionable hair ramovad as II far nasto by aalaf X. BASIN Denflatory row daw. Von oaa do It easOy and ejuokbr at home. Tboronfhly callable. WBIaot tajare the moet dattcate skin. Nearty 60 yeare of •nanees. If ada by the makers of Soeodont X. BAZIN Depilatory Powder WANTED Good talking comedian to join a new acrulutit- act. Must be able to wear comedy make-up. Address ALSOM, care Wilss, 121 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J. Arc You Perfect? IN STAGE DEPORTMENT Professionals instructed in acquiring art anl grace in Stage Deportment and perfected in the movements and details of Pantomime, Classical, Ballet and Toe Dancing. DIAMANT and ZANFRETTA Imperial School "Scala" St. Petersburg, Russia Milano, Italy S West Slst Street Phone 1972 Plaza WIGS OF ALL KINDS For Stage and Street Wear Full Line Theatrical Make-Up J. CREST _McVjcker > e Theatre Chicago. 111. PARODIES FOUR SPECIAL PARODIES on any songs or subjects you name, $1.M. HAROLD HEC- TOR, at W. Stth St- New York. YOUNG MAN would like to JOIN PARTNER. Can do black face or straight. Formerly of well-known act. Just returned from Europe. Addreee Blackface, VARIE TY. New York. SEASIDE BUNGALOW COLONY Sella California style bungalow. $42S, conaieting of living room, two bedrooms, Idtchen and bathroom; cosy and homelike; roomy porch; shingled overhang roof, etc. Fully Improved C°£?' * 17 ? up / *** r "»nthly payments. Sandy ithlng beach, natural harbor for pleasure boats| famous Ashing grounds; superb marine view; seashore and country combined. Ad- dreee M. BACHE, gt Broadway, New York. Plana have been made to give a big benefit for Col. BUI Thompson, formerly manager of the American Music Hall, who Is sick and in destitute circumstances. Col. Thompson 1p now at the American Hospital, where Dr. Max Thorek performed a remarkable operation for cancer. The operation consisted In forming new lower lips and chin from flesh taken from other parts of the patient's body. The benefit will be given at the Cort theatre Nov. Vj and committees have been appointed to work up Interest and sell tickets for the occasion. Joseph K. Sullivan, 17 East Grand avenue, who advertised that he was the sole owner and proprietor of "Ole Olson and the Chicago Show Girls, was taken into custody by the federal authorities last week. Applicanta who came to ask for Jobs were advised that he wanted ticket sellers, and as he averred his former ticket seller had eloped with his lead- lag lady, he asked a deposit of $75. He was arrested on a charge of using the malls to de- fraud, and has been held over to the grand Jury. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL (John J. Gar- rlty, mgr.) — Helen Ware In "The Revolt" opened Sunday. ..™SP IT .2 RI ^ M ( Dern *rd Ulrlch, mgr.).- B^ACK^rn^ ? 1 l eP8 '". ^r 1 Sunday.' BLACKSTONB (Augustus Pltou, mgr ) — Last week of Johnston Forbes-Robertson In repertoire. COHANS GRAND (Harry Ridings, mgr.)-- COLUMBIA (William Roche, mgr.).—The £i?t, Maids In "Busy Little Cupid." si2« » Jm J- " errmann . mgr.).—"A Pair of o'^e?. still making good after n run. Feathers/' (A ' J Kaufman - mgr.).—"Fine OARRICK (John J. Garrity, mgr.).—"Pee 0' My Heart," getting good returns after a long run. An^ IN . 01 ^ (Wm J - DavlB ' m^r.).-Margaret Anglln in last week of "Lady Windermere's IMPERIAL (Joe Pilgrim, mgr.).—"Damaged Goods,' opened Sunday. B u LA SALLE (Joseph Bransky, mgr.)—"One Saw-. * M,I,Ion '" made over ln *° a better Da ! y/™° NAL (J ° hn P - Barrett ' mgr.). -"One OLYMPIC (George C. Warren, mgr.).- n town. Perlmutter '" "till the biggest draw POWERS (Harry J. Powers, mgr.).-"The 5-« ,0 T, Se k t^ WUb a BeC0Dd COm >-' «* ^^^tJSTik "wo^'w^o * p i£?J* "*• »• ■ h0 * Immensely u ? T 45 * OARTER (Paul RobertV m£T ) _ Pit White and hit jubilee oompany mfrJ ~