Variety (October 1914)

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44 VARIETY FLORENCE and MECHERINI ORIGINAL SOUTH AMERICAN DANCERS. The International Characteristic Transforma- tion Dancers. The original and true creators of the authentic TANGO ARGENTINO and BRAZILIAN MAXICSE in Buenos Ayres since INS ES FLORENCE MECHERINL^*i~. i < ii ■> i ' i mum m » M i n i m wim FIRST PRIZE MEDAL FOR TANGO IN ARGENTINE $500 .00 We are willing to pay ISM tn anybody that can dance the Tango Argentino and the Brazilian Max- isce as we do, but it must be au- thentic and with no immoral mo- tions or motions of other popular dances. We have evidence in the shape of programs, press matter, etc., dated from 1905 to 1914. at the disposition of the public, showing the success of the Tango and Max- isce, which we presented Mt times at Buenos Ayres, where we won the first prize. FLORENCE AND MECHERINI. Original, Chic, Artistic, Versatile, Incomparable. • Grand Scenes, with Light Effects, f Changes of Costumes with Six Different Dances. Character.«tic Transformation of the Countries. 2S-Minute Act—No Intermissions. True Novelty and Inimitable. COLOSSAL ATTRACTION-Ab.olutely New in the United State.. Under the Direction of ANTONIO BAGAROZY, 219 W. 48th St., New York City noticed at Shea's also, all matinee seats sell- ing for 25 cents, except Saturday. "The Prince of Pilsen," 'Potash * Perlmut- ter," ."The LltUe Cafe,'' "The Misleading Lady" "The Yellow Ticket," Julian Eltlnge in his new play, "The Crinoline Girl," and "Seven Keys to Baldpate," are among the com- ing attractions booked at the Star. "Bought and Paid For," "One Day," "The Rosary," "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," "September Morn." "Flske O'Hara." "Little !<ost Sister" are coming attractions for the Majestic. »iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit& 1 WALTER LAWRENCE I I FRANCES CAMERON! STARRING John Philip Sousa and his band will render two concerts at the Teck, Sunday, Nov. 1. CINCINNATI. ■y HARRY V. MARTIN. KEITH'S (John Royal, mgr,; agt.. U. H. <>.). Lauder talking pictures, well liked ; Sura Barton, laughs; Byal and Early, tip-top greet- ing^ Bryand'a Cheerborts, very good; Cardo and Noll, sky-high hand ; Bessie and Harriet Rempel and Co., good ; Kddte Ross, good : Rolfe a "Colonial Day," excellent; Hoey and Lee. fair: "Tango Chief." the same. EMPRESS (George A. Povyer. mgr. : agt., Loew).—Praise; Moore and Elliott: Bell Boy Trio: Richmond and Mann; Trovello; Ciasch Sisters. QRAND (John Havlin and Then. Aylwanl. mgrs.).—"The Queen of the Movies;"" 1, Margaret Anglin. LYRIC (C. Hubert Heuek. mgr). "Kitty Mackay ;" 1. San Carlo Cmnd Opera Co. WALNUT (Ben Probst, mgr.; agt.. S.-H.l. "Maggie Pepper:" I, "Girl of My Dreams." OAYETY (Willis F. Jackson, mgr.). -VHose- land Girls." STANDARD (Charles It Arnold, nmr.i. •City Belles." LYCEUM. Stoek. OLYMPIC. Dark. GERMAN (AmundUH Horn ingr. ; ^tot k > Die Thuer Ins Frele" (Th<> Door to Fr dom>. Sunday night only. HEL'CKS. Pictures and v;iud. v.ll.- The roller skutlng rink opens «.ct. .".1. ;ijnl dancing Is planned for Liter In the siuson. E. B. Moour, manager. (ieorge Schatzman. proprietor of a moving picture theatre In Bcllevue, Ky.. was arrested on a charge of manslaughter, after his auto- mobile had killed a little girl. Witnesses say the accident whs unavoidable and the machine was going slowly. CLEVELAND. RY CI-VDF3 B. Rl-MOTT. COLONIAL (Robert McLaughlin, mgr.).— "High Jinks," which opened here last sea- son. Is back. Better show and better busl- nett*. OPERA HOUSE (George Gardiner, mgr.).— John Drew in "The Prodigal Husband;" busi- ness poor. HIPPODROME (Harry Daniels, mgr.).--The bill is good only In ono spot—Gas Edwards' song act. Pantzer Duo, little applause: Ce- celia Wright, audience cold; Walter Le Roy and Co., thin sketch; Harry Breen. get loughs; Coradlnl's Animals, some merit; Can- ter and Lee, weak. MILES (Charles Dempsey, mgr).—Just fair bill. Jas. J. Morton, laughs; Edward Clark and Clarissa Rose, good; Frank Stafford and Co., industrious act: Stuart Black and Co., could be Improved; Ogden Quartet, fair; Mile Camllle and her poodles, good for children. PRISCILLA (Proctor Seas, mgr.).—Another fair bill. "School Days," headllner. enter- taining ; "Theo," some applause; Four Musi- cal Luclers, encores; Minstrel Billy Clark, not strong; Gardner and Tunis, goes well; Sauls and Rockwell, pretentious. GORDON SQUARE.—Fair bill. Hernando's Circus, good headllner; Norrlne Sisters, ap- plause ; Guy M. Crane, funny; Hazev and Lovel, applause. PROSPECT.—"Little Lost Sister." Good business. METROPOLITAN (Fred Johnson, mgr.).— Metropolitan players In "Sham/' Packed houses. CLEVELAND (Harry Zuzker, mgr.).—"Un- cle Tom's Cabin." Good business. GRAND.—Grand Stock Company in "The Fatal Wedding." Good business. STAR (C. J. Kltts, mgr.).—"The Rosey Posey Girls." Good burlesque. EMPIRE (Bert McPhall. mgr.).—"Gay Morning Glories." Drawing crowds. DUCHESS (Al Comey, mgr.).- -Pictures. Big business. Helen Carew, leading woman with the Hold- en Players nt the Cleveland, will retire at the close of the week, and will be succeeded by Margaret Neville, who last season was the leading woman. Frank Dne will become a member of (he company. Arling Alelne will continue as leading man. IN "LET'S GET MARRIED?" i i SAN FRANCISCO, NOV. 2 | FilllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||g DETROIT. Ily JACOB SMITH. TEMPLE (C. G. Williams, mgr.; U. B. O.). -Allen Dlnehart ft Co., excellent; Bert Fltz gibbon, big; Julia Curtis, good ; "The Lone- some Lassies," satisfied; Manny ft Roberts, good; Pederson Bros., excellent; Charles Thompson, fair. MILES (C. W. Porter, mgr.; Loew, agent). —Juggling De Lisle, opened ; Cora Greve, fair • Tom Mahoney, Irish humor; Davis' Klncala Kilties, big; Sherman, Van ft Hyman, very good ; Ergottl and Lilliputians, good. ORPHEUM (H. P. Williamson, Mgr.; Pan- tages, agent).—Desmond Gallagher Players In good sketch ; Schaefer A Waller, hit; Colum- bine ft Four Harlequins, novel; Novelty