Variety (November 1914)

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26 VARIETY >ICTUR§ CHAPJLES FROHMAJ< Presents JOHN EMERSON the recent theatrical success THE CONSPIRACY 'n rt 3akr> and John Emeison, A detective comedy- drama of mode ri ^Jow Y- rk. In Four Parts Released DecemberkQO.v fhxfuccd £y the : | FAMOUS ;' MATURES ,' ADOLPH ZUKOR.,PresicW. DANIEL PR0HMAN.Mm«0*4 Dimeter EDWIN S PORTERJecknkal Director Executive Offices. 213-229 W.26mSTREET, NEW YORK. De Felice Carlotta Variety San Francisco De Long Maidie Variety N Y Davis* * William. Variety N Y De Haven Mr ft Mrs C Grand Pittsburgh Diamond ft Brennan Forsyth Atlanta SYBIL DIAMOND and BRENNAN "Nlftynoneenee" Next Wooh (Nov. 3»), Foraythe, Atlanta Dooley ft Rugel Orpheum Brooklyn Doyle ft Dixon Orpheum Brooklyn Duffett Bruce & Co Keith's Indianapolis Elisabeth Mary Variety London Emmatt Mr A Mrs Hugh 227 W 46th St N Y Elinor ft Williams Grand Syracuse Fagan A Byron care Cooper 1416 Bway NYC Fields Teddy Variety N Y I AND SEVEN LITTLE FOY1 IN VAUDEVILLE "Where the REAL FEATURES come from" INVESTIGATE !!! lit W. 4ith St., New York. Phone Bryant 812« Amusement Producing Co. H. M. Horkheimer, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. E. D. Horkheimer, See. end Treae. Manufacturers of Dramatic Feature Films known aa The Pictures Beautiful," LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1,000 REELS of FILMS with POSTERS at $3.00 EACH VITAGRAPH KALEM PATHE CINES IMP K. B. BRONCHO RELIANCE NESTOR SOLAX CRYSTAL VICTOR HEPWORTH BARKER NewYorkTheatre^°£?y& Opening Monday Evening, Nov. M Universale Spectacle Photo Piny "DAMON and PYTHIAS" Story of Man's Greatest Friendship Endorsed by Knights of Pythias and many exclusive subjects. First come, first served. Write for lists. The moat popular'" aloaey makers are admittedly Keystones and Pickford films. We offer them with posters at from $20 to $M. Poeters one, three and six-sheets. Exclu- slve features always 1 for sale. Independent Film Brokers 802 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa. ®EDWIN® AUGUST Master Actor of the Films has joined forces with the KINETOPHOTE and will produce famous plays under the K. C. emblem. Exhibitors everywhere are booking the Kinetophote Features "The Spirit of the Peppy" "The Span ef Life" WITH EDWARD MACKAY WITH LIONEL BARRYMORE "The Coning Power" "Markia" WITH LIONEL ADAMS THE AMBROSIO MASTER FILM ALSO II Born Again ■■ WITH BEULAH POYNTER THESE EXCHANGES ARE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. AMERICAN FEATURE FILM CO- let Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.-Maine, New H a mnahlr o, Vermont. Massachusetts^ Rhode Island and Connecti- cut-All New England. EASTERN BOOKING OFFICES, 1217 Vine St- Philadelphia—Eaatcrn Pennsylvania, South- era New Jersey, Virginia, Delaware and DUtrlct of Columbia. EASTERN BOOKING OFFICES (Pitteburg Branch. 4K Wahaah Building)—Weatarn Penn- sylvania and West Virginia. EASTERN BOOKING OFFICES (Cleveland Branch, 2U Cohuabue Building)—State of Ohio. K. C BOOKING CO- INC (Chicago Branch, Mallera Building, S. E. corner of Madison and Wahaah)—Illinois. MIDWEST FEATURE FILM COMPANY, Minneapolis, Minn.-Minneseta, Iowa, North and South Dakota and Wiaconain. CALIFORNIA FILM SERVICE CORPORATION. U« Miaaion Street, San Francisco, Cal. (with branches in Salt Lake City, Utah, Denver, Seattle, Portland, Ore- and Lee Angelas)—California, Oregon, Waahlngton, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. DALLAS FILM CO- Dallas Teres—Texae, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansae. ALL BOOKING THE EXCLUSIVE KINETOPHOTE PROGRAMME OF K. C. BOOKING CO Incorporated 12t-13Z WEST 4«TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone: *M72 Bryant Frank J Herbert Vitagraph Studio Bklyn Frey Henry 1777 Madison Ave NYC G Gallagher & Carlin Maryland Baltimore JACK E. GARDNER In ••CURSE YOU, JACK DALTON" HARRY WEBER Geae & Arthur Orpheum Jacksonville Gere & Delsney Keith's Cincinnati Gillette Lucy Poli's Hartford Gibson Hardy Variety N Y Glenn Carrie Variety N Y Godfrey & Henderson Orpheum Detroit Gordon Jim A Elgin Girls Variety N Y Gordon Kitty Royal Bronx N Y Gould * Ashlyn Maryland Baltimore Gray Trio Variety N Y Grees Karl 3 Mariahilf Str Bingen-Rhein Germ Guerite Laura Variety London Gygi Ota Variety N Y H Hagans 4 Australian Variety N Y Hamilton Jean Touring England Harrah Great 1026 Consumers Bid* Chicago Havilans The Variet- NY Hayama 4 Variety N Y Hayward Stafford dt Co Orpheum Omaha Haywards The Wh.te Rats N Y Hermann Adelaide Pierpont Hotel NYC Inge Clara Variety N Y Ismed Orpheum Des Moines J ack & Foris Orpheum Oakland arrow Colonial Erie efferson Tos & Co Orpheum Los Angeles ohnson & Wells Keith's Providence ohnston John & Co Orpheum Oakland . ohnstons Musical Empire Birmingham Eng Jordan a\ Doherty Orpheum Rock ford 111 Joeefaaohn John Iceland Glima Co Variety N Y Kalmar & Brown Orpheum Denver Kammerer & Howland Rehoboth Mass Karmcrs The Columbia Grand Rapids Keuling Edgar Louis Variety N Y Keeler Mason & Co Colonial NYC Keno & Mayne Colonial Erie Kurtis Roosters Prospect Brooklyn N Y La Count Bessie care Bohm 1547 Bway NYC La Croix Paul Fountain Pk Louisville Langdons The Shea's Buffalo Lane & O'Donnell Keith's Boston FRANK LE DENT DEC. 7, EMPIRE, CHATHAM. ENG. Leslie Bert e\ Co Orpheum Grand Rapids