Variety (November 1914)

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VARIETY 37 Charles Horwltz ithor of the bast comedy acts In vaudeville, k The Five Sullvs, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mur- y, Lslla Davis ct Co., Qidnlan and Richards, deir Enunett At Co., Tom Williams A Co., d hundreda of others. CHARLES HORWITZ 14GX Broadway (Room IIS), Nsw York tone 2MB Groslsy MULER.1SS4 sTaofwa* *£HP Manufacturer o f Theatrical Boots sad Shoes. CLOG. Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes a Spe- cialty. All work made at short notice. Write for Catalog 4 st Yon Forget C ^E9AACR We Say It Yot ^na» aK Vaa*eanav«*na% ETER HEADS •tracta. Tickets. Eavolopee. Pros Isaialss. AGE MONEY, lie Book of Herald Cuts, Oc PRINTING COMPANY |t|| I AAA A Ml S. DEARBORN fT.VnlWWWI GUSSBEI m ttk Are, aear Hat St. 29 West etf SU aear Ttaas Ssj. tt Id Av«w aaar atta St. Sead fay Blastrated Catalogae V. Mall Orders DO YOU COMPOSE l i .i \ i n \ -^ f|N GS 2 BIG BOOKS -J* " Ceetalelaj tm Very Laust Sen Hits tT PX tm day. Mch as "I Lsee tao Leilas" "Wim ^B ♦*♦ MMilflit Cast Ckat Learn far Alabaa'." W "Uslar tlM Cblaaoa Tree," "Taste Teas." "alss. a**^ Mm, lu," Isclillsa earea as* male ts: "Wees Tbeaas Ceaei Heae ts Hit Tay." •*8aws Net tba ^.^■EyBS Over IN Songs «ti«r wits ear tatales** ef litsrajtlM Beets, sheet as- , ate., all sost-sal* far 23*. Aserea, Pre* Pablbklat tdlcaU, 1101 Mates IHs.. Cbloase, llllaaa, "1 Write Acts that Get tke Booklets" Author for Vaudeville Stars L. A. HANDY, Adast'i 13 Broadway, Room 323 New York LEON BEREZNIAK Lawyer TO THE PROFESSION 5 W. Monro* Street CHICAGO. ILL. ¥ANTED, GIRLS To Joia e Novelty Juggling Act Address H. B„ care VARIETY. New York plush BRSPS CHeif evr and aecond-kaad, all colore and alaee. any terms | must well. Write or wire ADD SMITH. 344 W. 46tk 8t„ New York. WANTED—YOUNG ACTIVE GIRL, not over S lbs. or S feet 4 inches high. Steady engage- icnt for Thurston Magician Company. Ad- ress Prospect Theatre. Cleveland, Ohio, week fov. 23rd, or aa per route. Excellent and per- lanent engagement. Send photo. THE NEW FLATBUSH THEATRE GEO. A. McDERMIT, Mgr. BROOKLYN'S CLASSIEST VAUDEVILLE HOUSE 2—SHOWS DAILY-2 j STANDARD ACTS ALWAYS JULES DELMAR, BeeM*. ft»nrettftt 9 tiv» WARDROBE TRUNKS PROFESSIONAL LIGHT STRONG DURABLE TQAOtMARK LeatheroicT SPECIAL TRUNKS REGISTERED »MI SSI U. S. P»t Odea XX TRUNKS SAVE EXCESS BAGGAGE CHAS. R. LYNCH Theatrical Dept. Sola Makera and Distributors LEATHEROD) MFG. CO. 43-45-47 W. 16th St New York Telephone 6177 Chelsea Factories: IENNEBUNK. MAINE E. HEMMENDINGER 3 WS& PHONE 971 JOHN 45 JOHN ST., NEW YORK CITY DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, WATCHES REMOUNTING. Cash or Credit terest; "Million Dollar Mystery," continues. Big business. GARDEN (W. F. Graham, mgr.).—"Fay Foster Company," doing fair. 30, "The French Froliques." HIPPODROME (Henry Marcus, mgr.).— Prices were lowered this week at Shea's new movie palace. Three thousand seats are now offered for 10 cents during matinee, while at evening a part are sold at 15 cents— no higher. "The Country Mouse," with Adele Farrlngton in the leading role, played first half. May Irwin In "Mrs. Black is Back," last half. As a special feature, the Yale- Harvard football game in picture was shown Mon., Tuee., Wed. and Thurs. Coming 30, "Rose of the Rancho." STRAND (Harold Edel, mgr.).—Max Fig- man in "The Hoosler Schoolmaster," draw- ing big houses. "The Wln(K)some Widow," extra. PLAZA (Jacob Rosing, mgr.; agt, Mc- Mahon A Dee).—Gibson and Bell, featured; The Hawthornes, pleased ; The Boldens, good; Great Friminls, novel; Russell, excellent; * Ardinger and Turner, success; pictures close. ACADEMY (Jules Mlchales, mgr. ; agt., Loew).—Thanksgiving week has been called "Feature Week*' at this only Loew theatre in Buffalo. William O'Clalre and his "Seven Shamrock Girls" are the headllners; Charles MacDonald, who argues "The Great Ques- tion," has a decided novelty; "Spot," the mind-reading dog, creates much interest; The Three Tryones are sensational and carry with their thrills a good amount of comedy; Lee Valadons, 1b fair; Simms and Thompson, get over with effort; Tops and Topsy, entertain; Kimble Bros., have a good closing number; feature pictures conclude. FRONTIER (Charles Boew, mgr.).—Doing capacity business with full performance of first-run features. Rumor has It, despite the statement made early in the season (that the Brownell-Stork Stock was to remain In Buffalo permanently), that the Lyric is to go into dramatic stock soon. Mr. Stork declares that at least two weeks will follow the present production, "The Girl in the Taxi," and "Old Heidelberg." After that he stated he could not tell Just what the management had decided to do. CLEVELAND. By CLYDE B. ELLIOTT. COLONIAL (Robert McLaughlin, mgr.).— "Kitty MacKay," doing good business. OPERA HOUSE (George Gardiner, mgr.).— "Ben Hur." Big business. HIPPODROME (Harry Daniels, mgr.).— Sam A Kitty Morton, good; Edgar Berger, en- tertaining ; Correlll A Gillette, good; Lasky's "Eloping," applause; Comfort A King, enter- taining ; Tom Lewis A Co., entertaining; Four Roeders, fair. MILES (Charles Dempsey, mgr.).—Gene Greene, good; Elsie Gilbert A the Collie bal- let, good; Mr. A Mrs. Perkins Fisher, ap- plause* Herman A Edward Grant, good; Mag- netic Bessie Le Count, applause; The Three Keltons, applause; Harriet Eastman, fair. PRISCILLA (Proctor Seas, mgr.).—"Fun in a Candy Shop," good; CapL Rlcardo's Animals, good act; the Four Palettes, aplause; Miss Claire Vincent A Co., good; Harriet Eastman, fair; Hunter A Chapelle, applause. GORDON SQUARE.—Mile. Olga's Lions, good; Billy Batchelor A Co., very good; Madelle A Corbley, applause; NeweH A Most, fair; Mr. A Mrs. McGreevy, good; Label le A Label le, good. PROSPECT.—Thurston, good business. METROPOLITAN (Fred Johnson, mgr.).- May Buckley A John Halllday In "Get Rich Quick Walllngford." Good business. CLEVELAND (Harry Zucker, mgr.).—Hold- en Players in "How Hearts are Broken." Big business. GRAND.—"Why Girls Leave Home." Fair business. ™?J AR .. (C - I Klttz ' mgr.).—"The Winning Widows," good business. EMPIRE (Bert McPhall, mgr.).—"The Big Sensation." Good show and business. GRAY'8 ARMORY.—Newman Traveltalks. Bernard McOwen, leading man with the Colonial players during the past summer ts now with the American stock company, Phila- delphia. Manager Henry Marcus, of the Hippodrome, a director himself, has taken personal charge of the orchestra, and is featuring special musical programs. The musicians havo been placed on the stage and the overture each evening at 7 :30 packs the house. John McCormack, noted soloist, appeared at Elmwood music hall Thanksgiving night. Big seat sale. Lydia Jospy, the Cleveland girl who 1b lead- . g . wom . nn of the " B,K Sensation" company at the Empire, was given a reception by sev- ™J £ C ° r ? °l £? r , fr,endB Monday afternoon. The Empire held four hundred women at this performance, which Is believed to be record cT j 11 J ne attond ance at a burlesque show in CINCINNATI. Thanhouser's new photoplay sensation, "Zudora," opened this week at the Family. Manager E. C. Long reports big business. Buffalo's annual Poultry and Pigeon show opened this week at the Broadway Audi- torium. The annual All-Theatre Employes' ball is to be an event of the night of Dec. 7 at the German-American ball. Many prominent stars have signified their intention to attend. Coming attractions at the Star are: "On Trial." "It Pays to Advertise," "The Girl From Utah," "Daddy LonglegH," "Diplomacy" and "Grumpy." The Circle theatre, new movie house at Connecticut and lflth streets, opened 2T>. By HARRY V. MARTIN. GRAND (John Havlln and Theo. Aylward. "fSi : L,t ft t R e t 'Ca I fe." and ■■>-"»•»<»■*:" »! LYRIC (C. Hubert Henck, mgr.; agt. Shu- "Ivg" r " Ce Qeorge ln " Th « Truth;" 29, a WALNUT (George F. Fish mgr • art S--H.).—"Bought and Paid For" 20' '*The Blindness of Virtue." ' fi * KEITH'S (John F. Royal, mgr.- art U Purtnn - H M f yak0 f s, - te ": Mack* and Orth; -^ ? i .J I o n,C8 '.. tr a™logue; Julia Curtis; «r p ih I d S " a j. Frank Fogarty; "The Sons of Abraham;" Coradlni'n Animals EMPRESS (Oeorge A. Bovyer mar • art l<oew).-Smith and Farmer; PhllllpY Fou>; Frank Stafford and Co.; Morris and Allen- Mayor Shank: Wolgas and Olrlle « I,en • nf .M U a TC " AU '-—First pop concert. Clncln- nnN Symphony Orchestra, Sunday to ca- pacity. CtAYETY—Dark. GERMAN (Amandus Horn, mgr.; stock) — "Der Llebe Augustln." OIYMPIC (WllllB Jackson, mgr.; Colum- bia No. 1). "Gyp B y Maldn." Dr. JULIAN SIEGEL Official Dentist to the WHITE RATS 204 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK CITY IPE0IU tATIS TO THE PROFESSION UNEXCELLED AND COMMODIOUS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ALL Reasonable Terms IM I Ivl THE !M STKET VETE>INMV HOSPITAL Pboo. lor P.rUcul.r. Ample Sf. At;e for Rehearsal*-- 5«ff. San'f« v. C tj ' . i^J.Ie Qunrtr> % SOM-T.!" F.-«*t 23rJ St.. New Y t ,r* Chty, Ph..r . Grain/ y w FRANK HAYDEN INC. Costumes and Millinery 56 W. 45th St., New York City SEND FOR CATALOGUE Phone, Bryant S27S "I write all Nat M. WUIa' material" JAMES MADISON AUTHOR FOR MANY HEADLINERS 1493 BROADWAY, NEW YORK (Room 417) ULCCC HIM MADE nLdu MAKE-UP Uiftra in Color and QfttHty Quaraitood "raugir llMkltoJaflainilalalNf' i:i:iLi^H3ii: PIANO ORCHESTRA Sengs taken down fram voice. Old or- chestrations rewritten. A nice, quiet office where you can talk to a man who will give you just what you want. W. R NELSON Suit* 4«L Aster Theatre Bid*. U» ~ Incom- parable rcaulta attained by out method in every catc, no matter bow complicated Superfluous Hair^ Removed Permanently No electric needlea, no •olution. no burning H- «uida, no powder or paste employed. Painless and Harmless. DR. J. M. MARTON. 1471-71 Bway. "If If a a Hat Wo Can Make It" M. Fluegelnin Manufacturer of f THEATRICAL HATS for stage puraoaoe turned out at abort notice. Mala Office and Factory Branch M4 Ith Ave^ nr. 42d SL 2MW. S4th St Phono 44M Bryant && Mailed FREE to any address by the author BOOK ON Dog Diseases AND HOW TO FEED H.0UYQLOVH.V.S. Ill W. list St., New York •UHCH IF J(g ffil dt m K sr kiMSO) ef IEAL ITAGE ^. 6REENIACK8 ssi lath tkaa sefere yesr frtosdi. ||fi BUNCH, 10a. 4 Resehei, 23c. ar 10 far 50s. BIG HACK, fl.00. Eitral IsMial 1.000 IILL8, |3. M. C. Ce., 1101 Mertai Blaj.. Cklsajs. III. Arc You Perfect? IN STAGE DEPORTMENT Professional! instructed in acquiring art and grace in Stage Deportment and perfected in the movements and details of Pantomime, Classical. Ballet and Toe Dancing. DIAMANT and ZANFRETTA Imperial School "Scala" St. Petersburg, Russia Milano, Italy 25 West list Street Phone 1972 Plaza Reduce Your Flesh WITHOUT DRUG6. DIET II PAIN ■y tbs vtadarfsl mUr- tile oloctrla apearatsi Is- ftstmj by Or. BertnU ef faiii sal laarevad by Or. NsialMhaMt of Berlin. As absolitily isfa ni rs- llaalo traataant. 8asd for oar descrlatlva Beoklet; thts vrrta or pboea for appointaenL The Electro-MedlcaJ Institute Or. Graf. Mnfcal Dlroetor, 131 Wert 39t*j It, Cur. Broadway, Phone Bryant 2868