Variety (November 1914)

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VARIETY HELLO EVERYBODY III Excuse as for not bate* with you for the put few vmIii. but we hove JUST COME FROM THE FRONT (of tho house) and It looks very muck twelve sod six ia the pound. Tks sssrals of tks TROOP to not as food ss It wss s smooth sao. Tksro have boon important developments on our Isft win*, ss sossssns stoppsd on tks quick chaaso etrla*. Hsd to rotrost to tko rosr sad orranas for s reinforcement. This Isft so opsone hs- tks riant sod Isft wings. Luckily our wss Isft la front of tks Arias; lias la s • Just bsysad tko foots, ks stood tks st- tock bravely sad witb s fsw drum crsskos sad aumsrous vsmps msassod to hold tks posltioB until ws retur ned . a (If say of tkls kss bssa coassrsd by Sims, 1st as know.) Vsry Flfty-Aftfly Your., Virion, Perry and Wither VARIETY. LONDON. SKIPPER, KENNEDY and REEVES RETURN ENGAGEMENT PANT AGES CIRCUIT Lamont's Australian Cockatoos LAMONT'S BIRDS THE ACT OF MERIT Tks scknow l silfsd superior of all fsstksrsd Crformers. Tks only f rsiasd Birds doing s ck ssmsrssult oa korlsontsl bars. II W. 4th Si. New Ysrk City KNOCKINGTHEMOFFTHEIgSEATS!!! ( COMEDY ) YES. P|.K*TY Tks classiest Electrical Act in tks business. Built for laughint purposes with really funny comedians. (Comedy not overdone.) ■■■■ TRANSFIELD SIS1LRS REFINED MUSICAL ARTISTS Touring Pantages Circuit GAVIN and PLATT The PEACHES TOURING Phone lSel-M Passaic 7 Hawthorns Ave., Clifton, N. J. ALFREDO RICHARDS TOUR. AUSTRALIA DEAR SIME:» DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS LITTLE AD IS DOING ME ANY GOOD? ALLEN MILLER and CO. THOSE MUSICAL WIZARDS ARNO aid STICKNEY Neat Weak (Not. tt), EMPRESS, St. Paul Direction, FRANK BOHM. THEODORE TENNY VENTRILOQUIST CLYDE WALTER Hager and Goodwin THE BALLYHO BOYS Direction, FRANK BOHM Mitchell —Garron— Leo Tks Rathskeller Trio Entertainers to Royalty Goo. Mitchell, Business Mar. White Rata Club My'Good ^/sajd t ^l. AJ-V 77^ U)€€£ Aon n MUCLflAJC" l& HT"CM tfGH'M, _ ^ -x f\ G (T6RT VlGT«ev<r~ W ; f\ p MlmBL* VCRTWVCP- :-\ FRANK WHITMAN BEGS HIS IMITATORS TO REFRAIN FROM USING HIS TITLE, ""HE DANCING VIOLINIST." COPY- RIGHTED 1902. CLASS D XXC, NO. 1391. FRANCES I CLARE GUY RAWSON with "Their Little Girl Friends" in "Yesterdays" A Delightful Story of Youth Booked Solid Direction CHRIS O. BROWN This Wssk (Nov. 23). Pantugos, Portland, Ore. Dae 7 Pan tares, San Francisco Imperial Pekinese Troupe and Shangtun Mystery Six Chinese Wonders. Lately Featured with Anna Held Jubilee Co. All communications to LONG TACK SAM Sole Owner and Prop. VARIETY, Nsw York SAM J. CURTIS la -GOOD BYE BOYS" By Junto MeCree Direction. HARRY SHEA FRANK EMILY Jerome and Carson Touring RICKARD'S CIRCUIT, AUSTRALIA Victor HERAS and PRESTON Ben FAST AND FUNNY TUMBLERS Now Playing Pantages Timo BOOKED SOLID ON W. V. M. A. HEARN-ELEY Presenting "WANTED, AN ANGEL" By AARON HOFFMAN Direction MAX GORDON •HELEN ARTHUR PRINCE with " j i rvi " Care of VARIETY, New York RAY MONDE IS "SHE" A HE OR IS "HE" A SHE? Sends them out talking — draws business PAT CASEY OFFICE RICE, (Versatility My Middle Nans) A Too Dancer that CAN Sing MAX LANDAU AMERICA'S OWN PRODUCT Little MARION WEEKS THE MINIATURE PRIMA DONNA Direction, Frod Ward Ptoyian U. B. O. Personal NICK HANLEY WARREN JANET THE LELANDS PAINT-O-GRAPHIftTS PLAYING UNITED TIME This Week (Nov. 23) KEITH'S ROYAL, NEW YORK Direction. ALF. T. WILTON