Variety (December 1914)

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VARIETY 25 Decidedly ITERION Distinctive* YOU HAVE HEARD EXHIBITORS SAY "OH, 1 sues* I am fatting MY SHARE of the business in MY TOWN." Was it YOU who said it? WELL, naver mind if you ara only catting YOUR SHARE, you ought to ba ASHAMED of YOURSELF. The KJtlTERION PROGRAM dsmands and will bring THE BUSINESS of YOUR TOWN to YOUR THEATRE. It has tha QUALITY, it has tha SERVICE, It has tha PRICE, it is JUST what YOU hava bean waiting for. In other words, we meant WE WORK WITH YOU YOU WORK WITH US THIS SP ELLS COOPERATION, the great- est business asset in the world today. The good book oayst "HE who hesitates is ," but get in touch with our NEAREST EXCHANGE to be CONVINCED of this fact or cannot we see you PERSONALLY in our own HEADQUARTERS? Those who hava seen our film ara ENTHUSED over our pro- gram. YOU can now see our product for YOURSELF and know what we mein when we say that the KJMTERION PROGRAM is "DECIDEDLY DISTINCTIVE." Our latch- key is always hanging out for you—USE II. THIS IS NOT A PROGRAM ON PAPER, IT IS A PROGRAM ON FILM. MICA FILM CORPORATION 222 West 42d St Permanent Offices Temporary Headquarters 1600 Broadway, 6th Floor NEW YORK CITY YOU ARE PERFECTLY SATISFIED WITH THE BUSINESS | YOU ARE NOW GETTING, THE NEXT COLUMN WILL NOT INTEREST YOU rhlch makes Its most convincing alibi (as the ecturer takes care to point out in advance). There isn't a thrill from start to finish, ex- ept .a the belief of the auditor that he is patching actual war events. The poorest tudio director In Ue business could have lade the scenes triply effective in a dramatic ay with a force of posed actors at $2 a day. Jither the Tribune's photographer has chosen is views with poor Judgment, or too timid dltlng of the film has destroyed its force. rvln Cobb's written descriptions of the field re almost as graphic as the pictures—which » as much a booBt for Cobb's able work as a ap at the film. There Is rather too much cenic material, such as the flight of Antwerp efugeeB across the river, the burning of ilege, scenes of desolation In Termonde, Ant- werp and A lost, and other manifestations of tie wreck the war has wrought. Make no ilsta*e, these scenes are striking and lm- ressive. but mere scenes of unpeopled wreck re rather disappointing when one's expecta- lons have been aroused to the point of look- ag for a visualization of war's actual clash nd conflict. The feature is very well put on t the 39th Street. The stage is especially et with wood wings. Broken trees litter It [ere and there stands a boulder and occupy- ing the center back of the stage Just under the bottom of the screen is arranged a mimic grave-mound ten feet long, such as might be heaped over the graves of dead soldiers. The lecture which accompanies the pictures is a model of terseness and simplicity, delivered by a man with a fine deep voice and a crisp British enunciation. The pictures were taken bv Edward F. Welgle, war photographer for the Tribune. The name of the "Chicago Tribune" is fully sprinkled over the reels, and the commonly accepted opinion of these pictures Is that the Chicago paper, which modestly proclaims itself on the sheet as "The Greatest in the World," grabbed at the opportunity to advertise Itself all over the country by a series of "war films," starting at the Studebaker, Chicago, where, with the untold publicity given It by the Tribune, and half pages in every other local daily out there, the Studebaker did from $1,400 to $1,600 a day, the fame of the receipts in Windytown reaching New York. The Tribune Is said to have secured permission for its views from the Belgian government under an agreement which calls for the payment to the Belgian Relief Fund of one-half the profits. If looked upon as a "commercial" from the Tribune's standpoint, the Chicago REGARDING MAIL !!! The one best way to insure prompt receipt of your through VARIETY'S Address Department It can't go wrong. No forwarding. No delay. May be changed weekly. ONE LINE, $5 YEARLY (52 timet). Name in bold face type, same space and time, $10. Send name and address, permanent, route or where playing, with remittance, to VARIETY, New York. (If route, permanent address will be inserted during any open time) paper has turned out a great advertiser for the Tribune, although It may not reach as many people as the Chicago paper would like to see it reach, at tha 30th Street's admission prices. 25-60. And It must ba said that the flamboyant advertisements of "An actual war picture'' that have been displayed regarding this film are not lived up to by tha plotures themselves. More conservatism In tha billing would give the Chicago Tribune among the new multitude of people Its name will now reach for the first time a better reputation for reliability than the present state of af- fairs will allow the casual auditor to retain of "the world's greatest newspaper." RALPH KELLARD IN K. C. Kansas City, Dec. 2. Ralph Kcllard will open as leading man of the Auditorium Stock Dec. 6 in "The Argyle Case," replacing Harry Hollingsworth. Mr. Hollingsworth will produce a show of his own, it is understood. Mr. Kellard has been at the Alcazar, San Francisco. ADDRESS DEPARTMENT Where Players May Be Located Next Week (December 7) Players may be listed in this department weekly, either at the theatres they are appearing in or at a permanent or temporary address (which will be inserted when route is not received) (or $5 yearly, or if name is in bold type, $10 yearly. All are eligible to this department. Abates Edward Variety N Y Adams Rex A Co Variety N Y Adelaide & Hughes Grand Syracuse Adler & Arline Keith's Providence Alice's Pets Bushwick Brooklyn Alpine Troupe Prospect Brooklyn Ardath Fred J Co Keith's Philadelphia Aubrey & Rich Colonial Erie B Barnes A Crawford Variety N Y Barnold's Dogs A Monkeys Variety N Y Barnum Duchess Variety N Y Big Jim F Bernstein 1493 Bway NYC Bower* Fred V A Co Variety N Y Bowers Walters & Crooker Her Majesty's Melbourne Aus Bracks Savon care Tausig 104 E 14th St N Y C Brady A Makoney Loew's Vancouver B C Brooks WaUJe Variety N Y Buck Bros Miles Pittsburgh Busse Miss care Cooper 1416 Bway NYC TUT TORT BYAL and EARLY Direction, M. S. BENTHAM Byron A Langdon 174 E 71st St N Y C Carr Nat 10 Wellington So London Eng Ce Dora 9 Riverside Ave Newark N J SAM MARY CHIP and MARBLE In 'THE LAND OF DYKES'* JOHN W. DUNNE. Mgr . Conroy A LeMeire care Shuberts Cook Joa Variety N Y Corradinl F care Tausig 104 E 14th St N Y C Correlli & Gillette Keith's Cincinnati Claude Toby Alhambra NYC Claudius & Scarlet Maryland Baltimore Cross A Josephine Hammerstein's NYC Curtis Julia Keith's Indianapolis Curzon Sisters Keith's Cleveland Darrell & Conway Shea's Toronto D'ArvlUe Jeanette Montreal Indef De Felice Carlotta Variety San Francisco De Long Maidie Variety N Y Devlne A Williams Varietv N Y Derkin's Animals Keith's Boston JIM SYBIL DIAMOND and BRENNAN "Nlftynonsense" Next Week (Dec. 7), Lyric, Birmingham Dooley Ray Trio Keith's Toledo Doyle & Dixon Keith's Providence Duffett Bruce & Co Keith's Louisville Dupree & Dupree Orpheum Brooklyn E Elisabeth Mary Variety London "Eloping" Orpheum Montreal Emmott Mr A Mrs Hugh 227 W 46th St N Y Erroll Bert Maryland Baltimore Fagan A Byron care Cooper 1416 Bway NYC Fields Teddy Variety N Y I AND SEVEN LITTLE FOYS IN VAUDEVILLE Frank J Herbert Vitagraph Studio Bklyn Frey Henry 1777 Madison Ave NYC Galloway Louise & Co Grand Pittsburg JACK E. GARDNER In "CURSE YOU, JACK DALTON" Direction, HARRY WEBER Gardiner Trio Temple Detroit Genaro A Bailey Royal Bronx N Y Gere & Delaney Keith's Indianapolis Gillette Lucy Keith's Providence Glaser Vaughn A Co Temple Detroit Glenn Carrie Variety N Y Godfrey A Henderson Variety N Y Gray Trio Variety N Y Grees Karl 3 Mariahllf Str Bingen-Rhein Germ Guerite Laura Variety London Oygl Ota Variety N Y H Hagans 4 Australian Variety N Y Hamilton Jean Touring England Harrah Great Pantages San Francisco Hart Maria A Billy Oipheum Winnipeg Havtlaas The Variety N Y Hayama 4 Variety N Y Hayward Stafford A Co Orpheum Omaha Haywards The White Rats N Y Hermann Adelaide Pierpont Hotel NYC Howlsnd A Leach Palace Chicago Inge Clara Variety N Y Iole - " ~ - een Sisters Dominion Ottawa iarrow Grand Pittsburgh arvis A Harrison Poll Springfield ohns Trio Grand Syracuse ordan A Dohertj Variety N Y Johnstons Musical Empire Glasgow Scot Joaalaaohn John Iceland GUsaa Co Variety N Y Juliet Forsyth Atlsnta Kammerer A Howland Rehoboth Mass Kelly A Galvin Forsyth Atlanta Kelso A Leighton 167 W 45th St N Y C Keno A Mayne Orpheum Montreal Keuling Edgar Louis Variety N Y Kramers The Keith's Toledo Kramka Bros Orpheum Montreal La Count Beealo care Bohm 1547 Bwav NYC La Croix Paid Fountain Pk Louisville Langdons The Shea's Toronto Lamb's Manikins L6EW CIRCUIT Direction, FRANK BOHM Lambert & Ball Alhambra NYC Lane A O'Donnell Royal Bronx NYC FRANK LE DENT DEC. 14, PALACE, SOUTHAMPTON. ENG. Leslie Bert A Co Variety N Y Blanche Leslie Next Weak (Doc. 7), Empress, Los Angeles Leonard A Russell Grand Pittsburgh Original "Rathskeller Trio" Care VARIETY, New York Lipmsky's Dogs Keith's Cincinnati Littlejohns The Variety N Y Lloyd Rosie Bushwick Brooklyn Lorraine A Burks Keith's WushinKton Lowes Two Vsriety N Y Lyers Three Keith's Boston M Mack & Harton Keith's Toledo Mack & Orth Keith's Louisville Madden & Fitzputrick Hatnrm-rstt'in's N Y (' Manny & Roberts Variety N Y