Variety (December 1914)

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36 VARIETY BE IT OVERCOAT OR SUIT NOTHING CAN MATCH A Mack's Garment at s 20 .00 It is easy enough, of course, to make a claim like that, but it is equally easy to prove it We have proved it by an impartial comparison with other clothes at $20.00 Ask the First Actor You Meet The Modern Dances — m^e than ever make neces- sary the removing of objection- able hair by women who take pride in their appearance. X-BAZIN DEPILATORY POWDER baa been used by ladies of refinement for erer 75 yean. It will not harm the tenderett in tnd it positively guaranteed by ut. Sold by all Druggists and Depart- ment Storea everywhere for 50c — or you may obtain generous lam- pie by tending 10c in etaapa. HALL A RUCKEL 217 Waaeiaftaa SL. N.T.Oty havi- a novel way of introducing the number, and offer a most interesting line of songs, which they put over easily. Myrtle and Jim- inle Dunedln, billed aB Australian artists, have a novel act in which they do some sen- sational "bike" work on wires and get into the Kood graces of an audience at once. The act is well dressed and is of such caliber that it would hold a house that had not been tired by too much music. SAN FRANCISCO VARIETY'S SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE PANTAGES' THEATRE BLDG. Phone, Douglass 2213 Dave WilBon, carpenter at the Princess, is suffering from blood poisoning of the finger. The Lewis and Wolff musical comedy com- pany nowplaylng In Phoenix. Arizona, has en- <ag«>d Drina Mack to play prima donna roles. Face Imperfections Corrected 1122 Broadway NEW YORK Call or Write. DR. PRATT j It Is said that the number of unengaged dramatic people at present In town exceed the record of all past seasons. Stan WARDROBE TAKEN AFTER NIGHT SHOW Dry Cleansed and Delivered for Next Matinee SPECIAL TO PROFESSION GOWN DRY CLEANSED GENT'S SUIT DRY CLEANSED PRESSED fiat O'HEARN 1554 Broadway. N. Y. b#l 4M7 si Phone 6153 Bryant Open Day, Night and Sunday ARTISTIC DE,NTISTRY Fiaest of modern porcelain work. Restoration of •bape, shade and appearance of aataral tooth accomplished. Modern and most approved method* ased. Consultation invited. Drs. M. & H. Schlesinger Timna Building, 42d St. and Broadway Phone— Bryant 572 MARY J. AFTERNOON AND EVENING OO , \A/ N S SLIGHTLY WORN AND NEW. SPECIAL RATE TO PROFESSION McSHAN A Ntmhaf •! In pried Medals •■ Hand 229 West 42d St., Opp.Eltlnge Theatre Tel. 2478 Bryant ESTABLISHED 39 YEARS YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US Buch Costume Co., Inc. Tneairica/ Cosfifmss to Ortfer. 14S2 Broadway New York City Easy Payments. Bryaat HIS Call and talk It ever tollable. Prompt and M PROFESSIONAL RATES MODERN METHODS DR. HARRY HYHAN DENTIST Strand Theatre Bldg. paged hy a Chicago producer to create a role Id a forthcoming musical comedy production. The dally arrival of mall reservations for seats at the Cort during the forthcoming engagement of Forbes Robertson Indicates that he will play to big business. So far his repertoire has not been announced. The California State building, considered by many to be one of the Panama Exposition's finest architectural displays, was dedicated Saturday afternoon, Nov. 22. The final preparations for the Screen Club's flrBt annual ball to be held at the Coliseum Saturday night, November 28, have been com- pleted. Five of the downtown cafes have been granted dancing, but the long list of restric- tions which accompanies the nrlvllege makes the cabaret proprietors enforce a strictness never before used. ness prevailed In the office of the agents and producers. Perhaps this was due to it being Thanksgiving week, but it looks as though the present conditions have got the managers, agents, producers and performers all guessing. it Is said that two or three parties are considering the future possibilities of the Savoy and have even gone so far as to enter negotiations with a view of opening the house some time In December. While nothing defi- nite can be learned, the rumor comes from such a source it looks as though there might be something In it. Manager Bauer, of the Wigwam, has en- gaged Charles Alphln to furnish the bills and direct the productions of the new Wigwam Musical Comedy "tab" company, which was organized to replace the Carter Co., which closed there Saturday night, Nov. 28. Carter and his company will play a short engagement In Eureka, after which they will go to Hono- lulu for a return engagement. "The Vulture and the Victim" Is the title of a forty-people sketch based on a local tragedy now being rehearsed with the promise of being produced In one of the downtown houses as a feature attraction In the near future. C. H. Drown, an active stockholder and di- rector of the Western States Vaudeville Asso- ( ation, returned from the East, where he has been for a number of weeks concluding somo business deals and affiliations for the W. S. V. A. Brown was accompanied by his wife, who was suffering acutely from throat trouble and had to secure the Immediate services of a physician. According to the reports received here last week, the British merchantman, Vanuijk. bound or this port, carrying sixty-three rases of Argentina's Panama Exposition exhibits, was sunk by a German warship off of the Rio do Janeiro coast. Several of the pop priced" combination houses In the outlying districts report busi- ness lsym the Increase. This Is due to the result or the recent election determining that the state remain wet. so the managers claim. The sudden appearance of "Rube" Welch on the rlalto one day last week started a fresh hatch of rumors about the American theatre. So far nothing has been learned about the attraction slated to open the house. A few weeks back it was said that both Bob Fargo and "Rube" Welch were each negotiating to furnish the opening show, but now It seems that the policy of the house has not been de- termined on, which, of course, prevents the management from making any announcements. Fred Butler, who has been stage director nt the Alcazar for years, will not go on tour with Pennison's "Damaged Goods" company as first planned. Mr. Butler will stay here while the role he was to play In the pro- duction will be filled by Norman Hammond. Purine his engagement at the Cort In "When Dreams Come True." Joseph Santley and his dancing partner went out to the Ex- position grounds nnd created what he calls the "Tower of Jewels Dance" on a tiny platform erected on the highest point of the Tower of Jewels building. Alma Tuchler, daughter of Ike Tuchler, prominent In T. M. A. circles, has been en- Less activity was shown In theatrical clr- rlw» here last week than other week so far this season. It seemed that an unusual quiet- ATLANTA. By R. H. MeCAW. FORSYTH (Hugh Cardoza. mgr. ; agt., I*. V. ().). — "Seminary Scandal," goes well; .Foe Jac'rson, hit of bill ; Diamond and Bren- nan, big; Lottie Collins, Jr.. fine; Charles Thompson, scores; Collins and Hart, ap- plause ; Craig and Williams, liked. BIJOU (Billy Holmes, mgr.).—Stock, start- ing off nicely. ATLANTA.—"High Jinks," 7-8; Maude Adams to follow. GRAND (A. 8. Hyman, mgr.).—Feature war films; good business. The Columbia stock burlesque house, has closed. It will be turned Into a boxing club. a Up to the minute" in everything that appeals to the man of fashion; Particularly in Evening Dress Wear. 1 am no longer at 25 West 42nd Street and in no way connected with any store in New York under similar name. "MY POLICY" "Every Article You Buy Here MUST Please, or You MUST Return It." HABERDASHER 1578-80 BROADWAY 716-718 SEVENTH AVE. 569 MELROSE AVE. SCENERY DROP CURTAINS Lee Lash Studios 308 to 316 East 48th Street Broadway Offices LONGACRE BUILDING WANTED.— Straight slack wire walker; must be able to do four good tricks and patter. Ad- dress, Salmon, 6117 Calumet Ave., Chicago, Apt. 2-B. Phone Englewood 5113. Musical Comedy and Burlesque People In all lines. Good looking young Chorus Girls who can sing and dance. Good black face comedienne. Apply by letter only, stating full particulars. Jeanotte Dupre (Room 413), Fitz- gerald Building, Broadway and 43rd St- New York. The World Film Co. has taken over the Grand on a two-year lease and will offer feature films. Emma Bunting comes to the Lyric for a two weeks' stock engagement 7. Her first appearance will be In "What Happened to Mary." SPECIAL SERVICE FOR VAUDEVILLIANS Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester $7.00 Toronto $10.8$ Buffalo $8.00 Chicago $18.00 All S. eel Cars, Lowest Fares. Special Baggage Service. If Y«. a Want Anything Quick— 'Phone W. B. L1NDSAV. E. P. A. Brrant 4212 A.J. t'MMONS. G t ». A. Ticket O B'way ai id St.