Variety (December 1914)

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VARIETY 41 to the prestige and class of the Olobe. These are the elaboration of the bill to eight acts and the Issuance of reserved seat checks for the night shows. The change will un- doubtedly attract a higher class of patron- age to the house. Comedy is the predomi- nant note in this week's show, and although the movement lacked speed Monday after- noon it was thoroughly enjoyed by a house which was nearly capacity. Clemenzo Brothers, a pair of musical eccentrics, opened and were given quick appreciation when they displayed some novelties in music and comedy. The Dohertys made good in the second position, for which J. Hunter Wil- son and Efflo Pearson were programed. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cappelen kept the comedy fdlng at a good rate in a skit called "Hiring A Maid" and were followed by Kathleen, who was a pronounced hit in spite of numerous handicaps. Her four numbers were not ar- Cftnged in their best order, but her general attractiveness and the Joyous quality of her youth won out and she proved herself a e!»vcr impersonator and actress. Bert Wheel* er and Co. proved laugh producers of high order. The Chung-Hwa Comedy Four, China- men, scored with their singing and comedy and were followed by Smith, Cooke and Bfandon, who had the house weary with ljughter. The Lavan Trio were a strong alpsing act and held the house seated until they had concluded their daring aerial acro- batics. KNICKERBOCKER.—First half: O'Nell and Dixon; Lee Beers; Macland Pingree; tieorge Randall and Co. ; Harry Rose ; Danc- ing Kennedys; second half: Thomas and $hupiro; Sullivan and Sullivan; Rhea Sis- ters ; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Esmonde; Bur* ton and Habn ; Tom Lawton. WILLIAM PENN— Harrington Reynolds in 'The Haberdashery ;" Willie Weston ; Francis Dooley and Corrine Sales; Williams and Segal; Sylvia Loyal ; Mang and Sny- der. BROADWAY.--Harry Cooper; Hazel Kirke Trio; Oberita Girls; Blocksum and Burns; Daley and Healey; Dare, Austin and Co. NIXON.—Irene West; Victorson and De Forrest; Johnny Neff; Seymour's Happy Family ; Artie Hall ; Juggling Burkes. GRAND.—Eva Fay; Harry Brooks and Co. ; Sylvester Fern; Newhoff and Phelps; Blgelow and Meehan; Bill Foster. KEYSTONE.—Banjophiends; Warren and Conley; Red Raven Trio; Hayes and Thatcher "In Old New York;" the Four Bards. COLONIAL.—Vaudeville, splits with the Allegheny. HART'S.—Vaudeville and films. ALHAMIiRA.—Vaudeville and films. BROAD.—Frances Starr in "The Secret" opened Monday to a lair house; will stay two weeks. FORREST.—Second and last week of "The Queen of the Movies," business average. 7, Pinafore." GARR1CK.—"Potash and Perlmutter" is Retting good houses in its second week here. ADELPHI.— "To-Day" opened Monday to a fair house. LYRIC—Second week of "High Jinks." CHESTNUT ST. O. H. -Fourth week of feature film. "The Spoilers," and business continues good. WALNUT.—"Little Lost Sister" had a good house Monday night, beginning a week's stay at popular prices. 7, "The Winning of Bar- bara Worth." ORPHEUM.—"The Governor's Boss" at popular prices for the week. An open date next week will be filled by Emilv Smiley heading a stock company in "Sappho." LITTLE.—Second week of "Hindle Wakes" by the resident company, with "The Con- stant Lover" added as a curtain raiser. AMERICAN.—"Wildfire," stock. CASINO.—Blutch Copper's "Globe Trotters" opened Monday for the week. GAYETY.—"The Girls From Joyland" for the week, with Frank Wakefield. EMPIRE.—"The Girls of the Gay White Way" for the week. TROCADERO.—"Tango Queens." ARCH.—Dark. DUMONT'S.—Stock minstrels. PITTSBURGH. ny GEORGE H. SBLDES. GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr. ; agent, IT. B. 0.).—Mr. & Mrs. Carter Do Haven, headline, scored ; Lydla Harry, hit; Marshall Mont- gomery, did well ; Llplnskl's Comedy Dogs, unusually good ; Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wilde, laughs ; Eva Taylor Co.. good; Corelli & Gil- lette, novel ; Farber Girls, pleased; Reynolds 4 Donegan, good. MILES (Harry Wood, mgr.; agent, Loew). —Cook & Stevens, big ; Oscar Lorraine, excel- lent ; Charles & Sallie Dunbar, scream ; "When We Grow Tp" Co., scored; Anna Eva Fay, headline, good ; Empire Trio, very good. Best bill since opening. Capacity. HARRIS (C. R. Buchhelt. mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Bob Walters Co., big; Ameta, pleased ; Archie Nicholson & Co.. excellent; Wilson & Laurson, pleased ; Hemmer & Rice, encored ; Carrie Llllle, good ; The Maddens, fine ; Hag- ortv & TjrClalre, laugh : Ada Webber, clever. SHERIDAN SQUARE (Frank H. Tooker. mgr.; agent. IT. B. O.h—Little Nap, headline, hit; Four Hanlons. scored : Frank Rush, amused ; Weber & Wilson, good ; Mack & Bar- ton, entertained ; Josle O'Mcars, good. NIXON (Thos. Kirk, mgr.).— "Ben Hur" v opened to fairly good house. 7, not filled yet. ALV'iN (J. P. Reynolds, mgr.). Trentlni and Clifton Crawford in "The Peasant Girl," drew full house, trifle disappointed in music. 7, Frltzi Scheff. LYCEUM (C. R. Wilson, mgr.).—Fiske Ollara drew big house, which liked "Jack's Romance" immensely. 7, "A Fool There Was." SCHENLEY (Harry Davis, mgr.; stock).— Theatre given over to charity play, "The Col- lege Hero." 7, "The Ghost Breaker." CTAYETY (Henry Kurt/man, mgr.).-"The Beauty Parade" drew full house, much ap- plauded. VICTORIA (George Gallagher, mgr.).—"The Big Sensation" drew well. ACADEMY (Harry Smith, mgr.).—"Trip to Paris," largo house. Lola Hilton, a chorus girl with Zlegfield's "Follies," fell on the stage in Baltimore and as a result reached here with her foot in a plaster cast. James and Agnes Duvea appear in the Sheri- dan Square after every matinee and demon- strate the new dances. The audience is in- vited to come on tiic stage and participate In the dansante. It Is a success, Judging from Monday's throng. PORTLAND, ORE. B% B. ANKUN. HEILIG (W. T. Pangel, mgr.).—"The Poor Little Rich Girl," 24-21); "Bird of Paradise," 30-2 BAKER (Geo. L. Eaker, mgr.).—Stock: "Merely Mary Ann," 22-2S; "Ready Money," 20-5. ORPHEUM (C. J. Conlon, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Princess Rajah, headliner ; Jonny Johnston, laughs; Minnie Allen, very good; Imhoff, Conn and Coreegg; funny ; Genevieve Warner, very pleasing ; El Rey Sisters, opened good ; Barry & Wolford, fine. EMPRESS (W. H. Pierung, mgr.; agent, Loew).—22, Davis and Mathews, fair; Wardell and Hoyt, fair; Mcintosh and his musical Maids, big hits Bernard and Harrington, headliner; Fred Hlllebrand, laughs; Nichols- Nelson T roup, very clever. PAN r i GES (J. A. Johnson, mgr.; agent, direct).- "Yesterday's" with FranclB Clare, headliner; New Orleans Creoles, special added attraction ; Arthur Whitlaw, good; Roy and Anna Harrah, pleased; McConnell and Nle- meyer, very good ; pictures. LYRIC (Dan Flood, mgr.).—Stock, "The Girl from Egypt." ST. LOUIS By RAYMOND A. WALSH. HIPPODROME (David E. Russell, mgr.).— Alber's Bears. Nettle Carroll, Juggling Nor- mans, Gertrude Van Dyke & Bro.. Summers & Gonzales, Ernest Rackett, Seymour Duo, Burns & Acker. GRAND (Harry Wallace, mgr.). -Dunbar's Dragoons, Pallenberg's Bears. Jack Hawkins & Co., Bob Albright, Chase & Latour, Heras & Preston, Tabor & Clair, LeRoy & Cahill, Rose Garden. COLUMBIA (Harry Buckley, mgr.).-Nora Bayes, Johnny & Emma Ray. Prince Lai Mon Kin. The Astalrs, Mljares, Bankoff & Girlie* Kingston & Ebner, Lew Hawkins. OLYMPIC (Walter E. Sanford, mgr.).— Maude Adams. SHUBERT (Melville Stoltz, mgr.).—"Fan- nys First Play." AMERICAN (Harry Wallace, mgr.).—"Fine Feathers." PRINCESS (Joe Walsh, mgr.).—"Happy Widows." NEW GRAND CENTRAL—Pictures. VICTORIA. German stock. PARK (William Flynn, mgr.). "The Yan- kee Prince." SHENANDOAH.—"The Conspiracy." GARRICK.-War Pictures. STANDARD.—"September Morning Glories." GAYETY.—"Champagne Belles." ODEON.—Newman talks. ST. PAUL II y ( . J. DEMI AM. ORPHEUM (E. C. Burroughs, mgr.).— Music predominates with Gus Edwards' "Mati- nee Girls" as the headliner; Elsa Ruegger. very pleasing ; Merrill & Otto, please ; Eleanor Haber & Co.. furnish the thrills in a sketch ; Roland & Holtz, pleasing; MaeRae & Clogg, well liked ; Blnns & Bert furnish comedy The Orpheum Travel pictures continue to find niu'-h favor. EMPRESS (Gus S. Greening, mgr.).—James Grady & Co., Sampson & Douglas. Ward Sis- ters. Russell's Minstrels, El Cleve, Los Cas- ados. NEW PRINCESS (Bert Cfoldmnn, mgr.).- Slx Abdallas, Cathryn Chaloner, Berry & Berry. George I>>e ; 2d half, Rhoda Royals Cornedv Cirrus. STAR (John P. Kirk, mgr.).--"Bowery Bur- lciquers" proved one of the best shows here this season. METROPOLITAN (L. N. Scott, mgr). "Prince of Pllsen." with John W. Ransom-, opened n week's engagement. The house show- ed Its hearty approval of the company, score and settings by frequent applause. Next, "Hanky Panky." INDEPENDENT CIRCUI VAUDEVILLE The Best Small Tim* la the Far West. Steady Consecutive Work for Novelty Feature Acts. EXECUTIVE OFFICES, ALCAZAR THEATRE BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO Can arrange from throe to Ave weeks between sailings of boats for Australia for all first class acta. Communicate by wire or letter. THE WEBSTER VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT CHICAGO Suite 9 1M North La Salle St JENNY WEBSTER, Prop. Affiliated with EDWARD J. FISHER, INC., Seattle; BERT LEVY CIRCUIT. San Francisco GEORGE H. WEBSTER, General Manager FULLER-BRENNAN Vaudeville Circuit (AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND) BEN J. FULLER, Governing Director All correspondence to National Amphitheatre, Sydney. American Booking Office Tem- porarily closed, owing to War Conditions. ROBINSON AMUSEMENT CORPORATION ETHEL ROBINSON SAMUEL L. TUCK FELIX REICH Now booking acts for ltlS Park and Fair Season. Sensational Acts Wanted Consumers Building, Chicago, III. ^av mjaj Q-f of all performers going to Europe make their steamship arrangements through %IC /O USa e f°" ow * n ff have: ^^y^^P / Ernesto Sisters, Edwards, Ryan and Tierney, Ergotti Troupe, Gertrude Everett, Pearl Evans, Bert Earle, Elliott Savonas, Mary Elizabeth, Ellis and McKenna^ Harry Edson, (filbert Eldrid, Glen Ellison, Gordon Eldrid & Co., Edgar and Cedar. Empire Comedy Four. PAUL TAUSIG A SON, 1M E. 14th St., New York City German Savings Bank Bldg. Telephone Stuyvesant 1IM AMALGAMATED Vaudeville Agency B. S. MOSS, President and General Manager ROOK INC B - *• MOSS CIRCUIT PRUDENTIAL CIRCUIT uvyivinu PLIMMER CIRCUIT Artists and Acts of every description suitable for vaudeville can obtain long engagements by BOOKING DIRECT with us. Send In your open time at once or call TRYOUTS CAN BE ARRANGED FOR ACTS UNKNOWN TO US Offices t Columbia Theatre Bldg.-TIMES SQUARE, NEW YORK-Telephone Bryant +4tt Freeman Bernstein Manager, Promoter and Producer of Vaudeville Acts Sth Floor, PUTNAM BUILDING, NEW YORK OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Cable, "Freeborn," New York Phone, Br yant M14 Harry Rickard's Tivoli Theatres LTD., AUSTRALIA Capital $l,2M,Mf And AFFILIATED CIRCUITS, INDIA and AFRICA Combined Capital, S3.Mt.tM HUGH McINTOSH, Governing Director Registered Cable Address t "HUCHMAC," Sydney Head Office: TIVOLI THEATRE, SYDNEY—AUSTRALIA NEW YORK OFFICES, 312 Strand Theatre Bldg. GENE HUGHES, Inc. Manager of High-Class Vaudeville Attractions. Artists desiring New York representation write or wire. Suite 1*1-2-4, PALACE THEATRE BLDG., 1544 Broadway, New York City. Phones: 8696, 8699 Bryant. FRED LINICK ARTIST REPRESENTATIVE If you are looking for a real live wire, write, wire or phone M West Randolph St., CHICAGO, ILL. Tel. Central 2468 Associated with ED. WYERSON. WANTED FOR TABLOID A RECOGNIZED VAUDEVILLE TEAM OF COMEDIANS THAT HAVE A REPUTATION Guarantee 2t weeks work. Write, wire or call. LOU L. SHEAN, Room 21t. Crilly Bldg„ Chicago, III. S to 7 WEEKS Write or Wire J. H. ALOZ Booking Agency Orpheum Theatre Bldg., MONTREAL, P. Q. SfM'MKIlT (Frank Priest, mgr). Hunting- ton Players in "The Common Law." Next, "The Chorus \jsn\y." SPOKANE. THE NEW FIATBUSH THEATRE GEO. A. McDERIMIT, Mgr. BROOKLYN'S CLASSIEST VAUDEVILLE HOUSE 7 i^pHOWS bAILY-2 STANDARD ACTS ALWAYS JULES DELMAR, lookJef RsprmMativs BY J*Hf»C« Vfl. ROT OH. Al'DITOKU'M (Charles York, mgr.; agent, N. \V. T. A ) L >, .»-:{. Pnker Iti "Little Miss Drown'' ; 4-.Y "•Milestones." LOKW'S (.loflpph Muller. mgr.; n*|- i-itN. Week T2, HeHHle'H Cockatoo's, . .*.hhi>A many; Three Lontta, Instrumental work