Variety (December 1914)

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VARIETY Moat of tke London Halls nave ataaa aa tke outside lavltiae; tke public to earns la out of tke dark. W« ar» II sallss frees tke coast of France this weak, aad our tkaatra looks Hke a Zap- pelln shad, so ws ara watcklne; aad Ustsnlne;. Ths nlekts hare ara aa black aa a cafs tail in ths coal shad. EntertnlnJne; tha wouadod soldiars ia ths hospitals every wask certainly la a plaasurs and tkejr saaka soms audience. What a ray of sunshlas It la la thair lives! Ol' Man St-M U still with us. Infolkstoaely yours, Varioi, Perry and Wilber VARIETY, LONDON. SKIPPER, KENNEDY and REEVES RETURN ENGAGEMENT PANTAGES CIRCUIT 4—Wllhat Troupe-4 GEO. VON HOFF N O V E L T C O M E D I A Y N NEW YORK OPENING SOON PffO PP6D IM AT THE (fM0*» o* co*»c Prvrrott) to see rne- see dy— I MEAN •SHefcTDV- VCt-OUTS AiSiO I sauJ f\ PF\lK OF- HOOFTERS BlUUED IS THIS A CO/Air/DCMCC OR DOES IT KCALUY ^P«Y H TO ftDOERTiSe? ^^01(W&Mflf»HftLL c »' : _^ TH£ WfeCAir yttTHC f\fni$T\ f, GAVIN and PLATT The PEACHES THOSE MUSICAL WIZARDS ARM aid STICKNEY Direction, FRANK BOHM THEODORE TENNY VENTRILOQUIST Mitchell—Garron—Leo Tha Rathskeller Trio Entertainers to Royalty Geo. Mitchell, Bua. Mar., White Rata Club TRANSFIELD SISTERS REFINED MUSICAL ARTISTS Touring Pantsfes Circuit Jed and Ethel Dooley Enroute HARRY LAUDER SHOW On Just Before Mr. Lauder FRANK WHITMAN BEGS HIS IMITATORS TO REFRAIN FROM USING HIS TITLE, "THE DANCING VIOLINIST." COPY- RIGHTED 1902. CLASS D, XXC, NO. 1391. K EN THE LELANDS PAINT-O-GRAPHISTS PLAYINQ UNITED TIME Direction, ALF. T. WILTON FRANCES CLARE GUY RAWSON with "Their Little Girl Friends" la "Yesterdays 99 A Delightful Starr -»« Youth Booked Solid Direction CHRIS O. BROWN Neat Week (Dec 7) Pantanae, San F r ancisco Imperial Pekinese Troupe Shangtan Mystery Six Chinese Wonders. Lately Featured with Anna Held Jubilee Co. All communications te LONG TACK SAM Solo Owner aad Proa. VARIETY. Now York CONNORS '] WITT Booked Solid — Loew Circuit Direction, FRANK BOHM SAM J. CURTIS fa -GOOD BYE BOYS" By Jamie MeCrae Direction, BARNEY MYERS FRANK EMILY Jerome and Carson TniIw RIOLAKD'S CIRCUIT. AUSTRALIA HEARN-ELEY Presenting "WANTED, AN ANGEL" By AARON HOFFMAN Direction MAX GORDON HELEN ARTHUR PRINCE RAY MONDE IS "SHE" A HE OR IS "HE" A SHE? Sends them out talking — draws business PAT CASEY OFFICE AMERICA'S OWN PRODUCT Little MARION WEEKS THE MINIATURE PRIMA DONNA Direction, Frad Ward Playtea U. B. a Psrssasl llmiiant, NKK MAULEY PRESENTS "The Count^The Maid" A MUSICAL COMEDY IN ONE ACT Libretto by Walter MacNamara Music and Lyric by WALTER L, ROSENBERG WITH VICTOR KAHN H. HERBERT BROSKE BLANCHE BOONE IRENE MOORE AND COMPANY OF 11 PEOPLE Continuous Laughs Pretty Girls Clever Comedians Magnificent Costumes Melodious Music Beautiful Scenery Excellent Singers