Variety (December 1914)

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VARIETY 17 Mar 4 Kildufl •Salvation Sue' I.ewlaton, Me. MUSIC HALL (ubo) (Splits with Bangor) 1 lit half Marco Bros Sully Family The Stanleys The Stelllngs (One to fill) Uaeola ORPHBUM Frank North Co Libby * Barton Martin Van Bergen Rube Dloklnaon Gertrude Coghlan Co Three Typea White ft Jason Loffaaajaort, lad. COLONIAL (ubo) Betty Wella Bat Nelson Field Winehlll ft Q 2d half The Mozarts One String Karl Kumry Buah ft Robin Loe Aaselee ORPHEUM Trorato "Red Heada" Bllda Morris Corbett Sheppardft D PlatoT ft Olaaer Chaa Howard Co Travllla Bros A Seal Klphye Snowden Co EMPRESS (loew) DstIb A Matthews Hoyt A Wardell Mcintosh A Malda Bernard A Harrington Fred HUdebrand Nichols Nelson Tr LoaJsvllle KEITH'S (ubo) The Kramers Harriet Burt Milton A DeLong Sla Moran A Welser Coakley Hanrey A D Harry Beresford Co Marshall Montgomery Treritt's Doga Lowell, Mause. KEITH'S (ubo) Tuttle'a Parrotta 4 Melodious Chaps }[cDeritt K A Lucy oe Cook Smith Cook A B Adler A Arllne Toyo Jape Meaapkle ORPHEUM H Crossman Co Billy McDermott Rooney A Bent Young A Jacobs Kremallne A Darras Weston A Leon Frank Wilson Milwaukee MAJESTIC (orph) Houdlni Blossom Seeley Louise Galloway Co Tlghe A Babette Lambertl Mack A Orth Leo Carrlllo Loyal's Animals Mlaaea polls ORPHEUM Relsner A Gores Loughlln's Dogs 8Un SUnley 3 Horellk Family Hana Kronold Hlnes A Fox Chas Grapewtn Co UNIQUE (loew) Joggling Nelson Btuart Black Co Crawford A Btoderlck *Te Olde Halowe'en" Tom Mahoney Brgottl'a Ulllputlans NEW GRAND (wra) Mattle Choate Co Rice Bros LsTlne Clmeron 3 (One to fill) Moatreal ORPHEUM (ubo) Banoya Frank Mullane Darrell A Conway Lorella Twins Three Lyres "Song Revue" (One to fill) Nashville, Tenn. PRINCESS (ubo) Wurnelle Llghtner A Jordon Rawls A Von Kaufman Ed Gray Exposition 4 lfewaarsa, N. Y. COHEN OH (loew) Bauer A Saunders Pop Ward "The Understudy" Connors A Witt Ko Ko Carnival 2d half Juggling McBanns Hess Sisters iBabelle Miller Lamb's Manikins <One to fill) New Hsves. POLI'S (ubo) 1st half Tait & Talt Otto Ward LAB Dwyer Sutton Mel A 8 Newsboys' Sextet Brooks A Bowen Nanon's Birds 2d half Tait A Talt Balterlnl 4 Klmberly A Mohr 3 Musketeers Marie Lavarr (One to fill) lfew ttrteaaa ORPHEUM Valeska Suratt Co The Sharrocka Cantor A Leo Margo De La Rose Chas McGoods Co l Two to fill) New RocaeUe, N. T. LOEW Lamb's Manlklna (Two to fill) 2d half Stalne's Circus (Two to fill) Norfolk. Va. COLONIAL (ubo) (Splits with Rich- mond) 1st half Claude M Roode Chain A Templeton Doris Wilson Co Innes A Ryan Gordon A Rlcca ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) DMnty English 3 Princess Rajah Minnie Allen Johnny Johnston Co Brown A Rochelle Alfred Bergen Bertie Ford Barry A Wolford PANTACTES (m) Claire Rawaon Co Creole Orchestra Arthur Whltlaw MoConnell A Nemeyer Great Harrahs Utah ORPHEUM (loew) Canaiia A Cleo BUI Robinson Bobbe A Dale Srengall Haydn Burton A H Black A White Oaeak* ORPHBUM Colonial Belles Joe A Lew Cooper Edwin Stevens Co Bertlsh Boland A Holtz Hermlne Shone Co (One to fill) Ottnvre. Cni*. DOMINION (ubo) Holmes A Buchanan Chaa A Fanny Van Flo Irwin Co Helen Trlx Hanlon Bros (Two to fill) Pera. fad. WALLACES (wra) (Open Thura Mat) Zlska Co Jean Challone Leroy & Pshill Ladella Comlques Philadelphia KEITH'S (ubo) J arrow Eddie Ross Juliet Max Yorke's Dogs Chip A Marbel Dooley A Rugel Alpine Troripe Brunelle Sisters Bessie Clayton Co GRAND (ubo) Chan Thompson Mildred A Ruth Jas Thompson Co Alexander Kids Morrlsey A Hackett Robin's Elephants GLOBE (ubo) Hazel Moran Santos A Hayes Hanlon A Clifton Frankle Fay A Glrla (Three to fill) NIXON (ubo) Emmett's Doga Jere Banford Chas Loder Co Hallo Bros "Melody Maids" Onatp WM. PENN (ubo) Dewar's Circus Wilson A LeNolr Geo NagH Co Lady Sen Mel Morton & Austin (Thrpe to fill) COLONIAL (ubo) 1st half Price A Price Joslo Flvnn A Maids Dan A LUllsn Oaks Oberta A Girls (One to fill) 2d half Lunnette Sisters The Randa W Franklyn Co Leonard A Dempsey Josie Flynn A Maids KNICKERBOCKER (loew) Henry Frey Barton A Lovera Isabelle Miller Co Jones A Johnson Lew Fitzgibbon (One to fill) 2d half Arno A Stlckney "Between Trains" Harry Jolson Lutz Bros (One to fill) ALHAMBRA (loew) 3 O'Neill Sisters Hank Smith Walter Browne Co Bud A Nellie Helm LeBolt A Carmencita 2d half Chabot & Dixon Norton A Ayers Sam Phillips Co Brown Harris A B Barton A Lovera Plttuharah GRAND (ubo) Cooper A Smith "Lonesome Lassies" Fisher A Green Doyle A Dixon Pederson Bros (Others to fill) HARRIS (ubo) Juletlnl's Dogs Lala Selbinl Co Countess Nardlnl Scotch Players Four Hagans Howard A Chase Seller Waters SHERIDAN SQ (ubo) Busse's Dogs Patsy Doyle Relnle Davles Co Pletro "Buyer from Plttsbgh" Plalafleld. N. J. PROCTOR'S Caryl A Grlndell Mar I us A Clements Mr A Mrs Wm Morris Bud Marlow Laurent Trio 2d half Devaro A Zemater Nina Payne Honeyless Honeymoon Wilton Slstera Guards Water Nymphs Pertlaad, Ore. ORPHEUM Leo Zarrell Co Alexander Proa Avon Comedy 4 Bell Family McKay A A-dine Koll A Harland Hal A Francis (One to All) EMPRESS (loew) Landry Bros Rouble Sims Delmore & Light E E Cllve Co The Clevelanda Ford's Review PANTAGES (m) 10 Bon amors W S Howe Co Wayne Trio Beltrah A Belt rah Larry Comer Peasrakeet»*fe. N T. COHEN'S (loew) Juggling McBanns Lester Trio Whitney's Dolls Armstrong A Clark Lutz Bros 2d half Shovlnl Troupe Joanette Adair "The Criminal" Connors ft Witt Gobert Billings Circus Pra wfdea ea, R. I. KEITH'S (ubo) Lew Dockstader Cheebert's Manchuria's Woods A Woods 3 Hopkins Sisters Luplta Perea Parlllo A Frablto Comfort A King Bert Leslie Co Dlas's Monks EMERY (loew) Herahel Hendler Gardner Vincent Co R Merry Youngsters The Hassmans (One to All) 2d half Elizabeth Cutty Geo Randall Co Jordan * Stanley Belleclalre Bros (One to fill) Rnofn*. Wl«. ORPHEUM (wva) (Open Sun Mat) Imperial Japs Hodge ft Lowell Wm Morrow Co Bob Albright Fink's Mules 2d half Jack Trainer Richmond. V*. LYRTC (ubo) ( Splits with Norfolk) 1st half Lohse A Sterling Kennedy A Kramer Whipple Huston Co Ward Baker Stlckney's Circus Rochester TEMPLE (ubo) The Langdons Marzella's Birds The Volunteers Harry Breen The Baudsmiths McDevitt Kelly A L "Lawn Party" Walter C Kelly Sacramento ORPHEUM (21-22) Genevieve Warner Co Asahl Quintet Fremont Benton Co Cartmell A Harrla Dorothy Toye El Rey Sisters Lewis A Russell (One to All) EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun mat) Golden A West Sallie Stembler A Bro Holmes A Riley Cameron DeVltt Co Wilson Bros Slayman All's Arabs r. Mice. BIJOU (ubo) Massey A Bolton Curtis A Hlbbard Wm Flemen Co Madison A Laird Tiny May 2d half "Bought A Paid For" Broun A Lester Salt Lake ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Swor A Mack Bert Merkett Ann Tasker Co Jack A Forts Gertrude Hoffman Co (Others to fill) EMPRESS (loew) Blanche Leslie Patricola A Myers Polsln Bros Earl A Curtis Gray A Graham "School Days" PANTAGES (m) (Open Wed Mat) Lander Stevens Co Bruce Richardson Co Prince A Deerle York Trio Togan A Geneva Saa Dtearo PANTAGES (m) Terry A Fiji Glrla •' Mowatta Gardner A Revere La Tourralne 4 Two Kerns Saa FVeaelaco ORPHBUM (Open Sun Mat) Sebastian A Bentley Williams A Wolfus Vlollnsky DeHaven A Nice A Monkey Circus Billy B Van Co Imhoff Conn A Cor Montgomery A Moore EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Amoros A Mulvey Meredith A 8noozer Plsano A Bingham "Sidelights" Cabaret 3 Alvln A Kenny PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Mat) "Day at Ellis Island" Oxford Trio Nadell A Kane Agnes Von Brachdt Dunlay A Merrill 3 Kratons Saa Jane Cul. VICTORY (orph) (25-26) (Same bill as at Sac- ramento this Issue.) Sevnaaaa, fta. MAJESTIC (ubo) (Splits with Charles- ton) 1st half Albert Ruget Jeanette Spellman Co Louis Bates Co Roach A McCurdy "Prince Charles" Schenectady N. Y. PROCTOR'S "The Shoplifter" Frank Whitman Josle Dresden Evans A Wilson nrenner A Wheeler. Chas Buckley .Tlmmy Edge Margos Manikins 2d half Gillette A Monroe Tx>on Sisters Co Bennett Sisters Many A Walsh Walton A Vivian RUly Wild Jack Wallace A Bird Dotty King e>rnntnn. Pa. POLI'S (ubo) Venetian 3 F A A Adair Seymour's Dogs Farber Glrla Allen Dlnehart Co Van Hoven Rigoletto Broa Seattle ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Rebla Mr A Mrs J Barry Costa Troupe Fred V Bowers Co Chas F Semon Australian McLeans Wallensteln A Freebey EMPRESS (loew) Joyce A West Valentine Vox Bush A Shapiro When It Strikes Home Sophie Tucker 6 Olivers PANTAGES (m) Wright A Lane Jlu Jitsu Troupe The Bradleys Danny Simmons Jules Marceau Co sIout rity ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) 6 American Dancers Alexander A Scott Harry DeCoe Adair A Adair Cleo Gascoigne Fredrlka Slemons Co Prelle's Dogs South Calcaico GAIETY (wva) "Cinderella Girl" 2d half Adams A Guhl Spokane ORPHEUM (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Les Casadors We'd Sisters El Cleve James Grady Co Sampson A Douglas Russell's Minstrel PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Mat) Tal Pien Troupe Fred Dupres "The Crisis" Paine A Nesbitt GTuadaloupe Springfield, Mass. POLI'S (ubo) 1st half Talt A Talt Marie Lavarr 3 Musketeers Hazel Klrke Co "Rough House Kids" Henry Lewis Royal Gasgolnee 2d half A B Dwyer Dave Manley Newsboys Sextet Sutton Mel A S Brooks A Bowen Nanon's Birds 9t. I.onlw COLUMBIA (orph) Hyams A McTntyre "Matinee Girls" Donlln A McHale Diamond A Brennan Billy S Hall Co Ryan A Tlerney The Salvaggla Gormley A Caffrey St. Pwtil. Mfaa. ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) lamed Harry Tsuda Weston A Clare Carlos Broa "The Beauties" Chas Ahearn Co Soltl Duo EMPRESS (loew) Roy A Arthur Ogden Quartet Tower A Darrell J K Emmet Co Clark A Rose PRINCESS (wva) The Bimbos Ruth Roden Moore Brownie A C Bonnie Sextet 2d hslf Beemnn A Anderson 3 Malestlcs Al Abbott Keller A Wler Stae%tan YOSEMTT8 (orph) (23-24) (Same bill as at Sac- ramento this issue) Syr*cn«c, M. V. GRAND (ubo) (Special Festival Bill) (Running Order) Vornle Kaufman Porter A Sulllvnn Ponlta A Murnhy Diamond A Virginia Wohb A Burns W. C. Fields rlnlre Rochester Milton Pollork Co Nnt Wills Wills ft Hn«snn TEMPLE »ubo) (Last full work. Com- mencing Den. 2S, splits with Shubert, lUl'-a) loleen Bisters Brothers Averdeen Louise Eschell Co Frank Bush "Mary Ellon" Tacoaaa. PANTAGES (m) Imperial Opera Co Sherbourne A Mont Sheer A Herman Haley A Haley Four DeKooka Tasaaa, Fla. TAMPA (ulo) (Opous Sun Mat) Olympic 3 Mr. Quick Gaylor A Wiltsle Craig k Williams The Berrens Terre Hante, lad. VARIETIES (ubo) Gallettl'B Monks Wood A Wyde Kennedy A Rooney Hurst Watts A Hurst Nefeskey Troupe 2d half Geo Damarel Co (Four to fill) Toledo, O. KEITH'S (ubo) Bounding Pattersons BUI Prultt Gardner Trio Jack Kennedy Co Mullen A Stanley Sylvester Schaffer Toroato SHEA'S (ubo) Connolly A Wenrlch Alan Brooks Co ,Brltt Wood Three Hedders Yvette Henry E Dlxey Muscano Broa YONOEST (loew) The Brlghtons Yvonne Slgsbee's Dogs The Dunbara Edmund Hayes Co Walter Brower • 3 Kelos (One to nil) Troy. N. Y. PROCTOR'S Williams A Culver Gillette A Monroe Fagan A Byron Leon Slstera Co Roxy LaRocca Billy Wild Louis F Leo Dotty King 2d half Walker A 111 Frank Whitman Fayden O'Brien 8 "Mysterious Will" LaVan A Martin Chas Buckley A Co Brooks A Harrla 4 Tornadoea Ualna Hill. W. J. HUDSON (ubo) Caron A Herbert Warren A Conley Billy Watson John P Wade Co Grace De Mar Roee Coghlan Co Jlmmle Lucaa Rex's Circus rtlea. IV. Y. SHUBERT (ubo) (Dark 1st half, opens Dec. 24, splitting thereafter with Tem- ple, Syracuse) 2d half Tleber's 8eals Roxy Larocca Lorraine A Dudley Chung Wha Four La Hoen A Dupreece ▼aaeea-rer. B. C. LOEW'B Warner A Corbett , Nip A Tuck "Bower of Melody" Princeton A Yale Melnntte Twlna Aerial La Vails PANTAGES (m) 11 Whirlwind Beauties Cora Simpson Co O'Nell A Walmslcy Reml A Balllngerl Baker Troupe Vletarie. W. C. PANTAGES (m) James J Corbett DeLuxe Girls Skipper Kennedy ft R Three Baltus Transfleld Sisters WaNhlasrtnn. KEITH'S (ubo) ClecRon A Houlihan Hark a Verdi Nnn Hnlperln Alice Teddy Shannon A Annls niancho Ring Co Mmc Dore«» Dors 'Ono to fill) Wlnnln*»tr ORPTTWM Fllnore A Wllllnms Pole ft Donnhy Franclg McCInn Co Mile Marvnn Varllo Co Jpannn Jomelll Mercedes Moore A Haager PANTAGES Tong Wars Golden Troupe Bertie Fowler ffordon Bros Rublnoff Trto (m) STRAND (wra) Dancing Tyrrells Marahall A Cumby Joe Roberta Co The Engfords SHOWS NEXT WEEK. NEW YORK. A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS"—Little (10th week). •CHIN-CHIN" (Montgomery and Stone)— Globe (13th week). "DADDY LONG LEGS"—Gaiety (13th week). "DANCING ABOUND" (Al Jolson)—Winter Garden (11th week). "DRIVEN"—Empire (2d week). "EXPERIENCE"—Booth (9th week) FRENCH DRAMA—Century Lyceum (6th week). GERMAN 8TOCK—Irving Place. "HELLO BROADWAY" (George Cohan Re- vue)—Astor (Dec. 25). "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE"—Cohan (10th week) "JUST HERSELF" (Lydla Lopokova)— Play- house (Dec. 23). "KICK IN"—Republic (11th week). "LADY LUXURY"—Casino (Dec. 25). "LIFE"—Manhattan O. H. (10th week). MARIE TEMPEST CO. (Repertoire)—Comedy (8th week). "OUTCAST" (Elsie Ferguson)—Lyceum (8th (wook) "ON TRIAL"—Candler (19th week). "POOR LITTLE THING"—Bandbox (Dec. 22). "POLYGAMY"—Park (4th week). PRINCESS PLAYERS—Princess (5th week). "SONG OF SONGS" -Eltlnge (Dec. 22). "SO MUCH FOR SO MUCH"—Longacre (4th u/<>f*W \ "TONIGHTS THE NIGHT"—Shubert (Dec. 24). "THE DEBUTANTE" (Hazel Dawn)-- Knickerbocker (3d week). "THE HAWK" (Wm. Faversham)— Maxlne Elliott (12th week). "THE LAW OF THE LAND"—48th Street (13th week). "THE LILAC DOMINO"—44th Street (9th week). "THE LIE" (Margaret 111 I ngton)—Harris (Dec 24). "THE ONLY GIRL"—Lyric (8th week). "THE PHANTOM RIVAL"—Belasco (12th week). ' "TWIN BEDS"—Fulton (20th week). "UNDER COVER"—Cort (18th week). 'WATCH YOUR STEP"—New Amsterdam (8d week). "WARS OF THE WORLD"—Hippodrome (16th week). LONDON. "A COUNTRY GIRL"—Daly's. "CE BON MONSIEUR ZOETEBEEK"—Cri- terion. "HIS HOUSE IN ORDER"—St. James'. "KINO HENRY IV."—His Majesty's. " M A M EEN A"—Queen's. "ODDS AND ENDS"—Ambassador's. "OUR BOYS"—Vaudeville. "POTASH A PERLMUTTER"—Globe. "THE DOITBLE MYSTERY"—Garrick. "THE FLAG LIEUTENANT"—Haymarket "THE DYNAST8"—Klngsway. "THE SOLDIER'S WEDDING"—Lyceum. "WHEN KNIGHTS WERE BOLD"—New. HARLEM OPERA HOUSE. The show at the Harlem opera house the first half of the week was way below the standard for entertainment the house has set for itself in the past. Only seven acts on the bill, padded out with an ill. song and six reels of pic- tures. Two two-reel subjects and two single reelers were shown! By the time that the first act ap- peared at 8.20 the house was fairly well filled. It was mighty cold on the street and the biting wind undoubtedly drove in quite a number. There were a few empty seats in the rear of the orchestra and balcony, with the gallery almost entirely empty. The boxes held ca- pacity. Inside the house it was very cold above the lower floor and the audi- ence for the most part sat in their seats as though frozen. La Belle Annita (New Acts) opened the show. It is a combination comedy juggling and posing act. The comedian gets the act over. Browning and Dean with blackface comedy comprising talk and parodies were on following and passed fairly well. James J. Morrison and Co. (New Acts) presented "The Cross Roads," a long drawn out protean sermon against drink. In the spot next to closing the real hit of the show appeared in the Morin Sisters, Blanche Parquette and Co. (New Acts) Trebor's Seals closed.