Variety (December 1914)

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VARIETY log powers of Eva Tanguay as an attraction in vaudeville. Monday night a crowded houae at Keith's wae evidence of her unusual ability as a drawing card. Headlining an excep- tionally strong bill, she more than made good and had everything her own way In carry- ing off the honors of the show. Her recep- tion was overwhelming. Earlier on the pro- gram Bert Fltsgibbons registered solid. In the opening spot were the Lelands, an enter- taining feature, followed by Val Harris and jack Msnlon, who bridged over the No. 2 spot with a fair measure of success. "Alice Teddy," a bear, proved a novelty and received some laughs. McMabon, Diamond and Chap- low cleaned up In strong fashion with a scare- crow dancing number and the Russian danc- ing of Diamond Just before their close. Doro- thy Kegel and Co., In "A Telephone Tangle." iot their comedy conversation over In thor- oughly enjoyable style. Ralph Dunbar'a Salon Singers were a musical treat. Lane and O'Donnell had a hard spot, closing the ■how after Tanguay, and had to work against a walkout in spite of which they gained big hsnd. ^ _ GLOBE (Eugene L. Perry, mgr.; agt, U. B. O.).—The house and show were both good at the Globe Monday afternoon. Four acts were solid hits and the other four rounded oat the bill satisfactorily. The most suc- cessful were the Four Melodious Chaps, Oreat Leon and Co.. Devlne and Williams and Syl- via Loyal. This aggregation ran so close that It would be Impossible to pick a winner for the top honors. Paul LaCrolx opened. Mac Francis, with Jimmy Jones at the piano, la No. 2 position, selected ballads as her principal numbers, singing four with as many changes of costume and finishing with a "kind applause" number. Williams and 8e- ?al put over some nice stepping and quickly ound appreciation and were followed by the Four Melodious Chaps, who used two pianos and sent their numbers across with a punch. Val Trainer and Helens gathered laughs. Oreat Leon and Co., In the next position. WALTER STANTON^ BIG SUCCESS AT FAIRS NOW IN Vaudeville VARIETY CHICAGO W. A. QUIGG PRESENTS THE ELECTRICAL VENUS-* CO GEORGE HARADA WORLD'S FAMOUS CYCLIST 171t Clybourn Ave. Chicago, I1L Jack and Kittle Lee South Sea Scenic Specialty Superba Booked Solid. United Time had easy sailing and had the house com- pletely mystified. Devlne and Williams fol- lowed. Sylvia Loyal and her Pierrot closed. BROADWAY (Joseph Cohen, mgr.; agt., U. B. O.).—Prosperous conditions are prevailing at the Broadway. Tuesday afternoon the au- dience filled the lower floor and the show was made up of an excellent collection of pop acts. The Mabel Fonda Troupe opened, after the pictures, with a neat club Juggling exhibition, followed by Walter Walters, who put across a nice lot of ventriloquism and was well received. Minola Hurst, assisted by a midget, were In the next spot and they scored a distinct hit, with an offering the principal features of which were its novelty and the singing of Miss Hurst George Na- gel and Co. had the house laughing with their skit, "Georgie. the Fixer. but the laughing hit of the show was made by Clark and McCullough. "The Merry Makers," a miniature musical comedy along familiar lines, closed. KNICKERBOCKER.—First half: Cabrey Brothers; Ernie Williams and Co.; Arm- strong and Ford; Tom Davis and Co. j Ethel Mae Barker; Florenzl. Second half: Nils and Hurley; Duquesne Comedy Four; Jack Symonds; "Stage Struck Kids;" Nark and Oold ; the Siddonas. WILLIAM PENN.—"The Rose and the Butterjy;" Mahoney and Tremont; Joe Cook; Balo Brothers; Marjorle Dainton and Co.; Lupita Perea. COLONIAL.—Emmett's Dogs; Charles A. Loder and Co.; Dunn and Dean; Laverne and Allyn; Harry Sterling; feature film, "Seats of the Mighty;" second half "Cheyenne Days;" Mercedes Bock and Co.; Stross and Becker; George Martin; the Bluches; fea- ture film, "What A Woman Will Do." ALLEGHENY.—Splits with the Colonial. NIXON.—Leon De Cordova and Co., In "Big Jim Carrlgan;" Oberlta and Her Girls; Tllton; Ethel Dane and Co.; Guy Bartlett Trio; Bobbin's Elephants; feature film, "The Three Musketeers." KEYSTONE—Hildebrand and Long- Boy Scout Trio; Burnlaon and Taylor; Warren and Brock way ; Barlow's Circus; Spencer and Williams. GRAND.—"A Seminary Scandal;" Paull and Boyne; Tate and Tate; Frank Terry; Wilson and LeNoir; Esau. BROAD.—"Diplomacy" with a trio of stars. William Gillette, Blanche Bates and Marie Doro, drew slightly more than a three-quar- ters house Monday night, opening a two weeks' engagement. Next, Billy Burke In "Jerry" for two weeks. FORREST.—Second and final week of "Pinafore" began Monday, business being re- ported as satisfactory 21, "Ben Hur." OARRICK.—"Potash and Perlmutter," fourth week, capacity houses. ADELPHI.—"To-Day" is getting average houses In Its third week. LYRIC—Third and final week of "High Jinks" began Monday. "The Peasant Girl" with Emma Trentlnl opens Christmas eve. LITTLE.—Second and final week of "The Silver Box," by John Galsworthy, scoring an artistic success. Next, Sheridan's "The Critic." " WALNUT.—"The Traffic" opened Monday at popular prices. Prospects sre poor. ORPHEUM.—"The White Squaw," with Delia Clarke, the author, playing the lead at popular prices, opened Monday for the week. Next, "Little Lost Sister." AMERICAN—"For Her Children's Sake," stock. 21. "A Wife's Secret" CASINO—"Star and Oarter" buslesque. Next, "Bon Ton Girls." TROCADERO.—"Cherry Blossom Bur- lesquers" with Mllo. dancer. Next. "The Tempters." GAYETY.—"The Garden of Girls," with "Omar" dancer. EMPIRE.—Sam Howe's "Lovemakera." Next. "American Beauties." ARCH.—Millie De Leon Is featured with the "Merry Burlesquers." DUMONT'S.—Stock Minstrels. Frances tM. Williamson, whose borne Is In this city, was married last Tuesday at Ha- gerstown, Md., to William M. Nichols. Miss Williamson is In vaudeville as a member of the Emmett-Green Co. The Rev. Isaac W. Bagley has been de- cided upon to receive the appointment as motion picture censor in Camden when the City Council reorganizes the first of the year. An artistic water fountain Is among the decorations at a new picture house which has Just opened In the northeastern section of this city. A name for the house will be selected by popular vote among the patrons. The Cosmopolitan Club of New York will give a reception Dec 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Stokowskl, the conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and his wife, who is known on the concert stage as Olga Samaroff. PITTSBURGH. By OEOROB H. 1BLDBB. GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Arthur Prince, headline hit; Lillian Shaw, hampered by cold ; Froslni, very good ; Flying Henrys, fast; Linton & Lawrence, fair; Lucille & Cockle (parrot), clever; McConnell & Simpson, laugh ; Mosher, Hays & Mosher, good ; Pealson & Goldle, very good. MILES (Harry Woods, mgr.; agent, Loew). -Bennett Sisters, good : Renshaw A Van Etta (ex,tra), usual; Yvonne, pleased; Walter Hrower, clever; Nowlln & St. Claire, hit; "Vaudeville In Monkeyland," scream. "THE IRISH SONGBIRDS" AND HIS WM. O'CL ARE "SHAMROCK GIRLS" Direction^ ABE THALHETMER l_EV OIRCUI VAUDEVILLE The Beet Small Time la the Far Wast. Steady Consecutive Work for Novelty Feature Acta. EXECUTIVE OFFICES, ALCAZAR THEATRE BUHL. SAN FRANCISCO Can arrange from throe to Ave weeks between sailing» of beats for Australia for all first class acta. Communicate by wire er letter. THE WEBSTER VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT CHICAGO Suite 2» 1M North La Salle St. JENNY WEBSTER, Prop. Affiliate* witk EDWARD J. FISHER, INC. Soattlei BERT LEVY CIRCUIT. San Frand GEORGE H. WEBSTER. Ganaral Managar FULLER-BRENNAN Vaudeville Circuit (AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND) BEN J. FULLER, Governing Director All correspondence to National Amphitheatre. Sydney. American Booking Office Tem- porarily closed, owing to War Conditions. ROBINSON AMUSEMENT CORPORATION ETHEL ROBINSON SAMUEL L. TUCK FELIX REICH New backing acta far ltis Fair Seaeen. Sensational Acts Wante4 Consumers Building, Chicago, 111. 95% of all performers going to Europe make their steamship arrangementa through us. The following have: Foy & Clark, William Ferry. Marie Fenton, Frozini, Wallie Fltsgibbons. Franklin and Standard, Futurity Winner Co.. Bert French and Alice Eis, Mabel Fonda Troupe, Friend and Downing, Radie Furman, Emma Francis and Arabs, Lillie Flexmore, Frobel and Ruge, Francis and Francisco. PAUL TAUSIG A SON, 1M E. 14th St, New York City German Savings Bank Bldg. Telephone Stuyvesant 13SS AMALGAMATED Vaudeville Agency KING .{•:• B B. S. MOSS, President and General Manager S. MOSS CIRCUIT PRUDENTIAL CIRCUIT ta by PLIMMER CIRCUIT Artists and Acts of every description suitable for vaudeville can obtain long engages BOOKING DIRECT with ue. Send in your open time at once or call TRYOUTS CAN BE ARRANGED FOR ACTS UNKNOWN TO US Offices: Columbia Theatre Pldg.-TIMES SQUARE, NEW YORK—Telephone Bryant Mil Freeman Bernstein Manager, Promoter and Producer of Vaudeville Acta ftn Floor, PUTNAM BUILDING, NEW YORK OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Cable, Phone, Bryant esl4 "Freehem," New York LTD, AUSTRALIA Capital tLSMN Harry Rickard's Tivoli Theatres And AFFILIATED CIRCUIT*. INDIA and AFRICA HUGH McINTOSH, Governing Director si -HUOHMAC," Sydney kTRE. SYDNEY-AUSTRALIA tlTStrand Theatre Bldg. Regtetsred Cable Addreeai I OfBees TIVOLI THEA1 NEW YORK OFFICES, GENE HUGHES, Inc. New York rep , New York City. Manager of High-Class Vaudeville Attractions. Artists deelrln write or wire. Suite 1M1-Z-4. PALACE THEATRE BLDO, 1M4 Broad Phones: 8696-8699 Brysnt. THE SOUTHERN STATES PRODUCING CO. HEADQUARTERS! PHILADELPHIA, PA. 814-elf UPPINCOTT BLDG. WANTED—PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR MUSICAL TABS If you are Right. Work 82 Weeke and Salary Every Week Booked and Routed Excluelvely by GREENWOOD THEATRICAL AGENCY, Atlanta, On. S to 7 WEEKS Write or Wire J. H. ALOZ Booking Agency Orpheum Theatre Bldg. MONTREAL. P. Q. HARRIS (C. R. Buchhelt. mgr.; agent, U. ft. O.).—Violin Beauties, headline, good; John P. Wade, scored; Oordon Brothers, hit; Two Dohertys, excellent; Joe Morse, clever; Fields Brothers, good ; Camm & Therra, laugh ; Mac & Co., good. Best bill In weeks. SHERIDAN SQUARE (F. H. Tooker, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Howard Chase & Co., head- line; scored; "Mary Ellen," elephant, amused; Cameron & O'Connor, laugh ; Maurice Wood, encored; Maye & Addis, pretty; Henrietta Wilson & Co., novel. NIXON (Thos. Kirk, mgr.).- Millie Burke in "Jerry" filled the theatre, murh liked. 21, Mrs. Pat Campbell in "Pygmalion." ALVIN (J. P. Reynolds, mar.) .-"A Pair of Sixes" opened return engagement, the first event of this kind this season, to capacity. Theatre dark until 2r>, "Passing Show." LYCEUM (Charles WII*on, mgr.).—"Sep- tember Morn," flrBt time to full house. 21, "Help Wanted." SCHENLEY (Harry I, vis. m*r. ; stock).— "Tess of the Storm Country" opened good. 21. "He Fell In Love with His Wife." CJAYRTY (Henry Kurtzmnn. mgr.).—Reeves' "Beauty Show" drew full house. THE NEW FLATBUSH THEATRE OIO. A. McDERMIT, Mgr. BROOKLYN'S CLASSIEST VAUDEVILLE HOUSE 2-SHOWS DAILY—2 STANDARD ACTS ALWAYS JULES KUMAR, IsaUs* FOR SALE GREENWALL THEATRE NEW ORLEANS Apply ARTHUR B. LEOPOLD, Attorney Malson Blanche Building, New Orleana VICTORIA (George Gallagher, mgr.).— Taylor's 'Tango Girls" drew well. ACADEMY (Harry J. Smith, mgr.).— "Frolicsome Lambs" drew well. The Sheridan Square has devoted a room for children and has a man acting Santa Claus there. Hundreds of toys are used to entertain youngsters while mothers take in the show.