Variety (December 1914)

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VARIETY 333 The situation la the front (of the houee) le unchanged while the morale of the troops be- yad the wire entanglemente (1 got my foot #Btangled in one of them last night) Is very unipty. The two eearchlighte on each side of the engagement mlssod the cuss and all our ^.munition wont over their bands. The fly- man'* got a hols in his patrol tank and no's •till up in the air. Ws will advance onto Birmingham nsxt week from whence we shall La»t wash at a matinee there were 141 wound- ed soldisrs In the audience, and there is always a comedy sids in everything. Two wounded Belgians sitting sids by sids, ons with his loft arm In a sling and the other with his right. When it came time to applaud one held out kis left band for the other to applaud on. They are s cheery bunch and SOME audience. Thanks, Ed, for the mention. Havsn'tssonaZspslUnystly Yours, Virion, Perry and Wilber VARIETY. LONDON. SKIPPER, KENNEDY and REEVES RETURN ENGAGEMENT PANTAGES CIRCUIT Sam Barton a M The Silent Tramp Direction, MAX HART GAVIN and PLATT The PEACHES TOURING Phone 13S1-M Passaic M _ 7 Hawthorns Ave., Clifton. N. J. FRANCES CLARE snd GUY RAWSON with "Their Little Girl jp CHICAGO AGENTS NEVER HEARD OF ALLEN MILLER and CO. MUTUAL LOSS THOSE MUSICAL WIZARDS AIM and STICKNEY Direction. FRANK BOHM THEODORE TENNY VENTRILOQUIST ROSE - MOON i Original Songs and Dnncos MARCUS LOEW CIRCUIT Just Flnishod the Wast This Week (Dec 14), Milss Theatre, D etroit Weber, Dolan jj Frazer growing BIGGER III AND THEN SOME "Yesterdays" A Delightful Story of Youth Booked Solid Direction CHRIS O. BROWN This Week (Dec. 14) Pantages, Oakland Next Week (Doc 21) Pan ta gee, LosAngslss GEO. VON HOFF H U M O R O U S STILL WORKING OAVID BEEHLER, TRANSFIELD SISTERS REFINED MUSICAL ARTISTS Touring Pantagee Circuit TWO ftcr°«« FtlCW I THST 6TVCK* 5to* in fitanr om -rne A/fcuivfcjic. . THexrite Torso*? tfiGHT. "Look So, WJHO'i TOPP/fi/G THF »n.L- HC**; S*lO One, "DflMOW ^ tVTH'^ft, WrtVTlM£/*l TWo 6uV5 utfX. Qii-iU.^ pr A TOW ce*rr rtouser i<w /cokomo lmt uMix". GL*n to SfC Fifa*»« 9<rtAFmK o* UAettgTV 0*<-K o*f 0*oAC>u*V. LAJT I S*<0 OPPlTA**. U/*S /*/ PiceAOiuor. $(HAf*R »chow/ i*>M*r WAf? IS AcftifcrtrAU?iG«T; 3? Out A ft 0 rTfl»?5M*L.L- fH«k/cOi.oO#5r Piece TVo*r «4L.r. r u)i*/ - nj . S^TJF^PLr, PBTRoit (Mawr Per it) FRANK RAY Purcella Bros, BOOKED SOLID LOEW CIRCUIT ARTHUR PRINCE THE PELOTS "Fun In a Tsvem" Imperial Pekinese Troupe Shangtun Mystery Six Cblasas Wonders. Lately Featured with Anna Held Jubilee Co. All communications to LONG TACK SAM Solo Owner and Prop. VARIETY. Now York SAM J. CURTIS In "GOOD BYE BOYS" By Junto McCrso .Direction. BARNEY MYERS FRANK EMILY Jerome snd Carson Touring RICKARD'S CIRCUIT. AUSTRALIA JOE ABB Bush and Shapiro BOOKED SOLID LOEW CIRCUIT THE RECKLIESS Ton Grsotsst Gymnasts in the World Booked Solid Until 1*17 LOEW CIRCUIT WISHING EVERYBODY A LAUGHING XMAS HAL CUFF NEWPORT STIRK "FUN IN A BARBER SHOP" Booked by NORMAN JEFFERJES THE ACT INDIVIDUAL" FRANK WHITMAN 'THE DANCING VIOLINIST' THIS WEEK (DEC 14). KEITH'S. BOSTON DIRECTION HARRY WEBER ir N R E R T EN THE LELANDS PAINT-O-GRAPHISTS FLAYING UNITED TIME Direction, ALF. T. WILTON Nan Halperin M. S. BENTHAM AMERICA'S OWN PRODUCT Little MARION WEEKS THE MINIATURE PRIMA DONNA Direction, Fred Ward Playing U. B. O. Pereonal Management, NICK HANLEY ROSIE LLOYD Touring in American Vaudeville. THIS WEEK (Dec 14), KEITH'S ROYAL, NEW YORK LEON and CO." PRESENT FIRE and WATER SENSATIONAL SPECTACULAR MYSTERY Featuring and Breaking Box Ofnre Records for the U. B. O.