Variety (December 1914)

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38 VARIETY BILLS NEXT WEEK (December 28) la Vaaderille Theatre*, Plajiaf Tkraa or Lmi Shawn Daily (All nouses open for the week witt Monday snetiasee, when not otherwise Indicated.) Theatres Hated ss "Orphenm" without any farther distinguishing deecriptloa are oa the Orphcusa Circuit. Theatres with "Loew" feUowlag name are oa the Loew Circuit. Agencies bookiag the bouses ere aeted by single aaaie or Initials, each as •*Orph/* Orphenm arcaTt-"U. B. O./^Uaited Bookiag Oftccc^'W. V. A..- Weetera Vaudeville Managers* Asso- datioa (Chicago)— 1 '?." Paatagcs CI remit-•'later," lateratate Qrcuit (bookiaa through W. V. A.). -"M," James Tl Matthewa (Cbicage).-"B B O." Broadway Bookiag Omce.-* 1 Pr,*» Proctor Qrcuit. Billy 8 Hall Ryan A Tleraey Oormley 4 Caffray Now Yark ALHAMBRA (ubo) Clark * Hamilton Faante Btice Scenee from Opera Harenan's Anlmala Moore 4 Tatea Marlon Murray Co Gregory Treupe Welmera 4 Maaae ROYAL (ubo) Franklin 4 Orean Chip 4 Marble Lyone Yoseo The Veterana Jarrow McMahon Diamond 4 C Rayno'a Doge Bd Morton Roberta 4 Verera COLONIAL (ubo) Ryan 4 Lee Alan Brooke Co Ideal Hasel Cox Burr 4 Hope Caetnoa (•there to fill) HAMMERSTBIN'B (ubo) Anna Hold's Daughter Lambert 4 Ball Blxley 4 Pink Laddie CHS Charlie Caae Helen Trlx Kajayma Flanagan 4 Bdwarde Chaa 4 Fanny Van Burne 4 Fulton Grace DeMar Indiana Troupe Diamond 4 Beatrice Suaette 4 Oliver French Twine PALACE (orph) Bra Tanguay Maaon 4 Keeler Llplnakl'a Doge The Caatllllana Harry Carroll Adler 4 Arllne Lucy Olllet (Two to nil) Btwaklya PR08PBCT (ubo) Howard 4 McCane Blckel 4 Wataon "Telephone Tangle** Adelaide Hermann Co Felix 4 Barry 81a Conlln Steel 8 Harrta 4 Manlon Harry B Lester Sprague 4 McNeeoe ORPHBUM (ubo) Annette Kellfrmann Brandon Ho rat Co Bert Pltsalbbons Cherbert'e Manchur*na Clark 4 Verdi Derkln'a Anlmala Orr 4 DeCoata Fiidkoweky Troupe BUSHWtCK (ubo) Frank Keenan Co Emma Carua Jack Wtlaon Bert Brroll Flanagan 4 Bdwde Claudius 4 Scarlet Sally Flelda Cbretlenne 4 Louleet Rose Velera Sextet Alleati ORPHBUM (Ubo) (Split* with Beaton) 1st half Walters A BulllTan Co August* O V Xoece ORPHBUM (ubo) Altoona, Pa. (Split* with Johns- town) 1st half Pope Keene 4 J (Others to fill) Atlaata, Oa. FORSYTH (ubo) Borettl 4 Antoinette Roach 4 McCurdy John 4 Emma Ray FpUgal 4 Jonee Corradlnl's Anlmala (Others to fill) MARYLAND (ubo) Rochet's Monkeys Harry Breen Comfort a King Lohse ft Stirling Brunnelle Glrla Turelli Blanche Rlnsr Co (Others to fill) ORPHBUM (ubo) Gordon 4 Rica Ward Baker "School Playground" Trana Atlantlo 8 Leonard 4 Rueaell Bddle Howard Vinton 4 Buster Kramer 4 Morten Blooaalajrtea, iu. MAJB8TIP (wra) 1st half Tabloid 2d half Karl Dale 4 Boyle "All ror Kins'* Van Brothers Zertho'a Does KEITHS (ubo) Juliet Great Howard Hopkins Sisters Luplta Perea Henry Dlxey Lew Dockstader 4 Bntertalnere "Lawn Party** Mario 4 Duffy Bridge p ort, Cams P4LJ8 (ubo) 1st half Kalaer's Dogs B 4 M Keller Mr 4 Mrs Cappelln Norman 4 Claire "Bachelor Dinner" 2d half J F SulllTan Co McCarthy 4 Carson. Brooke 4 Bowea Spanish Ooadlnla SHBA'S (ubo) Trlxle Frlgansa Gardiner Trio Roxy LaRooca George Brown Co Fisher 4 Green Hawthorne 4 Inglle Alpine Troupe Milton Pollock Co Bwtta BMPRB88 (loew) Parlae TroToIlo Moore 4 Elliott Bell Boy Trio Gasch 81aters •flltaer*. Moat. BADCOPK (loew) Roy 4 Arthur Onden Quartet Tower 4 Darrell J K Emmett Co Clark 4 Rose 3 Donale . B. OL VICTORIA (ubo) (Splits with Saran- nah) 1st half La Crandall Chain 4 Templeton Bungalow Girl Abou Ben Hamld Cateaa* PALACE (orph) Houdlnl Blossom Seeley Ridley 4 Fleming Bert Leslie Co Bowers W 4 C Marie Fenton Leo Carrlllo Kramer 4 Patterson Edwin George MAJESTIC (orph) May Irwin Co Alexander 4 Jarrott Ethel Green M Montgomery Homer Ml lee Co Two Carltone Muler 4 Stanley Finn 4 Finn Mabelle 4 Ballet ACADEMY (wra) Eldora Co Generleve Victoria Lillian Mortimer Mr 4 Mrs Tuoby Montamba 4 Welle 2d half "Follies of Broadway" GAIETY (wra) George Moore Billy 4 Bdltb Adams "Corse You Jack Dal- ton" Wesley Beale 2d half Alex Thomae Lelle Paris Co Jean Challone Rice Elmer 4 Tom (One to fill) KEITH'S (ubo) Mr ft Mrs McOreerey The Kramers Primrose 4 Toner ft Norman Alf Holt Ford 4 Hewitt Pekln Mysteries (Others to 811) KEITH'S (ubo) Arthur Prince Nat Wills Lltte Hap Lee 4 Craneton "Green Beetle" Claire Rochester Bounding Pattersons Coakley Hanrey 4 D (One to 811) Oeli KEITH'S (ubo) Moran 4 Welser Dooley 4 Rugel BUI Prultt McDerltt Kelly 4 L Sylreeter Schaeffer DaarlUo, lad. LYRIC (wra) ; let half Adams 4 Gobi 2d half Nathano Breo Mile Marion Hurst Watts 4 Hurst When Lore Is Young ORPHBUM Bwor 4 Mack Bert Merkett Ann Tanker Co Jack 4 Forte Gertrude Hoffman Co EMPRESS (loew) Ethel 4 Lucy Baker Rags Lelghton 4 R Grace DeWlnters Rysa Rlebfleld Co Harry Thomson Cycling McNutts ORPHBUM (Open Sun Mat) "The Beautlee" Chief Caupollcan Bertlsh Llbby 4 Barton Cleo Oaecolgne Cerro Eadle 4 Rameden Dotratt. TBMPLE (ubo) Ioleen Sisters Brttt Wood Jack Kennedy Co Harriet Burt W C Fields McCloud 4 Cpar "Bong Rome** ORPHBUM (Open Sun Mat) Relsner 4 Oorea Harry Teuda Stan Stanley 8 Merrill 4 Otto Chae Ahearn Co Ismed (One to 811) NEW GRAND (wra) Frawler 4 Hunt Dlehl 4 Carson Harry Gilbert Banda Roma 2d half Smith 4 Pullman Mattle eboate Co Ernie Forest Larlne Clmeron 3 Bdmoatoa, Cam. PANTAGES (m) Golden Russian Tr Tong War Sketch Bertie Fowler Dunlap 4 Vlrdln Gordon Broe PJaatoa. Pa. AVEL O H (ubo) (Splits with Allen- town) Lewis 4 Morton Gillette A Monroe Lencton Lucler Co Carano Duo Hlauart. lad. ORPHBUM (wra) Minn Espey LeRoy 4 Cab 111 Stone 4 Hayes Chlng Ling Lee Tr 2d half Oames 4 Brown Maxim's Models Horer 4 Boggs Gordon 9 ft Kangaroo Tflri«\ Pa. COLONIAL (ubo) Harry Beresford Co Van HoTen Nardlnl Pederson Bros Cooper 4 Smith Frraaarllla. lad. NEW GRAND (ubo) Murray ft Storm Pearl 4 Roth Foror 4 Waters Flying Kays 2d half Msjestlc Musical 4 Mullany Plnegree Oo Bordon 4 Shannon Klutlng's Anlmala Rooney A Bowman COLUMBIA (ubo) Wallace* Weston Co Marie Dorr Berlin Madcaps Three Johns Mack 4 Orth (Others to 8U) llaaesaaad, lad. ORPHBUM (wra) DeRoasl's Cats Gardner 4 Nlcolal Field WlneBlll 4 G Johnson Howard 4 L 2d half "The Squawman" Hajrrleaarej, Pa. ORPHBUM (ubo) Spencer 4 Williams Nan Halperin Kitty Gordon Co Keane 4 Window (Others to 811) Hartford, Coi POU'S (ubo) Brooks 4 Bowea Baraban 4 Groha (Others to 811) PALACE (ubo) 1st half McCarthy 4 Carson Gallertnl Four W B Whittle Brooks 4 Bowen "Water Lllltee" 2d half Argyr Ward B ft M Keller "Water Lllllea" (Three to 811) ladlaaaaaUa. KEITH'S (ubo) Marx Bros Co Trerltt's Dogs Herman Tlmberg Flying Henrys Joe Jeckson Jsne Connelly Co (Others to 811) Jaekaaarlllc, Fla. ORPHBUM (ubo) (Open Sun Mat) Al Rouget 4 Part Annie Abbott Howard 4 Syman Jacob'e Dogs fQne to fill) Kaaaaa Otty ORPHBUM Hermlne Shone Co Kingston 4 Ebner White 4 Jason Rube Dickinson Frank North Co "Bride Shop" Alco Trio EMPRE88 (loew) Geo 4 Lilly Garden Bogart 4 Nelson Hippodrome 4 Eugene Emmett Co Stantone Wormwood'e Anlmala Llaeela ORPHBUM Claude Golden Meeban's Dogs Eugene Trio Morris Cronln Co Jos Jefferson Co Miller 4 Vincent Ward 4 Cullen ORPHBUM Dorothy Toye Oenerlere Warner Co Asshl Quartet El Rey Sisters "Red Heads" Chas Howard Co Trorato EMPRES8 (loew) Golden 4 Weet Sallle Stambler Broe Holmes 4 Riley Cameron DeVltt Co Wilson Bros Slayman All Arabs PANTAOES (m) Staley Blrbeck Co Edgar A Ely Co wulnn 4 Mitchell Jode Lanlgan Three Kratone Loalerflle KEITH'S (ubo) Two Pucke Vandlnoff 4 Louie C 4 F Usher Stuart Barnes Ray Dooley 8 The Brads Nora Bayee Mullen ft Coogan (One to fill) Weaapale ORPHBUM Hyams ft Mclntyre "Matinee Girls" Clara Inge Diamond ft Brennan MAJB8T1C (orph) Lillian Shaw Donlln 4 McHalp Allan Dinehoart Co Keno 4 Mayne Fred Seaman Blnna 4 Burt (Two to 811) Mlaaeaaalla ORPHBUM (Open Bun Mat) 8 American Dancers Alexander 4 Scott Weaton 4 Clara Chaa Kellog MUarcs Fredrlka Slemona Oo Harry DeCoe The Grasers UNIQUE (loew) Darld Kallkoa Hartley 4 Pecan Marshall P Wilder "Grey of Dawn" Reckless Trio NEW GRAND (wra) Dancing ryrella Joe Roberta Co Marehall 4 Cumbey Standard Broe ORPHBUM (ubo) Flo Irwin Co Connolly 4 W Okabe Jape 8 Lelghtons Baby Helen Hanlon Broe LaHoen 4 Dupreece Moor 4 Maxfleld Haw Harea. POLI'8 (ubo) let half Chas Thompson Madden 4 FlUpatrtck Morriaey 4 Haekett Spanlah Oaudlns (Two to 811) 2d half Kaiser's Dogs De fcelloe 8 Mr 4 Mrs Cappelln Josle Heather Co Eddie Roes (One to 811) GRAND (ubo) Plelot 4 Sooneld Haner 4 Long Geo Nag el Co Jessie Btandlah Howard 4 Chaae "Dream Orient" OLOBB (ubo) He She 4 Piano Gordon Bldrtd Co Friend 4 Leaner Melody 8 MeCormlck 4 I it tug Hoey 4 Lee Treat's Beale NIXON (ubo) Lunette Blatera Yvette C H O'Donnell Co Lyceum Show Frank Terry Big Fran* COLONIAL (ubo) 1st half Robin's Elephants Onalp (both full wk) Doc O'Neill D'Aroy 4 Hire Warren 4 Broekway PtJtabaava HARRIS (ubo) Hugh Cameron Co Capt Auger Gordon 4 Klnley C Chaloner Co Mildred 4 Ruth Gibson 4 Dyeon SadlS Fondeller GRAND (ubo) Girl from Milwaukee Bddle Foy Family The Langdons Holme'e Anlmala (Others to 811) ORPHBUM H Croesman Co Billy MeDermott Rooney 4 Bent Young 4 Jacobs Kremallne 4 Darrae Weeton 4 Leon Frank Wilson Nortel*. Va. ACADEMY (ubo) Note change of house (Splits with Rich- mond) 1st half Kelso Boys Jewell Comedy 4 "Colonial Bays" (Two to 811) ORPHBUM (Open Sun Mat) Montgomery 4 Moore Bebastlsn 4 Bentley A Monkey Circus Williams 4 Wolfua Cartmell 4 Walker Alfred Berger Barry 4 Wolford Dainty English 8 PANTAOES (m) (Open 8un Mat) Meurlce Samuels Co Nadell 4 Kane Oxford Trio Dunlay 4 Merrill Agnes VonBrachdt Reed's Dogs ORPHBUM Rebla Mr 4 Mrs J Barry Costa Troupe Fred V Bowers Co Chaa F Semon Auetrallan McLeans Wallensteln 4 Freeby (One to 811) EMPRESS (loew) Warner 4 Corbott Nip 4 Tuck "Bower of Melody" Princeton 4 Yale Melnotte Twins Aerial LaValle PANTAOES (m) Imperial Opera Co Haley 4 Haley Bherr 4 Herman Four De Hooka Sherbourne 4 Monty KEITH'S (ubo) Meyakoe Trio Joe Cook Moore 4 Young Gonroy 4 LeMalre Howard 4 Syman The Oaudemlthe 5 Annapolla Boys Toby Claude Co BJIiasasadU Va. LYRIC (ubo) (Splits with Norfolk) 1st half Oleesons 4 Houlihan J K McCurdy Co Nonette "Prince Chae" (One to 811) ORPHBUM (loew) Darle 4 Matthews Hoyt 4 Warden Mcintosh 4 Malda Bernard A Harrington Fred Hlllebrand NIchole Nelson Tr Oamhn ORPHEVM (Open 8un Mat) Martin Van Bergen Mack ft Walker C Gllllngwater Co Rae Samuels Prelle's Dogs Adair ft Adair Cross A Josephine Ottawa. Can. DOMINION (ubo) J C Nugent Co 8 Lyres Loretto Twins Frank Mullane Sonaya (Two to 811) Peoria, in. ORPHBUM (wra) 1st half Hopkins A Axtell Santley ft Norton California Crelghton Bros ft B Will Rogers (One to fill) 2d half Harris A Gold Martini A Maximilian Hlckey Bros Louise Oslloway Co (Two to 8N) TEMPLE (ubo) Mr 4 Mrs Wilde Donsghue 4 Stewart Leroy Lytton Co Edward Marshall Arnaut Bros Bessie Clayton Co Schooler 4 Dickinson Burgbadl Rook Inland, IU. EMPIRE (wra) 2d half Beeman 4 Anderson Myles McCarthy Co Crighteon Broe A B (Two to 811) Saewaasoata ORPHBUM (28-20) Princess Rajah Johnny Johnston Co Splnette Quintet Minnie Allen Ororer 4 Richards Brown 4 Rochelle (One to 811) EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Amoros 4 Mulrey Meredith 4 Snooser Ptsano 4 Bingham "Sidelights" Cabaret 8 Alrln 4 Kenny Salt Lake- ORPHEVM (Open Sun Mat) Burnbam 4 Trwln Hunting 4 Francis Hubert Dyer Co Al Rorer ft Sister will Oakland Co B*»n De**ley Go John Oelger EMPRESS (loew) Canarls 4 Cleo Bill Roblneon Bobbe 4 Dale Srengnll Haydn Burton 4 H Black 4 Whltn Baa Deeaa PANTAOlS Claire Rawson Co Creole Orchestra Arthur WhIUaw MoConnall 4 Nlemeyer Great Harrahs n >RPHBUM (Open Bun Mat) Alloa Lloyd Nine White Huaaara LaFranoe 4 DeVoe Pierre Pellletler Co Billy B Van Co Imhoff Conn 4 Cor Vlellnsky DeHaren 4 Nice BMPRB88 (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Dixon 4 Dixon Mellor 4 DePaula Chaa L Fletcher "WlBe" Nichols Sisters Wanda PANTAOES (m) (Open Bun Mat) Mayer Dlrlng Girls Strenuous Daisy Laurie Ordway Barla 4 Walker DeWItt Young 4 Sis Baa Jaae CaL VICTORY (orph) (1-2) (Same bill as at Sac- ramento this Issue) Ga. BIJOU (ubo) (Splits with Charles- ton) let halt Innes 4 Ryan Red Raven 8 The Bart'ene (Two to nin POU'S (ubo) Norelty Clintons Klmberly 4 Mohr "Buyer Fr Pttebgh" Ball 4 West Chick Sales Roslo Lloyd Doris's Dogs Seattle ORPHBUM. (Open Bun Mat) Els 4 French Lew Hawkins Four Danubee Anna Chandler Eleanor Habor Co Else Ruegger McRae 4 Clegg EMPRESS (loew) (Open 8un Mat) Lee Caaadoa Ward Sisters Bl Clore James Grady Co Bampeon 4 Douglas Russell e Minstrels PANTAOES (m) Talpen Chinese Tr Fred Dupres Guy Woodward Co Paine 4 Neebltt Guadeloupe Slaaz City ORPHBUM (Open Bun Mat) Lockett 4 Waldron Joe 4 Lew Cooper 5 Metsettla Loughlln's Dogs Ashley 4 Canleld Kalmar 4 Brown Creasy 4 Dayne (One to 811) ■a** 1 ORPHBUM (loew) (Open Bun Mat) Purcella Broe Holmes 4 Holllston Joe Kelsey LaVler Brown 4 Jackson "Lore In 8anltarium" (Open Sun Mat) "Water Lilies" Harry Olrard Co Hamilton 4 Barnes Qulnn Bros 4 Marlon Hllllar Sprfaaflold, Mass. POLI'S (ubo) 1st half Arthur Ward De Bell os 8 J r Sulllran Co Josle Heather Co Eddie Rose Noisy Students 2d half Chas Thompson Madden 4 Fltspatriok Gallerlnl 4 W E Whittle Morrlssey 4 Haokett "Bachelor Dinner" COLUMBIA (orph) Olng Ling Poo Grace La Rue Natalie 4 Ferart Dolan 4 Lenhar W H Wakefield M ft B Hart Burkhardt 4 White Miller 4 Lylos St. PaaL ORPHBUM (Open Sun Mat) Horellk Troupe Wbarry Lewie ft Bdwln 8torens Co Harlland 4 Thornton Hines * Fox Ida Dlrinoff Act Beautiful (One to 811) EMPRESS (loew) juggling DeLiale Stuart Black Co Crawford 4 Broderldt "Oldo Tlme.Hallow'n" Tom Mahoney BrgotU's Lilliputians PRINCB88 (wra) 1st half Smith 4 Pullman Mattle Choate Co Ernie Forest Larlne Clmeron 8 2d half Frawler 4 Hunt Dlehl 4 Carson Harry Gilbert Banda Roma Syraeaao, N. Y. GRAND (ubo) Conror 4 Models The Volunteers Cameron Glrla Val Tralnor Lucille 4 Parrot Twiato LaToy Bros PANTAOB8 (m) DeLuxe Girls James J Corbott Skipper Kennedy 4 R Tranafleld Bisters Baltus Bros / Tasaaa, Bla. TAMPA (ubo) (Open Sunday) Granto 4 Maud Gllmore 4 Castle B 4 M Foster Rosella 4 Rosella Malla 4 Bart YOSBM1TB (orph) (80-81) (Same bill ae at Sac- ramento thla Issue) O. KEITH'S (ubo) Frank Fogarty Bruce Duffett Co Grace Wilson Max 4 Mabel Ford Maxlne Bros 4 Bob Flying Martins (Others to fill) Tareat* SHEA'S (ubo) Willie Broe Julius Curtis Adelaide 4 Hughes Mlssee Campbell Dooley 4 Sales Farrell Taylor 8 Sid Baxter Australian Woodchprs Tom Lewis Co Uataa BUIL *• J* HUDSON (ubo) B F Howley Co 5 Martella "Society Buds" La Oracloea Marie MacFarland (Others to fill) LOBW r 8 Joyce 4 Weet Valentine Vox Bush 4 Shapiro When It Strikes Home Sophie Tucker 6 Ollrers PANTAOES (m) Jlu Jltsu Troupe Wright 4 Lane Danny Simmons Ted 4 Uno Bradley Jules Marceau Co Vlaaasfaw B. C. PANTAOES (m) Whirlwind Beauties Cora Simpson Co Reml 4 Ballengert O'Neal 4 Walmsley Baker Troupe Waaklaatoa. KEITH'S (ubo) Hymack Doyle 4 Dixon Mr 4 Mrs C DeHareu J 4 W Hennlngs Valerie Bergere Co The Astalres Walter C Kelly Sal n Singers (One to fill) Wlaalpog ORPHBUM Chas Orapewln Co Newbouse Snyder Co Rae Eleanor Ball Reynolds A Donegan Brenner 4 Wheeler Mr 4 Mrs D Crane Milt Collins STRAND (wra) Wm DeHollls Co Nick Santora Co Bensee 4 Balrd Imperial Japfl PANTAOES (m) Lander Sterens Co Cheyenne Minstrels Knapp A Cornelia Leon a Ouerney Gllmore A Ramlnoff Corr Thomas Trio