Variety (December 1914)

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VARIETY 41 WITH THE WOMEN Jack Cunningham this week put one over. He arranged a series of lectures on Dickens and his works to be delivered by Tom Terries, the English actor, who is filming a feature for the Klnetophote, to the school children of New Rochelle. The lectures on Dickens' Christmas stories are given before 1,000 school children. Arthur N. Smallwood, president of the Smallwood Film Corporation, la developing a lighting device by which he hopes to make It possible to take Interior scenes in actual settings. He already has what he believes la a practical portable lighting system which can be packed In two suit cases and proves adequate for the needa of the camera. Scouts are employed to discover appropriate settings and arrange for their use instead of stage car- penters and painters to build them. A special Invitation showing will be given "The Eternal City," made by the Famous Players Co., featuring Pauline Frederick, at the Lyceum theater to-morrow (Sunday) eve- ning at 8.15. The United Film Service has established a branch in Toledo in charge of Bert Dlener. This makes 48 exchanges on the United list One "Elaine Dodge" In an open letter print- ed aa an advertisement in the New York World Monday, appeals to the people of New Terk to protect her from "unseen and un- known enemies." It's the new Pathe Serial, "The Exploits of Elaine," of course. Suit has been instituted in the United States District Court In New Yor* on benalf of Sir Aruiur Yving finero demanulng SlU.UOO dam- ages lor alleged copyrignt lntriugeuient arising out of the unauthorized filming of "The Sec- unu >ir». Tanqueray." Louis Gasnier, of the Pathe, sailed on the Patria for Italy Dec. 10. He will remain at the rathe Italian atuuioa several inontka to give tne producers their instruction In the likes and dislikes of American picture au- diences. Arthur Roussel, former vice-president of Pathe Freres, died at his home In West New York, N. J., Dec. 14, after a long illnesa. He waa 34 years old and leavea a widow and a son. Arthur Leslie, picture publicity men. has gons to court in an effort to recover 1200,000 from the estate of hla grandmother. When the latter, the late Baroness de Bazus, widow of the late magaslne publisher, Frank Leslie, died, an estate worth about $2,000,000 was lsft in trust with Mrs. Carrie Chapman to be used In the cause of woman's suffrage. Les- lie contends that the old woman never meant that any of his money should be bequeathed to woman'a rlghtn. The film exchange for educational subjects started last month by the University of Kan- sas, 1b said to have been deluged with requests for service from school superintendents all over the state. The Smallwood Film Corporation, allied with the United Film Service, well send a com- pany to Los Angelea within a few daya. A studio has been aecured and two-reel comedies will be put on, featuring Ethel (Jrandln. Ray C. Smallwood and John Brownell will accom- pany the company. The plan of the Aloo to present Mrs. Flske In a photoplay has fallen through. Two features of the Box Office Attractions Co. were started at the Pathe Studio on Mon- day. They are "The Children of the Ohetto," which is being produced under the direction of Frank Powell, and "The Glided Fool." which Edgar Lewis is directing. Frank Kugler, president of the Camera Club, is to retire from the position of grind- ing the camera for other directors and become a director in his own right. As soon aa the production of "The Gilded Fool" is completed he will begin directing dramas for the Box Office Attractions. The World Film has engaged Howard Esta- brook, who will appear in "The Butterfly." The same company has engaged to handle "Money." Lillian Russell Is in Savannah completing her "Wild Fire" picture with the World'? stock company, directed by O. A. C. Lund. Frederick Scott Probst has been engaged to play comedy leads with the Crystal. RELEASED NEXT WEEK (Dec 19 to Dec 26, inc.) MANUFACTURERS INDICATED BY ABBREVIATIONS. VIZ.I GENERAL Vitsgrsph V Biogrsph B Kalem K Lubin L Paths Pthe Selig S fii son E sssnay S-A Kleine Kl Melies Mel Ambrosio Amb Columbus Col Mins Mi UNIVERSAL Imp I Bison B101 Chrystsl C Nestor N Powers P Eclair Eclr Rex Rx Frontier * Frnt Victor Vic Gold Seal G S Joker J Universal Ike U I Sterling Ster MUTUAL Gsumont G Americsn A Keystone Key Reliance Rel Majestic Ms] Thanhouser T Kay Bee K B Domino Don Mutual M Princess Ft Komic Ko Besuty Be Apollo Apo Royal R Lion Ln Uepworth H The aubject is in one reel of about 1,000 feet unless otherwise noted. DECEMBER 28—MONDAY. MUTUAL—When a Woman Walts, 2-reel dr, A; Keystone title not announced; Our Mutual Girl, No. 60. Rel. GENERAL F—The House of Silence dr, B; The Black Sheep, 2-reel dr, K; Mr. Daly's Wedding Day, com, E; Sweedie Collects for Charity, com, S-A; Patsy at School (1st of Patsy Bollver series), com, L; Pathe's Daily News, No. 89, Pathe; The Flower of Faith, 2- reel dr, and Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial, No. 87, S; The Product, dr, V. UNIVERSAL—The Submarine Spy, 2-reel dr, I; ••Virtuoso," dr, Vic; The Chief's Re- venge, com, Ster. DECEMBER 29—TUESDAY. MUTUAL—Lucys Elopement, 2-reel dr. T; The Baby's Ride, dr, MaJ; Love Knows No Law, dr, Be. GENERAL F—The Crimson Moth, 2-reel dr, B; The Lesson of the Flames (Sixth of Olive's Opportunities" series), dr, E; The Way of the Woman, dr. S-A; Love, Oil and Grease, com, K; A Cowboy Pastime, com, L; ^actUB Jake, Heart-Breaker, w-com, S; The Plot, 2-reel dr, V. UNIVERSAL—A Study in Scarlet, 2-reel dr, G 8; The Fat Girl's Romance, com, C; When It s One of Your Own, dr, N. DECEMBER 30—WEDNESDAY. MUTUAL—The Face on the Celling, 2-reel, «r; The Unseen Vengeance, dr, A; The Mes- sage, dr, Rel. GENERAL F—The Courtship of the Cooks, com, E; Two Dinky Little Dramas of a Non- *l T[f P B £! nd » com ' 8 " A : The Derelict, 2-reel n-'ii : vr Tne 'ntrlguers, 2-reel dr, L; Psthe's Daily News, No. 91), Pathe; The Old Letter, iTS.\£°.T£ ln « Dad ' 8 Consent, com, V. n«m NI T VE £?^. L - Tbe vma *° Post-Master, »«?•' J ; T wlth ' n »n Inch of His Life, 2-reel dr, Kclr; Universalis Animated Weekly, No. 147 DECEMBER 31— THURSDAY. MUTUAL—Flower ln the Desert, 2-reel dr, Dom; Keystone title not announced; Mutual Weekly No. 105 M. GENERAL F—Two Strays Souls, dr, B; Snakevllle's Rising Sons, com, 8-A; Fate and Fugitive, 2-reel dr, L; The Siege of Liege, com. Ml; Hearst-Sellg News .Pictorial, No. 88 8; Love Will Out, com-dr, V. UNIVERSAL—Winning the Prise, com-dr, I; Hounded, 2-reel melo-dr, Rz; Love and Water, com, Ster. JANUARY 1—FRIDAY. MUTUAL—The Deadly Spark, 2-reel, dr. K B; When Fate Rebelled, dr, Pr; Shop the Sentinel, dr, T. GENERAL F—The Efficiency Squad, and Diogenes Weekly, No. 4-11-44, split-reel com, B; Young Mrs. Wlnthrop, 2-reel dr. E; The Shanty at Trembling Hill, 2-reel dr, 8-A; Get- ting Father's Goat, com, K A; A Clean Slate, dr, L; Wipe Yer Feet, com, 8; Auntie's Por- trait, com, and Rattlesnakes, educ, split-reel, V. UNIVERSAL—Pruning the Movies, com, and Mount St. Bernard Switzerland, educ, split-reel, N; The Beautiful Unknown, 3-reel dr, Vic. JANUARY 2—SATURDAY. MUTUAL—A Banakle Maiden, 2-reel dr, Rel; Keystone title not announced; Putting It Over, com, R. GENERAL F—All for the Boy, dr. B ; Uncle Trusty, dr, E ; Broncho Billy and the Escaped Bandit, dr S-A • The 0*lrl Telegrapher's Peril (Eighth of the "Hazards of Helen" series), dr K: He Gsve Him a Million, and What He Forgot, split-reel com, L; Lassoing a Lion, dr, S ; In the Latin Quarter, 2-reel dr, V. UNIVERSAL—A Mixed Up Honeymoon, com, J; Frontier title not announced; In Jungle Wilds. 2-reel dr, B101. By Th« Skirt At the Broadway theatre last Thurs- day was an act called "Captain Kidd, Jr." ("The Dream"). It eoniisti of nine girls and a comedian. The girls are very small and young. The girl who does "Capt Kidd" is a pretty bru- nette with a marvelous contralto voice The girls all dance and sing well. The air of youthfulness about the sketch is what appeals. The comedian is a young fellow who is really funny. Julia Rooney (on the same bill) has put to- gether a pleasing act She sings and does some high kicking. Miss Rooney discards a cloak of white velvet fur trimmed revealing an accordion plaited dress of white trimmed in brilliants. is black satin with long net tunic She also has some beautiful fox furs. The American the last half of the week was provided with a good bill. The acts ran smoothly. William Hutchinson has a rather silly sketch. The girl in it wore an overt rimmed taffeta and satin dress. "The Winning Widows" are a goodly bunch of fem- ininity. They are tall and run to the brunette type. In black skirts and vel- vet jackets with small toques, the wid- ows appear first. A change is made to dresses of purple charmeuse, band- ed in black lynx. The one fellow in the act isn't quite classy enough. Billed LAURET1 E TAYLOR. In London, playing In "PEG O' MY HEART" By J. Hartley Manners Melbourne MacDonald (also there) is too good an actor to waste his time with his present sketch, "Human Drift- wood." The three people concerned in it, talk, talk, talk, and never reach any- where. The woman is heavily uphol- stered in brown velvet. There may be some excuse for Wil- liam Faversham wearing a wrist watch, for most English men do, but when it comes to tying pumps a la Tango, that is going the limit. Mr. Faver- sham does this in "The Hawk," and it quite surprised me. Mile. Gabrielle Dorziat is very emotional. Her arms are never quiet. Mile. Dorziat wears some beautiful clothes in the play. Her first dress is black satin, banded with jet. In the second act she wears a crystal evening dress, flounced and caught up in the back. Her last gown as "Danse des Arts with Orchid" the curtain goes up on a dimly-lighted stage, revealing eight girls with very little drapery and hugh butterfly wings. Each girl does a few steps and then comes down to the footlights, disclos- ing some "shapes. »» ACTOR 8UB8 ZANFT. James J. Ryan, a stock actor and a member of the Academy of Music oast during its stock run, has filed suit against Manager John Zanft of the Academy, asking for two week's salary, amounting to $120. When Zanft abolished the stock policy at the Academy, he retained Ryan for a so-called indefinite period to appear in one act playlets at $60 weekly. Ryan did well the first week, but the producer objected to his pres- ence thereafter. Hence the litigation.