Variety (December 1914)

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98 VARIETY Charles Horwitz Author of the boat comedy acts In vaudeville. Ask the Five Sully*, Mr. end Mrs. Mark Mur- ?hy, Leila Davis A Co., Quinlan and Richards, rdeir Emmett A Co., Tom Williams A Co- and hundreds of others. CHARLES HORWITZ 14*2 Broadway (Room SIS), New York Phone 8* Greeley I. MILLER, 1554 Broadway, TaL -7 hel 202 W.23BST N.Y •ot. 4tth and 47th tts. Manufacturer o f Theatrical Boots and Shoes. CLOG. Ballet and Acrobatic Shoea a Spe- cialty. All work made at short notice. Write for Catalog Last You Forjst We Say It Yet LETER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes. Free Samples, STAGE MONEY, 15c. Book of Herald Cute. Sc CTOStff'^BguSSK^?. CHICAGO 111 ith Ave- near Slat St. 22S Weat 42d St, near Times Se> St 3d Ave- near ltth St. Send for illustrated Catalogue V. Mail Orders Carefully Filled. Special Service For Vaudevillians Rochester S7.N Toronto Slt.SS Buffalo $8.M Chicago All Steel Cars, Lowest Fares, Special Baggage Service If You Want Anything Quick— 'Phone W. B. LINDSAY, E. P. A- Bryant 4212 A. J. SIMMONS, A. G. P. A. Ticket Office. B'way A 42nd St- New York The Modern Dances — more than ever make neces- sary the removing of objection- able hair by women who take pride in their appearance. X-BAZIN DEPILATORY POWDER has been used by Isdiet of refinement for e?er 75 yesrg. It will not harm the tendereat akin and is positively guaranteed by at. told by all Druggltti and Depart* merit Storea eTerywhere for 50c — or you may obtain generous ssav pie by sending 10c in ataapa. HALL 4k RUCKEL «7 Waakiaflea St. N.T.Oty Superfluous Hav Removed Persaa B#n ,| r Au^. No <l«trie needles, do ^»~^ solution, bo burning K- Quidi, no powder or PMle employed. In com parable results attained by out method in every caie, no matter ho* complicated Painless and Harmless. DR. J. M. MARTON. Cfceariet, I47I-7S Bway. MUSIC ARRANGED I PIANO ORCHESTRA Songa taken down from voice. Old or- chestrations rewritten. A nice, quiet office where you can talk to a man who will give you juat what you want. W. H. NELSON Suite 401, Aator Theatre Bldg- IS31 Broadway THE BIG LITTLE FELLOW WITH "THE MILLION DOLLAR DOLLS" EDDIE NELSON Ready to Consider ions for 1915-16 TO THE E. HEMMENDINGER j KHon PHONE 971 JOHN 45 JOHN ST., NEW YORK CITY DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, WATCHES REMOUNTING. Cash or Credit MARY J. AFTERNOON AND EVENING GO \A/ N S SLIGHTLY WORN AND NEW. SPECIAL RATE TO PROFESSION McSHAN A Nirnber af Imported Models oa Hud 229 West 42d St., Opp. EltInge Theatre Tel. 2478 Bryant ESTABLISHED 39 YEARS UNEXCELLED AND COMMODIOUS *V |\J afadH ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ALL ^*A f^i ■ WWM Reasonable Tama THE 22nd STREET VETERINARY HOSPITAL Phone for Particulars Ample Space for Rehearsals—Safe, Sanitary, Comfortable Quartere S0S-SI0 Eaat 23rd St.. New York City; Pbone Gramercy 17 JIIIMIMIIIIIMMMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIl DON'T BUY I 1 SAFETY RAZOR BLADES! ( = THE FOYER SHARPENER will keep your old blades in perfect shav- = ■ ing condition indefinitely. It HONES as well as STROPS any safety Razor E A simple Holder that holds all makes of blades A high-grade dry razor Hoi 'A genuine aonthidt Strop blade. It embodies a correct Sjj sharpening principle not found in 2 any other sharpener on the mar- = ket. Barbers employ the same 5 principle in sharpening open- 5 blade razors, except no skill is S required to use a Foyer Sharp- 2 ener. Anybody can sharpen a S blade with it successfully the first 2 time, and in only TEN SECONDS. 2 S A Complete Outfit £7. | THE FOYER SHARPENER consists of a high-grade dry razor hone, 5% x 2 inches (the kind stores often ask $1.00 for), with a genuine horse- hide strop fastened to one side, and an ingenious rubberoid blade manipu- lator, capable of holding any single or double-edge safety razor blade, all in a HANDSOME PLUSH-LINED CASE. Think of it! Thia aplendid outfit aent prepaid for only $1.00— the price usually charged for one dozen blades! Money back if you are not aatiafied. Low Quantity Prices to Agents, Mail Order and Punch Board Concerns. Send $1.00 for sample. [A. D. FOYER & CO.! | Dickey Building, CHICAGO | n)lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||M||||||||||||HH||||in N RSOIM WE SPECIALIZE IN DYED SCENERY FOR VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE OUR PRICE IS RIGHT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL 1S07 N. CLARK ST., CHICAGO. PHONE, SUPERIOR 1852 FRANK HAYDEN INC Costumes and Millinery 56 W. 45th St., New York City SEND FOR CATALOGUE Phone, Bryant UTS N O N WARDROBE TRUNKS Al WARDROBE TRUNKS 1 gradaa. 3 sizes. Men's or Woman'a. Cretonne and Plain Linings. 5-Year Guarantee Special discount to profession NEWTON a SON, Cortland, M. Y. "If If a a Hat Wa Can Make It" M. Fluegelman Manufacturer of THEATRICAL HATS for stage purpoaea turaod out at abort aotica. Main Office and Factory Breach •M 8th Ave., nr. aid St. 2M W. 34th St. Phono 4m Bryant INFORMATION WANTED Asssl UNCLE JOSH PIPKIN COMPANY AddronaAnancy, Bon «t, VARIETY, New York PLUSH DROPS CHEAP Now and aooond-nnnd. nil oolorn nnd, ■any toman | anaat nnlL Write nr LADD SMITH. S44 W. 46th St., Wow York. M I Write Acta that Gat the Bookings" Author for Vaudeville Stars L. A. HANDY, ftifttr't 1*3 Broadway, Room 323 Now York LEON BEREZNIAK lot W. M< Lawyer TO THE PROFESSION c CHICAGO. This 26-Piece Set Complete.... $2.00 Rogers 26 piece, fancy pattern, silver plated flatware, consisting of 6 medium knives. 6 medium forks, 6 teaspoons, 6 tablespoons, 1 sugar shell, and 1 butter knife. Put up in a green silk cloth-covered chest, with drawer and white lining. Weight 5 lbs. Complete $ Juat the thing for Premiums, Lucky Num- ber Contests, Country Stores. Send for our illustrated catalogue of goods suitable for above. Orders sent by Parcels Post or Kxpress. We do NOT pay charges. LEON WILDER & SONS I 83 Bowery New York «— " —■