Variety (January 1915)

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38 VARIETY A MOTHER'S PLEA FOR PEACE An anti-war sontf of sentmu'iit aim\ fad that oui;ht to .uid \* ill i). Lords And their followers Read tl DIDN'T RAISE 0 > At BRYAN I hou t land !• \s or ds th< \ tell th.- ta!< I'lANTADOSl t In- r.ii' opean Wa I lie) 111 .> v I <■ I \ i r i -. ,umi * n lin 11 .Ail I i . ) v* r i I (!■).% U :•. .! x I,.,, k t .. n CHICAGO I 4a .North I lai k > LEO. FEIST, Inc. „„ S , ( , N leu. rtis , inc. FMin.Ai.n.niiA ,^.„^,,„-„ I7h I'rcmont St. 135 West 44th Street. New York R,oad and Cherr v Vts. Pan tages Theatre Bld^ LOEWS ORI'HEIM ( V. .1. Morris, mgr.).- Vaudevllle. LOEWS ST. JAMES (Frank Meagher, mgr.). —Vaudeville. LOEWS tTLOHE (William Lovey. mgr.).— Vaudeville. Being nursed along. BOSTON (Frank Ferguson, mgr.; agent, U. D. 0.).—"Ben Hur," at $1 top, proving surprise of season. SHUBERT (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—Emma Trentlnl, in "The Peasant Girl," opened Mon- day night to fair house, hut should pick up rapidly. WILBUR (E. I). Smith, mgr). "A Pair of Sixt*.'' third week, doing corking busi- nesH and apparently good for real run. TREMONT (John B. Schoeffel, mgr.).— "Seven Keys," third week in a race with "SixeH," with the latter slightly ahead in gross this week, although the Wilbur la a smaller house. CORT (John "Eddy" vort, mgr.).—"Peg," with Florence Martin, now on 110th week and held over for the 1*1 st week, until premiere of "What's Going On?," postponed. "Peg" fin- ishes very big. PLYMOUTH (Fred Wright, mgr.).—Cyril Maude In "Grumpy," last week of prosperous run. Could have held over for at least two weeks more to over $8,000 at least, but or- dered on the road. COLONIAL (Charles J Rich, mgr.).—Hazel Dawn, in The Debutante," opened Monday night to good business, although the pro- duction did not create any sensation among the critics, who found no fault, however. PARK (Joseph Roth, mgr.).—This rejuve- nated house which has been the storm center of the building law tangle affecting all Mas- sachusetts Is now running smoothly with a film program and doing good business in the heart of an over-theatred districL BOSTON OPERA HOUSE (Henry Jewett. mgr.).—Novel venture of a Shakespearean stock company at a SO cent top In one of the mose expensive theatres In the country Is doing surprisingly well, this week bringing "Merry Wives of Windsor," not shown here for 20 years. LOS ANGELES. By GUY PRICE. ORPHEUM (Clarence Drown, mgr.; U. B. Oj—Week 11 —Roger Imhoff, good; Alfred Bergen, enjoyable; Pierre Pelletier and Co., well presented playlet; Spinet Quartet, liked ; Platov and McGibeny, artistic dancers; Everest's Circus, excellent; Montgomery and Moore, repeat successfully; Minnie Allen, well received. EMPRESS (Harry Follette, mgr.; Loew).— Week 11—Nichols Sisters, big laugh; Charles Leonard Fletcher, applauded; "Wifey," good turn; Dixon and Dixon, entertaining; Mellor and De Paula, nicely; "Wanda," clever seal. REPUBLIC (Al Watson, mgr.; agent, Levey).—Week 11—Gene Rlgera, big hit; The "The Tangoist on The Wire" Just Completing Orpheum Tour Direction, GENE HUGHES